FINALLY - A Commander & Chief The Military Can Be Proud Of

Sure....that's why you were so informed about "Commander AND Chief"
Did I say MILITARY going on 30 years or PRESIDENT? :p

Pretty petty, Bo - you trying to tell me you have never made a mistake, especially typing on this board? Ya, uh-huh...
Not as OBVIOUS that a tell close is the "&" key to the "in" keys? Poser.
Bo, have you ever served in the military?
-- Never mind, I really don't care.

Now back to the point of the thread, Trump may not be much, but the military still respect him more than Barry.
It's how most in our Military feel about your guy. He'll never live down his VA shame. Trump will do better.
I am a veteran, and the Military is quite upset with Trumps remarks about McCain. I have had superb VA care. Trot along, noob.

McCain's a disingenuous fraud. No one in the Republican Party cares what he thinks anymore. And our Military overwhelmingly supports Donald Trump. They despise Obama. He will not live down what he did to our Vets.
^^^ The Military loves McCain. About 38 to 40% of our vets supported Trump's candidacy until the final election. Do you have any stats on how that broke out on election day?

You're still living in denial. McCain is part of the old-guard establishment. Most Republicans now despise him. He's irrelevant. And Trump is very well-supported by our Military. Most in our Military despise Obama and Clinton. Obama will never be forgiven for his VA nightmare. He cared more about Illegal foreigners than he did our American Vets. But hey, you wanna go on living in denial, so be it i guess.
McCain is relevant, you are not. Our Military loves McCain and despise those who don't. Our VA care is pretty good with some areas that needs real work.

Your hatred of a president who is almost gone is irrelevant.

McCain's a 'back-bencher' now. And that's where he belongs. He can never be trusted. The corrupt old-guard establishment is on its last legs. McCain should have retired. He really is now despised by most Republicans. The only ones cheering him at this point, are Democrats like you. He is irrelevant.
Sure....that's why you were so informed about "Commander AND Chief"
Did I say MILITARY going on 30 years or PRESIDENT? :p

Pretty petty, Bo - you trying to tell me you have never made a mistake, especially typing on this board? Ya, uh-huh...
easyt, you are wrong most of the time, no shock there.
And Obama is still a sorry-ass excuse for a President, & the troops don't respect him.
The Westpoint Class of '68 loved Nixon. Old Tricky Dick had a plan for ending the war.
Who the fuck did you think ended the war which LBJ sunk us into? Nixon's problem was not being able to salvage it. Ultimately, it was Reagan who got us out of that decades-long mess.
OK, wacko. The war in Vietnam officially was over in '75 and your hero Reagan didn't move into the White House until 1980. The war was ended by Congress's refusal to finance it's continuation and Ford was the President at the time. Nixon's secret plan to end the war lasted his entire first term, almost doubled the number of casualties, led to the illegal wars in Cambodia and Laos and the abandonment of thousands of POW/MIA's. He made promises he could never keep and it resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths if not millions depending on the time frame considered after the abandonment of the populations of Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos that resulted from his blunders.

Now tell us how Ronnie ended the Vietnam war.
You are obviously in a perpetual state of confusion. Reagan in fact led the world out of the Cold War of which Vietnam was part-and -parcel. the West, democracy and freedom prevailed much o doubt, to your chagrin. Vietnam was a war that the Democrats embroiled America in. Nixon terminated it and ultimately Reagan won it by bringing the USSR to its knees.

It is history.

We can hope that Trump finds the same success that Obama was unable to do against Islam.

Suck it up buttercup!
I say you are a liar and challenge you to provide one single link showing how Ronald Reagan had anything whatsoever with ending the Vietnam War. That war was over five years before Reagan stepped into office and continued to be a communist government that refused to account for American POW's his entire term in office during the eighties. Marine Bobby Garwood escaped in 1978 and gave proof beyond debate that for eight years Reagan allowed at least one captured POW to be held against his will in Vietnam.Other reports of live POW's were ignored and even hidden from the families and public. This happened under Reagan.
Reagan had not a thing to do with ending the Vietnam War.
Do you expect me to take the word o some low life who has never left his couthy or a national hero of Poland:
GDANSK, Poland — When talking about Ronald Reagan, I have to be personal. We in Poland took him so personally. Why? Because we owe him our liberty. This can’t be said often enough by people who lived under oppression for half a century, until communism fell in 1989.Poles fought for their freedom for so many years that they hold in special esteem those who backed them in their struggle. Support was the test of friendship. President Reagan was such a friend. His policy of aiding democratic movements in Central and Eastern Europe in the dark days of the Cold War meant a lot to us. We knew he believed in a few simple principles such as human rights, democracy and civil society. He was someone who was convinced that the citizen is not for the state, but vice-versa, and that freedom is an innate right.I often wondered why Ronald Reagan did this, taking the risks he did, in supporting us at Solidarity, as well as dissident movements in other countries behind the Iron Curtain, while pushing a defense buildup that pushed the Soviet economy over the brink. Let’s remember that it was a time of recession in the U.S. and a time when the American public was more interested in their own domestic affairs. It took a leader with a vision to convince them that there are greater things worth fighting for. Did he seek any profit in such a policy? Though our freedom movements were in line with the foreign policy of the United States, I doubt it.President Reagan, in a radio address from his ranch on Oct. 9, 1982, announces trade sanctions against Poland in retaliation for the outlawing of Solidarity.I distinguish between two kinds of politicians. There are those who view politics as a tactical game, a game in which they do not reveal any individuality, in which they lose their own face. There are, however, leaders for whom politics is a means of defending and furthering values. For them, it is a moral pursuit. They do so because the values they cherish are endangered. They’re convinced that there are values worth living for, and even values worth dying for.

