Gov't Forces Christians To Violate Faith

So, why is it okay to discriminate against somebody because of their religion?

Oh the irony...

Read Title II of the Civil Rights Act.

Gays cannot, by FEDERAL law, discriminate against Christians in all 50 states. Christians cannot discriminate against gays in about half because of STATE and LOCAL laws.

Not a "states rights" person?
The more you see something shocking, the less shocking it appears, and the more something outrageous happens, the less outrageous it seems to be. That is how a culture becomes desensitized, and that is how the abnormal becomes normalized. But when it comes to the government’s attack on our religious freedoms, it is our sacred duty to remain shocked and outraged. Such things cannot continue to happen in America if we are to be the land of the free and the home of the brave.

According to the Washington Supreme Court, when Christian florist Barronelle Stutzman declined to do the floral arrangements for a same-sex wedding, she violated the state's anti-discrimination laws, since she allegedly discriminated based on her customer’s sexual orientation by refusing to participate in his wedding ceremony.

Attorney David French is correct in emphasizing how this ruling should affect us (he penned these words shortly after the verdict was announced): “If you care about the Bill of Rights, the rights of conscience, or even the English language, there’s a chance that this morning you felt a disturbance in the Force — as if the Founders cried out in rage and were suddenly silenced.”

As French clearly explains, “she was not discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation. She was making a decision not to help celebrate an action, a form of expression. She would no more celebrate a gay wedding than she would any form of immorality, gay or straight. To dispense with her argument, the court did what numerous progressive courts have done: It rewrote the law. It rejected what it called the ‘status/conduct’ distinction, and essentially interpreted the word ‘orientation’ to also mean ‘action.’”
It Is Absolutely Outrageous for the Government to Force Christians to Violate Their Faith
It has nothing to do with religion. It's about. baking a cake because it's your fucking job.
Courts just recently ruled against a bigot baker as well they should.
The more you see something shocking, the less shocking it appears, and the more something outrageous happens, the less outrageous it seems to be. That is how a culture becomes desensitized, and that is how the abnormal becomes normalized. But when it comes to the government’s attack on our religious freedoms, it is our sacred duty to remain shocked and outraged. Such things cannot continue to happen in America if we are to be the land of the free and the home of the brave.

According to the Washington Supreme Court, when Christian florist Barronelle Stutzman declined to do the floral arrangements for a same-sex wedding, she violated the state's anti-discrimination laws, since she allegedly discriminated based on her customer’s sexual orientation by refusing to participate in his wedding ceremony.

Attorney David French is correct in emphasizing how this ruling should affect us (he penned these words shortly after the verdict was announced): “If you care about the Bill of Rights, the rights of conscience, or even the English language, there’s a chance that this morning you felt a disturbance in the Force — as if the Founders cried out in rage and were suddenly silenced.”

As French clearly explains, “she was not discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation. She was making a decision not to help celebrate an action, a form of expression. She would no more celebrate a gay wedding than she would any form of immorality, gay or straight. To dispense with her argument, the court did what numerous progressive courts have done: It rewrote the law. It rejected what it called the ‘status/conduct’ distinction, and essentially interpreted the word ‘orientation’ to also mean ‘action.’”
It Is Absolutely Outrageous for the Government to Force Christians to Violate Their Faith
It has nothing to do with religion. It's about. baking a cake because it's your fucking job.
Courts just recently ruled against a bigot baker as well they should.

Nope ---- it's about you insisting that i violate my religious beliefs so you won't be inconvenienced to walk to the baker across the street.
The more you see something shocking, the less shocking it appears, and the more something outrageous happens, the less outrageous it seems to be. That is how a culture becomes desensitized, and that is how the abnormal becomes normalized. But when it comes to the government’s attack on our religious freedoms, it is our sacred duty to remain shocked and outraged. Such things cannot continue to happen in America if we are to be the land of the free and the home of the brave.

According to the Washington Supreme Court, when Christian florist Barronelle Stutzman declined to do the floral arrangements for a same-sex wedding, she violated the state's anti-discrimination laws, since she allegedly discriminated based on her customer’s sexual orientation by refusing to participate in his wedding ceremony.

