Hey LibLiars! I thought it was the TeaParty that was violent! Libs calls for violence

This wingnut thinks he gets to decide what forms of support are actually support

There is no doubt that rightwing terrorists (McVeigh, the guy who killed Tiller, etc) have belonged to organizations that both receive support from the RNC, and give support to the RNC (in the form of campaigning for RNC candidates and/or against DNC candidates)

There is no doubt that right wing organizations that support the GOP (like the Chamber of Commerce) are nothing more than republican front groups for terrorist nations like Saudi Arabia.

IOW, rightwing support for violence is instutitional. Leftwing support for violence is cartoonish
We all chipped in and got you a card.

I love the RW Fringe echo chamber, their stupidity and hypocrisy is without peer.
Lumping all 'liberals" as violent based on one interview, one in which no overt violence was advocated, is without a doubt stupid.
Forgetting intentionally calls for Second Amendment remedies, oft repeated even by candidates for Federal Office by those on the right is without a doubt hypocrisy.
Suggesting that the murderer of Dr. Tiller, and the Atlanta Olympic bomber and murderer and the bomber of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City were single acts and not part of the conservative agenda of terrorism is both stupid and hypocritical.
Speaking of stupidity and hypocrisy, you're lumping all conservatives together.

No you idiot, "conservative" was modified by "RW Fringe" & members of the "echo chamber". Fiscal conservatatives are not part of the fringe, nor are they stupid and they do not engage in violent acts of terrorism. It is the far right, those you tacitly support, along with the more radical elements of our society. Of course, that includes the far left. For example those who engaged in violence at WTO meetings.

I have never noticed 'liberals' on this or any message board supporting the violence attended at WTO meetings or even the war protests during the Bush years. Yes some occurs, but it is the fringe who engage in such behavior and it is not support by or tolerated by 'liberals' on this or other MB's.
You and the echo chamber on this message board tacitly and overtly support such radicalism from the right and for this you ought to be ashamed.
Wow. You're an idiot. :cuckoo:
On point. Not since the SLA engaged in robbery and murder in the early '70's has the far left engaged in domestic violence in the United States. One might point out the riots associated with the WTO meeting in Seattle several years ago, but that event attracted leftists from around the globe.
Home grown terrorism has been exclusively a far right wing activity since.

Today's Historical Revision Moment has been brought to you by Wry Catcher.

How about a bit of honesty for a change? Wouldn't that be refreshing?

Timeline of Earth Liberation Front actions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Left-wing terrorist added to FBI's most wanted terrorist list!

Modern left-wing terrorist groups in the United States developed from remnants of the Weather Underground, the Black Panthers and extremist elements of the Students for a Democratic Society. During the 1980s both the May 19th Communist Organization (M19CO) and the smaller United Freedom Front were active. After 1985, following the dismantling of both groups, there were no confirmed acts of left-wing terrorism by similar groups.[5]
Liberals always were sore losers!

Political cartoonist Ted Rall appeared on the “Dylan Ratigan Show” on MSNBC to discuss his new book and the need for revolutionary change in America. While he did note violence is the last resort, it is one that he believes will ultimately become a part of the American DNA. Ratigan met his ideas with placid approval. Needless to say, it's never noted that Rall is a man of the left.

Breitbart.tv On MSNBC, Leftist Political Cartoonist Calls for Revolution, Violence on Table

Yeah this MSNBC puke interviewing Rall is entirely with agreement with the idea that violence is necessary to "change the system."

That means that since the voter will do what they want, violence should be used against us to FORCE us to do what they want.

"Reform the process" means the Constitutional system allowed people to vote them out of power. They don't like that! So now, they think violence to forcibly remove the Constitution is now on the table for these lefties.

THIS is why MSNBC is such a joke.

Video here:

Breitbart.tv On MSNBC, Leftist Political Cartoonist Calls for Revolution, Violence on Table
Democrats hate democracy. It's as simple as that.

And a Namechange is in order. They need to work with the word Statist.
This is laughable.

Ted Rall is a far left cartoonist mostly found in the Village Voice. He's got a following..but he's not an elected official. I read his strip from time to time..and it's filled with irony and puts a spotlight on right wing hypocrisy. He's not a "leader" in any form or shape of the word. He couldn't get elected to be dog catcher. What he is..and in a nutshell..is a satirist. That's it. No guns. No bombs..nada..nothing.

And he's not calling for violence against people. To put this is up as equivalent to what Sharron Angle was saying...is nuts.

Indeed since Angel was citing Thomas Jefferson, not Saul Alinksy.


What the heck is this whole hangup with Saul Alinksy?

And Jefferson changed his opinion on revolution later in life..
So after 2 years of rightwingers spouting off about how armed revolution is a perfectly acceptable means to resort to against 'tyranny' blah blah,

now this liberal clown comes out and says exactly the same thing and HE'S the moron?


Rightwing irony just never ends does it?

When you have a quote of me EVER SAYING THAT, do let me know.

It obviously isn't the position of the Tea Party, lib liar, AND YOU KNOW THAT, or they would be carrying guns instead of signs.

Nice try!

So your position is, and PLEASE make this clear, that there is never any justification for the People to engage in violent resistance, or rebellion,

no matter what the government might do, no matter what the circumstances, no matter what the tyranny, the atrocity, the criminality of that government,

not even as a last resort?

Is that an accurate representation of your position?
I've asked before......are you retarded? It's a serious question. You are taking one sentence out of her comments to support your blind views. What the fuck did she mean by the bold part in the following quote, "I hope that's not where we're going, but, you know, if this Congress keeps going the way it is, people are really looking toward those Second Amendment remedies and saying my goodness what can we do to turn this country around? I'll tell you the first thing we need to do is take Harry Reid out."

The second amendment refers to the right to bear arms. She hopes that isn't where we are going......but if Congress keeps going the way it is.......people are looking towards remedying the situation with their guns......and asking what they can do to turn things around......followed immediately by......the first thing we need to do is take Harry Reid out. Was she talking about the election process in her comments? No. Was she talking about armed insurrection to turn the country around and the need to take out Reid? Yes.

Just once TPS.....just once......do us conservatives proud and be fucking honest. Take the tin foil hat off and come out of the backyard bunker and be "fair and balanced".

The problem with Angle is, she thinks they are all just as educated as she is and would understand the comment.

As usual, she was not taking into account how stupid and ignorant liberals are, of their own history.

God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion.

The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is
wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts
they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions,
it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. ...
And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not
warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of
resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as
to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost
in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from
time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
It is its natural manure." Thomas Jefferson

This is what she was referring to. Obviously, Angle's rhetorical citing of this, and her allusion to taking Reid out at the ballot box is lost on you.

If she seriously meant shooting Reid, why hasn't she tried to do so since Reid won?

Why hasn't the Tea Party?

Because it was never about armed resistance but resistance at the ballot box.

