Government power is one cause of the president's demise.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
America is at a dangerous crossroads. The power of the state has been steadily growing for sixty years spurred by the racial inequality and unrest in large cities in the 1960’s. After the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963, Lyndon Johnson took over as president and against the advice of experts like sociologist and assistant Secretary of Labor Daniel Patrick Moynihan, began an aggressive program of government intervention. Johnson’s ill-advised and poorly thought-out Great Society policies empowered government to address the ghetto culture of African American males and the growing rate of single motherhood that was at the root of rioting in large urban areas of the US.

The unfortunate outcome of the Great Society debacle created a massive welfare state encompassing a permanent dependent underclass consisting of all racial groups. But it expanded government to levels not dreamed of even in countries where socialism played a major role. Traditional marriages waned and divorce rates soared as the Government grew to replace males in the household. Today the opioid crisis and Fentanyl addiction can be laid squarely at the foot of the Great Society and the bad social engineering that came from it.

Reasonable minds can correctly conclude that the disintegration of the nuclear family that was the cause of Black misery in the 1960’s was not eliminated but instead propagated into the rest of American culture by the Great Society. Today the government in America has grown to massive proportions with bad ideas that multiplied by cellular division and the power of the government is what led to the downfall of the outgoing president.

When the current president suggested that the people should be free to solve their own problems with less government, racism that had steadily disappeared in spite of bad policies, was exhumed, and promoted to “systemic”. The fact that black people were black and white people were white by a natural process of geographical origins was ignored and the president was accused of fomenting a plot against all non-white humans even though nothing in his history demonstrated that inclination. In fact, quite the opposite was true.

The president was trying to address the lazy and entitled factions of society that led to the parade of illegal immigrants across unprotected borders to do the work that many citizens believed was beneath them.

It was government and government power that took out the president.

Senator Moynihan: The Negro Family 1965 - Bing video
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The most troubling thing is that while the size, scope and expense of government is increasing the two major political parties are nothing but proxies for the big money interests that really run the country
Exactly. As usual it is about the wealth and power of the upper classes, not the people.
The most troubling thing is that while the size, scope and expense of government is increasing the two major political parties are nothing but proxies for the big money interests that really run the country
Exactly. As usual it is about the wealth and power of the upper classes not the people.

We need end the control the DNC and RNC have on our government
Reasonable minds can correctly conclude that the disintegration of the nuclear family that was the cause of Black misery in the 1960’s was not eliminated but instead propagated into the rest of American culture by the Great Society. Today the government in America has grown to massive proportions with bad ideas that multiplied by cellular division and the power of the government is what led to the downfall of the outgoing president.

Uh, guy, if the government only paid for poverty relief, it wouldn't be that big of a government.

The three biggest line items for government are

1) Social Security- 892 Billion mostly paid to middle class white people who've retired.
2) Medicare - 799 Billion, Mostly paid to middle class white people who've retired.
3) Defense Spending - 686 Billion. Mostly spent fighting around the world.

Now, let's compare that to the "Welfare" you are whining about.

SNAP (Food Stamps) - 60.4 Billion
Section 8 (housing) 20 Billion
TANF (welfare payments) 30.9

Of course, Medicaid is a big ticket item, about 600 billion, because health care spending in this country is out of control.

Reasonable minds can correctly conclude that the disintegration of the nuclear family that was the cause of Black misery in the 1960’s was not eliminated but instead propagated into the rest of American culture by the Great Society. Today the government in America has grown to massive proportions with bad ideas that multiplied by cellular division and the power of the government is what led to the downfall of the outgoing president.

Naw, what led to his downfall is that he failed in his job.

But you keep repeating the lie of the "disintegration" of the nuclear family. The nuclear family itself was bemoaned as it replaced the "extended family" of several generations living in the same house because people were too damned poor to afford their own homes before the New Deal and Great Society created a middle class.

The reality- just because black fathers aren't married means they are absent.

When the current president suggested that the people should be free to solve their own problems with less government, racism that had steadily disappeared in spite of bad policies, was exhumed, and promoted to “systemic”. The fact that black people were black and white people were white by a natural process of geographical origins was ignored and the president was accused of fomenting a plot against all non-white humans even though nothing in his history demonstrated that inclination. In fact, quite the opposite was true.

