Happy Columbus Day!!!!

What do you think about the Israel Palestine situation. All your politician support Israel.
I think as long as Israel exists as an apartheid State I don't really give a shit what happens to it or its people and no, all my politicians don't support Israel's oppression of Palestinians.
Curried Goats


I respect Toussaint Louverture

Show some respect for Christopher Columbus. You wanna live in a country together we have to respect each other and our history.
I don't give a shit where you live and I don't have to respect your stupid opinions. I'm only required to respect the law. I can shit all over your beliefs as I please.
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Happy "Kick the Ass of the Injins Day".

The Injins should have had a more stringent immigration policy. See what happens with an open border policy?
We didn't really kick their asses. Mother nature decimated them with biology.
Muslims worship the same God Christians and Jews do. The three of them are known collectively as the Abrahamic religions. I myself am an agnostic.
Islams God is Satan, they named him Allah after their old moon God. It is a lie to say he is the same.

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