Have Republicans forgotten how to negotiate?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
The fiscal cliff: Have Republican forgotten how to negotiate? - The Week

We became so accustomed to Obama's earlier habit of making preemptive concessions that the very idea he'd negotiate in a perfectly normal way amazed much of Washington," says E.J. Dionne in The Washington Post. As they have for the past four years, Republicans "seem to hope a deal will be born by way of immaculate conception, with Obama taking ownership of all the hard stuff while they innocently look on." But after the election, it's a different card game now, and Obama is holding a much better hand. In other words, says Paul Krugman at The New York Times, "Obama has demanded that the GOP put up or shut up — and the response is an aggrieved mumble."
To obama, there is no such thing as negotiation. There is accepting whatever he says, like any dictator. Republicans would do well to walk away and let him do whatever he wants. Prepare for the coming collapse.
Obama asked for $800 B in taxes and willing to discuss spending cuts, shows up at the "negotiating" table now asking for $1.6T in taxes and Increases spending

Is he back on crack?
The fiscal cliff: Have Republican forgotten how to negotiate? - The Week

We became so accustomed to Obama's earlier habit of making preemptive concessions that the very idea he'd negotiate in a perfectly normal way amazed much of Washington," says E.J. Dionne in The Washington Post. As they have for the past four years, Republicans "seem to hope a deal will be born by way of immaculate conception, with Obama taking ownership of all the hard stuff while they innocently look on." But after the election, it's a different card game now, and Obama is holding a much better hand. In other words, says Paul Krugman at The New York Times, "Obama has demanded that the GOP put up or shut up — and the response is an aggrieved mumble."

If the push is already this hard for the MSM to label the Republicans as "not negoitating" then Obama's plan must be weaker then we thought.
The fiscal cliff: Have Republican forgotten how to negotiate? - The Week

We became so accustomed to Obama's earlier habit of making preemptive concessions that the very idea he'd negotiate in a perfectly normal way amazed much of Washington," says E.J. Dionne in The Washington Post. As they have for the past four years, Republicans "seem to hope a deal will be born by way of immaculate conception, with Obama taking ownership of all the hard stuff while they innocently look on." But after the election, it's a different card game now, and Obama is holding a much better hand. In other words, says Paul Krugman at The New York Times, "Obama has demanded that the GOP put up or shut up — and the response is an aggrieved mumble."

We should take Krugman's advice and prepare for a fake alien invasion. Does anyone actually, with a straight face, listen to what that turd has to say?
To obama, there is no such thing as negotiation. There is accepting whatever he says, like any dictator. Republicans would do well to walk away and let him do whatever he wants. Prepare for the coming collapse.

If that is the case....where is the Republicans opening position?

Have they ever heard of a counter offer?

You know what they are afraid of?
If they counter offer the Rush Limbaughs and Fox News talking heads will be all over them in an instant. Republicans have gotten into a position where they can no longer show any sign of weakness or the dittoheads are all over them

Republicans have turned into a party of pussies
Still waiting for the big spending cuts, which would be the other side of the negotiation...

If it is just the REPs agreeing to increase taxes by X amount on Y group... it is just caving in, not negotiation
The fiscal cliff: Have Republican forgotten how to negotiate? - The Week

We became so accustomed to Obama's earlier habit of making preemptive concessions that the very idea he'd negotiate in a perfectly normal way amazed much of Washington," says E.J. Dionne in The Washington Post. As they have for the past four years, Republicans "seem to hope a deal will be born by way of immaculate conception, with Obama taking ownership of all the hard stuff while they innocently look on." But after the election, it's a different card game now, and Obama is holding a much better hand. In other words, says Paul Krugman at The New York Times, "Obama has demanded that the GOP put up or shut up — and the response is an aggrieved mumble."

“But if we’re all striving for a solution, I’m confident we can get there. Mr. President, this is your moment. We’re ready to be led, not as Democrats or Republicans, but as Americans. We want you to lead — not as a liberal or a conservative, but as the president of the United States of America. We want you to succeed. Let’s challenge ourselves to find the common ground that has eluded us.”

Read more: John Boehner:


We're still waiting for Obama to lead. What is his "balanced" plan he keeps campaigning on and on about? What deep and serious cuts has he proposed. To date, all he has offered is to tax wealthy people more.
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The fiscal cliff: Have Republican forgotten how to negotiate? - The Week

We became so accustomed to Obama's earlier habit of making preemptive concessions that the very idea he'd negotiate in a perfectly normal way amazed much of Washington," says E.J. Dionne in The Washington Post. As they have for the past four years, Republicans "seem to hope a deal will be born by way of immaculate conception, with Obama taking ownership of all the hard stuff while they innocently look on." But after the election, it's a different card game now, and Obama is holding a much better hand. In other words, says Paul Krugman at The New York Times, "Obama has demanded that the GOP put up or shut up — and the response is an aggrieved mumble."

GOP "We will increase revenue if you cut spending"
Dems"We will increase revenue and promise but not guarantee to cut spending"
GOP "We wont raise revenue without spending cuts"
Dems "The GOP won't negotiate"

^ that is how I've seen it go so far. The republicans are willing to put revenue increases out there but they want a guarantee of spending cuts. The dems won't give them guaranteed cuts.

Who isn't negotiating here? Forget the media spin as we all know fox will tell us its the dems fault and NBC, ABC, and NYTimes will all blame the reps...but in reality when it goes as I described above who is and who isn't willing to give up their principles to the other?
The fiscal cliff: Have Republican forgotten how to negotiate? - The Week

We became so accustomed to Obama's earlier habit of making preemptive concessions that the very idea he'd negotiate in a perfectly normal way amazed much of Washington," says E.J. Dionne in The Washington Post. As they have for the past four years, Republicans "seem to hope a deal will be born by way of immaculate conception, with Obama taking ownership of all the hard stuff while they innocently look on." But after the election, it's a different card game now, and Obama is holding a much better hand. In other words, says Paul Krugman at The New York Times, "Obama has demanded that the GOP put up or shut up — and the response is an aggrieved mumble."

