Forgotten heroes: Tribute to police officers. Please dont move.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Politics and politicians affect so many people, but none more than cops, who are the buffer between moronic politicians and the people. Without cops to pick and choose which laws are plain stupid and refuse to enforce, and which are necessary for a society, we would be subject to every stupid idea some moron in office thought should be law.

Since 4:00 pm yesterday, over 15 cops have been shot. 2010 was one of the worst years ever for cops killed on duty. 2011 is starting off just as bad. Community policing has weakened the image of a cop from a big, strong man who enforces laws, to a mere community service person who is there to literally serve whining citizens. Add to that a growing hatred of cops, which stems from both the individual, and issues in society that add to a bad image of cops.

As a former cop, I want to thank all the men and women who put on a vest, badge and gun and take the safety of strangers into their own hands at the risk of their own lives. In my brief time behind the badge, I realized the following:

The general public often demands of cops:

- The knowledge of a lawyer- they expect a cop to know everything about every law, and be able to recall it on the side of a street at a seconds notice. The job demands common sense as well as book knowledge. Anyone who thinks otherwise is truly ignorant. There are no dumb cops. Lazy ones yes. Corrupt ones, sometimes. Lack of commons sense? Some of the rookies who wont last long, yes. Dumb? None.
- The courage of a soldier- they expect a cop to run into a gunfire situation, against superior firepower many times, without hesitation.
- The fitness of an athlete- despite society at large in the country being mostly obese, citizens hammer any cop who may be carrying a few extra pounds......while at the same time calling the very fit guy who keeps his uniform impecable "uptight" for presenting such an image, and saying he was just bullied in high school. Can't win with appearance.
- The morality of clergy. They expect a cop to be the upmost of morality, which is fine. A cop is not allowed to be seen without a seat belt. Or speeding 5 over. Cops are expected to follow every law, every second of every day, which literally no citizen can live up to.
- The patience of a teacher- They expect cops to have absolutely no temper, despite wanting a guy who is alpha type and willing to run into gunfire, they also expect him to stand there and be verbally blasted and put up with people acting like pure animals, all while keeping a calm, neutral demeanor. Good luck.
- The creativity of a guidance counselor- These days, cops are called on to be nannys for out of control children, the mediator between neighbors who cant even ask the other to put the barking dog inside the home, and the solution to every single nusance that any citizen cant figure out themselves without government help.

- The willingness to work for the pay of a janitor. Combine all the above expectations into a job description, and no one would want that shit. Add to it that the janitor of the local city hall probably makes nearly as much as the cops (same with firemen and teachers) and it's amazing that anyone would sign up for that job at all.

But amazingly, tonight in America, thousands of cops will enter their roll call breifing, possessing all of the above, and go out into the streets with no clue if their night will consist of sheer boredom and trying to mix the perfect cup of coffee at 2am at the local 7-11...........or clinging to life with bullets in them while their loved ones wait in terror in the ER waiting room. God Bless you all, and be safe.

The above applies just the same to all you military folks, who sadly are being turned into the "World Police" and getting hamstringed by lawyers the same way domestic cops are. A tribute thread to you all is justified too.....can a vet please take that up for me?
The job of Police Officer has become extreamly difficult, thanks libs.
Also, any current or former firemen and teachers, please add a tribute thread. This is not relative to any political party or issue. I just think sometimes, it's good to recognize the underappreciated folks who hold our society together so that we can come here and bitch about Dems, Reps, etc, etc. I'm typing this well because of a teacher. I'm doing it in a well electrified building that is safe because of firemen and fire codes. I'm not looking over my shoulder worried I'll be robbed because cops are driving around. I don't have to look up at passing planes and worry if we're being bombed because of the military. Thanks to all.
The job of Police Officer has become extreamly difficult, thanks libs.

It has, but can't just blame libs. I dont' want this thread, or the fire, teacher, military tributes I'm asking for, to get taken over by partisan talk (as much fun as that is). But gov't and lawyers as a whole have made it difficult. Cops are underpaid, underfunded. Budget cuts, which is a conservative thing, will drain money from police depts. But again, not the time to blame right or left. Just thanks to you all out on patrol tonight, go home safe.
Listening to "You're Welcome" on Sirius 103 right now, taking calls about traffic congestion in Tampa area. Caller called in complaining about the traffic jam due to the procession of police vehicles to honor the 2 fallen St Petersburg cops from yesterday, and caller literally said:

"Of course they just have to do the procession downtown during work hours, they forget about all of us who (raised voice) AREN'T DEAD that still have to go to work."

