GOP official says God chooses to bless raped women with pregnancy

Actually it would still be very simple for me. I wouldnt even hesitate. One is a human the others are not.

I'm actually horrified to think there are people out there who would not save that child, but I guess there are no limits to what people will do.

This post does nothing to advance your argument or the discussion, simply recites your opinion and then vague insults your adversaries.

At the end of the day, you can't refute the fact that what's inside the mother is a) human and b) alive/growing. So you're in favor of killing a life forever versus a lesser, albeit painful alternative.

Remind me not to get wounded out in the woods with you. :cool:
I never claimed its not alive, just that it's not a person yet.

I personally believe everything that makes us human and alive in any real sense, lies in our brain. 95% of medical professionals seem to agree with me, which is why abortion is legal.

The reason abortion is legal has nothing to do with medical consensus on whether a baby is alive in the womb.
Would it?

Suppose the toddler was a child you have never seen, and will never see, on the other side of the world, and the fetus is a child you have been trying to have unsuccessfully for over 10 years. The answer would be just as simple, but exactly the opposite of the one you thought. Admit it, you really aren't qualified to parse situational ethics, you don't think about all the possibilities.
Actually it would still be very simple for me. I wouldnt even hesitate. One is a human the others are not.

I'm actually horrified to think there are people out there who would not save that child, but I guess there are no limits to what people will do.

You are lying.

I'm not. And I'm shocked, seriously honestly dumbfounded to know there are people out there who wouldnt make the same choice.
I don't care if you're an atheist or not. I go by medical facts, not moral feelings. When the facts change, my opinion will alter accordingly.

Which medical facts are you going by? I have actually done some reading on the subject, and there is no medical evidence that a fetus is not a person, The reason for that is quite simple, there is no medical evidence that an adult human being is a person. Human beings are simply defined as persons, not proven to be such by medical or scientific evidence.
No matter what you think, no matter how emotional over the issue one is, this is a stupid thing to waste debate and intellectual energy on, much less needlessly risk electoral defeat over. Abortion, like it or not, has been a matter of settled law since Roe v. Wade. The SCOTUS is going to keep it that way, and since the country is nearly evenly split on the issue, there is about a snowball's chance in hell of getting a constitutional amendment (which is what would be required to invalidate Roe v. Wade) through the congress, much less having it ratified. GIVE IT UP, PEOPLE, give it up now, unless you want four more years of Obama (which is a pretty damn steep price to inflict on the rest of us for your fanaticism on this issue!). It's equally disingenuous for the other party to use this as a weapon, because they know as well as I do that the pro-life wing of the republican party can never enact its beliefs into law and have them found constitutional, but if you keep putting it out there, they're going to KEEP using it anyway and there are plenty of voters out there stupid enough to buy into it. This is a lose-lose situation for conservatives, so get on board with the REAL issues we can actually do something about, and forget the battle that's already been lost.

The right to abortion is settled law, but that's not the argument today. The argument is over paying for abortion which is separate from the right to abortion.
Doctors say, a fetus is not a human being like you or me because it lacks the most important part, a functioning brain.

When medical professionals change their mind, so will I.

Ron Paul is a doctor, and he says that a fetus is a person.

Unlike you, I understand that appealing to authority is a logical fallacy. The truth is you have no idea what the facts are, and that all you are doing is reacting emotionally, and grabbing any argument you can find that supports your emotional position.
The mothers feelings should be primary? Why? If a couple has a baby and the man rapes the woman can she kill the baby? If not, what is the difference? It is still the child of a rapist, and that woman might still hate the father, and still not want to be reminded of the rape by the very existence of a child? Does it really make a difference that the rape happened after the child was born rather than before it was?

Yes, the living, breathing, vital, conscious mother should be primary. As for the rest of your convoluted statement. ???????

Is actually applying your argument to other situations to intellectual for you?

"To" funny.....:lol:
I don't care if you're an atheist or not. I go by medical facts, not moral feelings. When the facts change, my opinion will alter accordingly.

Which medical facts are you going by? I have actually done some reading on the subject, and there is no medical evidence that a fetus is not a person, The reason for that is quite simple, there is no medical evidence that an adult human being is a person. Human beings are simply defined as persons, not proven to be such by medical or scientific evidence.

It's a person the same way an egg is a chicken, you ignorant fuck.
1. It's not a "baby" until it's born.
2. It's not even a fetus until week 22.
3. Victimizing rape victims twice by making them carry their rape babies full term and birthing them is disgusting on a human level. If you don't understand that, you're broken, and hopefully will stop voting very soon.

