Gore Wants US to Abandon Fossil Fuels by 2018

Awesome logic. Let's ban guns because a person got shot. Let's ban coffee because someone spilled on their lap. Let's ban cars because someone's brakes failed and the died.

Gee... let's talk about "awesome logic"... use something dangerous and not have a means to dispose of the waste or prevent catastrophic occurrences.

Ask the population of Belarus which has to walk around with those radiation detector things what they think of it.

That's what I love about you guys, you're so sure that you and yours will be just peachy keen that you couldn't give a rats' patoot about risk to others.

And tell me, what do you think happens to the terrorist threat in areas that the waste passes through?

Thanks anyway. I'll pass. There are other alternatives until the safety issues are worked out.
Alright you flat-Earth, Luddite mother-fucker, you better start making some god damned energy cuz we're not going back to horse and fucking buggy. If you say renewables can do it, then damn it, I spent 2 years in Missouri, you're gonna have to "Show me" cuz I haven't seen it yet.

We need to start doing something we KNOW will work RIGHT NOW. Nuclear is our current BEST option. Now do something that produces energy or get the fuck out of the way!



You got that shit right.
Horses and buggies are out, too. Do you have any idea of the extent of trouble cities had with horse manure back before cars became common? Even in my state, in horse farm territory, getting rid of all the manure is a major headache.

yea.. but just to be the debils advocate... think of all the rich composting material we could create so that when we put controlled envorinmental farms in the desert we can have lots and lots of growing material!
Alright you flat-Earth, Luddite mother-fucker, you better start making some god damned energy cuz we're not going back to horse and fucking buggy. If you say renewables can do it, then damn it, I spent 2 years in Missouri, you're gonna have to "Show me" cuz I haven't seen it yet.

We need to start doing something we KNOW will work RIGHT NOW. Nuclear is our current BEST option. Now do something that produces energy or get the fuck out of the way!

hope youre a nuclear technician, cause we'll need a lot of those under mccains plan. also need a shedload of material and $$ we dont have.

Europe Insight Europe's Nuclear Energy Woes - BusinessWeek
Gee... let's talk about "awesome logic"... use something dangerous and not have a means to dispose of the waste or prevent catastrophic occurrences.

Ask the population of Belarus which has to walk around with those radiation detector things what they think of it.

That's what I love about you guys, you're so sure that you and yours will be just peachy keen that you couldn't give a rats' patoot about risk to others.

And tell me, what do you think happens to the terrorist threat in areas that the waste passes through?

Thanks anyway. I'll pass. There are other alternatives until the safety issues are worked out.

Nuclear power is far safer then it ever has been. The way things were at chernobyl or three mile island aren't the way they are now in terms of safety, yet you use incidents that occurred many years ago as your basis for calling the technology unsafe now. Again, very logical.
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Gore is a complete idiot. And I dare some sniveling lib to tell me I hate him because he's black.
Gee... let's talk about "awesome logic"... use something dangerous and not have a means to dispose of the waste or prevent catastrophic occurrences.

Ask the population of Belarus which has to walk around with those radiation detector things what they think of it.

That's what I love about you guys, you're so sure that you and yours will be just peachy keen that you couldn't give a rats' patoot about risk to others.

And tell me, what do you think happens to the terrorist threat in areas that the waste passes through?

Thanks anyway. I'll pass. There are other alternatives until the safety issues are worked out.

Ok Jillian I'll take you up on your offer. Just what alternative do you have that produces as much clean energy as nuclear and is ready to go right now?

Don't divert with some inane discussion about how if we can't get rid of that waste in some way you approve of it isn't clean. The production of the energy does not pollute. What way do you have that is ready tomorrow if we said go?
Id say creating wide scale solar farms in all the frown desert area would be a great start.


And wave energy gives me a hardon.

Nuclear power is far safer then it ever has been. The way things were at chernobyl or three mile island aren't the way they are now in terms of safety, yet you use incidents that occurred many years ago as your basis for calling the technology unsafe now. Again, very logical.

do you have a source showing how safe it is.

i dont feel that it is extremely unsafe (though i live near 3 mile island). i'm just making sure you arent making baseless claims
Id say creating wide scale solar farms in all the frown desert area would be a great start.


And wave energy gives me a hardon.


