Hobby Lobby and the Loss of America's Soul


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
The liberal war against religion is in full swing....

Starting Jan 1, 2013 Hobby Lobby will need to come up with $1.3 million PER DAY in IRS excise taxes because they are sticking to their religious principles against Obama and his anti-religion minions....

Currently, Obamacare is ushering in a new definition of "religious liberty."


Take for example the Oklahoma-based companies craft store giant Hobby Lobby and booksellers Mardel Inc. In 2010 Hobby Lobby grossed $2.6 billion in sales, and employed 13,000 people in 455 outlets in 42 states.

Currently, Hobby Lobby is the largest religiously-owned non-Catholic business to have filed a lawsuit against the HHS birth control directive. Yet, despite the fact that they've been founded and run on Christian principles, Oklahoma U.S. District Judge Joe Heaton ruled that Hobby Lobby and Mardel are not religious organizations and therefore subject to the federal birth control dictate.

Because the Christian-owned company maintains that the mandate "violates the religious beliefs for their owners," it's evident that Hobby Lobby must think "religious liberty" is defined in a way other than how it is being defined by liberals at this time.

Hobby Lobby maintains that the "morning-after pill is tantamount to abortion because it can prevent a fertilized egg from becoming implanted in a woman's womb." Therefore, "defy[ing] a federal mandate requiring it to offer employees health coverage that includes access to the morning-after pill" is the company's way of staying true to its core convictions.


Despite facing millions in fines, the noncompliant Hobby Lobby and Mardel Inc. CEO and founder David Green refuses to surrender the companies' religious convictions. Green has said he'd rather abandon the business. A $2.2 billion-a-year company that is willing to close itsdoors rather than compromise its core principles? Now that's impressive.

Read more: Articles: Hobby Lobby and the Loss of America's Soul
Hobby Lobby should close its doors. Fire everyone and close up shop. Move offshore and become an online retailer with a foreign distribution center.
The war is far from over:

Late yesterday afternoon, the Seventh Circuit granted an emergency injunction against the HHS mandate — preventing its enforcement against an Illinois business and its owners. My colleagues at the ACLJ represent Korte & Luitjohan Contractors, Inc., a family-owned, full-service construction contractor. The company is located in Highland, Ill., and employs about 90 workers.

The brief opinion is worth a read in its entirety, but two parts stand out. First, the court disagreed with the Tenth Circuit’s recent decision rejecting Hobby Lobby’s request for a similar injunction.
In a key paragraph the court stated:

"The government also argues that any burden on religious exercise is minimal and attenuated, relying on a recent decision by the Tenth Circuit in Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. v. Sebelius, No. 12‐6294 (10th Cir. Dec. 20, 2012). Hobby Lobby, like this case, involves a claim for injunctive and declaratory relief against the mandate brought by a secular, for‐profit employer. On an interlocutory appeal from the district court’s denial of a preliminary injunction, the Tenth Circuit denied an injunction pending appeal, noting that “the particular burden of which plaintiffs complain is that funds, which plaintiffs will contribute to a group health plan, might, after a series of independent decisions by health care providers and patients covered by [the corporate] plan, subsidize someone else’s participation in an activity condemned by plaintiff[s’] religion.” Id. at 7 (quoting Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. v. Sebelius, 870 F. Supp. 2d 1278, 1294 (W.D. Okla. 2012)). With respect, we think this misunderstands the substance of the claim. The religious‐liberty violation at issue here inheres in the coerced coverage of contraception, abortifacients, sterilization, and related services, not—or perhaps more precisely, not only—in the later purchase or use of contraception or related services. "

This is exactly right. The mandated coverage exists — regardless of the actions or activities of the individual employees — and it is the mandate that violates the religious liberty of the employer...

The Seventh Circuit Blocks the HHS Mandate for a Private Business - By David French - The Corner - National Review Online
Hobby Lobby should close its doors. Fire everyone and close up shop. Move offshore and become an online retailer with a foreign distribution center.

which is exactly what the owners say they'll do before giving in to this bullcrap...

....another 13,000 who will lose their jobs thanks to BO....
Who the fuck do liberals think they are to force people who don't believe in abortion to pay for other people's abortions. It's truly a sickness.
The liberal war against religion is in full swing....

Starting Jan 1, 2013 Hobby Lobby will need to come up with $1.3 million PER DAY in IRS excise taxes because they are sticking to their religious principles against Obama and his anti-religion minions....

Currently, Obamacare is ushering in a new definition of "religious liberty."


Take for example the Oklahoma-based companies craft store giant Hobby Lobby and booksellers Mardel Inc. In 2010 Hobby Lobby grossed $2.6 billion in sales, and employed 13,000 people in 455 outlets in 42 states.

