Google wants to kill your phone


Gold Member
Apr 22, 2014
Google is working hard to make phones obsolete.

The company wouldn't admit this. And they don't want me to say it. They still have to make nice with mobile phone carriers who support and sell Android phones.

Google Fi represents a revolutionary idea: phones that automatically switch both voice calls and data connections between different carriers, and between voice networks and VoIP over WiFi.

When Google Fi launched two years ago, it gained a reputation for offering clear, flexible, low pricing ($10 per GB) and easy, inexpensive international roaming (via T-Mobile). Fi enabled users to "pause" and "resume" both service and payment. Users like the power and flexibility of its multiple carriers and seamless Wi-Fi support. As a bonus, Wi-Fi calls are automatically routed through a secure Virtual Private Network (VPN).

Since that time, however, the world has changed. Nowadays all carriers offer unlimited and lower-cost plans, so consumers are souring on Project Fi.

Google's launch of Project Fi raised the obvious question: Why would Google want to be a carrier? After all, Google is all about the internet, not the phone system.

The answer is clear: Google's mission is to transition communication to a post-phone world.

Google's Project Fi is part of its post-smartphone plan

There's a lot more at the link about how this will unfold in the next several years. But it makes sense. Look at Skype and how it's replaced long distance phone calls. Someday, we might replace phone numbers with usernames. :dunno:

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