But Rall and the MSNBC commentator aren't talking resistance at the ballot box, THE ELECTION IS OVER!



Of course, you are going to go on desperately trying to say they are the same thing, but dividing line of the ACTUAL ELECTION will always stand against that nonsense.

Had Rall said this before the election, in allusions to voting, no one would object.


Quite the different thing and you know it, or would know it, if you had an honest bone in your body.

But you are a liberal, and there is little hope of that.


It would have been easier to just admit that you are retarded. :eusa_whistle:

She's trailer trash living off the government, that's the sheer elegance of the irony here.
Let's say we delve into the numerous examples of violence on the left... shall we? I can't even say I feel sorry for the stupidity of the left as they bring these issues on themselves.... They're so ignorant, dumb that they throw these challenges out there (for example, "show me where liberals are violent! Go on and show me! I'll show you where conservatives are violent!" as they give us 1 example of a rumor of someone falsely spitting on some guy at a rally of hundreds of thousands of people.) Idiots. So anyway, let's go ahead and point out some examples of LIBERAL VIOLENCE... But first, a quick comparison of the left and those who attend tea party events.

The Tea Party? Always civil, the areas always cleaned up after every event with merely average folks looking out for the good of their country. In other words, tea party = patriots. If you could give me some solid examples of some instances where the tea party attendees have brought violence, I'd be amazed, as there are absolutely none.

Now for examples of home grown violence from the left...

-Out of 30 attempts of home grown terrorist attacks in the US since 9/11, 1/3rd of them have come from those on the left. You don't hear it because of... drum roll please..... OUR WONDERFUL MEDIA!!!
-Yes, you're correct in bringing up the WTO in Seattle.
-And let's not forget the G20 meetings? Those are always fun...
-Major Nidal Malik Hasan and the recent Fort Hood shootings.
-David Coleman Headley, an American who was arrested for planning the murder of the Danish Cartoonist a couple of years back.
-William Ayres. Enough said.
-Then there is that little punk from the San Fran area. That little rich punk- John Linden what's his face. Although not domestic violence, he was certainly headed in that direction and would have gladly killed fellow Americans on American soil if given the chance. In fact, he did end up shooting one of our own, only it was done overseas.
-Then there is John bedell, the democrat who went down as the "holocaust museum shooter."
-And let's not forget the ECO-terrorists who go around blowing up Humvees. The group ELF ring a bell?
-James Blanning. The lib who placed the bombs made from gas and a cell phone trigger with a note that ranted on about Bush and Cheney.
-The weathermen group, led by the aforementioned- Bill Ayers. PS, he now is a professor at yet another one of America's wonderful elite college establishments.
-Carol Burger. The nut who stabbed her roommate to death with a screwdriver after getting so worked up at a Palin rally. Yeah, she hated Palin that much!
-ALF or animal liberation front... they'll blow up just about anything and go as far as burning down the actual animal clinics they claim to be doing all this for!
-Then there are those who showed up to Ann Coulter's college invite this year. They threatened her life and chased her and her body guard off the campus. The campus invited Ann to speak. Nice.
-The olympics this year in Canada? Remember that fun time? All the whinning Canadian dopey socialists running around blowing up random stuff, flipping cars and breaking store windows all in the name of "anti capitalism". As usual, when asked by the reporters "what point you're trying to prove", they rambled on about how capitalism ruined their lives and how Che Guevera and Mao Tsetung are their "guys". Funny how they always keep their faces covered with black masks. If they were so proud of their actions, why bother trying to keep yourself concealed? Hey dopes, I've got news for you. Even if you were 'anti capitalists', is blowing stuff up and destroying everything in site, costing people tons of money who have done nothing wrong, the way to go about it? I love the thought process on the left! Wait a minute, there isn't one!
-And how about all the nuts in the Obama administration? For starters, Van Jones, the avowed communist who calls for revolution just about every time his fat mug is on tv. Then there is Anita Dunn, whose favors Mao Tsetung in her top 5 list. Then there is Cass Sunstein. How could we forget him? A proud advocate of population control through eugenics. John Holdren says the same.
-Ed Shultz, that idiot on MSNBC or some dopey radio station, who screams, rants and raves about kicking in the teeth of conservatives. Wonderful person. Perhaps he should focus more on eating less donuts instead of worrying about kicking people's teeth in. Oh would I love to hear him say he'd like to kick my teeth in... fat pile of guano!
-Then there is the black panthers who show up with clubs and threaten people in PA during the 2008 elections.
-And let's not forget the ACORN, ALF CIO and SEIU who send their thugs to rallys where they beat up on conservative African Americans this year.
-How about the idiot liberals who show up at the funerals of fallen soldiers and try to start fights?
-How about, how about, how about....??????

And let's not forget that every major war has been fought with democratic/liberal presidents. Wilson, WW1. FDR and Truman, WW2 and then the Truman and the Korean war. Then we have Eisenhower, a republican, who gets the country out of war with Korea. Then Kennedy ends up escalating US involvement with Vietnam only to have his brother, Ted set the agenda for the early pull out which led to the slaughter of approximately 2.5 million Vietnamese. Nice. Truman drops a bomb on the Japanese. Wasn't enough. He then takes us right into war with Korea. Must really hate those Asians! And don't forget the racism that comes from the left. The fact that it was the left that started the KKK, it was the left that embraced and started jim crow laws, it was the left that fought AGAINST civil rights acts... all to keep their agenda in place. The agenda that tricks people into thinking the left is some how this compassionate machine that can take care of everybody when in fact, the truth is compassion on the left doesn't exist and the sole purpose of those in power on the left is to race bait and create classes based on any and everything that separates us as humans- race, gender, poverty level, skill level and anything else they can think of. This way, they control the entire game. It's in plain site. But unfortunately many on the left have been dubbed into believing otherwise. Idiots. True idiots.

And the list goes on and on and on and on...

I'm sure you could grab an example of a crazy right winger, perhaps 1 example, maybe even 2 on a good day but that's it. You know why? Cause you people on the left come from a different mold. And in general, those on the right feel as though they have a higher being "GOD" to explain things to when the pass over. This keeps them in line more so than those on the left who are generally unscrupulous atheists with an overall evil agenda. You're classless, shameless and moral-less thugs who claim to care for people through the redistribution of other people's money. Wonderful. Like a bunch of spoiled 16 year olds who get their first car from daddy and wreck it into a tree. Why should you care about a car that you didn't pay for? Same simple theory. Why would you care about money that you didn't earn? Not to mention, when you throw in the fact that liberals don't understand simple economics, when you throw in the fact that liberals don't grasp simple ideas like "you can't raise minimum wage across the board and expect that major layoffs don't occur!", it just makes things even worse. Go ahead, give me some examples of some solid cases in which you can put a finger on some issues where violence came from the right? You can't. I guarantee you, you CANNOT. I'm not talking about one or two issues that happened 30 years ago either. I want issues. I want to see if you can show me a pattern of violence, as I've done with the above examples. Libs really have mental issues. They just don't get it. Which makes them stupid. And for those who do get it, well then they're just evil. If you don't get it because you're a dope, then shame on you. If you do get it but you let your ego get in the way of admitting you've been incorrect all these years, then you're worse than a dope. You're evil. If you let your ego get in the way what's right for the country, you're evil. Plain and simple. Now, get outta here you dopey numnut libs!
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The OP opposes the use of violence to overthrow government, and yet she supported the Iraq war.