Actually- um. No. Trump played on the racial fears because the worst thing that could happen to rich assholes like him would for working class whites to realize they are in the same boat as working class minorities.

The president was trying to address the lazy and entitled factions of society that led to the parade of illegal immigrants across unprotected borders to do the work that many citizens believed was beneath them.

Guy, you keep getting this stuff wrong.

First, the number of undocumented immigrants has DECLINED since it peaked in 2006. This is because of both better workplace enforcement and because of improving economic conditions in Mexico.


Secondly, um, yeah, there are a lot of jobs Americans just plain won't do, no matter how much you pay them.
America is at a dangerous crossroads. The power of the state has been steadily growing for sixty years spurred by the racial inequality and unrest in large cities in the 1960’s. After the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963, Lyndon Johnson took over as president and against the advice of experts like sociologist and assistant Secretary of Labor Daniel Patrick Moynihan, began an aggressive program of government intervention. Johnson’s ill-advised and poorly thought-out Great Society policies empowered government to address the ghetto culture of African American males and the growing rate of single motherhood that was at the root of rioting in large urban areas of the US.

The unfortunate outcome of the Great Society debacle created a massive welfare state encompassing a permanent dependent underclass consisting of all racial groups. But it expanded government to levels not dreamed of even in countries where socialism played a major role. Traditional marriages waned and divorce rates soared as the Government grew to replace males in the household. Today the opioid crisis and Fentanyl addiction can be laid squarely at the foot of the Great Society and the bad social engineering that came from it.

Reasonable minds can correctly conclude that the disintegration of the nuclear family that was the cause of Black misery in the 1960’s was not eliminated but instead propagated into the rest of American culture by the Great Society. Today the government in America has grown to massive proportions with bad ideas that multiplied by cellular division and the power of the government is what led to the downfall of the outgoing president.

When the current president suggested that the people should be free to solve their own problems with less government, racism that had steadily disappeared in spite of bad policies, was exhumed, and promoted to “systemic”. The fact that black people were black and white people were white by a natural process of geographical origins was ignored and the president was accused of fomenting a plot against all non-white humans even though nothing in his history demonstrated that inclination. In fact, quite the opposite was true.

The president was trying to address the lazy and entitled factions of society that led to the parade of illegal immigrants across unprotected borders to do the work that many citizens believed was beneath them.

It was government and government power that took out the president.

Senator Moynihan: The Negro Family 1965 - Bing video

Trump alone is responsible for his failed presidency.

Trump’s demise was solely the consequence of his arrogance, incompetence, corruption, and dishonesty.
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Reasonable minds can correctly conclude that the disintegration of the nuclear family that was the cause of Black misery in the 1960’s was not eliminated but instead propagated into the rest of American culture by the Great Society. Today the government in America has grown to massive proportions with bad ideas that multiplied by cellular division and the power of the government is what led to the downfall of the outgoing president.

Uh, guy, if the government only paid for poverty relief, it wouldn't be that big of a government.

The three biggest line items for government are

1) Social Security- 892 Billion mostly paid to middle class white people who've retired.
2) Medicare - 799 Billion, Mostly paid to middle class white people who've retired.
3) Defense Spending - 686 Billion. Mostly spent fighting around the world.

Now, let's compare that to the "Welfare" you are whining about.

SNAP (Food Stamps) - 60.4 Billion
Section 8 (housing) 20 Billion
TANF (welfare payments) 30.9

Of course, Medicaid is a big ticket item, about 600 billion, because health care spending in this country is out of control.

Reasonable minds can correctly conclude that the disintegration of the nuclear family that was the cause of Black misery in the 1960’s was not eliminated but instead propagated into the rest of American culture by the Great Society. Today the government in America has grown to massive proportions with bad ideas that multiplied by cellular division and the power of the government is what led to the downfall of the outgoing president.

Naw, what led to his downfall is that he failed in his job.

But you keep repeating the lie of the "disintegration" of the nuclear family. The nuclear family itself was bemoaned as it replaced the "extended family" of several generations living in the same house because people were too damned poor to afford their own homes before the New Deal and Great Society created a middle class.

