Government School History


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. It is arguable that this note belongs in Politics, or in Race, but, it is an anniversary of sorts.
It certainly has proven useful for the Leftists, for those who hate this nation, and for those who need to continue to pull the scab off past injuries to stoke up division and hatred.

It is about slavery, about keeping the African-American vote in the Democrat column, and about the perversion of science for their own interests.

It's about smearing the Founders of America as slavers and rapists.

The meme is that Thomas Jefferson kept a slave, Sally Hemings for his sexual pleasure, and had children with his slave.

2. October 5, 1998: The journal Nature published a report that DNA testing had confirmed (still disputed by some) that a member of Thomas Jefferson's family had fathered a child with the slave Sally Hemings; the testing, however, was unable to definitively prove that Jefferson was the father.

3. "Although Nature's retraction and modification of its initial announcement was far more significant than its release, the retraction received little notice. The result is that the reputation of Jefferson has been permanently tarnished by "scientific evidence" which actually did not prove that Thomas Jefferson fatheredanyillegitimate child. But, as the Wall Street Journal noted, "Of course, the backtracking comes a little late to change the hundreds of other headlines fingering Jefferson."11The effect has been unfortunate, for as one reporter who covered the DNA story accurately noted, "Defective scholarship is difficult to recall."12
WallBuilders - Issues and Articles - Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings The Search for Truth

4. "Since Jefferson had no male descendants, the recent DNA testing was done by comparing the DNA of the male descendants of the sons of Sally Hemings to that of the male descendants of the brother of Thomas Jefferson's father (TJ's uncle). Because the DNA evidence isnotderived in such a way as to exclude any descendantsbutthose of Thomas Jefferson, this means that, from a scientific and technical standpoint, any male of the Jefferson family descended from Jefferson's grandfather and living at that time could have been the father of Sally Hemings' son, Eston. One of the sons of Sally Hemings, allegedly also fathered by Thomas Jefferson, was demonstrated by this testing not to have the Jefferson Y chromosome.

But "could have been" is a hedge term, and is equivalent to admitting that the evidence is not conclusive with respect to Thomas Jefferson."
Jeffersonian Perspective DNA Sally Hemings

5. "But those tests didn’t even involve DNA from Thomas Jefferson and only established that Eston was probably fathered by any one of more than two dozen Jefferson men living in Virginia at the time, “The Jefferson-Hemings Controversy” asserts. In fact, the scholars point to Jefferson’s brother, Randolph, as the likely father of Hemings’ son."
Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings one of history s myths -

No such proof was ever possible.
6. "In Defense of Thomas Jefferson: The Sally Hemings Sex Scandal"William G. Hyland Jr.
Historians have the wrong Jefferson. Hyland, an experienced trial lawyer, presents the most reliable historical evidence while dissecting the unreliable, and in doing so he cuts through centuries of unsubstantiated charges.

The author reminds us that the DNA tests identified Eston Hemings, Sally's youngest child, as being merely the descendant of a "Jefferson male." Randolph Jefferson, the president's wayward, younger brother with a reputation for socializing among the Monticello slaves, emerges as the most likely of several possible candidates.

Meanwhile, the author traces the evolution of this rumor about Thomas Jefferson back to the allegation made by one James Callendar, a "drunken ruffian" who carried a grudge after unsuccessfully lobbying the president for a postmaster appointment---and who then openly bragged of ruining Jefferson's reputation. Hyland also delves into Hemings family oral histories that go against the popular rumor, as well as the ways in which the Jefferson rumors were advanced by less-than-historical dramas and by flawed scholarly research often shaped by political agendas.
From a book review of the above.

"....flawed scholarly research often shaped by political agendas."
Free Public School education is what made our country great.

It is the great equalizer in our nation
Teachers are between a rock & a hard place.

They either teach the party line (that stresses sympathy for certain folks) or they lose their jobs.
Teachers are between a rock & a hard place.

They either teach the party line (that stresses sympathy for certain folks) or they lose their jobs.

I doubt any lose their job.
But more to the point, there is no end of indoctriners. They came from the indoctrination, and know no better.

The same attitude we see in the Leftists on this board, the ability to close their eyes to the facts, the truth, is high on the list of characteristics for those entering teaching.