What's the over/under on how many smilies it'll take the old hag to explain away that one?

Don’t mess with Dana Loesch or Ben Stein, you lying, race-baiting, left-wing miscreants. Trying to discredit the tea party movement by calling them racists and citing lies as “proof” won’t cut it with Loesch or Stein. Bravo!
If indeed there is a racist at any tea party event (and I’ve not ever seen ANY racist signs at those I’ve attended), other tea partiers go totally nuts on that person and make them leave after a strong tongue-lashing. Tea partiers don’t put up with that crap. Not so at liberal assemblies, to the best of my knowledge, but maybe they do, too.
Maybe liberals DO speak out against radical black activists, such as the New Black Panther Party, who scream that they want to hurt whites, they hate whites, they want to “kill crackers and their cracker babies.” There’s got to be some liberals out there who actually do care about injustice and racism. I have to believe some of these people, regardless of color, are being honest about “we’re all equal” when they repeat all that hopeful, peace on Earth rhetoric — and that they aren’t being vile racists when they exclude whites. However, I’ve been looking for video evidence that some lib, anywhere, with cajones or a conscience, took the NBPP to task for its hateful, violent, public racism against white Americans, to no avail. If you find one, please let me know.
Anyway, Loesch is fearless in smacking down hard these race-baiting liars… left-wing zealot Stephanie “But They Call Themselves Tea Baggers” Miller looks like she wants to do some serious hair-pulling. Neither lib cared about black conservative Kenneth Gladney being attacked or being called racist slurs… by the NAACP leader. Black radical extremists (and the NAACP, which is about the same these days in its misplaced hate and radicalism) have said Gladney “isn’t black enough” to protect.
Let's say we delve into the numerous examples of violence on the left... shall we? I can't even say I feel sorry for the stupidity of the left as they bring these issues on themselves.... They're so ignorant, dumb that they throw these challenges out there (for example, "show me where liberals are violent! Go on and show me! I'll show you where conservatives are violent!" as they give us 1 example of a rumor of someone falsely spitting on some guy at a rally of hundreds of thousands of people.) Idiots. So anyway, let's go ahead and point out some examples of LIBERAL VIOLENCE... But first, a quick comparison of the left and those who attend tea party events.

The Tea Party? Always civil, the areas always cleaned up after every event with merely average folks looking out for the good of their country. In other words, tea party = patriots. If you could give me some solid examples of some instances where the tea party attendees have brought violence, I'd be amazed, as there are absolutely none.

Now for examples of home grown violence from the left...

-Out of 30 attempts of home grown terrorist attacks in the US since 9/11, 1/3rd of them have come from those on the left. You don't hear it because of... drum roll please..... OUR WONDERFUL MEDIA!!!
-Yes, you're correct in bringing up the WTO in Seattle.
-And let's not forget the G20 meetings? Those are always fun...
-Major Nidal Malik Hasan and the recent Fort Hood shootings.
-David Coleman Headley, an American who was arrested for planning the murder of the Danish Cartoonist a couple of years back.
-William Ayres. Enough said.
-Then there is that little punk from the San Fran area. That little rich punk- John Linden what's his face. Although not domestic violence, he was certainly headed in that direction and would have gladly killed fellow Americans on American soil if given the chance. In fact, he did end up shooting one of our own, only it was done overseas.
-Then there is John bedell, the democrat who went down as the "holocaust museum shooter."
-And let's not forget the ECO-terrorists who go around blowing up Humvees. The group ELF ring a bell?
-James Blanning. The lib who placed the bombs made from gas and a cell phone trigger with a note that ranted on about Bush and Cheney.
-The weathermen group, led by the aforementioned- Bill Ayers. PS, he now is a professor at yet another one of America's wonderful elite college establishments.
-Carol Burger. The nut who stabbed her roommate to death with a screwdriver after getting so worked up at a Palin rally. Yeah, she hated Palin that much!
-ALF or animal liberation front... they'll blow up just about anything and go as far as burning down the actual animal clinics they claim to be doing all this for!
-Then there are those who showed up to Ann Coulter's college invite this year. They threatened her life and chased her and her body guard off the campus. The campus invited Ann to speak. Nice.
-The olympics this year in Canada? Remember that fun time? All the whinning Canadian dopey socialists running around blowing up random stuff, flipping cars and breaking store windows all in the name of "anti capitalism". As usual, when asked by the reporters "what point you're trying to prove", they rambled on about how capitalism ruined their lives and how Che Guevera and Mao Tsetung are their "guys". Funny how they always keep their faces covered with black masks. If they were so proud of their actions, why bother trying to keep yourself concealed? Hey dopes, I've got news for you. Even if you were 'anti capitalists', is blowing stuff up and destroying everything in site, costing people tons of money who have done nothing wrong, the way to go about it? I love the thought process on the left! Wait a minute, there isn't one!
-And how about all the nuts in the Obama administration? For starters, Van Jones, the avowed communist who calls for revolution just about every time his fat mug is on tv. Then there is Anita Dunn, whose favors Mao Tsetung in her top 5 list. Then there is Cass Sunstein. How could we forget him? A proud advocate of population control through eugenics. John Holdren says the same.
-Ed Shultz, that idiot on MSNBC or some dopey radio station, who screams, rants and raves about kicking in the teeth of conservatives. Wonderful person. Perhaps he should focus more on eating less donuts instead of worrying about kicking people's teeth in. Oh would I love to hear him say he'd like to kick my teeth in... fat pile of guano!
-Then there is the black panthers who show up with clubs and threaten people in PA during the 2008 elections.
-And let's not forget the ACORN, ALF CIO and SEIU who send their thugs to rallys where they beat up on conservative African Americans this year.
-How about the idiot liberals who show up at the funerals of fallen soldiers and try to start fights?
-How about, how about, how about....??????

And let's not forget that every major war has been fought with democratic/liberal presidents. Wilson, WW1. FDR and Truman, WW2 and then the Truman and the Korean war. Then we have Eisenhower, a republican, who gets the country out of war with Korea. Then Kennedy ends up escalating US involvement with Vietnam only to have his brother, Ted set the agenda for the early pull out which led to the slaughter of approximately 2.5 million Vietnamese. Nice. Truman drops a bomb on the Japanese. Wasn't enough. He then takes us right into war with Korea. Must really hate those Asians! And don't forget the racism that comes from the left. The fact that it was the left that started the KKK, it was the left that embraced and started jim crow laws, it was the left that fought AGAINST civil rights acts... all to keep their agenda in place. The agenda that tricks people into thinking the left is some how this compassionate machine that can take care of everybody when in fact, the truth is compassion on the left doesn't exist and the sole purpose of those in power on the left is to race bait and create classes based on any and everything that separates us as humans- race, gender, poverty level, skill level and anything else they can think of. This way, they control the entire game. It's in plain site. But unfortunately many on the left have been dubbed into believing otherwise. Idiots. True idiots.

