Get ready for democrats to blame the Fed for the failing economy


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Elizabeth Warren has begun to blame the Fed for the worsening recession because they keep hiking interest rates to try and reach the unattainable inflation rate of 2%, which it was while Trump was in office. Warren says the Fed should speak directly to the American people on how they will all get screwed with higher interest rates.

But does Warren have to explain why inflation is bad in the first place, namely, all the spending she is doing in the Swamp?

The inflation was the result of, in chronological order:
  1. Trillions of stimulus over several years, through the previous administration
  2. Collapsed global supply chains coming out of the lockdowns
  3. The failure of the Fed to address inflation earlier, about 8 to 10 months too late
So Warren is wrong to complain about the Fed. They're backed into a corner now.

And ignorant partisans are, as usual, wrong about the cause of this inflationary period.

Elizabeth Warren has begun to blame the Fed for the worsening recession because they keep hiking interest rates to try and reach the unattainable inflation rate of 2%, which it was while Trump was in office. Warren says the Fed should speak directly to the American people on how they will all get screwed with higher interest rates.

But does Warren have to explain why inflation is bad in the first place, namely, all the spending she is doing in the Swamp?

Uh...weren't you just recently roasting Powell for ignoring the whole inflation thing? You do understand that the inflation issue has been coming for YEARS..right? Part of the consequences of the growth we enjoyed over the last decade and a half.
As far as spending goes, I'm afraid both parties are to blame for that. Republican presidents have been just as bad with the spending...but..they provided generous tax cuts to corporations and the wealthy at the same time..making the problem worse.
Uh...weren't you just recently roasting Powell for ignoring the whole inflation thing? You do understand that the inflation issue has been coming for YEARS..right? Part of the consequences of the growth we enjoyed over the last decade and a half.
As far as spending goes, I'm afraid both parties are to blame for that. Republican presidents have been just as bad with the spending...but..they provided generous tax cuts to corporations and the wealthy at the same time..making the problem worse.
Governments across the globe have created this inflation by the following.

1. Shutting down the world economy during Covid

2. Globally declaring war on fossil fuels, which is the life blood of the economy

3. Spending recklessly.

As you say, both parties have done this. The people have no voice and will get trampled

And it will be these same voices that caused this, to offer a solution.

Most refer to it as the Great Reset, but I'm sure it will result in hell on earth.
The inflation was the result of, in chronological order:
  1. Trillions of stimulus over several years, through the previous administration
  2. Collapsed global supply chains coming out of the lockdowns
  3. The failure of the Fed to address inflation earlier, about 8 to 10 months too late
So Warren is wrong to complain about the Fed. They're backed into a corner now.

And ignorant partisans are, as usual, wrong about the cause of this inflationary period.
What mac1958 means is china

Its China ruled by the CCP that globalists rely on for trinkets

And the CCP spent 3 years brutally enforcing a Fauci policy of total lockdowns and zero production
Governments across the globe have created this inflation by the following.

1. Shutting down the world economy during Covid

2. Globally declaring war on fossil fuels, which is the life blood of the economy

3. Spending recklessly.

As you say, both parties have done this. The people have no voice and will get trampled

And it will be these same voices that caused this, to offer a solution.

Most refer to it as the Great Reset, but I'm sure it will result in hell on earth.
1) Both Republican and Democrat leaders had to do this when no guidance or action was forthcoming from feds...and that starts at the top. It was either that, or a complete catastrophe of bodies in the millions...which is where we were headed.
2) Fossil fuels have been on their way out for years now. The evolution to green is natural. Will it occur overnight? No. But it will occur. High gas prices had more to do with corporate price gouging and a war in Ukraine.
3) See both parties for this.

I don't believe in a Great Reset just like I don't believe in White Replacement.

All I can say is economic policy starts with the money you take in...taxes.
Our tax structure has needed a good, long look for years now.
But there's no will to do it. We'll just keep going back to the middle class well and the largest population of people for the money. ^Shrug^.
The inflation was the result of, in chronological order:
  1. Trillions of stimulus over several years, through the previous administration
  2. Collapsed global supply chains coming out of the lockdowns
  3. The failure of the Fed to address inflation earlier, about 8 to 10 months too late
So Warren is wrong to complain about the Fed. They're backed into a corner now.