Host basically was stunned, and said, we have to honor those men.

There we go. Perfect example of how many citizens view cops now.
Quote by TruthMatters on another thread: "Officers are dead today because of right wing shooters who thought their guns were going to be taken away by Obama"

Pathetic. Officers are dead yearly for many reasons.

Undertraining. Cities spend more on parks and cultural arts centers than police training facilities.

Lawyers. Cops can't even have their guns out of holsters in most PD's until a shithead already has his out. If they approach a car (an unknown) they cant have the gun out because someone will be offended and a lawyer will file a civil rights lawsuit.

Thugs and shitheads. Most police who get shot do so because a multiple time felon is out of jail and doesn't want to go back. Lax sentencing by judges and the appeals and parole system are what hurt cops.

And of course, an overall society that looks at cops as dispensable, annoyances. Lots go into that attitude, including movie depictions, politics, television glorification, music lyrics, an overall lack of respect for authority in our society, and it never helps when the most powerful man in the world utters the phrase "The police acted stupidly" before having any of the facts.
Without cops to pick and choose which laws are plain stupid and refuse to enforce, and which are necessary for a society, we would be subject to every stupid idea some moron in office thought should be law.

You are not winning any points telling us you refuse to follow the law when it suits your purpose. If you reach a point in your life you can no longer honor your oath, it is time to step down. That does't mean there isn't somewhere else you can serve in the same capacity with more flexibility. ie black water, etc.
Without cops to pick and choose which laws are plain stupid and refuse to enforce, and which are necessary for a society, we would be subject to every stupid idea some moron in office thought should be law.

You are not winning any points telling us you refuse to follow the law when it suits your purpose. If you reach a point in your life you can no longer honor your oath, it is time to step down. That does't mean there isn't somewhere else you can serve in the same capacity with more flexibility. ie black water, etc.

No, refusing to "enforce" a law. Reading comprehension. The bedrock of our freedom lies with police descretion. Cops can pick and choose which laws they will enforce day to day. No one can force a cop to write a ticket. Or to arrest someone for simple possession. Cops have a huge amount of descretion. Which is why if a town council, state, or federal gov't, passes a stupid ass-backwards law, the cops can say "Nope" and not enforce it. Cops are the buffer between tyranny and freedom.

OR.....I suppose you'd rather have a police force of robots, right? Who are NOT allowed descretion? So if a city council outlaws green t-shirts, the cops must go out and lock up anyone wearing a green t-shirt, right?

I know, it pisses you off when you hear cops get to choose which laws and when they are enforced. It's a lot of power. But the alternative is a cop who has not descretion. Who must enforce EVERY law EVERY time he sees it violated. 1 mph over the spee limit? Ticket. Have a headlight out? Ticket. Get a little shoving match with a mouthy buddy? Assault. Jail. That would be better, right? When cops dont get to use judgement? According to you, yes.

And you're probably the same type who would be outraged if a cop pulls a car over, and lets him go without a ticket because the driver is an off-duty cop in his personal vehicle, right?
A friend of mine back east just became a cop. I frankly told him to not become an asshole and to keep as much of a cool head as humanly possible while on duty. While cops being killed is a tragedy, it doesn't surprise me in the least considering how bad apple officers treat law-abiding citizens with contempt. Jerk policemen bearing malicious attitudes fuels the hatred of the police force.

Politics and politicians affect so many people, but none more than cops, who are the buffer between moronic politicians and the people. Without cops to pick and choose which laws are plain stupid and refuse to enforce, and which are necessary for a society, we would be subject to every stupid idea some moron in office thought should be law.
EDIT: Previous post answered my question.

- The courage of a soldier- they expect a cop to run into a gunfire situation, against superior firepower many times, without hesitation.
Isn't a sizable chunk of the police force comprised of former members of the military or did I get my facts wrong?

- The morality of clergy. They expect a cop to be the upmost of morality, which is fine. A cop is not allowed to be seen without a seat belt. Or speeding 5 over. Cops are expected to follow every law, every second of every day, which literally no citizen can live up to.
Citizens hold officers to the same standards officers hold citizens to. A seatbelt violation costs at least 142 dollars if not more so when an officer has his off and rides around with impunity, it boils the plebs' blood.

