Guys, we all know that Cain is the best candidate and he will win.Period.


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
I got bored hearing political correct babble of meaningful RINOs and wannabe conservatives.IMO only Cain is worthy to run for potus, only he has new ideas and enough experience to save this country from degradation and economical collapse.
I sure he will win, kudos to Cain!

Libs and RINOs must stop the dirty company against him.

Home | Herman Cain for President

Inside the Beltway media attacks Cain

Fearing the message of Herman Cain who is shaking up the political landscape in Washington, Inside the Beltway media have begun to launch unsubstantiated personal attacks on Cain.

Dredging up thinly sourced allegations stemming from Mr. Cain's tenure as the Chief Executive Officer at the National Restaurant Association in the 1990s, political trade press are now casting aspersions on his character and spreading rumors that never stood up to the facts.

Since Washington establishment critics haven't had much luck in attacking Mr. Cain's ideas to fix a bad economy and create jobs, they are trying to attack him in any way they can.

Sadly, we've seen this movie played out before - a prominent Conservative targeted by liberals simply because they disagree with his politics.

Mr. Cain -- and all Americans, deserve better.
Herman Cain-
he is not going to be the nominee.

The big money is not giving to him.
We still have to wait and see where the votes turn to when Bachmann,Santorum,Paul, and Dan Quayle drop out of the race.
Guys, we all know that Cain is the best candidate and he will win.Period.
He may be the best the GOP can produce, and he might win the GOP nomination; but he’ll be soundly defeated in the General.

Republicans would be insane to run Cain, and they know it.

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