GI Joe Halloween: Elvira/Trump


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Will this year's Halloween offer patriotism-themed costumes?

Or will anti-TrumpUSA protests inspire more 'ghoulish' masquerades?

That's a good controversy...



The patriotic American military crusaders known as G.I. Joes are shown here in a group collage. Notice the uniforms, vehicles, insignia, and team camaraderie. This is a great inspiration for toys and costumes for kids.


This is a photo collage of the super-terrorist organization known as Cobra. Notice the nefarious costumes and insidious poses. These too would make nifty costumes and toys, with the proper parental supervision of course.


Then there's the rogue agent simply named Rogue. He sometimes helped G.I. Joe and he sometimes worked for Cobra. No one is sure who is allegiance is really to, but they do know he's an incredibly-gifted infiltrator and sharp-shooter. He also loves comic books and Halloween. You can be sure Rogue may be walking around somewhere this Halloween Eve, pretending simply to be in a nifty Halloween costume while working for...who knows(?!).


As this political cartoon shows, we've learned as a species to simply 'live' with terrorism. Israel-Palestine will never be resolved, and Muslims will always consider the post-WWII establishment of the State of Israel as a violation of Palestinian sovereignty on multiple levels, while the West will continue to believe that wandering refugee Jews had no place to call home after the Holocaust and warranted an international establishment of a 'political asylum region' or newly-sanctioned 'state.' While OPEC still competes with the world using economics, anti-capitalist terrorist groups such as ISIS continue to challenge the West's assumptions that Israel-Palestine can co-exist as a peaceful negotiation-zone.


ELVIRA: My name is Elvira, and I host a scare-a-thon movie-fest every Halloween on TV. I'm wondering this Halloween how many kids will dress up as G.I. Joes and how many will dress up as Cobra agents. For that matter, I wonder how many kids will dress up as the mysterious Rogue or if Rogue himself will be prancing around in a costume, pretending to be a 'trick-or-treater.' One thing is for sure, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would like to see Rogue at a Washington tea-party with representatives of G.I. Joe and Cobra attending for some kind of peace-summit (or cease-fire). Happy Halloween...



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