The above applies just the same to all you military folks, who sadly are being turned into the "World Police" and getting hamstringed by lawyers the same way domestic cops are. A tribute thread to you all is justified too.....can a vet please take that up for me?
You forgot Firemen and EMTs.

And you're probably the same type who would be outraged if a cop pulls a car over, and lets him go without a ticket because the driver is an off-duty cop in his personal vehicle, right?
Yes. That's special treatment. If an off-duty cop is flooring it past 100 mph and an officer pulls him over and let's him off because he's a badge, that's bullshit.
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You wont answer, obviously, so I'll explain why your outrage over cops letting other cops go with warnings is a GOOD thing!!!

Lets say you are driving your Prius or Leaf down the highway at 75 mph in a 55 or 65 mph zone. And there is a city cop and a highway patrolman, both running radar on that road.

City cop= Last car he pulled over was an off duty highway patrolman with his wife going to a movie and running late. The city cop said "Hey man, slow it down for me, heres a warning." And he left.

Highway cop= Last car he pulled over was an off duty city cop with his son, late for a ballgame. The highway patrolman takes his oath so serious, he enforces the law blindly, with no judgement. The highway patrolman said to the off duty city cop "You should know better. You are no different than anyone. Here is a ticket for the full charge of the fine and violation. Goodbye."

Now, you see both sets of blue lights on each car light up and begin to come after you. You hope and pray the cop that gets you will be leniant, and write you a warning also, right? Of course. We all hope we just get a warning. So which cop you want to stop you? The one who also gave another cop a warning just because he was a cop? Or the one that is so hardcore dedicated to his oath, that he even writes other cops the same ticket?

You won't answer honestly, but I know what you are thinking.
A friend of mine back east just became a cop. I frankly told him to not become an asshole and to keep as much of a cool head as humanly possible while on duty. While cops being killed is a tragedy, it doesn't surprise me in the least considering how bad apple officers treat law-abiding citizens with contempt. Jerk policemen bearing malicious attitudes fuels the hatred of the police force.

Politics and politicians affect so many people, but none more than cops, who are the buffer between moronic politicians and the people. Without cops to pick and choose which laws are plain stupid and refuse to enforce, and which are necessary for a society, we would be subject to every stupid idea some moron in office thought should be law.
Let's say he catches a transient swigging on a bottle of whiskey on a street corner. Is it up to the cop's discretion to not give him a ticket or arrest him? I'm curious.

- The courage of a soldier- they expect a cop to run into a gunfire situation, against superior firepower many times, without hesitation.
Isn't a sizable chunk of the police force comprised of former members of the military or did I get my facts wrong?

- The morality of clergy. They expect a cop to be the upmost of morality, which is fine. A cop is not allowed to be seen without a seat belt. Or speeding 5 over. Cops are expected to follow every law, every second of every day, which literally no citizen can live up to.
Citizens hold officers to the same standards officers hold citizens to. A seatbelt violation costs at least 142 dollars if not more so when an officer has his off and rides around with impunity, it boils the plebs' blood.

The above applies just the same to all you military folks, who sadly are being turned into the "World Police" and getting hamstringed by lawyers the same way domestic cops are. A tribute thread to you all is justified too.....can a vet please take that up for me?
You forgot Firemen and EMTs.

About 5% of cops are jerks. Unfortunately, that 5% love to mess with people, and generate over 40% of public interactions. Hope I explained that right, but thats why so many appear to be jerks. A few who make a lot of noise basically.

Yes, a drunk on the corner? I gave many a ride home. Thats a classic situation of attitude being the factor. Cool drunks who are causing no problem rarely get arrested, unless it's one of those %5 cops. Problem is, the public never hears about the rides home. They only hear about the petty arrests that attitude likely caused.

Yes, a large chunk of cops are former military. Probably 30-50%, depending on department. But suprisingly, many are not. And unless they are on the swat teams, they get very little tactical training. It's very much a learn on the go job.