Sol Stern

Pedagogy of the Oppressor

Another reason why U.S. ed schools are so awful: the ongoing influence of Brazilian Marxist Paulo Freire

Pedagogy of the Oppressor
  1. At a recent meeting of the New York Teaching Fellows program (“Teach for America”: provides an alternate route to state certification for about 1,700 new teachers annually) , Sol Stern found the one book that the fellows had to read in full was Pedagogy of the Oppressed, by the Brazilian educator Paulo Freire.
This book has achieved near-iconic status in America’s teacher-training programs. In 2003, David Steiner and Susan Rozen published a study examining the curricula of 16 schools of education—14 of them among the top-ranked institutions in the country, according to U.S. News and World Report—and found that Pedagogy of the Oppressed was one of the most frequently assigned texts in their philosophy of education courses.
1. It is arguable that this note belongs in Politics, or in Race, but, it is an anniversary of sorts.
It certainly has proven useful for the Leftists, for those who hate this nation, and for those who need to continue to pull the scab off past injuries to stoke up division and hatred.

It is about slavery, about keeping the African-American vote in the Democrat column, and about the perversion of science for their own interests.

It's about smearing the Founders of America as slavers and rapists.

The meme is that Thomas Jefferson kept a slave, Sally Hemings for his sexual pleasure, and had children with his slave.

2. October 5, 1998: The journal Nature published a report that DNA testing had confirmed (still disputed by some) that a member of Thomas Jefferson's family had fathered a child with the slave Sally Hemings; the testing, however, was unable to definitively prove that Jefferson was the father.

3. "Although Nature's retraction and modification of its initial announcement was far more significant than its release, the retraction received little notice. The result is that the reputation of Jefferson has been permanently tarnished by "scientific evidence" which actually did not prove that Thomas Jefferson fatheredanyillegitimate child. But, as the Wall Street Journal noted, "Of course, the backtracking comes a little late to change the hundreds of other headlines fingering Jefferson."11The effect has been unfortunate, for as one reporter who covered the DNA story accurately noted, "Defective scholarship is difficult to recall."12
WallBuilders - Issues and Articles - Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings The Search for Truth

4. "Since Jefferson had no male descendants, the recent DNA testing was done by comparing the DNA of the male descendants of the sons of Sally Hemings to that of the male descendants of the brother of Thomas Jefferson's father (TJ's uncle). Because the DNA evidence isnotderived in such a way as to exclude any descendantsbutthose of Thomas Jefferson, this means that, from a scientific and technical standpoint, any male of the Jefferson family descended from Jefferson's grandfather and living at that time could have been the father of Sally Hemings' son, Eston. One of the sons of Sally Hemings, allegedly also fathered by Thomas Jefferson, was demonstrated by this testing not to have the Jefferson Y chromosome.

But "could have been" is a hedge term, and is equivalent to admitting that the evidence is not conclusive with respect to Thomas Jefferson."
Jeffersonian Perspective DNA Sally Hemings

5. "But those tests didn’t even involve DNA from Thomas Jefferson and only established that Eston was probably fathered by any one of more than two dozen Jefferson men living in Virginia at the time, “The Jefferson-Hemings Controversy” asserts. In fact, the scholars point to Jefferson’s brother, Randolph, as the likely father of Hemings’ son."
Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings one of history s myths -

No such proof was ever possible.
6. "In Defense of Thomas Jefferson: The Sally Hemings Sex Scandal"William G. Hyland Jr.
Historians have the wrong Jefferson. Hyland, an experienced trial lawyer, presents the most reliable historical evidence while dissecting the unreliable, and in doing so he cuts through centuries of unsubstantiated charges.

The author reminds us that the DNA tests identified Eston Hemings, Sally's youngest child, as being merely the descendant of a "Jefferson male." Randolph Jefferson, the president's wayward, younger brother with a reputation for socializing among the Monticello slaves, emerges as the most likely of several possible candidates.

Meanwhile, the author traces the evolution of this rumor about Thomas Jefferson back to the allegation made by one James Callendar, a "drunken ruffian" who carried a grudge after unsuccessfully lobbying the president for a postmaster appointment---and who then openly bragged of ruining Jefferson's reputation. Hyland also delves into Hemings family oral histories that go against the popular rumor, as well as the ways in which the Jefferson rumors were advanced by less-than-historical dramas and by flawed scholarly research often shaped by political agendas.
From a book review of the above.

"....flawed scholarly research often shaped by political agendas."
What does all this have to do with public school?
Teachers are between a rock & a hard place.

They either teach the party line (that stresses sympathy for certain folks) or they lose their jobs.

I doubt any lose their job.
But more to the point, there is no end of indoctriners. They came from the indoctrination, and know no better.

The same attitude we see in the Leftists on this board, the ability to close their eyes to the facts, the truth, is high on the list of characteristics for those entering teaching.