Currently, Hobby Lobby is the largest religiously-owned non-Catholic business to have filed a lawsuit against the HHS birth control directive. Yet, despite the fact that they've been founded and run on Christian principles, Oklahoma U.S. District Judge Joe Heaton ruled that Hobby Lobby and Mardel are not religious organizations and therefore subject to the federal birth control dictate.

Because the Christian-owned company maintains that the mandate "violates the religious beliefs for their owners," it's evident that Hobby Lobby must think "religious liberty" is defined in a way other than how it is being defined by liberals at this time.

Hobby Lobby maintains that the "morning-after pill is tantamount to abortion because it can prevent a fertilized egg from becoming implanted in a woman's womb." Therefore, "defy[ing] a federal mandate requiring it to offer employees health coverage that includes access to the morning-after pill" is the company's way of staying true to its core convictions.


Despite facing millions in fines, the noncompliant Hobby Lobby and Mardel Inc. CEO and founder David Green refuses to surrender the companies' religious convictions. Green has said he'd rather abandon the business. A $2.2 billion-a-year company that is willing to close itsdoors rather than compromise its core principles? Now that's impressive.

Read more: Articles: Hobby Lobby and the Loss of America's Soul

We have a Hobby Lobby in our town. With all due respect Hobby Lobby is not a religion, it's a money making business that is owned by Christians. Just like Chick Fil A. They don't qualify for religious exemptions as does the Catholic Church. If they don't wish to provide the insurance they should just make all their employees part timers.
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Hobby Lobby should close its doors. Fire everyone and close up shop. Move offshore and become an online retailer with a foreign distribution center.

which is exactly what the owners say they'll do before giving in to this bullcrap...

....another 13,000 who will lose their jobs thanks to BO....

That's why I have to really applaud Hostess for closing up rather than give in to the unions.
The Sisters of the Poor run assisted living centers and hospices all over the nation. They are just closing them too. Firing everyone and walking away to some other country that offers religious freedom.
The liberal war against religion is in full swing....

Starting Jan 1, 2013 Hobby Lobby will need to come up with $1.3 million PER DAY in IRS excise taxes because they are sticking to their religious principles against Obama and his anti-religion minions....

Currently, Obamacare is ushering in a new definition of "religious liberty."


Take for example the Oklahoma-based companies craft store giant Hobby Lobby and booksellers Mardel Inc. In 2010 Hobby Lobby grossed $2.6 billion in sales, and employed 13,000 people in 455 outlets in 42 states.

Currently, Hobby Lobby is the largest religiously-owned non-Catholic business to have filed a lawsuit against the HHS birth control directive. Yet, despite the fact that they've been founded and run on Christian principles, Oklahoma U.S. District Judge Joe Heaton ruled that Hobby Lobby and Mardel are not religious organizations and therefore subject to the federal birth control dictate.

Because the Christian-owned company maintains that the mandate "violates the religious beliefs for their owners," it's evident that Hobby Lobby must think "religious liberty" is defined in a way other than how it is being defined by liberals at this time.

Hobby Lobby maintains that the "morning-after pill is tantamount to abortion because it can prevent a fertilized egg from becoming implanted in a woman's womb." Therefore, "defy[ing] a federal mandate requiring it to offer employees health coverage that includes access to the morning-after pill" is the company's way of staying true to its core convictions.


Despite facing millions in fines, the noncompliant Hobby Lobby and Mardel Inc. CEO and founder David Green refuses to surrender the companies' religious convictions. Green has said he'd rather abandon the business. A $2.2 billion-a-year company that is willing to close itsdoors rather than compromise its core principles? Now that's impressive.

Read more: Articles: Hobby Lobby and the Loss of America's Soul

We have a Hobby Lobby in our town. With all due respect Hobby Lobby is not a religion, it's a money making business that is owned by Christians. Just like Chick Fil A. They don't qualify for religious exemptions as does the Catholic Church. If they don't wish to provide the insurance they should just make all their employees part timers.

That's a reasonable solution. There is no reason why the employees shouldn't have two part time jobs that don't provide ANY insurance at all. The employees won't lose free contraceptive insurance, they will lose even what they have now.

It should continue, grow, spread, until the pain becomes unbearable.
The liberal war against religion is in full swing....

Starting Jan 1, 2013 Hobby Lobby will need to come up with $1.3 million PER DAY in IRS excise taxes because they are sticking to their religious principles against Obama and his anti-religion minions....

We have a Hobby Lobby in our town. With all due respect Hobby Lobby is not a religion, it's a money making business that is owned by Christians. Just like Chick Fil A. They don't qualify for religious exemptions as does the Catholic Church. If they don't wish to provide the insurance they should just make all their employees part timers.

