Have you ever seen a worse group of GOP candidates? I haven't.

This is the worst GOP candidate field I've ever seen - but I would say that '96 would have been worse if not for Dole.

I would say that the '88 Democratic field was worse and so, interestingly enough, was the '92 field at this point in the race.

So if the winner came from that lousy group in 92 (Clinton) then so can the winner come from this batch.

Only one can win anyway. It doesn't matter how much the rest of them suck. Juist look at the idiot they're running against. A guy that can't win unless he cheats. Democrats are just hanging on hoping he gets away with it.

Clinton is a great example of an unknown candidate coming from a weak field and winning.

But Clinton had charisma, Clinton could light up an audience, Clinton caught fire with the voters

Who are Republicans claiming is their Bill Clinton? Romney? Newt? Bachmann?

It does not look good for the Republicans
This is the worst GOP candidate field I've ever seen - but I would say that '96 would have been worse if not for Dole.

I would say that the '88 Democratic field was worse and so, interestingly enough, was the '92 field at this point in the race.
The GOP has a habit of nominating by whatever means "he whom they deem are next..."

That manipulation stops now...and we are seeing it..we are seeing them balk and try to takeover the mantle of Conservatism.
This is the worst GOP candidate field I've ever seen - but I would say that '96 would have been worse if not for Dole.

I would say that the '88 Democratic field was worse and so, interestingly enough, was the '92 field at this point in the race.

So if the winner came from that lousy group in 92 (Clinton) then so can the winner come from this batch.

Only one can win anyway. It doesn't matter how much the rest of them suck. Juist look at the idiot they're running against. A guy that can't win unless he cheats. Democrats are just hanging on hoping he gets away with it.

Clinton is a great example of an unknown candidate coming from a weak field and winning.

But Clinton had charisma, Clinton could light up an audience, Clinton caught fire with the voters

Who are Republicans claiming is their Bill Clinton? Romney? Newt? Bachmann?

It does not look good for the Republicans
Obama is one of those over the Hildebeast (who was a known quantity)...

But Obama has had his records sealed...why?
No question the GOP is running it's B Team. A bunch of not ready for prime time candidates who are looking for their 15 minutes of fame

In other years, Romney would be a third or fourth choice candidate. This year, he is the only one who is remotely electable.....and that is if the economy completely tanks

Obama could certainly be beaten in 2012.......but not by this band of misfits

The GOP is facing some serious lack of viability with this bunch of losers. The only reason anyone will vote for any of them is out of sheer hatred of Obama. That doesn't say a whole lot for their credentials to be president--or even much about how voters actually feel about them. I wonder if the GOP will remain intact after they lose the election. Oh well, that's why God made football and beer.
This is the worst GOP candidate field I've ever seen - but I would say that '96 would have been worse if not for Dole.

I would say that the '88 Democratic field was worse and so, interestingly enough, was the '92 field at this point in the race.
The GOP has a habit of nominating by whatever means "he whom they deem are next..."

That manipulation stops now...and we are seeing it..we are seeing them balk and try to takeover the mantle of Conservatism.
we can only HOPE it is not "He who is next" which would be Romney.

This is the worst GOP candidate field I've ever seen - but I would say that '96 would have been worse if not for Dole.

I would say that the '88 Democratic field was worse and so, interestingly enough, was the '92 field at this point in the race.
The GOP has a habit of nominating by whatever means "he whom they deem are next..."

That manipulation stops now...and we are seeing it..we are seeing them balk and try to takeover the mantle of Conservatism.
we can only HOPE it is not "He who is next" which would be Romney.

Uck indeed. Is it any wonder Mitt does well in the NorthEast? Blue States, and why Democrat Statists like him?
No decent candidate would run this time arround because they know Obama is going to win it.

The tea party faction of the right has made this a sure thing.

This party will die unless it can shake off these people and get a base that isnt insane.

Keep telling yourself that TDM.

Barry has a record now and it sucks.

Most of America think the country is headed in the wrong direction and to you that means Barry is gonna get another 4 years??

Don't think I'd bet the farm on that one.

the national electorate is NOT the tea party

The Tea Party isn't the GOP either. Catch a clue idiot.
This is the worst GOP candidate field I've ever seen - but I would say that '96 would have been worse if not for Dole.

I would say that the '88 Democratic field was worse and so, interestingly enough, was the '92 field at this point in the race.

So if the winner came from that lousy group in 92 (Clinton) then so can the winner come from this batch.

Only one can win anyway. It doesn't matter how much the rest of them suck. Juist look at the idiot they're running against. A guy that can't win unless he cheats. Democrats are just hanging on hoping he gets away with it.

Clinton is a great example of an unknown candidate coming from a weak field and winning.