Otherwise they would consider their life and work pointless. Only such politicians are great politicians and Ronald Reagan was one of them.The 1980s were a curious time — a time of realization that a new age was upon us. Communism was coming to an end. It had used up its means and possibilities. The ground was set for change. But this change needed the cooperation, or unspoken understanding, of different political players. Now, from the perspective of our time, it is obvious that like the pieces of a global chain of events, Ronald Reagan, John Paul II, Margaret Thatcher and even Mikhail Gorbachev helped bring about this new age in Europe. We at Solidarity like to claim more than a little credit, too, for bringing about the end of the Cold War.In the Europe of the 1980s, Ronald Reagan presented a vision. For us in Central and Eastern Europe, that meant freedom from the Soviets. Mr. Reagan was no ostrich who hoped that problems might just go away. He thought that problems are there to be faced. This is exactly what he did.Every time I met President Reagan, at his private estate in California or at the Lenin shipyard here in Gdansk, I was amazed by his modesty and even temper. He didn’t fit the stereotype of the world leader that he was. Privately, we were like opposite sides of a magnet: He was always composed; I was a raging tower of emotions eager to act. We were so different yet we never had a problem with understanding one another. I respected his honesty and good humor. It gave me confidence in his policies and his resolve. He supported my struggle, but what unified us, unmistakably, were our similar values and shared goals.* * *
I am a patriot who served overseas several times while you sat your scum ass back home, meathead.

Reagan had nothing to do with the end of the Vietnam War, and now, since you are caught out, you are spreading the net.

Fuck you. :lol: You, like AvgGuyIA and JimBowie, are a goofus doofus.
Who the fuck did you think ended the war which LBJ sunk us into? Nixon's problem was not being able to salvage it. Ultimately, it was Reagan who got us out of that decades-long mess.
OK, wacko. The war in Vietnam officially was over in '75 and your hero Reagan didn't move into the White House until 1980. The war was ended by Congress's refusal to finance it's continuation and Ford was the President at the time. Nixon's secret plan to end the war lasted his entire first term, almost doubled the number of casualties, led to the illegal wars in Cambodia and Laos and the abandonment of thousands of POW/MIA's. He made promises he could never keep and it resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths if not millions depending on the time frame considered after the abandonment of the populations of Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos that resulted from his blunders.

Now tell us how Ronnie ended the Vietnam war.
You are obviously in a perpetual state of confusion. Reagan in fact led the world out of the Cold War of which Vietnam was part-and -parcel. the West, democracy and freedom prevailed much o doubt, to your chagrin. Vietnam was a war that the Democrats embroiled America in. Nixon terminated it and ultimately Reagan won it by bringing the USSR to its knees.

It is history.

We can hope that Trump finds the same success that Obama was unable to do against Islam.

Suck it up buttercup!
I say you are a liar and challenge you to provide one single link showing how Ronald Reagan had anything whatsoever with ending the Vietnam War. That war was over five years before Reagan stepped into office and continued to be a communist government that refused to account for American POW's his entire term in office during the eighties. Marine Bobby Garwood escaped in 1978 and gave proof beyond debate that for eight years Reagan allowed at least one captured POW to be held against his will in Vietnam.Other reports of live POW's were ignored and even hidden from the families and public. This happened under Reagan.
I cannot help you if you cannot read. Its pointlessness compounded by your inability to comprehend history objectively through the vague and hazy limitations of your somewhat educated yet feeble mind. Perhaps you are not old enough to remember, or perhaps you are not bright enough to comprehend.

That is something which you will have to deal with and not my problem.

