freedombecki is back for today...


Let's go swimmin'!
May 3, 2011
My house
Just to let you know, it is uncertain how long I will be able to be back as freedombecki, but for some reason, my old computer logged me in, whereas the library computer did not. Yes, I'm still at the local library. Yes, I love USMB, quilts, zoo creatures, astronomy, birds, and winged beings of Lepidoptera. The political system does little to lift people's spirits lately, and I mourn when labor and leadership spur men and women to bitterly quarrel and wish bad on one another. I am cheered when people let peace on earth begin with themselves through giving up time to charitable pursuits, reconciling differences with others, and praying for America with the knowledge that our forbears did exactly that when creating the founding documents with the astonishing wish for all to live in a state of equality such that each person might pursue happiness through helping each other through thick and thin. That said, this is to friend, rival, and foe; may peace found your spirits and heaven your soul. :)
Just to let you know, it is uncertain how long I will be able to be back as freedombecki, but for some reason, my old computer logged me in, whereas the library computer did not. Yes, I'm still at the local library. Yes, I love USMB, quilts, zoo creatures, astronomy, birds, and winged beings of Lepidoptera. The political system does little to lift people's spirits lately, and I mourn when labor and leadership spur men and women to bitterly quarrel and wish bad on one another. I am cheered when people let peace on earth begin with themselves through giving up time to charitable pursuits, reconciling differences with others, and praying for America with the knowledge that our forbears did exactly that when creating the founding documents with the astonishing wish for all to live in a state of equality such that each person might pursue happiness through helping each other through thick and thin. That said, this is to friend, rival, and foe; may peace found your spirits and heaven your soul. :)

Your absence was cause for great concern, Becki. Welcome back.
Oh, Mr. Swagger, thanks! I've had my silly hands full with my beloved's dementia, and have longed to be back here many a time. For the time being, he is getting 24/7/365 professional care which frees up time for me to get back to "normal." We're doing all we can together here, but someday the bank account will balance out at zero, and I don't know what will happen to him. Any prayers you and others could send up would be loved by me. Thank you for dropping by. It's a better use of our resources to post from the library, so it has been one answer to one of my prayers that someday I could come back and give everybody here a big hug. :huddle:
Oh, Mr. Swagger, thanks! I've had my silly hands full with my beloved's dementia, and have longed to be back here many a time. For the time being, he is getting 24/7/365 professional care which frees up time for me to get back to "normal." We're doing all we can together here, but someday the bank account will balance out at zero, and I don't know what will happen to him. Any prayers you and others could send up would be loved by me. Thank you for dropping by. It's a better use of our resources to post from the library, so it has been one answer to one of my prayers that someday I could come back and give everybody here a big hug. :huddle:
How much is internet access, Becki? Maybe we could all band together and pay for it for 6 months or something? You need an escape from real life, just to keep from being too overwhelmed.

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