For everyone complaining about Saudi Arabia. Do they wear Nike outfits?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
There’s been some people complaining about Saudi Arabia recently ….specifically Democrats. Certainly Republicans have complained about Saudi Arabia in the past and that’s all good. As Americans we have free speech to criticize whatever country we want …. Well if the far left Had their way, they would destroy our free speech. But for now we still have free speech.

Israel is often a country that is criticized. I Criticize Israel, but I recognize that it’s pretty dumb to view people as evil who might work with Israeli companies or something like that. So it’s the same thing with Saudi Arabia. There’s good people in Israel, and in Saudi Arabia.

Part of the point is for anybody criticizing the PGA tour for working with Saudi Arabian backed Liv…. In some way, shape or form these people are benefiting from controversial issues like low wage workers in China or slavery going on in Africa. Major companies that produce goods that we all use as Americans benefit from slave labor in Africa, and low wage workers and Third World situation’s.

So that’s it folks there you have it it’s not a black and white situation.

The United States is a more free country compared to Saudi Arabia. All of the Democrats here who like Joe Biden and think that Donald Trump and the Republicans love Saudi Arabia… know deep down inside that there are many democrats and even regular every day Americans who make lots of money off of corporations that have slave labor in Africa or cheap labor overseas. We all can look at this and we can all do better. Most of us are pretty cool, and we benefit our country. The real problem my friends are major corporations across the world who benefit from slave labor. There are tons of good people in Saudi Arabia and in America. They are doing good things.

The point of all of this… don’t throw stones in glass houses
It’s amazing how the far left thinks. Here’s how they think with regards to this

“ so much for September 11, boy Republicans sure do love Saudi Arabia”

“ so much for the PGA tour saying they care about human rights now they’re working with Saudi Arabia “

Meanwhile that same far left wing person is probably wearing a T-shirt from Nike or wearing some product or utilizing some product that is made by slaves in Africa or cheap labor overseas. That’s it man you can’t make this shit up.

How boring, simplistic and ridiculous of a view it is at the far left wing has on this topic. They bring nothing to the table. They cannot formulate an argument other than talking about 911 or saying something bad about Saudi Arabia is …Par for the course for them. I suppose there are some left wingers that could at least attempt a detailed argument, as opposed to listening to whatever their slave masters in the main stream media told them to say.

Imo The appropriate way to view This topic is from a moderate position. To realize that Saudi Arabia has made a lot of political reforms recently that are for the better. To realize that there is corruption in every country in the world. America is a more free country compared to Saudi Arabia. But don’t believe that every single thing about Saudi Arabia is bad. It’s also pretty dumb to think that way about Israel. The moderate position is to realize that there is positivity and possibility in every country of the world. Its the same thing when it comes to Donald Trump making overtures to North Korea or America and North Korea making diplomatic relations with each other.

Point is No sane American thinks North Korea is as free a country as America … but attempting diplomacy and working with countries is a good thing, and it often leads to countries with strict laws becoming more liberal.
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It’s amazing how the far left thinks. Here’s how they think with regards to this

“ so much for September 11, boy Republicans sure do love Saudi Arabia”

“ so much for the PGA tour saying they care about human rights now they’re working with Saudi Arabia “

Meanwhile that same far left wing person is probably wearing a T-shirt from Nike or wearing some product or utilizing some product that is made by slaves in Africa or cheap labor overseas. That’s it man you can’t make this shit up.

How boring, simplistic and ridiculous of a view it is at the far left wing has on this topic. They bring nothing to the table. They cannot formulate an argument other than talking about 911 or saying something bad about Saudi Arabia is …Par for the course for them. I suppose there are some left wingers that could at least attempt a detailed argument, as opposed to listening to whatever their slave masters in the main stream media them them to say.

Imo The appropriate way to view This topic is from a moderate position. To realize that Saudi Arabia has made a lot of political reforms recently that are for the better. To realize that there is corruption in every country in the world. America is a more free country compared to Saudi Arabia. But don’t believe that every single thing about Saudi Arabia is bad. It’s also pretty dumb to think that way about Israel. The moderate position is to realize that there is positivity and possibility in every country of the world. Its the same thing when it comes to Donald Trump making overtures to North Korea or America and North Korea making diplomatic relations with each other.