But Clinton had charisma, Clinton could light up an audience, Clinton caught fire with the voters

Who are Republicans claiming is their Bill Clinton? Romney? Newt? Bachmann?

It does not look good for the Republicans

It's true that Clinton had Charisma, but he also had the good fortune of a pretty good economy in Bush 41's first 3 years and then a slump toward the time of election.

Plus Bill Clinton just had and outstanding campaign team. They were simply gifted at the art of giving the people what they wanted. Say what you want about BC, if I'm ever running for office I'll take his campaign strategizers any day.

As a person of that era I will also say that after 12 years of Reagan/Bush there was this feeling in the air that change was needed. I do not sense that feeling now. I have no cites or stats to back that up, only my personal observation.

I don't see any Republican outsider emerging to capture the GOP nomination. What you see is what you're going to get and that means 4 more years for Obama.
Keep telling yourself that TDM.

Barry has a record now and it sucks.

Most of America think the country is headed in the wrong direction and to you that means Barry is gonna get another 4 years??

Don't think I'd bet the farm on that one.

the national electorate is NOT the tea party

The Tea Party isn't the GOP either. Catch a clue idiot.

No? Do you see the Tea Party voting for Democrats?
Actually, I have never seen a worse and more incompetent President.

What has Obama done in any categories that was worse that what Bush did?

Hmmm...need to think back...


Gosh...I dont know....I seem to remember it was Obama and his supporters saying he was going to doi a MUCH better job than Bush did.

But now his supporters are saying...Hey...he was no worse than Bush.

Hey...guys...go with that this coming campign....see how that works for yas!
No decent candidate would run this time arround because they know Obama is going to win it.

The tea party faction of the right has made this a sure thing.

This party will die unless it can shake off these people and get a base that isnt insane.

Keep telling yourself that TDM.

Barry has a record now and it sucks.

Most of America think the country is headed in the wrong direction and to you that means Barry is gonna get another 4 years??

Don't think I'd bet the farm on that one.

the national electorate is NOT the tea party

The Tea Party has ended up being the biggest joke of all the jokes coming out of this primary season.

For all their bluster and chest beating, all about their power and influence, they've ended up with a viable choice of either the RINO Romney,

or the ultra-establishment business-as-usual everything-that-is-wrong-with-politics Gingrich.
Actually, I have never seen a worse and more incompetent President.

What has Obama done in any categories that was worse that what Bush did?

Hmmm...need to think back...


Gosh...I dont know....I seem to remember it was Obama and his supporters saying he was going to doi a MUCH better job than Bush did.

But now his supporters are saying...Hey...he was no worse than Bush.

Hey...guys...go with that this coming campign....see how that works for yas!

So that's your tedious way of saying no, you can't actually specify the categories where Obama has done worse than Bush.
What has Obama done in any categories that was worse that what Bush did?

Hmmm...need to think back...


Gosh...I dont know....I seem to remember it was Obama and his supporters saying he was going to doi a MUCH better job than Bush did.

But now his supporters are saying...Hey...he was no worse than Bush.

Hey...guys...go with that this coming campign....see how that works for yas!

So that's your tedious way of saying no, you can't actually specify the categories where Obama has done worse than Bush.


You may have not liked his policies...nor his personality....but he was not a punter...and he most certainly took the heat without casting blame.
the national electorate is NOT the tea party

The Tea Party isn't the GOP either. Catch a clue idiot.

No? Do you see the Tea Party voting for Democrats?

The Tea Party is just the same old right wing of the GOP, with a different name. Some of us have been telling them that for a couple years,

ironically, it's usually the Tea Partiers themselves who throw a fit over being described in that (accurate) manner.
Hmmm...need to think back...


Gosh...I dont know....I seem to remember it was Obama and his supporters saying he was going to doi a MUCH better job than Bush did.

But now his supporters are saying...Hey...he was no worse than Bush.

Hey...guys...go with that this coming campign....see how that works for yas!

So that's your tedious way of saying no, you can't actually specify the categories where Obama has done worse than Bush.


You may have not liked his policies...nor his personality....but he was not a punter...and he most certainly took the heat without casting blame.

Leadership that leads to horrifically bad policies is not a trait to praise.
Hmmm...need to think back...


Gosh...I dont know....I seem to remember it was Obama and his supporters saying he was going to doi a MUCH better job than Bush did.

But now his supporters are saying...Hey...he was no worse than Bush.

Hey...guys...go with that this coming campign....see how that works for yas!

So that's your tedious way of saying no, you can't actually specify the categories where Obama has done worse than Bush.


You may have not liked his policies...nor his personality....but he was not a punter...and he most certainly took the heat without casting blame.


Let's name a category, to clarify the issue here:

Foreign Policy. How has Obama been worse than Bush?

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