And ignorant partisans are, as usual, wrong about the cause of this inflationary period.

You can add price gouging to your list.

This was admitted to by corporate CEO’s, and everybody just apparently ignored it.

Oil prices have been in the $75-80 range for some time, and the US is currently an exporter.

Why is gas still anywhere near $3 a gallon?
1) Both Republican and Democrat leaders had to do this when no guidance or action was forthcoming from feds...and that starts at the top. It was either that, or a complete catastrophe of bodies in the millions...which is where we were headed.
2) Fossil fuels have been on their way out for years now. The evolution to green is natural. Will it occur overnight? No. But it will occur. High gas prices had more to do with corporate price gouging and a war in Ukraine.
3) See both parties for this.

I don't believe in a Great Reset just like I don't believe in White Replacement.

All I can say is economic policy starts with the money you take in...taxes.
Our tax structure has needed a good, long look for years now.
But there's no will to do it. We'll just keep going back to the middle class well and the largest population of people for the money. ^Shrug^.
Sweden showed that the lockdowns did nothing but destroy the economy. They were the only country in the world to ignore it, and they did just fine.

You will believe what you will about fossil fuels and rationalize that the war on them must be done to save the planet. If so, any and all destruction of the world economy is acceptable to you, if that means "saving the planet' Sorry, I don't believe politicians can control the weather when they can't even control inflation. Insane.

The world economy is going south as politicians around the globe double down on the same policies that created this mess.

It is the only outcome possible.
You can add price gouging to your list.

This was admitted to by corporate CEO’s, and everybody just apparently ignored it.

Oil prices have been in the $75-80 range for some time, and the US is currently an exporter.

Why is gas still anywhere near $3 a gallon?
Woke corporations around the world are in on this.
We have become addicted to a booming artificial economy. We seem to think (as long as it's our party in office) that we can print and boom endlessly.

If we won't end it other countries are going to end it for us and that's going to cause far more problems than if we address it ourselves.

I have zero beliefs we will address our greed.

Elizabeth Warren has begun to blame the Fed for the worsening recession because they keep hiking interest rates to try and reach the unattainable inflation rate of 2%, which it was while Trump was in office. Warren says the Fed should speak directly to the American people on how they will all get screwed with higher interest rates.

But does Warren have to explain why inflation is bad in the first place, namely, all the spending she is doing in the Swamp?

No matter who or what people blame for inflation the simple fact is it will be higher interest rates that cause a recession. The Fed believes inflation must be controlled at all costs. If that includes a recession, job losses, and economic hardship for many their be it.
No matter who or what people blame for inflation the simple fact is it will be higher interest rates that cause a recession. The Fed believes inflation must be controlled at all costs. If that includes a recession, job losses, and economic hardship for many their be it.

Continual high inflation is a good thing?
We have become addicted to a booming artificial economy. We seem to think (as long as it's our party in office) that we can print and boom endlessly.

If we won't end it other countries are going to end it for us and that's going to cause far more problems than if we address it ourselves.

I have zero beliefs we will address our greed.

Of course we're not going to address it. Congress raises the debt limit and prints endlessly as we enjoy the excessive gluttony. The elected rubes play along and fiddle away. Soon enough, it will crash and a digital credits system will be doled out to the masses. All you'll need to do is receive your AI implant/electronic tatoo, etc, and your problems will be taken care of. The masses will love it. Security at last.
That's a 10 on the conspiratorial/paranoia meter.
Are corporations not woke? They all require woke training now.

And who finances the politicians pushing this stuff?

Is it not corporations?

Try again.
You can add price gouging to your list.

This was admitted to by corporate CEO’s, and everybody just apparently ignored it.

Oil prices have been in the $75-80 range for some time, and the US is currently an exporter.

Why is gas still anywhere near $3 a gallon?
You are an idiot, has anyone ever told you?
Poopeypants vowed to destroy fossil fuels and has done everything possible to thaat end...that is why gas costs so much.
And selling from our Emergency Reserve does not make us an "exporter".

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