Attorney David French is correct in emphasizing how this ruling should affect us (he penned these words shortly after the verdict was announced): “If you care about the Bill of Rights, the rights of conscience, or even the English language, there’s a chance that this morning you felt a disturbance in the Force — as if the Founders cried out in rage and were suddenly silenced.”

As French clearly explains, “she was not discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation. She was making a decision not to help celebrate an action, a form of expression. She would no more celebrate a gay wedding than she would any form of immorality, gay or straight. To dispense with her argument, the court did what numerous progressive courts have done: It rewrote the law. It rejected what it called the ‘status/conduct’ distinction, and essentially interpreted the word ‘orientation’ to also mean ‘action.’”
It Is Absolutely Outrageous for the Government to Force Christians to Violate Their Faith
It has nothing to do with religion. It's about. baking a cake because it's your fucking job.
Courts just recently ruled against a bigot baker as well they should.

Nope ---- it's about you insisting that i violate my religious beliefs so you won't be inconvenienced to walk to the baker across the street.

If blacks weren't allowed at the Woolworths counter, did they have other dining options?
The more you see something shocking, the less shocking it appears, and the more something outrageous happens, the less outrageous it seems to be. That is how a culture becomes desensitized, and that is how the abnormal becomes normalized. But when it comes to the government’s attack on our religious freedoms, it is our sacred duty to remain shocked and outraged. Such things cannot continue to happen in America if we are to be the land of the free and the home of the brave.

According to the Washington Supreme Court, when Christian florist Barronelle Stutzman declined to do the floral arrangements for a same-sex wedding, she violated the state's anti-discrimination laws, since she allegedly discriminated based on her customer’s sexual orientation by refusing to participate in his wedding ceremony.

Attorney David French is correct in emphasizing how this ruling should affect us (he penned these words shortly after the verdict was announced): “If you care about the Bill of Rights, the rights of conscience, or even the English language, there’s a chance that this morning you felt a disturbance in the Force — as if the Founders cried out in rage and were suddenly silenced.”

As French clearly explains, “she was not discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation. She was making a decision not to help celebrate an action, a form of expression. She would no more celebrate a gay wedding than she would any form of immorality, gay or straight. To dispense with her argument, the court did what numerous progressive courts have done: It rewrote the law. It rejected what it called the ‘status/conduct’ distinction, and essentially interpreted the word ‘orientation’ to also mean ‘action.’”
It Is Absolutely Outrageous for the Government to Force Christians to Violate Their Faith

Discrimination is not in any way part of Christianity.

"Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers, that you do unto me."

It's interesting how quickly people will jump on the Discrimination Bandwagon in an attempt to shut down serious discussion.

"Hate the sin, but love the sinner" is also a Christian tenet. The Bible is VERY clear about what it considers to be deviant sexual behavior. To deny a person the right to believe in the tenets of the Bible is just as discriminatory as what you so blithely try to assign to Christians.

How about ... "You can believe as you wish to believe, and I will believe as I wish to believe"? Christians should be just as free to practice their religion as non-believers are free to practice their beliefs.
dear, you need actual morals to have moral standing. simply needing more than Ten simple Commandments from a God, means that lack of morals.
The more you see something shocking, the less shocking it appears, and the more something outrageous happens, the less outrageous it seems to be. That is how a culture becomes desensitized, and that is how the abnormal becomes normalized. But when it comes to the government’s attack on our religious freedoms, it is our sacred duty to remain shocked and outraged. Such things cannot continue to happen in America if we are to be the land of the free and the home of the brave.

According to the Washington Supreme Court, when Christian florist Barronelle Stutzman declined to do the floral arrangements for a same-sex wedding, she violated the state's anti-discrimination laws, since she allegedly discriminated based on her customer’s sexual orientation by refusing to participate in his wedding ceremony.

Attorney David French is correct in emphasizing how this ruling should affect us (he penned these words shortly after the verdict was announced): “If you care about the Bill of Rights, the rights of conscience, or even the English language, there’s a chance that this morning you felt a disturbance in the Force — as if the Founders cried out in rage and were suddenly silenced.”