Like I said I love all those ideas and a nuclear and oil too. Heading in a direction of dropping oil out of the mix.

If you were answering Jill's question for her, do those energy types produce as much electricity as nuclear? Are they ready to go July 19, 2008? If not, then by all means let's get started developing them while we build a few nuclear power plants.
Ok Jillian I'll take you up on your offer. Just what alternative do you have that produces as much clean energy as nuclear and is ready to go right now?

Don't divert with some inane discussion about how if we can't get rid of that waste in some way you approve of it isn't clean. The production of the energy does not pollute. What way do you have that is ready tomorrow if we said go?

are you aware of any of the challenges we would face building massive amounts of nuclear plants? look whats happening in finland with just 1 plant.

Finnish plant demonstrates nuclear power industry's perennial problems - International Herald Tribune
Nuclear power in Europe Archive Finnish reactor delays slow nuclear renaissance

and go read the link i posted earlier
do you have a source showing how safe it is.

i dont feel that it is extremely unsafe (though i live near 3 mile island). i'm just making sure you arent making baseless claims

Well, let's see....France is 80% nuclear. Have you heard of any accidents? The last incident we had here was 3 mile island and that was 1979. Nearly 30 years ago. Chernobyl happened in 1986, over 20 years ago. Has anyone heard of another incident or accident at a nuclear plant foreign or domestic since 1986?
are you aware of any of the challenges we would face building massive amounts of nuclear plants? look whats happening in finland with just 1 plant.

Finnish plant demonstrates nuclear power industry's perennial problems - International Herald Tribune
Nuclear power in Europe Archive Finnish reactor delays slow nuclear renaissance

and go read the link i posted earlier

Do you think we are inexperienced in this country at building nuclear plants?

U.S. Nuclear Reactors

We currently have over 104 operating reactors in this country. I think we've figured out how to safely make nuclear reactors. That, of course, is aside from all the nuclear reactors we power our naval ships with.
Well, let's see....France is 80% nuclear. Have you heard of any accidents? The last incident we had here was 3 mile island and that was 1979. Nearly 30 years ago. Chernobyl happened in 1986, over 20 years ago. Has anyone heard of another incident or accident at a nuclear plant foreign or domestic since 1986?

so your source is all subjective. well, three mile island started commercial operation in 74. worked fine for 5 years. since there were no accidents in those first 5 years, there wouldnt be one in the 6th year, right? oops.

dont get me wrong, its great that there havent been any recent accidents. but to declare that it is completely safe now, without a source, isnt true. there will always be risks. should that alone deter us from using it? no. i am against opinions being told as if they were fact.
Horses and buggies are out, too. Do you have any idea of the extent of trouble cities had with horse manure back before cars became common? Even in my state, in horse farm territory, getting rid of all the manure is a major headache.
Manure is now being used to create methane gas, that is turned into energy.

Environmentalists are backward, hillbilly hicks!
Do you think we are inexperienced in this country at building nuclear plants?

U.S. Nuclear Reactors

We currently have over 104 operating reactors in this country. I think we've figured out how to safely make nuclear reactors. That, of course, is aside from all the nuclear reactors we power our naval ships with.

did you read the article?

it is a french company building the finnish plant. yeah, france has no idea what they are doing building nuclear plants
Well, let's see....France is 80% nuclear. Have you heard of any accidents? The last incident we had here was 3 mile island and that was 1979. Nearly 30 years ago. Chernobyl happened in 1986, over 20 years ago. Has anyone heard of another incident or accident at a nuclear plant foreign or domestic since 1986?

Never mind, I answered my own question.

Nuclear Accidents

Since Chernobyl, its mostly been exposure of workers and safety issues in the plants. Not wearing protection etc.
Never mind, I answered my own question.

Nuclear Accidents

Since Chernobyl, its mostly been exposure of workers and safety issues in the plants. Not wearing protection etc.
In addition, France is using the technology developed in the US to reuse spent nuclear fuel/waste.

Gee, when will Americans be allowed by their Govt. to use their own nuclear technology?
did you read the article?

it is a french company building the finnish plant. yeah, france has no idea what they are doing building nuclear plants

I didn't say they don't. I said we do. Do you think we could teach France and Finland anything about nuclear reactors or do you think they are the heavy weights in this field?

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