Sol Stern

Pedagogy of the Oppressor

Another reason why U.S. ed schools are so awful: the ongoing influence of Brazilian Marxist Paulo Freire

Pedagogy of the Oppressor
  1. At a recent meeting of the New York Teaching Fellows program (“Teach for America”: provides an alternate route to state certification for about 1,700 new teachers annually) , Sol Stern found the one book that the fellows had to read in full was Pedagogy of the Oppressed, by the Brazilian educator Paulo Freire.
This book has achieved near-iconic status in America’s teacher-training programs. In 2003, David Steiner and Susan Rozen published a study examining the curricula of 16 schools of education—14 of them among the top-ranked institutions in the country, according to U.S. News and World Report—and found that Pedagogy of the Oppressed was one of the most frequently assigned texts in their philosophy of education courses.
We can certainly tell you have never ben to a public school by all the false tales you come up with.

Pedagogy of the Oppressed is Freire's attempt to help the oppressed fight back to regain their lost humanity and achieve full humanization. There exist many steps for this process. First of which, is for the oppressed to understand what humanization truly is.
In short, Pedagogy of the Oppressed is education as a practice of freedom, which Freire contrasts with education as a practice of domination (see below). Goal is to adapt people to their oppressive conditions. Teacher attempts to control thinking and action of the students, who are treated as passive objects.
Is there anything in the statement that is not true?
Teachers are between a rock & a hard place.

They either teach the party line (that stresses sympathy for certain folks) or they lose their jobs.

I doubt any lose their job.
But more to the point, there is no end of indoctriners. They came from the indoctrination, and know no better.

The same attitude we see in the Leftists on this board, the ability to close their eyes to the facts, the truth, is high on the list of characteristics for those entering teaching.

Sol Stern

Pedagogy of the Oppressor

Another reason why U.S. ed schools are so awful: the ongoing influence of Brazilian Marxist Paulo Freire

Pedagogy of the Oppressor
  1. At a recent meeting of the New York Teaching Fellows program (“Teach for America”: provides an alternate route to state certification for about 1,700 new teachers annually) , Sol Stern found the one book that the fellows had to read in full was Pedagogy of the Oppressed, by the Brazilian educator Paulo Freire.
This book has achieved near-iconic status in America’s teacher-training programs. In 2003, David Steiner and Susan Rozen published a study examining the curricula of 16 schools of education—14 of them among the top-ranked institutions in the country, according to U.S. News and World Report—and found that Pedagogy of the Oppressed was one of the most frequently assigned texts in their philosophy of education courses.
Then you are referencing college level philosophy majors who read it, not public schools for K-12 grades. as a practice of domination (see below). Goal is to adapt people to their oppressive conditions. Teacher attempts to control thinking and action of the students, who are treated as passive objects.
Is there anything in the statement that is not true?

Yes, all of it.
Pretending the work of Freire has some groundbreaking dramatic affect on education today is sort of like pretending that Chomsky is still a contemporary linguist charting new territory. Both of these guys were the flavor of the month back in the 60s and 70s. Freire’s writing was a commentary on the educational conditions and standards in Brazil in the 50s and 60s. This would be the equivalent of analyzing educational practices in the US in the 1930s and 40s in terms of student participation and that sort of thing.
Pretending the work of Freire has some groundbreaking dramatic affect on education today is sort of like pretending that Chomsky is still a contemporary linguist charting new territory. Both of these guys were the flavor of the month back in the 60s and 70s. Freire’s writing was a commentary on the educational conditions and standards in Brazil in the 50s and 60s. This would be the equivalent of analyzing educational practices in the US in the 1930s and 40s in terms of student participation and that sort of thing.

Not so.


.” It appears the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU), which held a solidarity rally this Saturday afternoon, …. seemed more like a convention of far-left radicals than the image of clean-cut teachers the CTU would like to project. Thousands of red-shirted Chicago Teachers Union members flooded into Chicago’s aptly named Union Square Park at noon today to demonstrate for solidarity and workers’ rights. Protesters embraced radical revolutionary imagery, wearing shirts with Che Guevara on them and holding signs emblazoned with the “iron fist.”

Occupy Chicago and anarchist groups as well as the Progressive Labor Party, International Socialists, SEIU, AFL-CIO, and others stood alongside teachers chanting for solidarity…” Radical left coalesces around Chicago Teacher protest


In the vid, teacher’s union with the Socialist iron fist banner…

Pretending the work of Freire has some groundbreaking dramatic affect on education today is sort of like pretending that Chomsky is still a contemporary linguist charting new territory. Both of these guys were the flavor of the month back in the 60s and 70s. Freire’s writing was a commentary on the educational conditions and standards in Brazil in the 50s and 60s. This would be the equivalent of analyzing educational practices in the US in the 1930s and 40s in terms of student participation and that sort of thing.