As French clearly explains, “she was not discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation. She was making a decision not to help celebrate an action, a form of expression. She would no more celebrate a gay wedding than she would any form of immorality, gay or straight. To dispense with her argument, the court did what numerous progressive courts have done: It rewrote the law. It rejected what it called the ‘status/conduct’ distinction, and essentially interpreted the word ‘orientation’ to also mean ‘action.’”
It Is Absolutely Outrageous for the Government to Force Christians to Violate Their Faith

Discrimination is not in any way part of Christianity.

"Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers, that you do unto me."

It's interesting how quickly people will jump on the Discrimination Bandwagon in an attempt to shut down serious discussion.

"Hate the sin, but love the sinner" is also a Christian tenet. The Bible is VERY clear about what it considers to be deviant sexual behavior. To deny a person the right to believe in the tenets of the Bible is just as discriminatory as what you so blithely try to assign to Christians.

How about ... "You can believe as you wish to believe, and I will believe as I wish to believe"? Christians should be just as free to practice their religion as non-believers are free to practice their beliefs.

Jesus was very clear on how to treat others.
Discrimination and rejection were not among them.
View attachment 113852

Christians don't hate gays --- they hate homosexuality. Your inability to understand the difference is not our concern.

Nice loophole.
So the gays are unaffected by your war on homosexuality?
So, why is it okay to discriminate against somebody because of their religion?

What is the religious significance of arranging flowers or baking cakes for profit?
for profit firms are required to make a profit in public accommodation; not-for-profit firms are not required to make a profit of lucre over social morals for free.
The more you see something shocking, the less shocking it appears, and the more something outrageous happens, the less outrageous it seems to be. That is how a culture becomes desensitized, and that is how the abnormal becomes normalized. But when it comes to the government’s attack on our religious freedoms, it is our sacred duty to remain shocked and outraged. Such things cannot continue to happen in America if we are to be the land of the free and the home of the brave.

According to the Washington Supreme Court, when Christian florist Barronelle Stutzman declined to do the floral arrangements for a same-sex wedding, she violated the state's anti-discrimination laws, since she allegedly discriminated based on her customer’s sexual orientation by refusing to participate in his wedding ceremony.

Attorney David French is correct in emphasizing how this ruling should affect us (he penned these words shortly after the verdict was announced): “If you care about the Bill of Rights, the rights of conscience, or even the English language, there’s a chance that this morning you felt a disturbance in the Force — as if the Founders cried out in rage and were suddenly silenced.”

As French clearly explains, “she was not discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation. She was making a decision not to help celebrate an action, a form of expression. She would no more celebrate a gay wedding than she would any form of immorality, gay or straight. To dispense with her argument, the court did what numerous progressive courts have done: It rewrote the law. It rejected what it called the ‘status/conduct’ distinction, and essentially interpreted the word ‘orientation’ to also mean ‘action.’”
It Is Absolutely Outrageous for the Government to Force Christians to Violate Their Faith

Discrimination is not in any way part of Christianity.

"Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers, that you do unto me."

It's interesting how quickly people will jump on the Discrimination Bandwagon in an attempt to shut down serious discussion.

"Hate the sin, but love the sinner" is also a Christian tenet. The Bible is VERY clear about what it considers to be deviant sexual behavior. To deny a person the right to believe in the tenets of the Bible is just as discriminatory as what you so blithely try to assign to Christians.

How about ... "You can believe as you wish to believe, and I will believe as I wish to believe"? Christians should be just as free to practice their religion as non-believers are free to practice their beliefs.
dear, you need actual morals to have moral standing. simply needing more than Ten simple Commandments from a God, means that lack of morals.
Wow! Do you ever make no sense at all ... i don't have a freakin' clue what you're trying to say.
The more you see something shocking, the less shocking it appears, and the more something outrageous happens, the less outrageous it seems to be. That is how a culture becomes desensitized, and that is how the abnormal becomes normalized. But when it comes to the government’s attack on our religious freedoms, it is our sacred duty to remain shocked and outraged. Such things cannot continue to happen in America if we are to be the land of the free and the home of the brave.

According to the Washington Supreme Court, when Christian florist Barronelle Stutzman declined to do the floral arrangements for a same-sex wedding, she violated the state's anti-discrimination laws, since she allegedly discriminated based on her customer’s sexual orientation by refusing to participate in his wedding ceremony.