When you stop giving RAPE VICTIMS the option to not be reminded of the most violating and dehumanizing act you can perpetrate on a woman, your party has lost its moorings. Your party just adopted a plank that specifically removes exceptions for incest and rape. Ergo, your party is bat shit fucking crazy, and I hope you're all very much prepared for a strong backlash over the social policies your party is choosing to adopt.

It's also one more example of how you guys couldn't win this election if you tried. You're off message on the economy once more, and now we're back to talking about shit that you have never, ever won in the court of public opinion: abortion and Medicare.

Real Republicans have the Tea Baggers to thank for this, plain and simple.

Seacrest, out.

  1. It is a baby whenever the parents want to call it that. If you don't believe me try telling any woman that is pregnant and looking forward to the birth of her child, even an abortion supporter, that it is not a baby.
  2. As usual, you have no idea what you are talking about.
  3. Killing children for the crimes of their fathers is generally considered uncivilized. Even Muslims think it is wrong.
When you start arguing that one side is demonizing an entire class of people simply because you can't think of a rational argument to defend your position you personally have lost all credibility.

Tell me something, if Republicans can't win elections why do they keep winning elections?
Gay people are the only ones who suck cock? That's news to me. I just imagine that very few actually enjoy it. Have you seen a cock? I mean, they're kind of gross looking, and when you suck on them too much this little bit of white stuff comes out that I wouldn't think would be all that appetizing either. Just sayin'.

You're a piece of shit for thinking you have any right to force a rape victim to have the baby that was created by her rape. Sorry if that's too harsh for you to handle, but then again, I'm not really sorry. The truth hurts. And yes, you are a vile fucking asshole for suggesting that rape victims carry their rape babies full term and birth them. Don't like it? Tough titty, bitch. Tough motherfuckin' titty.

The only arbitrary standards being handed out here are you, in regards to the health and mental well being of the woman who had some slimeball's rock-hard cock shoved inside her vagina or anus against her will. You're arbitrarily deciding that her recovery from that crime is less important than a "life"form that is non-functioning outside of the woman's womb.

Thanks for playing though, Fuck-o.

Thanks for playing? I'm the only one who showed up? No matter how many curse words you spit out to sound confident - you're being hateful.

Speaking of curse words and your hate, you obviously thought the act of cocksucking was vile and insulting. You're saying what gay people do in their bedrooms (or wherever) is vile and the perfect way to insult someone. So again, I long have you hated gay people? Hopefully you don't have any in your family. That would be extra hurtful if you expressed that to them. (I doubt you'd have the filter to stop yourself)

It's amazing that you can't agree with the rest of the civilized world of laws that rape isn't as bad as death. I've already explained my empathy for rape victims. It's a despicable crime. But you can't poke your head into reality and have a decent conversation.

Wow. Your criteria for death is "a "life"form that is non-functioning outside of the woman's womb."?? Really? Infants can't take care of themselves without help. Old people can't take care of themselves without help. Mentally and physically disabled people can't take care of themselves often times too. You'd kill all these people??

That's why your delusion about the pro-life debate is so terrible. This is where people like you are taking us.

I hope you learn to love homosexuals, the disabled, the old, and infants. That's a lot of people to hate.

Derpshit hates everyone but himself.

Lonely, lonely man. Shame, really.

Personally, I think he hates himself, and takes it out on everyone else.
1. It's not a "baby" until it's born.
2. It's not even a fetus until week 22.
3. Victimizing rape victims twice by making them carry their rape babies full term and birthing them is disgusting on a human level. If you don't understand that, you're broken, and hopefully will stop voting very soon.

When you stop giving RAPE VICTIMS the option to not be reminded of the most violating and dehumanizing act you can perpetrate on a woman, your party has lost its moorings. Your party just adopted a plank that specifically removes exceptions for incest and rape. Ergo, your party is bat shit fucking crazy, and I hope you're all very much prepared for a strong backlash over the social policies your party is choosing to adopt.

It's also one more example of how you guys couldn't win this election if you tried. You're off message on the economy once more, and now we're back to talking about shit that you have never, ever won in the court of public opinion: abortion and Medicare.

Real Republicans have the Tea Baggers to thank for this, plain and simple.

Seacrest, out.

