Hamas condemns Israeli Jewish attack on Latrun Monastery

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Nov 22, 2010
Hamas Movement considered that the Israeli attack on Latrun Monastery and religious sites in Palestine an offense and a racist policy, and called for facing it both domestically and internationally.


Hamas' remark came following an attack on Latrun Monastery church in occupied Jerusalem by Jewish extremists who set fire to the entrance door of the church and spray-painted slogans against the Christian religion on its walls.
It said in a statement on Tuesday: "We in Hamas strongly condemn the crime of aggression on the Latrun monastery in occupied Jerusalem. We consider it a racist heinous crime and a flagrant assault on the sanctity of mosques and churches."
The Islamic resistance movement also pointed out that such attack exposes the true face of the racist Israeli occupation.
It called on the Palestinian people to join forces in confronting the occupation and settlers' arrogance, as it called the international organizations and the Arab League to protect the Islamic and Christian holy sites and support the steadfastness of the Palestinian people in Jerusalem and all Palestinian territories.
PA urges Israel to act after monastery arson | Occupied Palestine |
BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — The Palestinian Authority on Tuesday called on Israel to act against an arson attack on a Jerusalem-area monastery and to bring those responsible to justice.
Vandals torched the wooden door of the Latrun Monastery and pro-settler graffiti daubed in Hebrew was discovered on the building’s stone walls, Israeli police say.
“The Israeli government must take responsibility for the continuous settler violence towards religious sites. Several mosques have been attacked in recent months, but little or no action taken,” a statement from the Palestinian Government Media Center said.
“Extremist Israeli government policies — marred with bigotry — encourage settler hate crimes against Palestinians and their places of worship,” the statement said.
Hamas condemns Israeli attack on Latrun Monastery

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