Happy Fake Holiday!!

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Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Today First Day of Kwanzaa…


Today marks the beginning of the left’s favorite fake holiday created by a black supremacist and violent felon.

Via Star Ledger:

It’s that time of year again – the time when lazy journalists go out and write puff pieces about a fake African holiday created by a psychopath who tortured black women.

If these characters would just do a Google search on Kwanzaa, they could find the truth about it in this link to a column I did debunking it.

My in-depth article on this originally ran in FrontPage Magazine back in 2002. It’s easily found on the Internet by any journalist willing to do the tiniest bit of research into Kwanzaa. At the time I had to pore through a year’s worth of microfilm to find the original Los Angeles Times articles on the case. That took hours. These days It’s available online.

I also dug up the legal record of the case that included a mental examination that showed Karenga was delusional at the time of his imprisonment. It’s all in that article. I like to link to it this time every year as a corrective to all of the dreadful journalism that occurs in every report of Kwanzaa.


While I'm at it, here's a piece that I'm sure you'll enjoy

Lib Church Displays Bleeding Trayvon Martin in Christmas Nativity Scene…


Apparently St. Skittles is the Son of God.

Via Elizabeth Sheld:

Outside the Claremont United Methodist Church is a nativity scene with a bleeding Trayvon Martin. The California Church has turned their nativity scene “into a piece of art that comments on our times” for the last seven years.

John Zachary, the artist, told me the acquittal in July of George Zimmerman, who fatally shot the 17-year-old African-American in 2012, struck him as a worthy subject for Christmas comment.

For one thing, the backdrop to the Christmas story is the slaughter by King Herod of all infants in Bethlehem, a barbarous attempt to kill the Messiah.

Zachary described that when looking for pictures of Trayvon “one of the teenager lying dead on the pavement particularly tore at him. ‘What if Jesus was lying there bleeding to death? I was kind of thinking of that,’ Zachary said.”

The title of the nativity “art” is called ” ‘A Child is Born, a Son is Given,’ the wording outlined in red formed from a pool of blood at Trayvon’s feet.”
As opposed to the "real" holiday of Christmas where we mainly go into debt buying billions of pounds of plastic waste? If black people do not want to celebrate our overly commercialized northern European Christmas what's it to you?
Today First Day of Kwanzaa…


Today marks the beginning of the left’s favorite fake holiday created by a black supremacist and violent felon.

Via Star Ledger:

It’s that time of year again – the time when lazy journalists go out and write puff pieces about a fake African holiday created by a psychopath who tortured black women.

If these characters would just do a Google search on Kwanzaa, they could find the truth about it in this link to a column I did debunking it.

My in-depth article on this originally ran in FrontPage Magazine back in 2002. It’s easily found on the Internet by any journalist willing to do the tiniest bit of research into Kwanzaa. At the time I had to pore through a year’s worth of microfilm to find the original Los Angeles Times articles on the case. That took hours. These days It’s available online.

I also dug up the legal record of the case that included a mental examination that showed Karenga was delusional at the time of his imprisonment. It’s all in that article. I like to link to it this time every year as a corrective to all of the dreadful journalism that occurs in every report of Kwanzaa.


While I'm at it, here's a piece that I'm sure you'll enjoy

Lib Church Displays Bleeding Trayvon Martin in Christmas Nativity Scene…


Apparently St. Skittles is the Son of God.

Via Elizabeth Sheld:

Outside the Claremont United Methodist Church is a nativity scene with a bleeding Trayvon Martin. The California Church has turned their nativity scene “into a piece of art that comments on our times” for the last seven years.

John Zachary, the artist, told me the acquittal in July of George Zimmerman, who fatally shot the 17-year-old African-American in 2012, struck him as a worthy subject for Christmas comment.

For one thing, the backdrop to the Christmas story is the slaughter by King Herod of all infants in Bethlehem, a barbarous attempt to kill the Messiah.

Zachary described that when looking for pictures of Trayvon “one of the teenager lying dead on the pavement particularly tore at him. ‘What if Jesus was lying there bleeding to death? I was kind of thinking of that,’ Zachary said.”

The title of the nativity “art” is called ” ‘A Child is Born, a Son is Given,’ the wording outlined in red formed from a pool of blood at Trayvon’s feet.”

Feel better now? You know, there's an Rx for excess bile:

As opposed to the "real" holiday of Christmas where we mainly go into debt buying billions of pounds of plastic waste? If black people do not want to celebrate our overly commercialized northern European Christmas what's it to you?

One was on a cross.

This dude killed off the Black Panther movement.

Want to start to go from there?
OK lets talk kwanza and educate young blacks.

Oh and yes I a lily colored white. But obviously you need a smack upside your head.
Today First Day of Kwanzaa…


Today marks the beginning of the left’s favorite fake holiday created by a black supremacist and violent felon.

Via Star Ledger:

It’s that time of year again – the time when lazy journalists go out and write puff pieces about a fake African holiday created by a psychopath who tortured black women.

If these characters would just do a Google search on Kwanzaa, they could find the truth about it in this link to a column I did debunking it.

My in-depth article on this originally ran in FrontPage Magazine back in 2002. It’s easily found on the Internet by any journalist willing to do the tiniest bit of research into Kwanzaa. At the time I had to pore through a year’s worth of microfilm to find the original Los Angeles Times articles on the case. That took hours. These days It’s available online.

I also dug up the legal record of the case that included a mental examination that showed Karenga was delusional at the time of his imprisonment. It’s all in that article. I like to link to it this time every year as a corrective to all of the dreadful journalism that occurs in every report of Kwanzaa.


While I'm at it, here's a piece that I'm sure you'll enjoy

Lib Church Displays Bleeding Trayvon Martin in Christmas Nativity Scene…


Apparently St. Skittles is the Son of God.

Via Elizabeth Sheld:

Outside the Claremont United Methodist Church is a nativity scene with a bleeding Trayvon Martin. The California Church has turned their nativity scene “into a piece of art that comments on our times” for the last seven years.

John Zachary, the artist, told me the acquittal in July of George Zimmerman, who fatally shot the 17-year-old African-American in 2012, struck him as a worthy subject for Christmas comment.

For one thing, the backdrop to the Christmas story is the slaughter by King Herod of all infants in Bethlehem, a barbarous attempt to kill the Messiah.

Zachary described that when looking for pictures of Trayvon “one of the teenager lying dead on the pavement particularly tore at him. ‘What if Jesus was lying there bleeding to death? I was kind of thinking of that,’ Zachary said.”

The title of the nativity “art” is called ” ‘A Child is Born, a Son is Given,’ the wording outlined in red formed from a pool of blood at Trayvon’s feet.”

One was on a cross.

According to you. Some would disagree. Aside from that, there's also the question of why he was on the cross, what happened afterward, not to mention when his actual birthday really was, and the nature of his conception. After all of that we could question the origins of almost all traditions currently observed as part of modern Christmas.

Though me, I tend to find it acceptable to allow people to celebrate their holidays as they see fit, and recognize them as valid inasmuch as those celebrating them find them to be significant to their own lives.
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