Has Rush killed Right Wing Radio?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009

. Late last week, the liberal website Media Matters posted a list of 51 sponsors who have purportedly withdrawn their advertising from Rush Limbaugh's nationally syndicated radio show because of his remarks about Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke. But a new memo from Clear Channel's Premier Networks, which distributes Limbaugh's show, suggests that those numbers are just the tip of the iceberg. Premier is reportedly informing its stations that 98 major advertisers — including carmakers, insurance companies, and fast-food chains — want off not just Limbaugh's show but also those of other "offensive or controversial" talkers like Mark Levin, Michael Savage, Glenn Beck, and Sean Hannity. Is it possible that Limbaugh's latest intemperate rant will "kill" the right-wing talk radio genre he helped pioneer?
Rush contagion could prove lethal: Premier's "bombshell announcement" signals a real threat to "the entire political shock-jock genre," says John Avlon in The Daily Beast. Right-wing talk radio has been losing young listeners and women for years, already troubling sponsors; now that Limbaugh's alienated the coveted demographic of women age 24-55, you've got the "perfect storm." As Rush knows, radio is a business, and "when big money starts shifting, it is a sign of a deeper tide" turning.
The question is.........do advertisers want to get out of hate radio?
We hear this same hoopla over Rush every couple of years after he manages to say something which pisses people off.

When you talk for what, three hours a day, for years on end, you are going to say things which piss off the whimpering thin-skinned every once in a while.

Is Rush killing right wing radio? Shiiiiiiit...

There wouldn't even be right wing radio if it wasn't for Rush Limbaugh. Hell, there might not even be AM radio at all were it not for him.

Now get your fat ass out there and buy some gold coins and HGH!
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Even Fox News has shifted to the middle as they dump Glenn Beck and shy away from right wing candidates like Santorum and Paul
Even Fox News has shifted to the middle as they dump Glenn Beck and shy away from right wing candidates like Santorum and Paul

Fox News has about as much news as Music Television (MTV) has music. Which is to say almost none at all.

And like MTV and music, Fox News did launch with a lot of news coverage, but quickly chased after the demographics that bring in the advertising bucks.

And so now it is a lot of empty cranial air space filled with doom music and YouTube crotch shot fodder.
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