Hamas a Terrorist Organization?

Is Hamas a Terrorist Organization?

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Platinum Member
Jun 16, 2021
With the latest events in Israel...
Then the events in every large city in Europe and America....

What remains to declare them as terrorists?
Yasser Arafat and the PLO was certainly considered one most of his life.
I'll say this one more time. HAMAS is a terrorist Organization hiding behind a Government. At this point, until that is settled, Israel will NEVER know peace or stability.

Now let's look at something that is actually 60 years old. In 1967 the UN helped to draw out the West Bank and was willing to work with both Israel and the PLO in establishing a 2 country system for Israel and the PLO. The problem was, both sides wanted it all and had zero give. Due to an election and very close to an all out war between two Pali....whatever.... factions the Gaza strip was seized by the HAMAS while the much more moderate PLO took over the West Bank. I don't know whom came up with this split idea but it is just plain nutz.

Let's take a fresh look. HAMAS needs to be wiped out. Israel needs to take back that stretch of land and just call it Israel. Select Pali,.....whatever.... needs to be relocated to the West Bank. At the same time, so called Israeli "Settlers" need to be kicked out of the West Bank. This could have been done almost 60 years ago but both sides were way too militant to get the job done.

Doing the resettlement and the creation of a PLO Country in the West Bank along with the dissolution of the Gaza Strip, could be overseen by the EU. I don't trust the US nor the UN on this one and I damned sure don't trust China or Russia either. But first the war has to be done removing the bad actors. But in order to keep the bad actors from taking over the West Bank, Israel needs to do what was suggested in 1967 by the UN.

I see this as a problem for the entire planet with the leading bad actors as the fringes for Israel and the PLO.
There's no difference between Hamas and ISIS. They both follow Islam and its bloodthirsty false Prophet. He was a true slayer of infidels in his time.

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