GOP Majority Struggling To Get Things Done

Fuck Obama, he's an obstructionist.

There was an election: he lost. He needs to shut the fuck up and pass the laws the people want

Frankie you are an idiot. Obama won both of his presidential elections. Wow are you stupid or what?

Pay attention fuckface. There was an election in November 14 and Democrats were shellacked of state and national level.

They need to get to the back of the bus

Why should they get to the back of the bus?

Obama is still driving. Republicans haven't figured that out

Obama drove the government into the ditch. He was on the ballot and he lost -- big time.

He can score some pakololo from choom gang bang choom in the back of the book s

That car was already deep in the ditch...that is why America decided to let Obama drive

Since then, the stock market has more than doubled, unemployment is down to 5.7%, GDP is up, the dollar is strong

What are Republicans doing other than trying to throw the brakes on the economy?
unemployment is down ? hummmmm ! i did not know that, but what i do know is this: > “The more than 91 million Americans who are out of the workforce and stuck on the sidelines deserve action on the part of the president and the Senate.”
–Rep. Diane Black (R-Tenn.), opinion article in The Tennessean, Jan. 28, 2014 <-------<<<< nothing has changed !! :up:

•6 million want a job now but cannot find one.

•2.4 million did not actively search for work.

•1.5 million did not search for work because they are students or left the job market for family reasons, illness or some other factor.

•900,000 are discouraged and think no job is available.

and we have a fucking mulatto muslime leader of188 demo-rats who are destroying America every day just by their wasting good oxygen.
At the end of the day we are going to get about the same bad government with the Republicans as we always get with the Democrats.

The 2010 elected Republican control House gave Obama a tax increase and gave him more debt, twice. They didn't do much to stop Obama's filthy ass Liberal agenda. The 2014 elected House and Senate will be just as ineffective and will give Obama most of what he wants. Those idiots don't even have the courage to defund Obamacare, which they could do. They are not going to do a damn thing to significantly defund this bloated welfare state we have.

The Democrats promises bad government and delivers bad government.

The Republicans promises good government but delivers bad governemnt.

Not much difference.
Get ready for another GOP Government shutdown this week

Another example of Republicans getting things done
Democratic Party = The Party of No

Now they're holding the People hostage to get their Amnesty. Won't fund Homeland Security unless they get it. My God, what a bunch of traitors.
'Republicans "promised a new era of productivity and discipline that would break four years of gridlock." Where is all that "productivity and discipline" they promised?'

This is the consequence of a political party whose sole purpose is to oppose everything Obama, and being devoid itself of policies that can benefit the Nation as a whole.

Republicans have spent so much time opposing everything they've lost the ability to govern.
Less than 2 months and you already have it pegged, right?

Was there ever a need to highlight that you are a partisan hack?

This approach is FAR better than the 'lets cram our agenda into law asap before we lose steam' that occurred when the dems first took power. I guess that Obama has nothing to do with this issue as well?

Of course not...
Get ready for another GOP Government shutdown this week

Another example of Republicans getting things done
Republicans in the minority and the government shuts down - republicans fault. Democrats in the minority when the government shuts down - republicans fault. Republicans have one governorship and nothing else when the government shuts down - you guessed it - republicans fault.
Get ready for another GOP Government shutdown this week

Another example of Republicans getting things done
Republicans in the minority and the government shuts down - republicans fault. Democrats in the minority when the government shuts down - republicans fault. Republicans have one governorship and nothing else when the government shuts down - you guessed it - republicans fault.
Boehner was Speaker then, Boehner is Speaker now

Never saw Pelosi shut down government. Democrats love America too much
What a bunch of pussies the Republican party has become.

They promised to end Omamcare. Fucking couldn't do it.
They promised to ruin Hillary's career with Benghazi. Couldn't do it.
They promised to bring all that Canada tar sands oil to 'Mercia. Couldn't do it.
They promise to shut the HMS department DOWN if the immigrants were not thrown out. Now they can't do that.

Why do you fucking right wrongers like a skull or a bear or whatever, keep voting for these jerks who tell you what you want to hear and then never ever accomplish what they promise?
And you all keep on voting for them. Why?
Republicans like to talk big - but they govern poorly.
They can't even pass legislation they like to send to obama because they know their ideas won't be popular and Obama will just veto them so they lose either way. Theyre waiting in hopes they win the white house.
The GOP is struggling...mainly because the tea party is forcing the GOP to play checkers while the dems are playing chess and just laughing. Teapers can't see past their own noses. They can't see the big picture. They can't understand how to win a political fight...they think every issue is the war when it is only a small battle.
What a bunch of pussies the Republican party has become.

They promised to end Omamcare. Fucking couldn't do it.
They promised to ruin Hillary's career with Benghazi. Couldn't do it.
They promised to bring all that Canada tar sands oil to 'Mercia. Couldn't do it.
They promise to shut the HMS department DOWN if the immigrants were not thrown out. Now they can't do that.

Why do you fucking right wrongers like a skull or a bear or whatever, keep voting for these jerks who tell you what you want to hear and then never ever accomplish what they promise?
And you all keep on voting for them. Why?

Their problem is that they have given up on bipartisan negotiation

All they have in their toolbox is shut down, default on debt, defund
If I don't get my the bad things that will happen
The People spoke loud & clear in the last Election. The Communists got trounced. So it's time for them to step aside and allow the Republicans to do the Peoples' work. They don't want the Communist in Chief's Amnesty, Obamacare, Internet Takeover, and so on...
The People spoke loud & clear in the last Election. The Communists got trounced. So it's time for them to step aside and allow the Republicans to do the Peoples' work. They don't want the Communist in Chief's Amnesty, Obamacare, Internet Takeover, and so on...

Obama got more votes than all the Republicans combined

The people have spoken
The People spoke loud & clear in the last Election. The Communists got trounced. So it's time for them to step aside and allow the Republicans to do the Peoples' work. They don't want the Communist in Chief's Amnesty, Obamacare, Internet Takeover, and so on...

Obama got more votes than all the Republicans combined

The people have spoken

They don't want your Communist in Chief's Amnesty, Obamacare, Internet Takeover and so on. That's very clear. Time for y'all to get out of the way.
The GOP didn't put any plans on the table for the American people to vote on. They just said, "Trust us." The most cowardly political tactic of all time.

And now the GOP Establishment has been caught with nothing in their bag of tricks. They showed up empty handed. They have been taking the easier way out pissing and moaning and whining for so long, they forgot how to make a plan for solving any of our problems.

Immigration reform? Eric Cantor lost the primary! Run away! Run away!

Health care reform? Six years in, and STILL no plan on the table to replace ObamaCare. Run away! Run away!

A single oil pipeline most of us would otherwise never heard of was all they had. BWA-HA-HA-HA!
It is perfectly obvious that the Obama caused state of affairs is so bad that it will take at least two years, and probably more like 10 to straighten anything out. And, of course, as we have been taught by the Obama sycophants for the last 6 years, as long as even one democrat remains in office, they will prevent anything from being done. They're just that powerful.

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