Good luck.
In other words, other than some far-fetched mumbo jumbo you can not come up with a single shred of evidence to back up your nutty claim about Reagan ending the war in Vietnam and are not man enough to admit to having made a mistake.
Even your claims to Reagan being the key figure in ending the Cold War are dubious at best. The Pope began the downfall with his visit and activities to and in Poland before Reagan became President. Without Gorbachev, the dismantling of the USSR would not have occurred. Mitterand and Thatcher played key roles. Yes, Reagan was an important factor, but the USSR was at its end with or without him. Riots and massive demonstrations in Eastern Europe played an important role as well. Forty years after Reagan the legacy must be reviewed, and the old USSR and Cold War continues to linger and negatively impact America. Your praise of Reagan for ending the Cold War seems a bit exaggerated.
You cannot seriously comprehend why I give greater credence to a Cold War warrior than some dingbat-come lately.

Do you think that Walesea and Camp are qualitatively authoritative to who brought down communsim?
Sure....that's why you were so informed about "Commander AND Chief"
Did I say MILITARY going on 30 years or PRESIDENT? :p

Pretty petty, Bo - you trying to tell me you have never made a mistake, especially typing on this board? Ya, uh-huh...
Not as OBVIOUS that a tell close is the "&" key to the "in" keys? Poser.
Bo, have you ever served in the military?
-- Never mind, I really don't care.

Now back to the point of the thread, Trump may not be much, but the military still respect him more than Barry.
Anyone who really served knows better than to say "Commander AND Chief".....:lol:
With Trump in office I'm sure the Republicans will toe the line on being patriotically correct. Any criticism of the administration and especially use of the military will be seen as collaboration with the enemy.
""Do you think that Walesea and Camp are qualitatively authoritative to who brought down communsim?"[/QUOTE]We were talking about Vietnam and now you are talking about Communism because you could not carry the discussion, scum.
I am a patriot who served overseas several times while you sat your scum ass back home, meathead.

Reagan had nothing to do with the end of the Vietnam War, and now, since you are caught out, you are spreading the net.

Fuck you. :lol: You, like AvgGuyIA and JimBowie, are a goofus doofus.
My ass was not home when you were cowering anywhere. Jake, your bravery does not come through anywhere in flight or fantasy. Give it a rest. We understand that your're a low life. that much is a given.
I am a patriot who served overseas several times while you sat your scum ass back home, meathead.

Reagan had nothing to do with the end of the Vietnam War, and now, since you are caught out, you are spreading the net.

Fuck you. :lol: You, like AvgGuyIA and JimBowie, are a goofus doofus.
My ass was not home when you were cowering anywhere. Jake, your bravery does not come through anywhere in flight or fantasy. Give it a rest. We understand that your're a low life. that much is a given.
Says the dude who did not serve. I did. Bode did. Many here who disagree with you did. Trot along.
I am a patriot who served overseas several times while you sat your scum ass back home, meathead.

Reagan had nothing to do with the end of the Vietnam War, and now, since you are caught out, you are spreading the net.

Fuck you. :lol: You, like AvgGuyIA and JimBowie, are a goofus doofus.
My ass was not home when you were cowering anywhere. Jake, your bravery does not come through anywhere in flight or fantasy. Give it a rest. We understand that your're a low life. that much is a given.
Says the dude who did not serve. I did. Bode did. Many here who disagree with you did. Trot along.
You will always be a low-life Jakey. It is not what you've done, it s what you are. the fact that you had trauma as a child may have influenced the course of your life, but your inability to adjust to acceptable standards of behavior is still your problem and will always be,
OK, wacko. The war in Vietnam officially was over in '75 and your hero Reagan didn't move into the White House until 1980. The war was ended by Congress's refusal to finance it's continuation and Ford was the President at the time. Nixon's secret plan to end the war lasted his entire first term, almost doubled the number of casualties, led to the illegal wars in Cambodia and Laos and the abandonment of thousands of POW/MIA's. He made promises he could never keep and it resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths if not millions depending on the time frame considered after the abandonment of the populations of Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos that resulted from his blunders.

Now tell us how Ronnie ended the Vietnam war.
You are obviously in a perpetual state of confusion. Reagan in fact led the world out of the Cold War of which Vietnam was part-and -parcel. the West, democracy and freedom prevailed much o doubt, to your chagrin. Vietnam was a war that the Democrats embroiled America in. Nixon terminated it and ultimately Reagan won it by bringing the USSR to its knees.

It is history.

We can hope that Trump finds the same success that Obama was unable to do against Islam.

