Headline: "10,000 People Have Died" in US So Far of COVID. 7,000 Die Each Day


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
I think we should be taking this seriously, but my question why the constant panic headlines and alarms? Around 2.5 million people die in the US every year. If you take your handy Windows calculator and divide that by 365 days in a year, that's around 7,000 people every day. Not saying this isn't serious. But 200,000 deaths as Trump forecast a most likely case scenario, going by what the numbers are doing, would be a 7% bump in normal fatalities, vast majority old age or natural causes.

Like I said I get it. This is sad. But why the constant, never-ending pumping up of the fear? How many will that kill? People committing suicide and doing things they wouldn't ordinarily do? For the first time I truly understand the meaning of President FDR's statement: "We have nothing to fear but fear itself."

edit - Ok next headline "Grocery workers beginning to die of coronavirus." Panic. No food. Of course out of millions of grocery workers some dying of corona is inevitable. One was a greeter. Why the over the top panic headline "beginning" to die, like everyone is going to start dropping like flies. How old was he or she? Co-morbidity? WTF is going on here guys?

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Didn't America lose it's poop over 9/11? And how many people died then?

What are you really crying about OP?
Morons don’t understand that the normal number of illnesses and deaths we have each year is BAKED INTO OUR HEALTH CARE SYSTEM and our ECONOMY. Additional illnesses and deaths exact a huge tax on our system.

Idiots fail to understand that we will see thousands die every day for the next few weeks. These are above and beyond that which we’ve already prepared for.

All preventable. But our national response was slow and insufficient for over two months.
We have a few pockets of very serious outbreak. That is what the Media covers night after night after night complete with sad videos of caskets piled up in churches and ice rinks or ICUs with Italians clinging to life on ventilators. The 99% of areas that have seen little or no outbreak are of course ignored. This is a perfect example of how our Media shapes our perceptions.
I think we should be taking this seriously, but my question why the constant panic headlines and alarms? Around 2.5 million people die in the US every year. If you take your handy Windows calculator and divide that by 365 days in a year, that's around 7,000 people every day. Not saying this isn't serious. But 200,000 deaths as Trump forecast a most likely case scenario, going by what the numbers are doing, would be a 7% bump in normal fatalities, vast majority old age or natural causes.

Like I said I get it. This is sad. But why the constant, never-ending pumping up of the fear? How many will that kill? People committing suicide and doing things they wouldn't ordinarily do? For the first time I truly understand the meaning of President FDR's statement: "We have nothing to fear but fear itself."

edit - Ok next headline "Grocery workers beginning to die of coronavirus." Panic. No food. Of course out of millions of grocery workers some dying of corona is inevitable. One was a greeter. Why the over the top panic headline "beginning" to die, like everyone is going to start dropping like flies. How old was he or she? Co-morbidity? WTF is going on here guys?

This is a power and money grab. I know I sound like a broken record but that is really all it is.
This is nothing like 9/11. Unless you were an unfortunate handful of people in NYC this didn't touch your life. Couldn't fly for a few days. Were sad.

This is the end game of 9/11. All you sorry MFs who thought the government couldn't be that evil. Now waking up the hard way.
I will safely predict nobody goes back to work before June 1st. We need round 2 of the stimulus checks
Besides 9/11, other idiots, some in the media too, have compared this to Pearl Harbor.
In doing this, I guess they forgot that Japan paid!
Are the same idiots gonna bitch and complain when China pays? And yes, they are gonna eventually pay!
Besides 9/11, other idiots, some in the media too, have compared this to Pearl Harbor.
In doing this, I guess they forgot that Japan paid!
Are the same idiots gonna bitch and complain when China pays? And yes, they are gonna eventually pay!

The only asshole to compare this to Pearl Harbor is the Surgeon General.

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