I understand the seatbelt thing. It's $25 here, not a big deal and rarely enforced. There is a reason many cops don't wear them, and it's the police depts fault for not explaining this to the public. When a cop rides up on a crime in progress, or a drug area, or anything when he needs to get out of the car quick, lots of times the seatbelt is forgotten, and many a cop has done the embarrassing act of jumping out to chase a guy, and nearly hanging himself on his seatbelt. Not really an excuse, because how can you justify that to the public ya know? But those seatbelts are a huge issue if a cop needs to get out quick, and those cars are death traps if you roll up on a robbery or drug deal in progress, when shots get fired, and you gotta get out quick. Again, the ones you see not wearing them.....are probably the ones that have never written that seatbelt ticket in their career. Most ofc's that write those are traffic guys. But I do get the citizen's being pissed, it looks bad. I personally never wore mine on duty. My rookie year drove up on a drug deal in progress, and the guy pulled a gun. I tried to jump out and forgot my seatbelt was on. Thank God, the guy didn't shoot and ran. But if he had, I was a sitting duck.

Yes, I came back and added EMT and fire later. Thanks.
Yes. That's special treatment. If an off-duty cop is flooring it past 100 mph and an officer pulls him over and let's him off because he's a badge, that's bullshit.

Oops forgot to address that one. See my post above.

For one, cops who do 100 off duty are gonna get their asses in trouble with their department. Modern cars have GPS and video that record on their own, and depts review their tapes. Two, citizen complaints, once enough are done on the same car, are addressed.

Next, there is a thing called "Code 2". This is again a failure of the police PR folks. But Code 2 means basically hurry up and get to the call, but NO LIGHTS OR SIRENS. Why would someone do that? Well, lights and sirens let the bad guy know we're there. I personally never liked it because it looks awful to the citizens. But if a guy is breaking into a house, and he hears sirens or sees lights, he not only knows when to run, but knows when and where to set up an ambush if he wanted to. The silent but fast approach is sometimes the issue. Of course, not all speeding cops are doing "Code 2". Some are just being stupid. But many times the "Code 2" calls generate a ton of citizen complaints because it just looks like we're speeding to a call. But some calls demand silence and a suprise approach, and well, we drive cars on roads to get there, so sometimes it just is what it is.

Lastly, if you got pulled, would you rather it be by a cop who would give other cops a warning? Or by a cop so cold and robotic, that he even writes his coworkers tickets? I'd want the leniant guy because I would want a warning myself. Get pulled by the guy who writes other cops tickets.....and you're guaranteed to get one.
Random thoughts:

Violence is never acceptable, but is a consequence of the increased unleashing of police brutality, with little or no justice for the victims.

The police have been expanding their powers to absurd levels since the start of the war on drugs.

Given how much American police have abused their fellow Americans, murdered their fellow Americans, ruined the lives of people they just didn't like, and abused their authority, is it at all surprising that they live paranoid lives in fear of retaliation?

For your average poor person a shotgun is a lot better and more reliable backup than your average cop. The cop doesn't care about fairness they care about preserving wealth and keeping the government insulated from the public

Cops need look no further than their own organizations for the source of the us vs. them attitude.

Most of them join the force so they can legally bully common citizens, all the while generating revenue for the municipalities they serve.
All too often, they put way too much emphasis on harassing people who go 5 mph over the posted speed limit, or who are intoxicated in public, or who are caught with 3 joints in their pocket.

The US has hired and created a "military background" type of police who have a confrontational, can do no wrong, do as I say, type of presence. There is most definitely a "us" versus "them" type of attitude with law enforcement,
Cops won't be happy until everybody is arrested and in the system.

The cops are not there for the public. It is an ego thing ... they have the authority and screw anyone else.
What they say goes whether it is the truth or not. They are a bunch of paper pushers who are collecting a paycheck and hoping for a great pension while chasing kids and little old ladies for speeding tickets, cell phone violations or pot.

I have had police be rude, insulting and threatening for no other reason that "their statement" was challenged
I have seen cops lie and not blink an eye. I have seen them harass and bully people with no accountability.
They, for the most part, have evolved into the very entities they are supposed to protect the public from.Its a "brotherhood", and the corrupt will be protected.
When police feel no qualms about lying to discredit an honest citizen, when they feel they can "throw their weight around" with no accountability and when they see themselves as "we against them" when comparing themselves to the general public, we have a problem ... it is a gang problem. Gangs use the "we against them" and the "brotherhood, no matter what lies are needed to protect it"

I once knew a local officer who confessed that he thought anyone who wants to be a cop shouldn't be allowed on the force. His idea was that one should be a little suspicious of anyone who wants a job where he or she can make life and death choices for another human being.