Attorney David French is correct in emphasizing how this ruling should affect us (he penned these words shortly after the verdict was announced): “If you care about the Bill of Rights, the rights of conscience, or even the English language, there’s a chance that this morning you felt a disturbance in the Force — as if the Founders cried out in rage and were suddenly silenced.”

As French clearly explains, “she was not discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation. She was making a decision not to help celebrate an action, a form of expression. She would no more celebrate a gay wedding than she would any form of immorality, gay or straight. To dispense with her argument, the court did what numerous progressive courts have done: It rewrote the law. It rejected what it called the ‘status/conduct’ distinction, and essentially interpreted the word ‘orientation’ to also mean ‘action.’”
It Is Absolutely Outrageous for the Government to Force Christians to Violate Their Faith

Discrimination is not in any way part of Christianity.

"Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers, that you do unto me."

It's interesting how quickly people will jump on the Discrimination Bandwagon in an attempt to shut down serious discussion.

"Hate the sin, but love the sinner" is also a Christian tenet. The Bible is VERY clear about what it considers to be deviant sexual behavior. To deny a person the right to believe in the tenets of the Bible is just as discriminatory as what you so blithely try to assign to Christians.

How about ... "You can believe as you wish to believe, and I will believe as I wish to believe"? Christians should be just as free to practice their religion as non-believers are free to practice their beliefs.

Jesus was very clear on how to treat others.
Discrimination and rejection were not among them.
View attachment 113852

Christians don't hate gays --- they hate homosexuality. Your inability to understand the difference is not our concern.

Nice loophole.
So the gays are unaffected by your war on homosexuality?
Nice perversion of what I said ...

You wrongly assume that I participate in some "war on homosexuality". If you wish to be gay, then be gay. But, do not expect to reap the benefits of a Christian life when the time comes. I don't care what you do in YOUR bedroom --- and you shouldn't care what I do in MY business.
So, why is it okay to discriminate against somebody because of their religion?

What is the religious significance of arranging flowers or baking cakes for profit?
for profit firms are required to make a profit in public accommodation; not-for-profit firms are not required to make a profit of lucre over social morals for free.

So, your position is that I must abdicate my religious beliefs in order to live in your society???

How noble - how inclusive - how Christian of you.
So, why is it okay to discriminate against somebody because of their religion?

What is the religious significance of arranging flowers or baking cakes for profit?

If you have to ask, then you're not qualified to participate in the discussion.

EVERYTHING I do in life has religious significance ---- you mean yours don't?

Kind of like that line thing huh? Where do you draw the line? I know it's somewhere between killing them, and simply denying a business service that would be afforded any other customer were they not gay.

Religious? No I lost it when my Karma ran over my Dogma.
Discrimination is not in any way part of Christianity.

"Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers, that you do unto me."

It's interesting how quickly people will jump on the Discrimination Bandwagon in an attempt to shut down serious discussion.

"Hate the sin, but love the sinner" is also a Christian tenet. The Bible is VERY clear about what it considers to be deviant sexual behavior. To deny a person the right to believe in the tenets of the Bible is just as discriminatory as what you so blithely try to assign to Christians.

How about ... "You can believe as you wish to believe, and I will believe as I wish to believe"? Christians should be just as free to practice their religion as non-believers are free to practice their beliefs.

Jesus was very clear on how to treat others.
Discrimination and rejection were not among them.
View attachment 113852

Christians don't hate gays --- they hate homosexuality. Your inability to understand the difference is not our concern.

Nice loophole.
So the gays are unaffected by your war on homosexuality?
Nice perversion of what I said ...

You wrongly assume that I participate in some "war on homosexuality". If you wish to be gay, then be gay. But, do not expect to reap the benefits of a Christian life when the time comes. I don't care what you do in YOUR bedroom --- and you shouldn't care what I do in MY business.

Not a perversion at all.
It's a simple question that you obviously can't answer as it would compromise your position that the actions aren't against gays but rather homosexuality.
It's interesting how quickly people will jump on the Discrimination Bandwagon in an attempt to shut down serious discussion.

"Hate the sin, but love the sinner" is also a Christian tenet. The Bible is VERY clear about what it considers to be deviant sexual behavior. To deny a person the right to believe in the tenets of the Bible is just as discriminatory as what you so blithely try to assign to Christians.

