Hollywood lefties/Will Ferrell making movie that mocks Reagans alzheimers; sick.

Where's that sense of humor? Why so ultra-PC suddenly?

Well....when you are going through caring for a loved one with that horrible disease....it kinda makes it not funny. And when they make a movie which has the primary purpose of making fun of someone with that disease....it's not funny.

But you know what IS FUNNY BODECEA???? When homosexuals get tied to chairs and thrown off 15 story buildings in the Middle East hahaha!!!! Oh man....we should make a movie about it!!! Hilarious!!! We'll call it "Over the Rainbow" and the poster will be a homo tied to chair yelling "Fabulous!!" as he or she flies over a rainbow next to a huge building!!

Funny right???

View attachment 73177
Both my parents have Alzheimers...I need to laugh about it sometimes.
As for gays being thrown off buildings...we know you think that's funny.

Whilst I think this is a ridiculous thing to get worked up over, you damn well know the very same liberals who are laughing up about this would be up in arms if some conservative star made a movie making of say bruce jenner. It's just more hypocrisy .

"the very same liberals who are laughing up about this would be up in arms if some conservative star made a movie making of say bruce jenner."

The irony of that would be that Caitlyn Jenner is a Conservative....not that Leftists understand irony or anything.
Where's that sense of humor? Why so ultra-PC suddenly?

Well yes, because making fun of people with Alzheimers is just so hilarious or something :rolleyes-41:

Of course you're completely devoid of humour, you've illustrated this in monumental fashion.
Again, we sometimes have to laugh at things to keep from crying. It's similar to the "slip on the banana peel".

Just yesterday, listened to a RW radio host say that liberals have lost their sense of humor and are offended by everything. Maybe he was really talking about RWrs.

^ PRIME example of someone who would be in an uproar if the target of something like this was a gay or a Muslim, but since the target is a conservative "people should get a sense of humor"

For example
Ahh, fuck the Left. They HATE that Reagan called their hometeam an "Evil empire" vowed to defeat them and tosed them on the ash heap of history before he left office
Where's that sense of humor? Why so ultra-PC suddenly?

Well....when you are going through caring for a loved one with that horrible disease....it kinda makes it not funny. And when they make a movie which has the primary purpose of making fun of someone with that disease....it's not funny.

But you know what IS FUNNY BODECEA???? When homosexuals get tied to chairs and thrown off 15 story buildings in the Middle East hahaha!!!! Oh man....we should make a movie about it!!! Hilarious!!! We'll call it "Over the Rainbow" and the poster will be a homo tied to chair yelling "Fabulous!!" as he or she flies over a rainbow next to a huge building!!

Funny right???

View attachment 73177
Both my parents have Alzheimers...I need to laugh about it sometimes.
As for gays being thrown off buildings...we know you think that's funny.

Okay, as I wasn't aware, I'm sorry about your parents, as I said it's a cruel disease.

Whilst I think this is a ridiculous thing to get worked up over, you damn well know the very same liberals who are laughing up about this would be up in arms if some conservative star made a movie making of say bruce jenner. It's just more hypocrisy .
I'm sure some kind of movie about Jenner is in the works. More power to them.
Where's that sense of humor? Why so ultra-PC suddenly?

Well....when you are going through caring for a loved one with that horrible disease....it kinda makes it not funny. And when they make a movie which has the primary purpose of making fun of someone with that disease....it's not funny.

But you know what IS FUNNY BODECEA???? When homosexuals get tied to chairs and thrown off 15 story buildings in the Middle East hahaha!!!! Oh man....we should make a movie about it!!! Hilarious!!! We'll call it "Over the Rainbow" and the poster will be a homo tied to chair yelling "Fabulous!!" as he or she flies over a rainbow next to a huge building!!

Funny right???

View attachment 73177
Both my parents have Alzheimers...I need to laugh about it sometimes.
As for gays being thrown off buildings...we know you think that's funny.

Okay, as I wasn't aware, I'm sorry about your parents, as I said it's a cruel disease.
It is...that's why we need to disarm it thru humor.
This is one of those times that Hollywood spends huge amounts of money on its own mental masturbation. It makes liberals feel good. It will be a flop but many of the most socially conscious movies are. Will Ferrell isn't known for being box office gold to begin with.

It feels good and that's all that matters.

Whilst I think this is a ridiculous thing to get worked up over, you damn well know the very same liberals who are laughing up about this would be up in arms if some conservative star made a movie making of say bruce jenner. It's just more hypocrisy .
I'm sure some kind of movie about Jenner is in the works. More power to them.

No one believes you
Well, time will tell....but have you ever seen Hollywood pass on a story like this? I bet the only thing holding it up right now is rights negotiations with Jenner and the *shudder* Kardashians.
As I said.....the liberals are mad that Reagan forgot to let the communist lefties of the Soviet Union collapse our nation. Reagan delayed the lefts goals for about 30 years. But....Obama/Hillary have it back on schedule now.
As I said.....the liberals are mad that Reagan forgot to let the communist lefties of the Soviet Union collapse our nation. Reagan delayed the lefts goals for about 30 years. But....Obama/Hillary have it back on schedule now.

People take these actors and comedians too seriously. :lol:
It's all the libs have. They can't defend their steamy pile of shit so tearing down Republicans is the only hope of looking a little better.

Farell sucks, I never saw him do anything funny and quit watching any movie he was in long ago. It's thoughtless juvenile stuff, not my brand of humor
Why doesn't Hollywood do a movie on the Monica scandal....showing how Hillary did all she could to protect her husband and undermine the truth? Do it just prior to the election too.

Oh yeah....never happen.
Farell sucks, I never saw him do anything funny and quit watching any movie he was in long ago. It's thoughtless juvenile stuff, not my brand of humor

His shtick isn't really my cup of tea either, but he was awesome in Stranger Than Fiction.

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