And the list goes on and on and on and on...

I'm sure you could grab an example of a crazy right winger, perhaps 1 example, maybe even 2 on a good day but that's it. You know why? Cause you people on the left come from a different mold. And in general, those on the right feel as though they have a higher being "GOD" to explain things to when the pass over. This keeps them in line more so than those on the left who are generally unscrupulous atheists with an overall evil agenda. You're classless, shameless and moral-less thugs who claim to care for people through the redistribution of other people's money. Wonderful. Like a bunch of spoiled 16 year olds who get their first car from daddy and wreck it into a tree. Why should you care about a car that you didn't pay for? Same simple theory. Why would you care about money that you didn't earn? Not to mention, when you throw in the fact that liberals don't understand simple economics, when you throw in the fact that liberals don't grasp simple ideas like "you can't raise minimum wage across the board and expect that major layoffs don't occur!", it just makes things even worse. Go ahead, give me some examples of some solid cases in which you can put a finger on some issues where violence came from the right? You can't. I guarantee you, you CANNOT. I'm not talking about one or two issues that happened 30 years ago either. I want issues. I want to see if you can show me a pattern of violence, as I've done with the above examples. Libs really have mental issues. They just don't get it. Which makes them stupid. And for those who do get it, well then they're just evil. If you don't get it because you're a dope, then shame on you. If you do get it but you let your ego get in the way of admitting you've been incorrect all these years, then you're worse than a dope. You're evil. If you let your ego get in the way what's right for the country, you're evil. Plain and simple. Now, get outta here you dopey numnut libs!

it truely saddens me to see how irrational and illogical you have become.

most liberals are decent and honorable people
most liberals do NOT support violence
most liberals want to live in a peaceful world/country in which everyone has enough to eat, a decent job, respectable wages

it is no doubt true that liberals believe in sharing the wealth in a more equitable manner but that hardly justifies your demonizing them and calling them evil.

most liberals are NOT evil though they may be a little too free with your tax dollars
Let's say we delve into the numerous examples of violence on the left... shall we? I can't even say I feel sorry for the stupidity of the left as they bring these issues on themselves.... They're so ignorant, dumb that they throw these challenges out there (for example, "show me where liberals are violent! Go on and show me! I'll show you where conservatives are violent!" as they give us 1 example of a rumor of someone falsely spitting on some guy at a rally of hundreds of thousands of people.) Idiots. So anyway, let's go ahead and point out some examples of LIBERAL VIOLENCE... But first, a quick comparison of the left and those who attend tea party events.

The Tea Party? Always civil, the areas always cleaned up after every event with merely average folks looking out for the good of their country. In other words, tea party = patriots. If you could give me some solid examples of some instances where the tea party attendees have brought violence, I'd be amazed, as there are absolutely none.

Now for examples of home grown violence from the left...

-Out of 30 attempts of home grown terrorist attacks in the US since 9/11, 1/3rd of them have come from those on the left. You don't hear it because of... drum roll please..... OUR WONDERFUL MEDIA!!!
-Yes, you're correct in bringing up the WTO in Seattle.
-And let's not forget the G20 meetings? Those are always fun...
-Major Nidal Malik Hasan and the recent Fort Hood shootings.
-David Coleman Headley, an American who was arrested for planning the murder of the Danish Cartoonist a couple of years back.
-William Ayres. Enough said.
-Then there is that little punk from the San Fran area. That little rich punk- John Linden what's his face. Although not domestic violence, he was certainly headed in that direction and would have gladly killed fellow Americans on American soil if given the chance. In fact, he did end up shooting one of our own, only it was done overseas.
-Then there is John bedell, the democrat who went down as the "holocaust museum shooter."
-And let's not forget the ECO-terrorists who go around blowing up Humvees. The group ELF ring a bell?
-James Blanning. The lib who placed the bombs made from gas and a cell phone trigger with a note that ranted on about Bush and Cheney.
-The weathermen group, led by the aforementioned- Bill Ayers. PS, he now is a professor at yet another one of America's wonderful elite college establishments.
-Carol Burger. The nut who stabbed her roommate to death with a screwdriver after getting so worked up at a Palin rally. Yeah, she hated Palin that much!
-ALF or animal liberation front... they'll blow up just about anything and go as far as burning down the actual animal clinics they claim to be doing all this for!
-Then there are those who showed up to Ann Coulter's college invite this year. They threatened her life and chased her and her body guard off the campus. The campus invited Ann to speak. Nice.
-The olympics this year in Canada? Remember that fun time? All the whinning Canadian dopey socialists running around blowing up random stuff, flipping cars and breaking store windows all in the name of "anti capitalism". As usual, when asked by the reporters "what point you're trying to prove", they rambled on about how capitalism ruined their lives and how Che Guevera and Mao Tsetung are their "guys". Funny how they always keep their faces covered with black masks. If they were so proud of their actions, why bother trying to keep yourself concealed? Hey dopes, I've got news for you. Even if you were 'anti capitalists', is blowing stuff up and destroying everything in site, costing people tons of money who have done nothing wrong, the way to go about it? I love the thought process on the left! Wait a minute, there isn't one!
-And how about all the nuts in the Obama administration? For starters, Van Jones, the avowed communist who calls for revolution just about every time his fat mug is on tv. Then there is Anita Dunn, whose favors Mao Tsetung in her top 5 list. Then there is Cass Sunstein. How could we forget him? A proud advocate of population control through eugenics. John Holdren says the same.
-Ed Shultz, that idiot on MSNBC or some dopey radio station, who screams, rants and raves about kicking in the teeth of conservatives. Wonderful person. Perhaps he should focus more on eating less donuts instead of worrying about kicking people's teeth in. Oh would I love to hear him say he'd like to kick my teeth in... fat pile of guano!
-Then there is the black panthers who show up with clubs and threaten people in PA during the 2008 elections.
-And let's not forget the ACORN, ALF CIO and SEIU who send their thugs to rallys where they beat up on conservative African Americans this year.
-How about the idiot liberals who show up at the funerals of fallen soldiers and try to start fights?
-How about, how about, how about....??????