  1. It is a baby whenever the parents want to call it that. If you don't believe me try telling any woman that is pregnant and looking forward to the birth of her child, even an abortion supporter, that it is not a baby.
  2. As usual, you have no idea what you are talking about.
  3. Killing children for the crimes of their fathers is generally considered uncivilized. Even Muslims think it is wrong.
When you start arguing that one side is demonizing an entire class of people simply because you can't think of a rational argument to defend your position you personally have lost all credibility.

Tell me something, if Republicans can't win elections why do they keep winning elections?

No, it's not a baby whenever someone chooses to call it that. That is the exact reason we're still having this fucking argument. Your side's refusal to accept SCIENTIFIC AND MEDICAL FACT. Sure, you can call it a baby as soon as you dump your load in her snatch, but that doesn't make it true, does it?

Your second point is just fluff bullshit, so you can fuck off.

Again, aborting a rape baby is not murdering a child. And it's certainly not killing it for the sins of the father. That's emotional drivel, and has no place in legislation.

Republicans can win elections, but they don't win these fights in the court of public appeal. Because most sane and rational thinking people understand forcing a woman to carry the child of a man who fucked them against their will is a crime against humanity.
Last edited by a moderator:
Actually it would still be very simple for me. I wouldnt even hesitate. One is a human the others are not.

I'm actually horrified to think there are people out there who would not save that child, but I guess there are no limits to what people will do.

You are lying.

I'm not. And I'm shocked, seriously honestly dumbfounded to know there are people out there who wouldnt make the same choice.

You are still lying. Anyone with an ounce of intellectual honesty would admit they would chose their own child over that of a stranger every single time.
Thanks for playing? I'm the only one who showed up? No matter how many curse words you spit out to sound confident - you're being hateful.

Speaking of curse words and your hate, you obviously thought the act of cocksucking was vile and insulting. You're saying what gay people do in their bedrooms (or wherever) is vile and the perfect way to insult someone. So again, I long have you hated gay people? Hopefully you don't have any in your family. That would be extra hurtful if you expressed that to them. (I doubt you'd have the filter to stop yourself)

It's amazing that you can't agree with the rest of the civilized world of laws that rape isn't as bad as death. I've already explained my empathy for rape victims. It's a despicable crime. But you can't poke your head into reality and have a decent conversation.

Wow. Your criteria for death is "a "life"form that is non-functioning outside of the woman's womb."?? Really? Infants can't take care of themselves without help. Old people can't take care of themselves without help. Mentally and physically disabled people can't take care of themselves often times too. You'd kill all these people??

That's why your delusion about the pro-life debate is so terrible. This is where people like you are taking us.

I hope you learn to love homosexuals, the disabled, the old, and infants. That's a lot of people to hate.

Derpshit hates everyone but himself.

Lonely, lonely man. Shame, really.

Personally, I think he hates himself, and takes it out on everyone else.

Personally, I think you hate that you're the one who can't come up with a rational, emotionless and logical argument for why we should force women who just got fucked against their will to carry their rapists' baby. At least not without sounding like an absolute abortion of a human being.

Ironic, huh?
1. It's not a "baby" until it's born.
2. It's not even a fetus until week 22.
3. Victimizing rape victims twice by making them carry their rape babies full term and birthing them is disgusting on a human level. If you don't understand that, you're broken, and hopefully will stop voting very soon.

When you stop giving RAPE VICTIMS the option to not be reminded of the most violating and dehumanizing act you can perpetrate on a woman, your party has lost its moorings. Your party just adopted a plank that specifically removes exceptions for incest and rape. Ergo, your party is bat shit fucking crazy, and I hope you're all very much prepared for a strong backlash over the social policies your party is choosing to adopt.

It's also one more example of how you guys couldn't win this election if you tried. You're off message on the economy once more, and now we're back to talking about shit that you have never, ever won in the court of public opinion: abortion and Medicare.

Real Republicans have the Tea Baggers to thank for this, plain and simple.

Seacrest, out.

  1. It is a baby whenever the parents want to call it that. If you don't believe me try telling any woman that is pregnant and looking forward to the birth of her child, even an abortion supporter, that it is not a baby.
  2. As usual, you have no idea what you are talking about.
  3. Killing children for the crimes of their fathers is generally considered uncivilized. Even Muslims think it is wrong.
When you start arguing that one side is demonizing an entire class of people simply because you can't think of a rational argument to defend your position you personally have lost all credibility.

Tell me something, if Republicans can't win elections why do they keep winning elections?

No, it's not a baby whenever someone chooses to call it that. That is the exact reason we're still having this fucking argument. Your side's refusal to accept SCIENTIFIC AND MEDICAL FACT. Sure, you can call it a baby as soon as you dump your load in her snatch, but that doesn't make it true, does it?