The reality- just because black fathers aren't married means they are absent.

When the current president suggested that the people should be free to solve their own problems with less government, racism that had steadily disappeared in spite of bad policies, was exhumed, and promoted to “systemic”. The fact that black people were black and white people were white by a natural process of geographical origins was ignored and the president was accused of fomenting a plot against all non-white humans even though nothing in his history demonstrated that inclination. In fact, quite the opposite was true.

Actually- um. No. Trump played on the racial fears because the worst thing that could happen to rich assholes like him would for working class whites to realize they are in the same boat as working class minorities.

The president was trying to address the lazy and entitled factions of society that led to the parade of illegal immigrants across unprotected borders to do the work that many citizens believed was beneath them.

Guy, you keep getting this stuff wrong.

First, the number of undocumented immigrants has DECLINED since it peaked in 2006. This is because of both better workplace enforcement and because of improving economic conditions in Mexico.

View attachment 442668

Secondly, um, yeah, there are a lot of jobs Americans just plain won't do, no matter how much you pay them.
I am going to be 74 in March. I was there when this happened. I recall when every one of my classmates had a mother and a father.
The most troubling thing is that while the size, scope and expense of government is increasing the two major political parties are nothing but proxies for the big money interests that really run the country

Naw, man, the biggest problem is that we want government to do all this stuff, but we don't want to pay for it or be even slightly inconvenienced.

You see, it used to be that party labels didn't mean as much as they do now. You had liberal "Gypsy Moth" Republicans in the North and conservative "Boll Weevil" Democrats in the South. Then someone decided that giving money directly to politicians was kind of bad and stuff, and limited donations to $1000. Which wasn't so bad in 1974, when you could buy a car for $1000, but not so much now.

So politicians became more and more dependent on their parties, and straying from the party line became more and more difficult.

Then they had the brilliant idea to limit the amount of money parties get, so the funding got diverted into PACs and advocacy groups.

If you want to really get rid of the influence money has on politics, that's simple enough.

1) Declare that Corporations aren't people and can't contribute
2) Limit election season to only a few months, instead of dragging it out for years.
3) Make terms of Representatives 4 years instead of 2 so they aren't constantly needing to raise money.
I am going to be 74 in March. I was there when this happened. I recall when every one of my classmates had a mother and a father.

That's nice. I'm guessing you lived in a nice middle class neighborhood.

So black families, the parents are unlikely to get married, but the father is still involved.

White families, the parents get divorced and are arguing over custody, visitation and child support.

Of course, you won't whine about divorce, but you will whine about out of wedlock births.
The most troubling thing is that while the size, scope and expense of government is increasing the two major political parties are nothing but proxies for the big money interests that really run the country

Naw, man, the biggest problem is that we want government to do all this stuff, but we don't want to pay for it or be even slightly inconvenienced.

You see, it used to be that party labels didn't mean as much as they do now. You had liberal "Gypsy Moth" Republicans in the North and conservative "Boll Weevil" Democrats in the South. Then someone decided that giving money directly to politicians was kind of bad and stuff, and limited donations to $1000. Which wasn't so bad in 1974, when you could buy a car for $1000, but not so much now.

So politicians became more and more dependent on their parties, and straying from the party line became more and more difficult.

Then they had the brilliant idea to limit the amount of money parties get, so the funding got diverted into PACs and advocacy groups.

If you want to really get rid of the influence money has on politics, that's simple enough.

1) Declare that Corporations aren't people and can't contribute
2) Limit election season to only a few months, instead of dragging it out for years.
3) Make terms of Representatives 4 years instead of 2 so they aren't constantly needing to raise money.

And then term limit them at 8 years.
I confess that I get a Social Security check. That was a deal made before I was born. I and many others were deceptively led to believe that funds were set aside for our old age, like a pension. It is like the gold that is supposedly stored at Fort Knox. We know now that no money is sitting in a pot in our names.

The US dollar is the world's reserve currency. That is how they get away with much of what they are doing. They just keep printing paper with pictures of patriotic historical figures on them.

