Gay PRIDE Parade Is Really a SHAME Parade

All that revulsion over that terrible, terrible perversion, and yet you just can't turn your eyes away as instructed. Why is that, Queenie?
I certainly DO turn my eyes away. I wouldn't watch this degradation fiasco for one second. Not if you paid me. Aren't there enough things making us sick already ?

So, your revulsion is sparked by that which you feverishly imagine, rather than see. So...

All that revulsion over that terrible, terrible perversion you imagine, and yet you just can't turn your attention away, as instructed. Why is that, Queenie?
All that revulsion over that terrible, terrible perversion, and yet you just can't turn your eyes away as instructed. Why is that, Queenie?
I certainly DO turn my eyes away. I wouldn't watch this degradation fiasco for one second. Not if you paid me. Aren't there enough things making us sick already ?
I agree, tRump is really good at making the world sick.
I absolutely love the concept of ''positive hatred's. Is this a Bible thing or a modern right wing construct ?
It is simple intelligence. Would you like a few example of positive hating ?

1. We hate cancer, so we do research on how to fight it, and we treat it, destroy it and save lives.

2. We hate dirt, so we clean ourselves, our homes, our cars.

3. We hate Muslim jihad, so we ban travel/immigration from countries that have allowed it to flourish.

PS - your local 5th graders could have told you this. :rolleyes:
Something tells me taint likes getting his salad tossed. Or he is about to cross over.
gaypride is the showing that "I'M gay and as good as you".
They are not. They are sick people made even sicker by their SHAM SHAME parades.
Actually every gay person I have met is far more American than you! Just because you can not accept that some people are different, be it color, religion or sexual preference, does not make them a lessor person it simply reflects your being a lessor human.
I absolutely love the concept of ''positive hatred's. Is this a Bible thing or a modern right wing construct ?
It is simple intelligence. Would you like a few example of positive hating ?

1. We hate cancer, so we do research on how to fight it, and we treat it, destroy it and save lives.

2. We hate dirt, so we clean ourselves, our homes, our cars.

3. We hate Muslim jihad, so we ban travel/immigration from countries that have allowed it to flourish.

PS - your local 5th graders could have told you this. :rolleyes:
Cancer is a disease. As such we do the research to conquer it. I love dirt as it is the basis of all food. To my knowledge most people bath to smell good and prevent potential infection. As for Muslin jihad my Islamic friends do not want that to be a part of their lives. Banning immigration from countries that have Islam as the major religion is just a glorified segregation and leaves you ignorant of what is possible with friendship.
In St. Petersburg, FL today, gays from hundreds of miles away, will be converging here to engage in their annual St Pete Pride Parade & Festival. Tampa Bay area media is announcing the event will have 200,000 people. I rather doubt that it will have even 1/10 that many. In any case, this ghastly fiasco of gays showing off their perversion, is really nothing more than than a whitewash of shame, not pride.

It's an attempt by a small % of the population, ashamed (understandably) at how they live, attempting to legitimize their wacko lifestyle, and whitewash it into something they'd like the majority (sane) society to accept. They use the word PRIDE as a means of transforming shame into pride. Trouble is >> What is there to be proud of ?

EARTH TO GAYS: We don't accept it, no matter how many perverts cavort around, in parades and festivals, and whatever you do there.

Do we see plumbers PRIDE day ? No. Of course not. Do we see guitar players pride days ? Nope. Do we see chess players' pride day ? No. That's because these people aren't trying to deflect away shame, by pretending to be proud. Plumbers, guitar players, and chess players (just 3 examples) may really be proud of what they are skilled to do, but they don't feel a need to make a spectacle of it. Only folks with real hang-ups have a need for that.

By putting on this moronic festival of senseless perversion, St. Petersburg has made themselves the San Francisco of the South, and that is truly nothing to be proud of. :rolleyes:

Poor little snowflake.

Even Slovenian Americans have parades in America

Slovenian festival warms Cleveland with fuzzy monsters, ethnic pride (photos)
America has left you behind.

Changing Attitudes on Gay Marriage
In Pew Research Center polling in 2001, Americans opposed same-sex marriage by a margin of 57% to 35%.

Since then, support for same-sex marriage has steadily grown. And today, support for same-sex marriage is at its highest point since Pew Research Center began polling on this issue. Based on polling in 2017, a majority of Americans (62%) support same-sex marriage, while 32% oppose it.

Perhaps you should move to Russia where their backward attitudes are more in tune with yours ?

Maybe YOU could move to Russia. Then again no, they've passed anti-gay legislation recently.

Yep- you reflect Russian and Putin's values so well here.
I absolutely love the concept of ''positive hatred's. Is this a Bible thing or a modern right wing construct ?
It is simple intelligence. Would you like a few example of positive hating ?

1. We hate cancer, so we do research on how to fight it, and we treat it, destroy it and save lives.

2. We hate dirt, so we clean ourselves, our homes, our cars.

3. We hate Muslim jihad, so we ban travel/immigration from countries that have allowed it to flourish.

PS - your local 5th graders could have told you this. :rolleyes:

Without dirt- we would all die. Why would you hate that which all of our vegetables grow in?

You hate Muslims- which is of course very differant from Muslim Jihad- and would prefer to ban all Muslims from everywhere- regardless of 'jihad'.
Without dirt- we would all die. Why would you hate that which all of our vegetables grow in?

You hate Muslims- which is of course very different from Muslim Jihad- and would prefer to ban all Muslims from everywhere- regardless of 'jihad'.
So I guess you are saving money on water bills and laundry detergent.

Actually, Muslims are NOT different from Muslim jihad. ALL Muslims are followers of he KORAN, which preaches (if not commands) jihad, cover to cover. And yes, Islam is banned, because of its supremacism, illegal under the Constitution, and this should be enforced - no question about it.

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