Your second point is just fluff bullshit, so you can fuck off.

Again, aborting a rape baby is not murdering a child. And it's certainly not killing it for the sins of the father. That's emotional drivel, and has no place in legislation.

Republicans can win elections, but they don't win these fights in the court of public appeal. Because most sane and rational thinking people understand forcing a woman to carry the child of a man who fucked them against their will is a crime against humanity.

Honestly, this is why I tell people like you I hope they're raped.
Because you clearly have a very incorrect idea of what rape really looks, feels, and even smells like, you Thick Fuck.

reported, you asshat.
I don't care if you're an atheist or not. I go by medical facts, not moral feelings. When the facts change, my opinion will alter accordingly.

Which medical facts are you going by? I have actually done some reading on the subject, and there is no medical evidence that a fetus is not a person, The reason for that is quite simple, there is no medical evidence that an adult human being is a person. Human beings are simply defined as persons, not proven to be such by medical or scientific evidence.

It's a person the same way an egg is a chicken, you ignorant fuck.

You think all eggs are chickens? Even the ones that robins lay? How do we get new robins if all eggs are chickens?
1. It's not a "baby" until it's born.
2. It's not even a fetus until week 22.
3. Victimizing rape victims twice by making them carry their rape babies full term and birthing them is disgusting on a human level. If you don't understand that, you're broken, and hopefully will stop voting very soon.

When you stop giving RAPE VICTIMS the option to not be reminded of the most violating and dehumanizing act you can perpetrate on a woman, your party has lost its moorings. Your party just adopted a plank that specifically removes exceptions for incest and rape. Ergo, your party is bat shit fucking crazy, and I hope you're all very much prepared for a strong backlash over the social policies your party is choosing to adopt.

It's also one more example of how you guys couldn't win this election if you tried. You're off message on the economy once more, and now we're back to talking about shit that you have never, ever won in the court of public opinion: abortion and Medicare.

Real Republicans have the Tea Baggers to thank for this, plain and simple.

Seacrest, out.

  1. It is a baby whenever the parents want to call it that. If you don't believe me try telling any woman that is pregnant and looking forward to the birth of her child, even an abortion supporter, that it is not a baby.
  2. As usual, you have no idea what you are talking about.
  3. Killing children for the crimes of their fathers is generally considered uncivilized. Even Muslims think it is wrong.
When you start arguing that one side is demonizing an entire class of people simply because you can't think of a rational argument to defend your position you personally have lost all credibility.

Tell me something, if Republicans can't win elections why do they keep winning elections?

No, it's not a baby whenever someone chooses to call it that. That is the exact reason we're still having this fucking argument. Your side's refusal to accept SCIENTIFIC AND MEDICAL FACT. Sure, you can call it a baby as soon as you dump your load in her snatch, but that doesn't make it true, does it?

Your second point is just fluff bullshit, so you can fuck off.

Again, aborting a rape baby is not murdering a child. And it's certainly not killing it for the sins of the father. That's emotional drivel, and has no place in legislation.

Republicans can win elections, but they don't win these fights in the court of public appeal. Because most sane and rational thinking people understand forcing a woman to carry the child of a man who fucked them against their will is a crime against humanity.

Honestly, this is why I tell people like you I hope they're raped. Because you clearly have a very incorrect idea of what rape really looks, feels, and even smells like, you Thick Fuck.

Again, aborting a rape baby is not murdering a child

Yes it is...You just need to find justification..........
Since when is Sharon Barnes, who the article is talking about, the 'GOP'? And not only that, if her opinion that a child is a blessing regardless of the circumstances of conception, then it's within her rights to have that opinion.

Sharon Barnes, a high ranking state Republican... Barnes has been a figure in conservative St. Louis politics for years...
  1. It is a baby whenever the parents want to call it that. If you don't believe me try telling any woman that is pregnant and looking forward to the birth of her child, even an abortion supporter, that it is not a baby.
  2. As usual, you have no idea what you are talking about.
  3. Killing children for the crimes of their fathers is generally considered uncivilized. Even Muslims think it is wrong.
When you start arguing that one side is demonizing an entire class of people simply because you can't think of a rational argument to defend your position you personally have lost all credibility.

Tell me something, if Republicans can't win elections why do they keep winning elections?

