Happy Shoot the Redcoats Day!!!!


Crotchety Olde Man
Apr 30, 2014
The Olden Days
Good morning folks. While you all work yourself to death today those of us in Massachusetts and Maine are hanging around celebrating Patriots Day.. aka Shoot the Redcoats Day.

Yep. Every April, in the Monday closest to the actual anniversary of the Battles of Lexington and Concord, which kicked off the shooting portion of the American Revolution the citizens of Massachusetts take the day off and celebrate by…

Reenacting the Battles in the real battlefields.

Watching the Red Sox get beat in a game that starts at 11:00am

Watching thousands of idiots run 26.2 miles to get somewhere nobody really wants to be anyway… downtown Boston

So, Happy Shoot the Redcoats Day to everyone.
Let’s stay on topic, folks.

We’re here to celebrate roughly 250-300 British casualties out of a total of 1500 troops involved during the day compared to 90-100 casualties out of a force of roughly 3500 involved during the day.
On the same day that millions dutifully allow themselves to be robbed, for massively more than what the patriots then were fighting over....And doing so under the gleeful pretext that it's some sort of patriotic privilege.

"Irony" is an understatement of titanic proportions.
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On the same day that millions dutifully allow themselves to be robbed for massively more than what the patriots then were fighting over....And doing so under the gleeful pretext that it's some sort of patriotic privilege
As an official state holiday today, Massachusetts residents get a one day extension on their tax filing.

It doesn’t always fall on the 15th.
The most important event in the 1700's that led to American independence is only celebrated in Mass. and Maine. Why isn't it a national holiday? What happened to the rest of the colonies?
The most important event in the 1700's that led to American independence is only celebrated in Mass. and Maine. Why isn't it a national holiday? What happened to the rest of the colonies?
At that point the Revolution was really a New England idea more than a full colonial one. Maine was part of Massachusetts at that time.

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