Florida Sheriff Declines Invitation to Attend NAACP Banquet


Gold Member
Jul 26, 2011
Up on the scaffold
This is the full text of a remarkable letter from Sheriff Mike Scott of Lee County, in which he blasts the NAACP for ignoring black violence but making a national commotion over the Zimmerman trial. It is unusually frank and to the point.

Lee County Branch NAACP
3903 Dr. Martin Luther King Boulevard
Fort Myers, FL 33916
Attn: President James Muwakkil

Dear President Muwakkil:

I have been invited to the NAACP Freedom Fund Awards Banquet and have been asked to sponsor the event financially. I will not be doing either but wanted to explain my concerns and the reasons for my decision. Frankly, I believe the NAACP locally and nationally loses credibility when it picks and chooses which issues it rallies around and embraces what often appears to be a double standard relative to race and ethnicity. I am citing two (2) local and recent examples of my concern.

Tragically, record numbers of young, black males have been gunned down in the streets of Fort Myers in an epidemic of alarming proportions over the last few years. In virtually every instance the killer was also black and the majority of those cases remain open. Many more black citizens have been injured and were lucky to survive similar circumstances. To date, I am unaware of any appreciable attention or public outcry the NAACP locally or nationally have afforded these issues in our own, proverbial backyard.

Full copy of the letter here in PDF.

I predict that Sheriff Mike Scott will be viciously attacked by sub-human dirt bags like the so-called "Reverend" Al Sharpton. The good sheriff will be labeled "RACIST" just like Bill O'Reilley and Shawn Hannity were by race-baiting charlatans like Sharpton and his fellow hacks at MSNBC.

Sheriff Mike Scott should wear their attacks as badge of honor.
Good for him. It's time for everyone to be honest about 49% of all murders in this country.

Blacks need to care for their children and hold them close. Not because of the evil white man but because of the other black kid down the street.
I predict that Sheriff Mike Scott will be viciously attacked by sub-human dirt bags like the so-called "Reverend" Al Sharpton. The good sheriff will be labeled "RACIST" just like Bill O'Reilley and Shawn Hannity were by race-baiting charlatans like Sharpton and his fellow hacks at MSNBC.

Sheriff Mike Scott should wear their attacks as badge of honor.

These scum seem to not care about the betterment of their community. WTF is wrong with them?
FJO, Why did you call Al Sharpton "sub-human"? How do you know Scott is a good Sherriff?

I read the letter. I think the dude is out of line and I think the letter was unprofessional.

And that is my vicious attack.
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So lets get this straight....

Until black on black violence is eliminated, blacks have no right to complain about any other issue
This Sheriff is right and cares more about blacks then Al Sharpton ever did. If our legal system survive the next 5-10 years with such bs as a effective means of enforcing the peace we will be very lucky.

If the Sheriff wants to cut down black on black violence he needs to go to his legislators and do something about our "War on Drugs" laws
FJO, Why did you call Al Sharpton "sub-human"? How do you know Scott is a good Sherriff?

I read the letter. I think the dude is out of line and I think the letter was unprofessional.

And that is my vicious attack.

I call any lying, free-loading, dishonest crook sub-human. When a person becomes a flaming hypocrite for personal glory and financial gain by spreading hatred, I call them sub-human.

I call a person who disregards potential future attacks and speaks honestly and that person happens to be a public figure, a sheriff, I call them a good sheriff.

A "dude" is a punk who wears his pants on his knees, and thinks that the world is honored by the sight of the crack of his ass. A person who is functionally illiterate, a person who can't utter a single sentence without using profanity and racial slur.

You know, a person who IS unprofessional.
What about white on white crime? Why aren't these rightwingers talking about that and instead always point their fucking fingers and black on black crime? What are these rightwingers doing about white on white crimes?
What about white on white crime? Why aren't these rightwingers talking about that and instead always point their fucking fingers and black on black crime? What are these rightwingers doing about white on white crimes?

As soon as there will be a NAAWP (National Association for Advancement of White People) it will start belly-aching, complaining, crying, sobbing, campaigning and bitching, just like the NAACP is doing now.

Please, hold your breath until that happens.
What about white on white crime? Why aren't these rightwingers talking about that and instead always point their fucking fingers and black on black crime? What are these rightwingers doing about white on white crimes?

As soon as there will be a NAAWP (National Association for Advancement of White People) it will start belly-aching, complaining, crying, sobbing, campaigning and bitching, just like the NAACP is doing now.

Please, hold your breath until that happens.

You didn't answer the fucking question dickhead, that NAAWP does the same shit right wingers do, bitch and complain about black crime and ignores white on white crime, what are you doing about it? Shut the fuck up!

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