GOP Presidential Candidate Lindsey Graham's 10 Worst Anti-Gay Comments



Senator Graham has said multiple times that legalizing same-sex marriage will lead to polygamy, like during the Loretta Lynch hearing.

Where he also said that same-sex marriage could only be legalized if a Constitutional amendment was passed – while referencing slavery.

Here Are GOP Presidential Candidate Lindsey Graham s 10 Worst Anti-Gay Comments - The New Civil Rights Movement

If Linda is gay, so many gays are going to be trying to out her.

Graham unfiltered jokes about white men Baptists -

Steven Colbert says Lindsey should come out with a straight sex tape before liberals find proof he's gay and use it against him.

Colbert to Graham Save your career with straight sex tape

With all the rumors of male prostitutes, it's only a matter of time.

looks like how we can't say the N word. We'll have to start referring to "gays, yeah right) as: those people

or You'll get threads like this

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