How about ... "You can believe as you wish to believe, and I will believe as I wish to believe"? Christians should be just as free to practice their religion as non-believers are free to practice their beliefs.

Jesus was very clear on how to treat others.
Discrimination and rejection were not among them.
View attachment 113852

Christians don't hate gays --- they hate homosexuality. Your inability to understand the difference is not our concern.

Nice loophole.
So the gays are unaffected by your war on homosexuality?
Nice perversion of what I said ...

You wrongly assume that I participate in some "war on homosexuality". If you wish to be gay, then be gay. But, do not expect to reap the benefits of a Christian life when the time comes. I don't care what you do in YOUR bedroom --- and you shouldn't care what I do in MY business.

Not a perversion at all.
It's a simple question that you obviously can't answer as it would compromise your position that the actions aren't against gays but rather homosexuality.
The narrowness of your mind is exhausting.
So, why is it okay to discriminate against somebody because of their religion?

What is the religious significance of arranging flowers or baking cakes for profit?
for profit firms are required to make a profit in public accommodation; not-for-profit firms are not required to make a profit of lucre over social morals for free.

So, your position is that I must abdicate my religious beliefs in order to live in your society???

How noble - how inclusive - how Christian of you.

Now that I think about it a little, wouldn't the Jesus/God/HolyGhost entity forgive the person for selling arrangements or cakes for non-religious ceremonies because it's the law of Rome? If not, what kind of God is it that you worship?

I mean it's not like they're asking you to sacrifice your first born or anything!
So, why is it okay to discriminate against somebody because of their religion?

What is the religious significance of arranging flowers or baking cakes for profit?
for profit firms are required to make a profit in public accommodation; not-for-profit firms are not required to make a profit of lucre over social morals for free.

So, your position is that I must abdicate my religious beliefs in order to live in your society???

How noble - how inclusive - how Christian of you.
just lousy reading comprehension or are you just proving my point?

for profit firms are required to make a profit in public accommodation; not-for-profit firms are not required to make a profit of lucre over social morals for free.
So, why is it okay to discriminate against somebody because of their religion?

What is the religious significance of arranging flowers or baking cakes for profit?
for profit firms are required to make a profit in public accommodation; not-for-profit firms are not required to make a profit of lucre over social morals for free.

So, your position is that I must abdicate my religious beliefs in order to live in your society???

How noble - how inclusive - how Christian of you.

Now that I think about it a little, wouldn't the Jesus/God/HolyGhost entity forgive the person for selling arrangements or cakes for non-religious ceremonies because it's the law of Rome? If not, what kind of God is it that you worship?

I mean it's not like they're asking you to sacrifice your first born or anything!
"think a little" seems ever so appropriate for your post, don't you think?
So, why is it okay to discriminate against somebody because of their religion?

What is the religious significance of arranging flowers or baking cakes for profit?
for profit firms are required to make a profit in public accommodation; not-for-profit firms are not required to make a profit of lucre over social morals for free.

So, your position is that I must abdicate my religious beliefs in order to live in your society???

How noble - how inclusive - how Christian of you.

Now that I think about it a little, wouldn't the Jesus/God/HolyGhost entity forgive the person for selling arrangements or cakes for non-religious ceremonies because it's the law of Rome? If not, what kind of God is it that you worship?

I mean it's not like they're asking you to sacrifice your first born or anything!
"think a little" seems ever so appropriate for your post, don't you think?

So you actually believe your god would punish you for making a flower arrangement or baking a cake for a gay wedding?

Have you read ANYTHING about Jesus?
So, why is it okay to discriminate against somebody because of their religion?

What is the religious significance of arranging flowers or baking cakes for profit?
for profit firms are required to make a profit in public accommodation; not-for-profit firms are not required to make a profit of lucre over social morals for free.

So, your position is that I must abdicate my religious beliefs in order to live in your society???

How noble - how inclusive - how Christian of you.

Now that I think about it a little, wouldn't the Jesus/God/HolyGhost entity forgive the person for selling arrangements or cakes for non-religious ceremonies because it's the law of Rome? If not, what kind of God is it that you worship?

I mean it's not like they're asking you to sacrifice your first born or anything!
"think a little" seems ever so appropriate for your post, don't you think?

Nice sidestep.


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