Germany: Muslims can kill you for wearing a cross


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
If you dare in Merkel's Germany to wear a Christian cross you are deadly endangered. Like here in USA beloved by blacks Knockout Game Germany is drowned in violence against Christians. Political correct 'police' performs 'investigations' very slow and even if villains get found they have nothing to fear: DDR 2.0 has respect to Islam, no punishment for 'Guests of Merkel'.

Translation from German:

Only a few weeks ago, a 39 years old guy, was attacked in Berlin by Arabs because he wore a cross around the neck (PI-NEWS reported). On Monday evening against 22 o'clock there were close to S-Bahn station Neukölln a new attack. According to the police report, two "men were kicked" to a 23-Year-old, and had spoken to him on the cross that he wore on a chain around the neck. The same was then demolished and the young man is beaten several times a brutal fist in the face. One of the two attackers at him, while the second him also with a knife cut wounds inflicted on the torso. Now the state protection.

Whether it has damaged the Afghan victim now, because it is itself escaped, apparently before Islam, from Afghanistan, or his origin, kept it in front of it, to be slaughtered, is not known. But the fact is, that in Germany there is an open persecution of Christians, while the hypocrisy of the mainstream churches of the time allow you to the killer cult of Islam, to worship him, to desecrate Christian places of worship with their battle cry, and their representatives, even submissive, their crosses drop, if you are looking for believers in the proximity of the Right?

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If you dare in Merkel's Germany to wear a Christian cross you are deadly endangered. Like here in USA beloved by blacks Knockout Game Germany is drowned in violence against Christians. Political correct 'police' performs 'investigations' very slow and even if villains get found they have nothing to fear: DDR 2.0 has respect to Islam, no punishment for 'Guests of Merkel'.

Translation from German:

Only a few weeks ago, a 39 years old guy, was attacked in Berlin by Arabs because he wore a cross around the neck (PI-NEWS reported). On Monday evening against 22 o'clock there were close to S-Bahn station Neukölln a new attack. According to the police report, two "men were kicked" to a 23-Year-old, and had spoken to him on the cross that he wore on a chain around the neck. The same was then demolished and the young man is beaten several times a brutal fist in the face. One of the two attackers at him, while the second him also with a knife cut wounds inflicted on the torso. Now the state protection.

Whether it has damaged the Afghan victim now, because it is itself escaped, apparently before Islam, from Afghanistan, or his origin, kept it in front of it, to be slaughtered, is not known. But the fact is, that in Germany there is an open persecution of Christians, while the hypocrisy of the mainstream churches of the time allow you to the killer cult of Islam, to worship him, to desecrate Christian places of worship with their battle cry, and their representatives, even submissive, their crosses drop, if you are looking for believers in the proximity of the Right?

You are being redirected...


Well that's the right-wing religious whack-job fantasists version of events. A trawl through the internet reveals a different picture from the German police report.

"According to police, the 35-year-old man was walking through Hermannplatz in the Neukölln district of Berlin at about 2.50pm on Friday, when women and children who appeared to be part of a family group started to berate and insult him using homophobic statements. Their comments reportedly also related to the fact that he was wearing a cross around his neck.

The man told police that the men from the group then started to beat and kick him, snapping one of his fingers.

An unknown passerby was able to take the man away from the group into safety at a nearby pub to call for help, police report. By the time officers arrived, the woman who had helped the man had left, as had the group." Berlin man taken to hospital after homophobic attack by family with kids: police

and the original police report Mann homophob beleidigt und angegriffen - mention of Muslims/Arabs/brown people/little grey men from outer space...more likely just a bunch of homophobic neo-nazis.
They won't be happy until Germany becomes a Muslim country.

And the most astounding thing is that Germans are fine with it.:cuckoo:

Who are we to deny them their wishes ....:dunno:
As a Kraut I can say that what the problem was is that the man was Afghan and had converted from Muslim to Christian. They were doing what they were told was the proper thing to do. WRONG!!!!
As a Kraut I can say that what the problem was is that the man was Afghan and had converted from Muslim to Christian. They were doing what they were told was the proper thing to do. WRONG!!!!

But the problem is that this Islamist violence does not limit itself to targeting ex-Muslims alone.

Deadly terrorists attacks across the country happen all the time. We all know that, don't we?

Merkel's Germany is f****d.
Terrorist attacks are not the same as the killing prescribed by muhmmed.
Terrorist attacks are not the same as the killing prescribed by muhmmed.

There is probably no doubt that the Afghan was attacked for wearing a cross because he was a Muslim and the ultimate punishment for being an apostate is death under Islam.

Both terrorist attacks and punishment of apostates are carried out as ordained in the Koran, the attacks being part of Jihad to subjugate the non believers.

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