And let's not forget that every major war has been fought with democratic/liberal presidents. Wilson, WW1. FDR and Truman, WW2 and then the Truman and the Korean war. Then we have Eisenhower, a republican, who gets the country out of war with Korea. Then Kennedy ends up escalating US involvement with Vietnam only to have his brother, Ted set the agenda for the early pull out which led to the slaughter of approximately 2.5 million Vietnamese. Nice. Truman drops a bomb on the Japanese. Wasn't enough. He then takes us right into war with Korea. Must really hate those Asians! And don't forget the racism that comes from the left. The fact that it was the left that started the KKK, it was the left that embraced and started jim crow laws, it was the left that fought AGAINST civil rights acts... all to keep their agenda in place. The agenda that tricks people into thinking the left is some how this compassionate machine that can take care of everybody when in fact, the truth is compassion on the left doesn't exist and the sole purpose of those in power on the left is to race bait and create classes based on any and everything that separates us as humans- race, gender, poverty level, skill level and anything else they can think of. This way, they control the entire game. It's in plain site. But unfortunately many on the left have been dubbed into believing otherwise. Idiots. True idiots.

And the list goes on and on and on and on...

I'm sure you could grab an example of a crazy right winger, perhaps 1 example, maybe even 2 on a good day but that's it. You know why? Cause you people on the left come from a different mold. And in general, those on the right feel as though they have a higher being "GOD" to explain things to when the pass over. This keeps them in line more so than those on the left who are generally unscrupulous atheists with an overall evil agenda. You're classless, shameless and moral-less thugs who claim to care for people through the redistribution of other people's money. Wonderful. Like a bunch of spoiled 16 year olds who get their first car from daddy and wreck it into a tree. Why should you care about a car that you didn't pay for? Same simple theory. Why would you care about money that you didn't earn? Not to mention, when you throw in the fact that liberals don't understand simple economics, when you throw in the fact that liberals don't grasp simple ideas like "you can't raise minimum wage across the board and expect that major layoffs don't occur!", it just makes things even worse. Go ahead, give me some examples of some solid cases in which you can put a finger on some issues where violence came from the right? You can't. I guarantee you, you CANNOT. I'm not talking about one or two issues that happened 30 years ago either. I want issues. I want to see if you can show me a pattern of violence, as I've done with the above examples. Libs really have mental issues. They just don't get it. Which makes them stupid. And for those who do get it, well then they're just evil. If you don't get it because you're a dope, then shame on you. If you do get it but you let your ego get in the way of admitting you've been incorrect all these years, then you're worse than a dope. You're evil. If you let your ego get in the way what's right for the country, you're evil. Plain and simple. Now, get outta here you dopey numnut libs!

Major Hasan is a liberal? lol, that kind of jumped out of your fevered rant. I'm guessing if the rest of your tediously long blatherfest is comparably ignorant, I am fortunate for not having bothered to read it.
Let's say we delve into the numerous examples of violence on the left... shall we? I can't even say I feel sorry for the stupidity of the left as they bring these issues on themselves.... They're so ignorant, dumb that they throw these challenges out there (for example, "show me where liberals are violent! Go on and show me! I'll show you where conservatives are violent!" as they give us 1 example of a rumor of someone falsely spitting on some guy at a rally of hundreds of thousands of people.) Idiots. So anyway, let's go ahead and point out some examples of LIBERAL VIOLENCE... But first, a quick comparison of the left and those who attend tea party events.

The Tea Party? Always civil, the areas always cleaned up after every event with merely average folks looking out for the good of their country. In other words, tea party = patriots. If you could give me some solid examples of some instances where the tea party attendees have brought violence, I'd be amazed, as there are absolutely none.

Now for examples of home grown violence from the left...

-Out of 30 attempts of home grown terrorist attacks in the US since 9/11, 1/3rd of them have come from those on the left. You don't hear it because of... drum roll please..... OUR WONDERFUL MEDIA!!!
-Yes, you're correct in bringing up the WTO in Seattle.
-And let's not forget the G20 meetings? Those are always fun...
-Major Nidal Malik Hasan and the recent Fort Hood shootings.
-David Coleman Headley, an American who was arrested for planning the murder of the Danish Cartoonist a couple of years back.
-William Ayres. Enough said.
-Then there is that little punk from the San Fran area. That little rich punk- John Linden what's his face. Although not domestic violence, he was certainly headed in that direction and would have gladly killed fellow Americans on American soil if given the chance. In fact, he did end up shooting one of our own, only it was done overseas.
-Then there is John bedell, the democrat who went down as the "holocaust museum shooter."
-And let's not forget the ECO-terrorists who go around blowing up Humvees. The group ELF ring a bell?
-James Blanning. The lib who placed the bombs made from gas and a cell phone trigger with a note that ranted on about Bush and Cheney.
-The weathermen group, led by the aforementioned- Bill Ayers. PS, he now is a professor at yet another one of America's wonderful elite college establishments.
-Carol Burger. The nut who stabbed her roommate to death with a screwdriver after getting so worked up at a Palin rally. Yeah, she hated Palin that much!
-ALF or animal liberation front... they'll blow up just about anything and go as far as burning down the actual animal clinics they claim to be doing all this for!
-Then there are those who showed up to Ann Coulter's college invite this year. They threatened her life and chased her and her body guard off the campus. The campus invited Ann to speak. Nice.
-The olympics this year in Canada? Remember that fun time? All the whinning Canadian dopey socialists running around blowing up random stuff, flipping cars and breaking store windows all in the name of "anti capitalism". As usual, when asked by the reporters "what point you're trying to prove", they rambled on about how capitalism ruined their lives and how Che Guevera and Mao Tsetung are their "guys". Funny how they always keep their faces covered with black masks. If they were so proud of their actions, why bother trying to keep yourself concealed? Hey dopes, I've got news for you. Even if you were 'anti capitalists', is blowing stuff up and destroying everything in site, costing people tons of money who have done nothing wrong, the way to go about it? I love the thought process on the left! Wait a minute, there isn't one!
-And how about all the nuts in the Obama administration? For starters, Van Jones, the avowed communist who calls for revolution just about every time his fat mug is on tv. Then there is Anita Dunn, whose favors Mao Tsetung in her top 5 list. Then there is Cass Sunstein. How could we forget him? A proud advocate of population control through eugenics. John Holdren says the same.
-Ed Shultz, that idiot on MSNBC or some dopey radio station, who screams, rants and raves about kicking in the teeth of conservatives. Wonderful person. Perhaps he should focus more on eating less donuts instead of worrying about kicking people's teeth in. Oh would I love to hear him say he'd like to kick my teeth in... fat pile of guano!
-Then there is the black panthers who show up with clubs and threaten people in PA during the 2008 elections.
-And let's not forget the ACORN, ALF CIO and SEIU who send their thugs to rallys where they beat up on conservative African Americans this year.
-How about the idiot liberals who show up at the funerals of fallen soldiers and try to start fights?
-How about, how about, how about....??????