That's a reasonable solution. There is no reason why the employees shouldn't have two part time jobs that don't provide ANY insurance at all. The employees won't lose free contraceptive insurance, they will lose even what they have now.

It should continue, grow, spread, until the pain becomes unbearable.

then they will just seek out State run medical if needed or some other version.

BTW Its not free.
This is all about money/business not someones ability to believe in or worship God.
They have enough faith? close up.

They say war on them? It is about their refusal to provide services, etc as outlined in the laws of this country.
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Leave it too liberals to screw things up again. They did it in 2007, 2009, 2012, and yet again with hobby lobby. The sad part is they will try to blame hobby lobby, when it was their mandate that is trying to make them go against their religous beliefs. Please liberals attack the mulslim religion the way you attack christanity, oh yeah you don't have the guts. Also just wait for the backlash ya'll will get from this one.
We have a Hobby Lobby in our town. With all due respect Hobby Lobby is not a religion, it's a money making business that is owned by Christians. Just like Chick Fil A. They don't qualify for religious exemptions as does the Catholic Church. If they don't wish to provide the insurance they should just make all their employees part timers.

That's a reasonable solution. There is no reason why the employees shouldn't have two part time jobs that don't provide ANY insurance at all. The employees won't lose free contraceptive insurance, they will lose even what they have now.

It should continue, grow, spread, until the pain becomes unbearable.

then they will just seek out State run medical if needed or some other version.

BTW Its not free.

Of course it's not free. They can go to the county hospital or clinic. They are losing what insurance they had. They will lose the job they had and the income that goes with that job. They can go on welfare.

The people, the employers who are closing, the law abiding citizens buying all those guns, the people are moving into a state of rebellion. There doesn't have to be soldiers on the street in order for the people to be in rebellion against the government. You're seeing it right now.
Leave it too liberals to screw things up again. They did it in 2007, 2009, 2012, and yet again with hobby lobby. The sad part is they will try to blame hobby lobby, when it was their mandate that is trying to make them go against their religous beliefs. Please liberals attack the mulslim religion the way you attack christanity, oh yeah you don't have the guts. Also just wait for the backlash ya'll will get from this one.

since liberals are redefining religion as something apart from business.....

they need to shut down all the halal stores and the kosher markets too....unless they provide ALL forms of food for everybody....
Leave it too liberals to screw things up again. They did it in 2007, 2009, 2012, and yet again with hobby lobby. The sad part is they will try to blame hobby lobby, when it was their mandate that is trying to make them go against their religous beliefs. Please liberals attack the mulslim religion the way you attack christanity, oh yeah you don't have the guts. Also just wait for the backlash ya'll will get from this one.

Are Muslims in America doing this kind of stuff?

I do not give a big rats ass about what they do in their own country.
The liberal war against religion is in full swing....

Starting Jan 1, 2013 Hobby Lobby will need to come up with $1.3 million PER DAY in IRS excise taxes because they are sticking to their religious principles against Obama and his anti-religion minions....

Currently, Obamacare is ushering in a new definition of "religious liberty."


Take for example the Oklahoma-based companies craft store giant Hobby Lobby and booksellers Mardel Inc. In 2010 Hobby Lobby grossed $2.6 billion in sales, and employed 13,000 people in 455 outlets in 42 states.

Currently, Hobby Lobby is the largest religiously-owned non-Catholic business to have filed a lawsuit against the HHS birth control directive. Yet, despite the fact that they've been founded and run on Christian principles, Oklahoma U.S. District Judge Joe Heaton ruled that Hobby Lobby and Mardel are not religious organizations and therefore subject to the federal birth control dictate.

Because the Christian-owned company maintains that the mandate "violates the religious beliefs for their owners," it's evident that Hobby Lobby must think "religious liberty" is defined in a way other than how it is being defined by liberals at this time.

Hobby Lobby maintains that the "morning-after pill is tantamount to abortion because it can prevent a fertilized egg from becoming implanted in a woman's womb." Therefore, "defy[ing] a federal mandate requiring it to offer employees health coverage that includes access to the morning-after pill" is the company's way of staying true to its core convictions.


Despite facing millions in fines, the noncompliant Hobby Lobby and Mardel Inc. CEO and founder David Green refuses to surrender the companies' religious convictions. Green has said he'd rather abandon the business. A $2.2 billion-a-year company that is willing to close itsdoors rather than compromise its core principles? Now that's impressive.

Read more: Articles: Hobby Lobby and the Loss of America's Soul

If your point is that giving our employers that much control over our health care expenditures was a real stupid idea, :clap2:

:beer: To a true public option!
What the hell business is it of a Monkeys employer whether or not he/she buys in to a plan with birth control available? The option for birth control coverage should NOT be denied just because the best job you can find is at Hobby Lobby.

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