I've always supported an idea that officer cadets should be "drafted" from the community, properly trained, and serve a "tour of duty" on the streets of their local community.
After two to three years of service, perhaps, they would be discharged from the force and not be compelled to serve again. Akin to jury duty. This approach would eliminate the careerist officers intent on arresting everyone they meet so they can rise in the ranks.
It would also strengthen the idea that we are all in this together instead of this "us versus them" attitude that plagues our relationship with law enforcement.
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Random thoughts:

Violence is never acceptable, but is a consequence of the increased unleashing of police brutality, with little or no justice for the victims.

The police have been expanding their powers to absurd levels since the start of the war on drugs.

Given how much American police have abused their fellow Americans, murdered their fellow Americans, ruined the lives of people they just didn't like, and abused their authority, is it at all surprising that they live paranoid lives in fear of retaliation?

For your average poor person a shotgun is a lot better and more reliable backup than your average cop. The cop doesn't care about fairness they care about preserving wealth and keeping the government insulated from the public

Cops need look no further than their own organizations for the source of the us vs. them attitude.

Most of them join the force so they can legally bully common citizens, all the while generating revenue for the municipalities they serve.
All too often, they put way too much emphasis on harassing people who go 5 mph over the posted speed limit, or who are intoxicated in public, or who are caught with 3 joints in their pocket.

The US has hired and created a "military background" type of police who have a confrontational, can do no wrong, do as I say, type of presence. There is most definitely a "us" versus "them" type of attitude with law enforcement,
Cops won't be happy until everybody is arrested and in the system.

The cops are not there for the public. It is an ego thing ... they have the authority and screw anyone else.
What they say goes whether it is the truth or not. They are a bunch of paper pushers who are collecting a paycheck and hoping for a great pension while chasing kids and little old ladies for speeding tickets, cell phone violations or pot.

I have had police be rude, insulting and threatening for no other reason that "their statement" was challenged
I have seen cops lie and not blink an eye. I have seen them harass and bully people with no accountability.
They, for the most part, have evolved into the very entities they are supposed to protect the public from.Its a "brotherhood", and the corrupt will be protected.
When police feel no qualms about lying to discredit an honest citizen, when they feel they can "throw their weight around" with no accountability and when they see themselves as "we against them" when comparing themselves to the general public, we have a problem ... it is a gang problem. Gangs use the "we against them" and the "brotherhood, no matter what lies are needed to protect it"

I once knew a local officer who confessed that he thought anyone who wants to be a cop shouldn't be allowed on the force. His idea was that one should be a little suspicious of anyone who wants a job where he or she can make life and death choices for another human being.

I've always supported an idea that officer cadets should be "drafted" from the community, properly trained, and serve a "tour of duty" on the streets of their local community.
After two to three years of service, perhaps, they would be discharged from the force and not be compelled to serve again. Akin to jury duty. This approach would eliminate the careerist officers intent on arresting everyone they meet so they can rise in the ranks.
It would also strengthen the idea that we are all in this together instead of this "us versus them" attitude that plagues our relationship with law enforcement. The fact that there are people out there who are this ^^^ misinformed and just outright delusional about the realities of police work make me sad for our country.

I don't even know where I'd start to debunk everything he said. He basically took the behaviors of the bad 5% and labeled every officer in America as that.

You said cops actually care more about "preserving wealth"? The COPS'S wealth? The most underpaid people in society? THEIR wealth? Or the rich people's wealth? So, you say the cops volunteer to risk their lives only to protect the wealth of rich people....who won't even pay them over 40K a year for their efforts? :lol: Dude, you need to do a ride-a-long. A LOT of them.

And of course, you always got "this one officer I knew" and plenty of "this one time" and "I've seen plenty of" statements. Which mean you are lying.

You're a kid who is pissed because you can't smoke weed. And you blame the cops and are trashing them for it.

You say cops wont be happy until everyone is arrested and in the system? Dude, you know how much paperwork that would be? You obviously don't know any cops if you think that is what they want:lol:

But I'll let you in on a secret:

"Training Day" was a fictional movie. So was "Street Kings". And "SWAT". And so was Bad Boys....1 and 2. Other fictional cop depictions: The Sheild. The Wire. NYPD Blue. Blue Bloods. Southland. Brooklyns Finest. Detroit 187. I can go on and on. But what you've seen on TV and the movies that shaped your opinion is all fake. And the cases of police corruption, while plastered all over the media and glorified, are very small samples of a larger day to day job that is clean, noble and underappreciated.