“But if we’re all striving for a solution, I’m confident we can get there. Mr. President, this is your moment. We’re ready to be led, not as Democrats or Republicans, but as Americans. We want you to lead — not as a liberal or a conservative, but as the president of the United States of America. We want you to succeed. Let’s challenge ourselves to find the common ground that has eluded us.”

Read more: John Boehner:

The Spending Reduction Act | Republican Study Committee (RSC)

We're still waiting for Obama to lead. What is his "balanced" plan he keeps campaigning on and on about? What deep and serious cuts has he proposed. To date, all he has offered is to tax wealthy people more.

Damn...Boehner is a bigger pussy than I realize

HE is the leader of the House, HE is the minority party

Let him come up with some solid offers and start negotiating. I thought he had dumped the TeaTards?
To obama, there is no such thing as negotiation. There is accepting whatever he says, like any dictator. Republicans would do well to walk away and let him do whatever he wants. Prepare for the coming collapse.

If that is the case....where is the Republicans opening position?

Have they ever heard of a counter offer?

You know what they are afraid of?
If they counter offer the Rush Limbaughs and Fox News talking heads will be all over them in an instant. Republicans have gotten into a position where they can no longer show any sign of weakness or the dittoheads are all over them

Republicans have turned into a party of pussies

Obama is the leader, he needs to lead. We've seen his ace, he needs to show the rest of his hand. He wants to increase taxes. He wants a "balanced approach". What is it? What is he willing to cut. He needs to show us his before we show him ours.
The fiscal cliff: Have Republican forgotten how to negotiate? - The Week

We became so accustomed to Obama's earlier habit of making preemptive concessions that the very idea he'd negotiate in a perfectly normal way amazed much of Washington," says E.J. Dionne in The Washington Post. As they have for the past four years, Republicans "seem to hope a deal will be born by way of immaculate conception, with Obama taking ownership of all the hard stuff while they innocently look on." But after the election, it's a different card game now, and Obama is holding a much better hand. In other words, says Paul Krugman at The New York Times, "Obama has demanded that the GOP put up or shut up — and the response is an aggrieved mumble."

“But if we’re all striving for a solution, I’m confident we can get there. Mr. President, this is your moment. We’re ready to be led, not as Democrats or Republicans, but as Americans. We want you to lead — not as a liberal or a conservative, but as the president of the United States of America. We want you to succeed. Let’s challenge ourselves to find the common ground that has eluded us.”

Read more: John Boehner:

The Spending Reduction Act | Republican Study Committee (RSC)

We're still waiting for Obama to lead. What is his "balanced" plan he keeps campaigning on and on about? What deep and serious cuts has he proposed. To date, all he has offered is to tax wealthy people more.

Damn...Boehner is a bigger pussy than I realize

HE is the leader of the House, HE is the minority party

Let him come up with some solid offers and start negotiating. I thought he had dumped the TeaTards?

The Spending Reduction Act | Republican Study Committee (RSC)
“But if we’re all striving for a solution, I’m confident we can get there. Mr. President, this is your moment. We’re ready to be led, not as Democrats or Republicans, but as Americans. We want you to lead — not as a liberal or a conservative, but as the president of the United States of America. We want you to succeed. Let’s challenge ourselves to find the common ground that has eluded us.”

Read more: John Boehner:

The Spending Reduction Act | Republican Study Committee (RSC)

We're still waiting for Obama to lead. What is his "balanced" plan he keeps campaigning on and on about? What deep and serious cuts has he proposed. To date, all he has offered is to tax wealthy people more.

Damn...Boehner is a bigger pussy than I realize

HE is the leader of the House, HE is the minority party

Let him come up with some solid offers and start negotiating. I thought he had dumped the TeaTards?

The Spending Reduction Act | Republican Study Committee (RSC)

A 2 year old bill that fell flat on its face?

Now I am the one laughing
Damn...Boehner is a bigger pussy than I realize

HE is the leader of the House, HE is the minority party

Let him come up with some solid offers and start negotiating. I thought he had dumped the TeaTards?

The Spending Reduction Act | Republican Study Committee (RSC)

A 2 year old bill that fell flat on its face?

Now I am the one laughing

Until you realize Obama nor the dem senate has passed a budget and his last one was shot down 99 to zero in the senate................
It is starting to seem like complete BS! Neither are doing compromising. The pubs seem to wanna deal but with spending cuts. Hell no! Well maybe military. Seems liek the dems are setting themselves up for 2014 for complete control. And the dumbass sheeple will follow because they are too dependent to figure shit out on their own. Its just easier to listen to the Prez! HAHA hows that unemployment rate sheep? How is that deficit sheep? How is that job out of college sheep?
The fiscal cliff: Have Republican forgotten how to negotiate? - The Week

We became so accustomed to Obama's earlier habit of making preemptive concessions that the very idea he'd negotiate in a perfectly normal way amazed much of Washington," says E.J. Dionne in The Washington Post. As they have for the past four years, Republicans "seem to hope a deal will be born by way of immaculate conception, with Obama taking ownership of all the hard stuff while they innocently look on." But after the election, it's a different card game now, and Obama is holding a much better hand. In other words, says Paul Krugman at The New York Times, "Obama has demanded that the GOP put up or shut up — and the response is an aggrieved mumble."


Isn't it you pukes that believe since you have a "landslide victory" and a "mandate" that you should not need to negotiate?

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