And let's not forget that every major war has been fought with democratic/liberal presidents. Wilson, WW1. FDR and Truman, WW2 and then the Truman and the Korean war. Then we have Eisenhower, a republican, who gets the country out of war with Korea. Then Kennedy ends up escalating US involvement with Vietnam only to have his brother, Ted set the agenda for the early pull out which led to the slaughter of approximately 2.5 million Vietnamese. Nice. Truman drops a bomb on the Japanese. Wasn't enough. He then takes us right into war with Korea. Must really hate those Asians! And don't forget the racism that comes from the left. The fact that it was the left that started the KKK, it was the left that embraced and started jim crow laws, it was the left that fought AGAINST civil rights acts... all to keep their agenda in place. The agenda that tricks people into thinking the left is some how this compassionate machine that can take care of everybody when in fact, the truth is compassion on the left doesn't exist and the sole purpose of those in power on the left is to race bait and create classes based on any and everything that separates us as humans- race, gender, poverty level, skill level and anything else they can think of. This way, they control the entire game. It's in plain site. But unfortunately many on the left have been dubbed into believing otherwise. Idiots. True idiots.

And the list goes on and on and on and on...

I'm sure you could grab an example of a crazy right winger, perhaps 1 example, maybe even 2 on a good day but that's it. You know why? Cause you people on the left come from a different mold. And in general, those on the right feel as though they have a higher being "GOD" to explain things to when the pass over. This keeps them in line more so than those on the left who are generally unscrupulous atheists with an overall evil agenda. You're classless, shameless and moral-less thugs who claim to care for people through the redistribution of other people's money. Wonderful. Like a bunch of spoiled 16 year olds who get their first car from daddy and wreck it into a tree. Why should you care about a car that you didn't pay for? Same simple theory. Why would you care about money that you didn't earn? Not to mention, when you throw in the fact that liberals don't understand simple economics, when you throw in the fact that liberals don't grasp simple ideas like "you can't raise minimum wage across the board and expect that major layoffs don't occur!", it just makes things even worse. Go ahead, give me some examples of some solid cases in which you can put a finger on some issues where violence came from the right? You can't. I guarantee you, you CANNOT. I'm not talking about one or two issues that happened 30 years ago either. I want issues. I want to see if you can show me a pattern of violence, as I've done with the above examples. Libs really have mental issues. They just don't get it. Which makes them stupid. And for those who do get it, well then they're just evil. If you don't get it because you're a dope, then shame on you. If you do get it but you let your ego get in the way of admitting you've been incorrect all these years, then you're worse than a dope. You're evil. If you let your ego get in the way what's right for the country, you're evil. Plain and simple. Now, get outta here you dopey numnut libs!

it truely saddens me to see how irrational and illogical you have become.

most liberals are decent and honorable people
most liberals do NOT support violence
most liberals want to live in a peaceful world/country in which everyone has enough to eat, a decent job, respectable wages

it is no doubt true that liberals believe in sharing the wealth in a more equitable manner but that hardly justifies your demonizing them and calling them evil.

most liberals are NOT evil though they may be a little too free with your tax dollars

You obviously didn't read the entire post. If you had, you wouldn't reply with such a dunderhead and moronic statement. If they weren't evil, they'd be demonstrating PEACEFULLY at these demos. If they weren't evil, they'd have more respect for how they treat the grounds at the gatherings they attend. (environmentalists my ass! notice how the tea party cleans up every last ounce of used property for gatherings.) If they weren't evil, they'd had voted along with conservatives 40+ some odd years ago when the civil rights acts were up for a vote. Instead, most voted against. Remember, it was a republican president who freed the slaves. Although one could make the argument that what Lincoln did was highly unconstitutional. Regardless... a different issue. I can go on and on. Your comment about most liberals being decent, sure there are plenty who are but being that it is the left that loves to grab a sole example and vilify the right with it, are you suddenly now taking the exact opposite position that would be taken if the shoe were on the other foot? Of course you are, as you have no examples and are yet most likely another ding dong who will vote to enslave half the country into supporting the other half, time and time again. Which, if you understood even the most fundamental amount of economics, would understand that socialism is NOT possible and is why America has gone above and beyond any other country, including those which have been around for centuries, in only 300 short years. Socialism rewards failure. Capitalism rewards everyone, including the failures through its very nature of implementation.
Let's say we delve into the numerous examples of violence on the left... shall we? I can't even say I feel sorry for the stupidity of the left as they bring these issues on themselves.... They're so ignorant, dumb that they throw these challenges out there (for example, "show me where liberals are violent! Go on and show me! I'll show you where conservatives are violent!" as they give us 1 example of a rumor of someone falsely spitting on some guy at a rally of hundreds of thousands of people.) Idiots. So anyway, let's go ahead and point out some examples of LIBERAL VIOLENCE... But first, a quick comparison of the left and those who attend tea party events.

The Tea Party? Always civil, the areas always cleaned up after every event with merely average folks looking out for the good of their country. In other words, tea party = patriots. If you could give me some solid examples of some instances where the tea party attendees have brought violence, I'd be amazed, as there are absolutely none.

Now for examples of home grown violence from the left...

-Out of 30 attempts of home grown terrorist attacks in the US since 9/11, 1/3rd of them have come from those on the left. You don't hear it because of... drum roll please..... OUR WONDERFUL MEDIA!!!
-Yes, you're correct in bringing up the WTO in Seattle.
-And let's not forget the G20 meetings? Those are always fun...
-Major Nidal Malik Hasan and the recent Fort Hood shootings.
-David Coleman Headley, an American who was arrested for planning the murder of the Danish Cartoonist a couple of years back.
-William Ayres. Enough said.
-Then there is that little punk from the San Fran area. That little rich punk- John Linden what's his face. Although not domestic violence, he was certainly headed in that direction and would have gladly killed fellow Americans on American soil if given the chance. In fact, he did end up shooting one of our own, only it was done overseas.
-Then there is John bedell, the democrat who went down as the "holocaust museum shooter."
-And let's not forget the ECO-terrorists who go around blowing up Humvees. The group ELF ring a bell?
-James Blanning. The lib who placed the bombs made from gas and a cell phone trigger with a note that ranted on about Bush and Cheney.
-The weathermen group, led by the aforementioned- Bill Ayers. PS, he now is a professor at yet another one of America's wonderful elite college establishments.
-Carol Burger. The nut who stabbed her roommate to death with a screwdriver after getting so worked up at a Palin rally. Yeah, she hated Palin that much!
-ALF or animal liberation front... they'll blow up just about anything and go as far as burning down the actual animal clinics they claim to be doing all this for!
-Then there are those who showed up to Ann Coulter's college invite this year. They threatened her life and chased her and her body guard off the campus. The campus invited Ann to speak. Nice.
-The olympics this year in Canada? Remember that fun time? All the whinning Canadian dopey socialists running around blowing up random stuff, flipping cars and breaking store windows all in the name of "anti capitalism". As usual, when asked by the reporters "what point you're trying to prove", they rambled on about how capitalism ruined their lives and how Che Guevera and Mao Tsetung are their "guys". Funny how they always keep their faces covered with black masks. If they were so proud of their actions, why bother trying to keep yourself concealed? Hey dopes, I've got news for you. Even if you were 'anti capitalists', is blowing stuff up and destroying everything in site, costing people tons of money who have done nothing wrong, the way to go about it? I love the thought process on the left! Wait a minute, there isn't one!
-And how about all the nuts in the Obama administration? For starters, Van Jones, the avowed communist who calls for revolution just about every time his fat mug is on tv. Then there is Anita Dunn, whose favors Mao Tsetung in her top 5 list. Then there is Cass Sunstein. How could we forget him? A proud advocate of population control through eugenics. John Holdren says the same.
-Ed Shultz, that idiot on MSNBC or some dopey radio station, who screams, rants and raves about kicking in the teeth of conservatives. Wonderful person. Perhaps he should focus more on eating less donuts instead of worrying about kicking people's teeth in. Oh would I love to hear him say he'd like to kick my teeth in... fat pile of guano!
-Then there is the black panthers who show up with clubs and threaten people in PA during the 2008 elections.
-And let's not forget the ACORN, ALF CIO and SEIU who send their thugs to rallys where they beat up on conservative African Americans this year.
-How about the idiot liberals who show up at the funerals of fallen soldiers and try to start fights?
-How about, how about, how about....??????

