Hamas in Gaza not Seeing Eye to Eye with Hamas in Syria


Apr 22, 2007
It is always easy for a person in the safety of a far away place to call on others to keep up the fight! That is exactly how Hamas in Gaza is seeing the coward Maashal in Syria! Maashal is a coward. He has the power to stop the Israeli JUSTIFIABLE offensive, but he chooses not too from his ivory town in Syria. Hopefully the Hamas members on the front-lines in Hamas will wise up and tell Maashal that you are in command of nothing and break from him!

ANALYSIS / Would a weak Hamas or no Hamas be better in Gaza? - Haaretz - Israel News
Meanwhile it seems that at least the Hamas leadership in Gaza has began to fathom the seriousness of its position. Two Hamas leaders in the Strip, Razi Hamad and Ahmed Yusuf, accused the group's leadership in Damascus of "bringing a terrible disaster on Gaza."

The two are considered members of the pragmatic wing of the party, and charged the Damascus-based leadership with making a terrible mistake in ordering Hamas to foil the extension of the cease-fire agreement with Israel in December.

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