Not so.

View attachment 411603

.” It appears the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU), which held a solidarity rally this Saturday afternoon, …. seemed more like a convention of far-left radicals than the image of clean-cut teachers the CTU would like to project. Thousands of red-shirted Chicago Teachers Union members flooded into Chicago’s aptly named Union Square Park at noon today to demonstrate for solidarity and workers’ rights. Protesters embraced radical revolutionary imagery, wearing shirts with Che Guevara on them and holding signs emblazoned with the “iron fist.”

Occupy Chicago and anarchist groups as well as the Progressive Labor Party, International Socialists, SEIU, AFL-CIO, and others stood alongside teachers chanting for solidarity…” Radical left coalesces around Chicago Teacher protest


In the vid, teacher’s union with the Socialist iron fist banner…

That has nothing to do with what I said.
Pretending the work of Freire has some groundbreaking dramatic affect on education today is sort of like pretending that Chomsky is still a contemporary linguist charting new territory. Both of these guys were the flavor of the month back in the 60s and 70s. Freire’s writing was a commentary on the educational conditions and standards in Brazil in the 50s and 60s. This would be the equivalent of analyzing educational practices in the US in the 1930s and 40s in terms of student participation and that sort of thing.

Not so.

View attachment 411603

.” It appears the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU), which held a solidarity rally this Saturday afternoon, …. seemed more like a convention of far-left radicals than the image of clean-cut teachers the CTU would like to project. Thousands of red-shirted Chicago Teachers Union members flooded into Chicago’s aptly named Union Square Park at noon today to demonstrate for solidarity and workers’ rights. Protesters embraced radical revolutionary imagery, wearing shirts with Che Guevara on them and holding signs emblazoned with the “iron fist.”

Occupy Chicago and anarchist groups as well as the Progressive Labor Party, International Socialists, SEIU, AFL-CIO, and others stood alongside teachers chanting for solidarity…” Radical left coalesces around Chicago Teacher protest


In the vid, teacher’s union with the Socialist iron fist banner…

That has nothing to do with what I said.

You no longer understand what public schools have become.
Pretending the work of Freire has some groundbreaking dramatic affect on education today is sort of like pretending that Chomsky is still a contemporary linguist charting new territory. Both of these guys were the flavor of the month back in the 60s and 70s. Freire’s writing was a commentary on the educational conditions and standards in Brazil in the 50s and 60s. This would be the equivalent of analyzing educational practices in the US in the 1930s and 40s in terms of student participation and that sort of thing.

Not so.

View attachment 411603

.” It appears the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU), which held a solidarity rally this Saturday afternoon, …. seemed more like a convention of far-left radicals than the image of clean-cut teachers the CTU would like to project. Thousands of red-shirted Chicago Teachers Union members flooded into Chicago’s aptly named Union Square Park at noon today to demonstrate for solidarity and workers’ rights. Protesters embraced radical revolutionary imagery, wearing shirts with Che Guevara on them and holding signs emblazoned with the “iron fist.”

Occupy Chicago and anarchist groups as well as the Progressive Labor Party, International Socialists, SEIU, AFL-CIO, and others stood alongside teachers chanting for solidarity…” Radical left coalesces around Chicago Teacher protest


In the vid, teacher’s union with the Socialist iron fist banner…

That has nothing to do with what I said.

You no longer understand what public schools have become.

Which one of us works in a public school?
Pretending the work of Freire has some groundbreaking dramatic affect on education today is sort of like pretending that Chomsky is still a contemporary linguist charting new territory. Both of these guys were the flavor of the month back in the 60s and 70s. Freire’s writing was a commentary on the educational conditions and standards in Brazil in the 50s and 60s. This would be the equivalent of analyzing educational practices in the US in the 1930s and 40s in terms of student participation and that sort of thing.

Not so.

View attachment 411603

.” It appears the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU), which held a solidarity rally this Saturday afternoon, …. seemed more like a convention of far-left radicals than the image of clean-cut teachers the CTU would like to project. Thousands of red-shirted Chicago Teachers Union members flooded into Chicago’s aptly named Union Square Park at noon today to demonstrate for solidarity and workers’ rights. Protesters embraced radical revolutionary imagery, wearing shirts with Che Guevara on them and holding signs emblazoned with the “iron fist.”

Occupy Chicago and anarchist groups as well as the Progressive Labor Party, International Socialists, SEIU, AFL-CIO, and others stood alongside teachers chanting for solidarity…” Radical left coalesces around Chicago Teacher protest


In the vid, teacher’s union with the Socialist iron fist banner…

That has nothing to do with what I said.