No, it's not a baby whenever someone chooses to call it that. That is the exact reason we're still having this fucking argument. Your side's refusal to accept SCIENTIFIC AND MEDICAL FACT. Sure, you can call it a baby as soon as you dump your load in her snatch, but that doesn't make it true, does it?

Your second point is just fluff bullshit, so you can fuck off.

Again, aborting a rape baby is not murdering a child. And it's certainly not killing it for the sins of the father. That's emotional drivel, and has no place in legislation.

Republicans can win elections, but they don't win these fights in the court of public appeal. Because most sane and rational thinking people understand forcing a woman to carry the child of a man who fucked them against their will is a crime against humanity.

Honestly, this is why I tell people like you I hope they're raped.
Because you clearly have a very incorrect idea of what rape really looks, feels, and even smells like, you Thick Fuck.

reported, you asshat.

Conservative said:
Hi, you have received -714 reputation points from Conservative.
Reputation was given for this post.

wishing rape on another poster? bad form, assbreath. negged and reported.


Note: This is an automated message.

Oh booo hooo. Can't wait for the Conservative Admin Team to swoop in and ban me again. Somehow, I think I'll survive.

How can you tell when you've thoroughly trounced Conservative? He plays Hall Monitor.

I stand by my assertion that any person claiming a rape victim needs to carry the baby of her rapist to full term should be raped and impregnated. If you can't stomach that, then maybe YOU shouldn't be advocating victimizing the rape victim for a second time.
1. It's not a "baby" until it's born.
2. It's not even a fetus until week 22.
3. Victimizing rape victims twice by making them carry their rape babies full term and birthing them is disgusting on a human level. If you don't understand that, you're broken, and hopefully will stop voting very soon.

When you stop giving RAPE VICTIMS the option to not be reminded of the most violating and dehumanizing act you can perpetrate on a woman, your party has lost its moorings. Your party just adopted a plank that specifically removes exceptions for incest and rape. Ergo, your party is bat shit fucking crazy, and I hope you're all very much prepared for a strong backlash over the social policies your party is choosing to adopt.

It's also one more example of how you guys couldn't win this election if you tried. You're off message on the economy once more, and now we're back to talking about shit that you have never, ever won in the court of public opinion: abortion and Medicare.

Real Republicans have the Tea Baggers to thank for this, plain and simple.

Seacrest, out.

  1. It is a baby whenever the parents want to call it that. If you don't believe me try telling any woman that is pregnant and looking forward to the birth of her child, even an abortion supporter, that it is not a baby.
  2. As usual, you have no idea what you are talking about.
  3. Killing children for the crimes of their fathers is generally considered uncivilized. Even Muslims think it is wrong.
When you start arguing that one side is demonizing an entire class of people simply because you can't think of a rational argument to defend your position you personally have lost all credibility.

Tell me something, if Republicans can't win elections why do they keep winning elections?

No, it's not a baby whenever someone chooses to call it that. That is the exact reason we're still having this fucking argument. Your side's refusal to accept SCIENTIFIC AND MEDICAL FACT. Sure, you can call it a baby as soon as you dump your load in her snatch, but that doesn't make it true, does it?

Your second point is just fluff bullshit, so you can fuck off.

Again, aborting a rape baby is not murdering a child. And it's certainly not killing it for the sins of the father. That's emotional drivel, and has no place in legislation.

Republicans can win elections, but they don't win these fights in the court of public appeal. Because most sane and rational thinking people understand forcing a woman to carry the child of a man who fucked them against their will is a crime against humanity.

Honestly, this is why I tell people like you I hope they're raped. Because you clearly have a very incorrect idea of what rape really looks, feels, and even smells like, you Thick Fuck.

Scientific and medical fact? What scientific fact do you have that a baby is not a fetus until week 12? The embryonic stage of development ends 9 weeks after fertilization. Even if you use the unscientific last menstrual period, which has nothing to do with anything scientific, the fetal stage begins at week 11, not week 12.

It is interesting that you point out my emotional entanglement, and ten resort to emotional arguments to defend your position. There is a term for that process, it is called psychological projection. What it means is that you are in denial. You probably should get help for that.
Derpshit hates everyone but himself.

Lonely, lonely man. Shame, really.

Personally, I think he hates himself, and takes it out on everyone else.

Personally, I think you hate that you're the one who can't come up with a rational, emotionless and logical argument for why we should force women who just got fucked against their will to carry their rapists' baby. At least not without sounding like an absolute abortion of a human being.

Ironic, huh?

You wanting people to get raped is a rational, logical, and emotionless argument?

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