But I know you're mind is made up. And somewhere out there is a cop who'd jump in front of a bullet for you anyway.
I've always supported an idea that officer cadets should be "drafted" from the community, properly trained, and serve a "tour of duty" on the streets of their local community.
After two to three years of service, perhaps, they would be discharged from the force and not be compelled to serve again. Akin to jury duty. This approach would eliminate the careerist officers intent on arresting everyone they meet so they can rise in the ranks.
It would also strengthen the idea that we are all in this together instead of this "us versus them" attitude that plagues our relationship with law enforcement.

Basically, what Israel does with it's military, right?

Dude, you just proposed martial law. THATS a good idea. You'll be begging for the regular cops back within a year.

What do you do with the ones who refuse to serve? Jail them? Thats how YOU would police your community?

So you think FORCING people to risk their lives to save yours daily, for low pay, will result in them being in A BETTER MOOD/ATTITUDE when they come across you:cuckoo:

So you hate that cops, in your opinion, have egos, are rude, say their word goes no matter what, and just have a general shitty job performance, all while they do it voluntarily for very low pay and little thanks..............................BUT you expect to be treated nicer, more fairly, and with less attitude by someone who is forced by threat of jail to put on a uniform and risk their lives for you?????

Other than the fact that you just proposed martial law in place of our current policing system...............I gotta ask....................dude, what you smokin!!!???
. Without cops to pick and choose which laws are plain stupid and refuse to enforce, and which are necessary for a society, we would be subject to every stupid idea some moron in office thought should be law.
Uh, no...that would be a police state.

Why do you hate democracy?
. Without cops to pick and choose which laws are plain stupid and refuse to enforce, and which are necessary for a society, we would be subject to every stupid idea some moron in office thought should be law.
Uh, no...that would be a police state.

Why do you hate democracy?

Discretionary powers have always been exercised within police powers. If not, all those blue laws would have been enforced. Indeed the removal of some of them have been a corrupt or bad cop enforcing some stupid law that is on the books.
The job of Police Officer has become extreamly difficult, thanks libs.

You're quite welcome.

The job of cops in authoritarian tyrannies without civil rights is actually quite easy.

Feel free to migrate to anyplace where the jobs of cops isn't so difficult, Tank.

China seems like a place you might enjoy.

They don't have many liberals there making the jobs of cops harder, I'm informed.

FYI COPS have ther 12th most dangerous job in America according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

In order of most danger to least the top 20 most dangerous jobs on 2008 were"

Structural steel (AKA those iron workers)
Sanitation work (aka garbage)
Aircraft pilots
Coal Miners
Merchant Mariners
Powerline installers
POLICE Officers
Fire fighters
Gas and Oil workers
Cement makers
Taxi drivers
Truck drivers and associate materials handlers
Constructor Equipment Operators
Slaughterhouse workers
Security Guards

Note that no military billets are that list?

I wonder if this is an oversight or BLS just doesn't keep those stats, or what?
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Look, officer, your erroneous assessments of my character aside....I do know a lot about how cops operate. It's been this way for decades here...and elsewhere apparently, based on the number of criminals with badges that get caught..
If cops got caught eating dead babies you'd figure out a way to excuse it.
These pigs got caught committing MURDER of innocent, unarmed citizens...
Officers charged in post-Katrina bridge shootings - U.S. news - Crime & courts -
Danziger Bridge Shootings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

These pigs shot a guy, then when he was taken for help they beat the citizens, stole the car and drove it to a secluded place, shot the wounded guy AGAIN and BURNED THE CAR WITH THE VICTIM IN IT, covered up the crime, then lied about it..
oh you can bet they had "excuses", too.
They were convicted too.
New Orleans police on trial over killing in chaos following Hurricane Katrina | World news | The Guardian

This pig is on death row for murder and running a drug protection racket.
Former NOPD officer Len Davis sentenced to death | North America > United States from

This pig is on death row for robbing and murdering the owners of a restaurant where she worked a SECURITY DETAIL. She also murdered her own partner..then when the crime was reported she showed up to "investigate" it!...luckily one of the victims LIVED and the pig was arrested.

Convicted killer Antoinette Frank appears in court |
Antoinette Frank - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pigs confiscating guns from honest citizens


pigs looting.

I could go on and on..look up NOPD corruption yourself if you can stand it...
Point is, officer we do NOT trust the police.
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