And let's not forget that every major war has been fought with democratic/liberal presidents. Wilson, WW1. FDR and Truman, WW2 and then the Truman and the Korean war. Then we have Eisenhower, a republican, who gets the country out of war with Korea. Then Kennedy ends up escalating US involvement with Vietnam only to have his brother, Ted set the agenda for the early pull out which led to the slaughter of approximately 2.5 million Vietnamese. Nice. Truman drops a bomb on the Japanese. Wasn't enough. He then takes us right into war with Korea. Must really hate those Asians! And don't forget the racism that comes from the left. The fact that it was the left that started the KKK, it was the left that embraced and started jim crow laws, it was the left that fought AGAINST civil rights acts... all to keep their agenda in place. The agenda that tricks people into thinking the left is some how this compassionate machine that can take care of everybody when in fact, the truth is compassion on the left doesn't exist and the sole purpose of those in power on the left is to race bait and create classes based on any and everything that separates us as humans- race, gender, poverty level, skill level and anything else they can think of. This way, they control the entire game. It's in plain site. But unfortunately many on the left have been dubbed into believing otherwise. Idiots. True idiots.

And the list goes on and on and on and on...

I'm sure you could grab an example of a crazy right winger, perhaps 1 example, maybe even 2 on a good day but that's it. You know why? Cause you people on the left come from a different mold. And in general, those on the right feel as though they have a higher being "GOD" to explain things to when the pass over. This keeps them in line more so than those on the left who are generally unscrupulous atheists with an overall evil agenda. You're classless, shameless and moral-less thugs who claim to care for people through the redistribution of other people's money. Wonderful. Like a bunch of spoiled 16 year olds who get their first car from daddy and wreck it into a tree. Why should you care about a car that you didn't pay for? Same simple theory. Why would you care about money that you didn't earn? Not to mention, when you throw in the fact that liberals don't understand simple economics, when you throw in the fact that liberals don't grasp simple ideas like "you can't raise minimum wage across the board and expect that major layoffs don't occur!", it just makes things even worse. Go ahead, give me some examples of some solid cases in which you can put a finger on some issues where violence came from the right? You can't. I guarantee you, you CANNOT. I'm not talking about one or two issues that happened 30 years ago either. I want issues. I want to see if you can show me a pattern of violence, as I've done with the above examples. Libs really have mental issues. They just don't get it. Which makes them stupid. And for those who do get it, well then they're just evil. If you don't get it because you're a dope, then shame on you. If you do get it but you let your ego get in the way of admitting you've been incorrect all these years, then you're worse than a dope. You're evil. If you let your ego get in the way what's right for the country, you're evil. Plain and simple. Now, get outta here you dopey numnut libs!

Major Hasan is a liberal? lol, that kind of jumped out of your fevered rant. I'm guessing if the rest of your tediously long blatherfest is comparably ignorant, I am fortunate for not having bothered to read it.

Hey dope, let's put a little thought into this. Hasan hated the fact that we were in Afghan and Iraq and would allegedly do anything to NOT be deployed. That was his heritage, his own blood that he would be fighting against. Obama declared during his campaigning that he would pull out of Iraq. Do you truly believe that Hasan would have voted for the guy, McCain, who would most likely continue the war with the goal of securing stability for the sake of the Iraqi people for years to come? Or do you think he voted for the guy who he believed would get us out of there, hence keep himself from getting deployed? I'm a thinker, and we know Major Hasan's stance on deployment and the war, which leads me to think... So who do you believe he voted for nincompoop? Perhaps he didn't vote for Obama, perhaps he voted for McCain but if you were a betting man and there were a lot riding on this bet, what would your bet be? McCain or Obama? It doesn't matter anyway, it's simply an example of many. Even if I were incorrect on what I believe is the obvious, perhaps you should finish reading the entire post- you might learn something. Oh yeah, libs don't like the truth. It kills their argument, every time. Perhaps I should not speculate on Hasan. I will concede but only on that one. Do yourself a favor, finish reading it.
Let's say we delve into the numerous examples of violence on the left... shall we? I can't even say I feel sorry for the stupidity of the left as they bring these issues on themselves.... They're so ignorant, dumb that they throw these challenges out there (for example, "show me where liberals are violent! Go on and show me! I'll show you where conservatives are violent!" as they give us 1 example of a rumor of someone falsely spitting on some guy at a rally of hundreds of thousands of people.) Idiots. So anyway, let's go ahead and point out some examples of LIBERAL VIOLENCE... But first, a quick comparison of the left and those who attend tea party events.

The Tea Party? Always civil, the areas always cleaned up after every event with merely average folks looking out for the good of their country. In other words, tea party = patriots. If you could give me some solid examples of some instances where the tea party attendees have brought violence, I'd be amazed, as there are absolutely none.

Now for examples of home grown violence from the left...