You no longer understand what public schools have become.

Which one of us works in a public school?

The plural of anecdote is not data.

Which of those Chicago teachers marching behind the Socialist Banner work in public schools?
Pretending the work of Freire has some groundbreaking dramatic affect on education today is sort of like pretending that Chomsky is still a contemporary linguist charting new territory. Both of these guys were the flavor of the month back in the 60s and 70s. Freire’s writing was a commentary on the educational conditions and standards in Brazil in the 50s and 60s. This would be the equivalent of analyzing educational practices in the US in the 1930s and 40s in terms of student participation and that sort of thing.

Not so.

View attachment 411603

.” It appears the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU), which held a solidarity rally this Saturday afternoon, …. seemed more like a convention of far-left radicals than the image of clean-cut teachers the CTU would like to project. Thousands of red-shirted Chicago Teachers Union members flooded into Chicago’s aptly named Union Square Park at noon today to demonstrate for solidarity and workers’ rights. Protesters embraced radical revolutionary imagery, wearing shirts with Che Guevara on them and holding signs emblazoned with the “iron fist.”

Occupy Chicago and anarchist groups as well as the Progressive Labor Party, International Socialists, SEIU, AFL-CIO, and others stood alongside teachers chanting for solidarity…” Radical left coalesces around Chicago Teacher protest


In the vid, teacher’s union with the Socialist iron fist banner…

That has nothing to do with what I said.

You no longer understand what public schools have become.

Which one of us works in a public school?

The plural of anecdote is not data.

Which of those Chicago teachers marching behind the Socialist Banner work in public schools?

Answer my question and I will answer yours.
Pretending the work of Freire has some groundbreaking dramatic affect on education today is sort of like pretending that Chomsky is still a contemporary linguist charting new territory. Both of these guys were the flavor of the month back in the 60s and 70s. Freire’s writing was a commentary on the educational conditions and standards in Brazil in the 50s and 60s. This would be the equivalent of analyzing educational practices in the US in the 1930s and 40s in terms of student participation and that sort of thing.

Not so.

View attachment 411603

.” It appears the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU), which held a solidarity rally this Saturday afternoon, …. seemed more like a convention of far-left radicals than the image of clean-cut teachers the CTU would like to project. Thousands of red-shirted Chicago Teachers Union members flooded into Chicago’s aptly named Union Square Park at noon today to demonstrate for solidarity and workers’ rights. Protesters embraced radical revolutionary imagery, wearing shirts with Che Guevara on them and holding signs emblazoned with the “iron fist.”

Occupy Chicago and anarchist groups as well as the Progressive Labor Party, International Socialists, SEIU, AFL-CIO, and others stood alongside teachers chanting for solidarity…” Radical left coalesces around Chicago Teacher protest


In the vid, teacher’s union with the Socialist iron fist banner…

That has nothing to do with what I said.

You no longer understand what public schools have become.

Which one of us works in a public school?

The plural of anecdote is not data.

Which of those Chicago teachers marching behind the Socialist Banner work in public schools?

Answer my question and I will answer yours.

Not necessary.
Pretending the work of Freire has some groundbreaking dramatic affect on education today is sort of like pretending that Chomsky is still a contemporary linguist charting new territory. Both of these guys were the flavor of the month back in the 60s and 70s. Freire’s writing was a commentary on the educational conditions and standards in Brazil in the 50s and 60s. This would be the equivalent of analyzing educational practices in the US in the 1930s and 40s in terms of student participation and that sort of thing.

Not so.

View attachment 411603

.” It appears the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU), which held a solidarity rally this Saturday afternoon, …. seemed more like a convention of far-left radicals than the image of clean-cut teachers the CTU would like to project. Thousands of red-shirted Chicago Teachers Union members flooded into Chicago’s aptly named Union Square Park at noon today to demonstrate for solidarity and workers’ rights. Protesters embraced radical revolutionary imagery, wearing shirts with Che Guevara on them and holding signs emblazoned with the “iron fist.”

Occupy Chicago and anarchist groups as well as the Progressive Labor Party, International Socialists, SEIU, AFL-CIO, and others stood alongside teachers chanting for solidarity…” Radical left coalesces around Chicago Teacher protest


In the vid, teacher’s union with the Socialist iron fist banner…

That has nothing to do with what I said.

You no longer understand what public schools have become.

Which one of us works in a public school?

The plural of anecdote is not data.

Which of those Chicago teachers marching behind the Socialist Banner work in public schools?

Answer my question and I will answer yours.

Not necessary.

That attitude is no way to have a discussion.

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