Point is No sane American thinks North Korea is as free a country as America … but attempting diplomacy and working with countries is a good thing, and it often leads to countries with strict laws becoming more liberal.
You can't just claim that America is more free than Saudi. This link only lists the top ten.
The only reason yo dic sucking ass made this post is because of Trump's obvious joined at the hip relationship to the Saudis.....

Before then, you folks were all claiming Dems and the Saudis were in bed together and the Kenyan Muslim terrorist Obama was a member of Al-Queda; bowing down to the Saudis, blah blab blah blah..


Now it's, "Look guys, the Saudis really aren't that me guys" -- last I checked, Obama's son-in-law didn't get a 2 billion dollar loan from the Saudis and helped them cover up the murder of a US journalist...but go on...
There’s been some people complaining about Saudi Arabia recently ….specifically Democrats. Certainly Republicans have complained about Saudi Arabia in the past and that’s all good. As Americans we have free speech to criticize whatever country we want …. Well if the far left Had their way, they would destroy our free speech. But for now we still have free speech.

Israel is often a country that is criticized. I Criticize Israel, but I recognize that it’s pretty dumb to view people as evil who might work with Israeli companies or something like that. So it’s the same thing with Saudi Arabia. There’s good people in Israel, and in Saudi Arabia.

Part of the point is for anybody criticizing the PGA tour for working with Saudi Arabian backed Liv…. In some way, shape or form these people are benefiting from controversial issues like low wage workers in China or slavery going on in Africa. Major companies that produce goods that we all use as Americans benefit from slave labor in Africa, and low wage workers and Third World situation’s.

So that’s it folks there you have it it’s not a black and white situation.

The United States is a more free country compared to Saudi Arabia. All of the Democrats here who like Joe Biden and think that Donald Trump and the Republicans love Saudi Arabia… know deep down inside that there are many democrats and even regular every day Americans who make lots of money off of corporations that have slave labor in Africa or cheap labor overseas. We all can look at this and we can all do better. Most of us are pretty cool, and we benefit our country. The real problem my friends are major corporations across the world who benefit from slave labor. There are tons of good people in Saudi Arabia and in America. They are doing good things.

The point of all of this… don’t throw stones in glass houses
You are extremely ignorant about Saudi Arabia. There are 250 US companies in South Carolina alone doing business in Saudi Arabia. Your comments are shallow.
There’s been some people complaining about Saudi Arabia recently ….specifically Democrats. Certainly Republicans have complained about Saudi Arabia in the past and that’s all good. As Americans we have free speech to criticize whatever country we want …. Well if the far left Had their way, they would destroy our free speech. But for now we still have free speech.

Israel is often a country that is criticized. I Criticize Israel, but I recognize that it’s pretty dumb to view people as evil who might work with Israeli companies or something like that. So it’s the same thing with Saudi Arabia. There’s good people in Israel, and in Saudi Arabia.

Part of the point is for anybody criticizing the PGA tour for working with Saudi Arabian backed Liv…. In some way, shape or form these people are benefiting from controversial issues like low wage workers in China or slavery going on in Africa. Major companies that produce goods that we all use as Americans benefit from slave labor in Africa, and low wage workers and Third World situation’s.

So that’s it folks there you have it it’s not a black and white situation.

The United States is a more free country compared to Saudi Arabia. All of the Democrats here who like Joe Biden and think that Donald Trump and the Republicans love Saudi Arabia… know deep down inside that there are many democrats and even regular every day Americans who make lots of money off of corporations that have slave labor in Africa or cheap labor overseas. We all can look at this and we can all do better. Most of us are pretty cool, and we benefit our country. The real problem my friends are major corporations across the world who benefit from slave labor. There are tons of good people in Saudi Arabia and in America. They are doing good things.

The point of all of this… don’t throw stones in glass houses

Saudis have less government interference in their lives than we do.

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