-Out of 30 attempts of home grown terrorist attacks in the US since 9/11, 1/3rd of them have come from those on the left. You don't hear it because of... drum roll please..... OUR WONDERFUL MEDIA!!!
-Yes, you're correct in bringing up the WTO in Seattle.
-And let's not forget the G20 meetings? Those are always fun...
-Major Nidal Malik Hasan and the recent Fort Hood shootings.
-David Coleman Headley, an American who was arrested for planning the murder of the Danish Cartoonist a couple of years back.
-William Ayres. Enough said.
-Then there is that little punk from the San Fran area. That little rich punk- John Linden what's his face. Although not domestic violence, he was certainly headed in that direction and would have gladly killed fellow Americans on American soil if given the chance. In fact, he did end up shooting one of our own, only it was done overseas.
-Then there is John bedell, the democrat who went down as the "holocaust museum shooter."
-And let's not forget the ECO-terrorists who go around blowing up Humvees. The group ELF ring a bell?
-James Blanning. The lib who placed the bombs made from gas and a cell phone trigger with a note that ranted on about Bush and Cheney.
-The weathermen group, led by the aforementioned- Bill Ayers. PS, he now is a professor at yet another one of America's wonderful elite college establishments.
-Carol Burger. The nut who stabbed her roommate to death with a screwdriver after getting so worked up at a Palin rally. Yeah, she hated Palin that much!
-ALF or animal liberation front... they'll blow up just about anything and go as far as burning down the actual animal clinics they claim to be doing all this for!
-Then there are those who showed up to Ann Coulter's college invite this year. They threatened her life and chased her and her body guard off the campus. The campus invited Ann to speak. Nice.
-The olympics this year in Canada? Remember that fun time? All the whinning Canadian dopey socialists running around blowing up random stuff, flipping cars and breaking store windows all in the name of "anti capitalism". As usual, when asked by the reporters "what point you're trying to prove", they rambled on about how capitalism ruined their lives and how Che Guevera and Mao Tsetung are their "guys". Funny how they always keep their faces covered with black masks. If they were so proud of their actions, why bother trying to keep yourself concealed? Hey dopes, I've got news for you. Even if you were 'anti capitalists', is blowing stuff up and destroying everything in site, costing people tons of money who have done nothing wrong, the way to go about it? I love the thought process on the left! Wait a minute, there isn't one!
-And how about all the nuts in the Obama administration? For starters, Van Jones, the avowed communist who calls for revolution just about every time his fat mug is on tv. Then there is Anita Dunn, whose favors Mao Tsetung in her top 5 list. Then there is Cass Sunstein. How could we forget him? A proud advocate of population control through eugenics. John Holdren says the same.
-Ed Shultz, that idiot on MSNBC or some dopey radio station, who screams, rants and raves about kicking in the teeth of conservatives. Wonderful person. Perhaps he should focus more on eating less donuts instead of worrying about kicking people's teeth in. Oh would I love to hear him say he'd like to kick my teeth in... fat pile of guano!
-Then there is the black panthers who show up with clubs and threaten people in PA during the 2008 elections.
-And let's not forget the ACORN, ALF CIO and SEIU who send their thugs to rallys where they beat up on conservative African Americans this year.
-How about the idiot liberals who show up at the funerals of fallen soldiers and try to start fights?
-How about, how about, how about....??????

And let's not forget that every major war has been fought with democratic/liberal presidents. Wilson, WW1. FDR and Truman, WW2 and then the Truman and the Korean war. Then we have Eisenhower, a republican, who gets the country out of war with Korea. Then Kennedy ends up escalating US involvement with Vietnam only to have his brother, Ted set the agenda for the early pull out which led to the slaughter of approximately 2.5 million Vietnamese. Nice. Truman drops a bomb on the Japanese. Wasn't enough. He then takes us right into war with Korea. Must really hate those Asians! And don't forget the racism that comes from the left. The fact that it was the left that started the KKK, it was the left that embraced and started jim crow laws, it was the left that fought AGAINST civil rights acts... all to keep their agenda in place. The agenda that tricks people into thinking the left is some how this compassionate machine that can take care of everybody when in fact, the truth is compassion on the left doesn't exist and the sole purpose of those in power on the left is to race bait and create classes based on any and everything that separates us as humans- race, gender, poverty level, skill level and anything else they can think of. This way, they control the entire game. It's in plain site. But unfortunately many on the left have been dubbed into believing otherwise. Idiots. True idiots.

And the list goes on and on and on and on...

I'm sure you could grab an example of a crazy right winger, perhaps 1 example, maybe even 2 on a good day but that's it. You know why? Cause you people on the left come from a different mold. And in general, those on the right feel as though they have a higher being "GOD" to explain things to when the pass over. This keeps them in line more so than those on the left who are generally unscrupulous atheists with an overall evil agenda. You're classless, shameless and moral-less thugs who claim to care for people through the redistribution of other people's money. Wonderful. Like a bunch of spoiled 16 year olds who get their first car from daddy and wreck it into a tree. Why should you care about a car that you didn't pay for? Same simple theory. Why would you care about money that you didn't earn? Not to mention, when you throw in the fact that liberals don't understand simple economics, when you throw in the fact that liberals don't grasp simple ideas like "you can't raise minimum wage across the board and expect that major layoffs don't occur!", it just makes things even worse. Go ahead, give me some examples of some solid cases in which you can put a finger on some issues where violence came from the right? You can't. I guarantee you, you CANNOT. I'm not talking about one or two issues that happened 30 years ago either. I want issues. I want to see if you can show me a pattern of violence, as I've done with the above examples. Libs really have mental issues. They just don't get it. Which makes them stupid. And for those who do get it, well then they're just evil. If you don't get it because you're a dope, then shame on you. If you do get it but you let your ego get in the way of admitting you've been incorrect all these years, then you're worse than a dope. You're evil. If you let your ego get in the way what's right for the country, you're evil. Plain and simple. Now, get outta here you dopey numnut libs!

Major Hasan is a liberal? lol, that kind of jumped out of your fevered rant. I'm guessing if the rest of your tediously long blatherfest is comparably ignorant, I am fortunate for not having bothered to read it.

Hey dope, let's put a little thought into this. Hasan hated the fact that we were in Afghan and Iraq and would allegedly do anything to NOT be deployed. That was his heritage, his own blood that he would be fighting against.

That makes him a liberal? Do you even know what a liberal is? You just declared Bin Laden to be a liberal.
[You obviously didn't read the entire post. If you had, you wouldn't reply with such a dunderhead and moronic statement. If they weren't evil, they'd be demonstrating PEACEFULLY at these demos. If they weren't evil, they'd have more respect for how they treat the grounds at the gatherings they attend. (environmentalists my ass! notice how the tea party cleans up every last ounce of used property for gatherings.) If they weren't evil, they'd had voted along with conservatives 40+ some odd years ago when the civil rights acts were up for a vote. Instead, most voted against. Remember, it was a republican president who freed the slaves. Although one could make the argument that what Lincoln did was highly unconstitutional. Regardless... a different issue. I can go on and on. Your comment about most liberals being decent, sure there are plenty who are but being that it is the left that loves to grab a sole example and vilify the right with it, are you suddenly now taking the exact opposite position that would be taken if the shoe were on the other foot? Of course you are, as you have no examples and are yet most likely another ding dong who will vote to enslave half the country into supporting the other half, time and time again. Which, if you understood even the most fundamental amount of economics, would understand that socialism is NOT possible and is why America has gone above and beyond any other country, including those which have been around for centuries, in only 300 short years. Socialism rewards failure. Capitalism rewards everyone, including the failures through its very nature of implementation.

Lincoln was a liberal. Those who wanted to preserve slavery were the conservatives. Slavery was capitalism, and no, it did not reward everyone.

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