One day this will not be so and it could happen faster than anyone can imagine. You could go to a gas station and suddenly your credit card will not work. This is when we find out that the dollar is worth less than Confederate money.
I confess that I get a Social Security check. That was a deal made before I was born. I and many others were deceptively led to believe that funds were set aside for our old age, like a pension. It is like the gold that is supposedly stored at Fort Knox. We know now that no money is sitting in a pot in our names.

But that's the problem. You whine here about government dependence, but then you collect a government check.

The biggest entitlement programs aren't poverty relief, which we spend a pittance on, it's middle class entitlements like Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment, Veteran Benefits.

Here's why Social Security is a problem- because it's been a success.

When Social Security was implemented, it set the retirement age at 65 at a time period when most people didn't live that long. The average life expectancy in 1930 was 58 for men and 62 for women. Today it's 78.54 years, which means that everyone gets to spend 13 years on the government dole.

If you are 74, you've probably gotten back everything you've paid in at this point.
And then term limit them at 8 years.

I'm really not keen on term limits. We already have term limits, they're called "elections".
I not only believe term limits could help but I am a big fan of diversity in government. We need more truck drivers, electricians and welders in congress and fewer Harvard and Yale lawyers deciding how we should live as a society.
And then term limit them at 8 years.

I'm really not keen on term limits. We already have term limits, they're called "elections".

And because of that, the cost of keeping that job just keeps going up and up and up. Put a limit on the number of years AND what the election funds can be passed on for along with limits on the Election Funds.
I confess that I get a Social Security check. That was a deal made before I was born. I and many others were deceptively led to believe that funds were set aside for our old age, like a pension. It is like the gold that is supposedly stored at Fort Knox. We know now that no money is sitting in a pot in our names.

But that's the problem. You whine here about government dependence, but then you collect a government check.

The biggest entitlement programs aren't poverty relief, which we spend a pittance on, it's middle class entitlements like Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment, Veteran Benefits.

Here's why Social Security is a problem- because it's been a success.

When Social Security was implemented, it set the retirement age at 65 at a time period when most people didn't live that long. The average life expectancy in 1930 was 58 for men and 62 for women. Today it's 78.54 years, which means that everyone gets to spend 13 years on the government dole.

If you are 74, you've probably gotten back everything you've paid in at this point.
I do not remember being consulted about government policy when Social Security was established. As I have stated, the program was erroneously presented from the beginning. One issue we have today is that life expectancy is dropping among healthy, able-bodied adults due to drug addiction, alcoholism and tobacco use.

Your figures are skewed.

US life expectancy is still on the decline. Here's why (

Life expectancy in the US is falling, but why? | World Economic Forum (
I confess that I get a Social Security check. That was a deal made before I was born. I and many others were deceptively led to believe that funds were set aside for our old age, like a pension. It is like the gold that is supposedly stored at Fort Knox. We know now that no money is sitting in a pot in our names.

The US dollar is the world's reserve currency. That is how they get away with much of what they are doing. They just keep printing paper with pictures of patriotic historical figures on them.

One day this will not be so and it could happen faster than anyone can imagine. You could go to a gas station and suddenly your credit card will not work. This is when we find out that the dollar is worth less than Confederate money.
Yeah, 40 years i have paid into Social Security, havent taken it yet, but i know scumbags who never paid a dime, but get it anyway...
I do not remember being consulted about government policy when Social Security was established. As I have stated, the program was erroneously presented from the beginning. One issue we have today is that life expectancy is dropping among healthy, able-bodied adults due to drug addiction, alcoholism and tobacco use.

Your figures are skewed.

Sorry, man, they are straight on. When Social Security was conceived, it was never imagined we'd have a whole population of people living into their 80's.

Now, the other half of the formula is birth control. My generation, the baby boom, it was common for large families to be the norm. Now most families limit themselves to less than two kids. Even the Catholics.

People living too long, not enough new young kids joining the workforce, and of course, the One Percent fighting a never-ending war to undermine the middle class. That's why social security is in trouble.

Not because you weren't "consulted". You'd have probably fucked it up if you had that money. You'd have either spent it or made bad investments.

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