Suck it up buttercup!
I say you are a liar and challenge you to provide one single link showing how Ronald Reagan had anything whatsoever with ending the Vietnam War. That war was over five years before Reagan stepped into office and continued to be a communist government that refused to account for American POW's his entire term in office during the eighties. Marine Bobby Garwood escaped in 1978 and gave proof beyond debate that for eight years Reagan allowed at least one captured POW to be held against his will in Vietnam.Other reports of live POW's were ignored and even hidden from the families and public. This happened under Reagan.
I cannot help you if you cannot read. Its pointlessness compounded by your inability to comprehend history objectively through the vague and hazy limitations of your somewhat educated yet feeble mind. Perhaps you are not old enough to remember, or perhaps you are not bright enough to comprehend.

That is something which you will have to deal with and not my problem.

Good luck.
In other words, other than some far-fetched mumbo jumbo you can not come up with a single shred of evidence to back up your nutty claim about Reagan ending the war in Vietnam and are not man enough to admit to having made a mistake.
Even your claims to Reagan being the key figure in ending the Cold War are dubious at best. The Pope began the downfall with his visit and activities to and in Poland before Reagan became President. Without Gorbachev, the dismantling of the USSR would not have occurred. Mitterand and Thatcher played key roles. Yes, Reagan was an important factor, but the USSR was at its end with or without him. Riots and massive demonstrations in Eastern Europe played an important role as well. Forty years after Reagan the legacy must be reviewed, and the old USSR and Cold War continues to linger and negatively impact America. Your praise of Reagan for ending the Cold War seems a bit exaggerated.
You cannot seriously comprehend why I give greater credence to a Cold War warrior than some dingbat-come lately.

Do you think that Walesea and Camp are qualitatively authoritative to who brought down communsim?
I was actively involved in the fight against communism in the late 1960's and early to mid-1970's. In the late 1970's my AO shifted to Europe with particular emphasis on Eastern Europe. That lasted until the late 90's. I am still occasionally deployed, or more accurately, tasked, for consultation and resource acquisition and introduction.
How about you? Ever done anything other than bullshit? Do you have any concept of what an intelligence "Herder" does?
You are obviously in a perpetual state of confusion. Reagan in fact led the world out of the Cold War of which Vietnam was part-and -parcel. the West, democracy and freedom prevailed much o doubt, to your chagrin. Vietnam was a war that the Democrats embroiled America in. Nixon terminated it and ultimately Reagan won it by bringing the USSR to its knees.

It is history.

We can hope that Trump finds the same success that Obama was unable to do against Islam.

Suck it up buttercup!
I say you are a liar and challenge you to provide one single link showing how Ronald Reagan had anything whatsoever with ending the Vietnam War. That war was over five years before Reagan stepped into office and continued to be a communist government that refused to account for American POW's his entire term in office during the eighties. Marine Bobby Garwood escaped in 1978 and gave proof beyond debate that for eight years Reagan allowed at least one captured POW to be held against his will in Vietnam.Other reports of live POW's were ignored and even hidden from the families and public. This happened under Reagan.
I cannot help you if you cannot read. Its pointlessness compounded by your inability to comprehend history objectively through the vague and hazy limitations of your somewhat educated yet feeble mind. Perhaps you are not old enough to remember, or perhaps you are not bright enough to comprehend.

That is something which you will have to deal with and not my problem.

Good luck.
In other words, other than some far-fetched mumbo jumbo you can not come up with a single shred of evidence to back up your nutty claim about Reagan ending the war in Vietnam and are not man enough to admit to having made a mistake.
Even your claims to Reagan being the key figure in ending the Cold War are dubious at best. The Pope began the downfall with his visit and activities to and in Poland before Reagan became President. Without Gorbachev, the dismantling of the USSR would not have occurred. Mitterand and Thatcher played key roles. Yes, Reagan was an important factor, but the USSR was at its end with or without him. Riots and massive demonstrations in Eastern Europe played an important role as well. Forty years after Reagan the legacy must be reviewed, and the old USSR and Cold War continues to linger and negatively impact America. Your praise of Reagan for ending the Cold War seems a bit exaggerated.
You cannot seriously comprehend why I give greater credence to a Cold War warrior than some dingbat-come lately.

Do you think that Walesea and Camp are qualitatively authoritative to who brought down communsim?
I was actively involved in the fight against communism in the late 1960's and early to mid-1970's. In the late 1970's my AO shifted to Europe with particular emphasis on Eastern Europe. That lasted until the late 90's. I am still occasionally deployed, or more accurately, tasked, for consultation and resource acquisition and introduction.
How about you? Ever done anything other than bullshit? Do you have any concept of what an intelligence "Herder" does?
I recognize BS when I see it. I have an amazing grasp of the obvious.
I am a patriot who served overseas several times while you sat your scum ass back home, meathead.

Reagan had nothing to do with the end of the Vietnam War, and now, since you are caught out, you are spreading the net.

Fuck you. :lol: You, like AvgGuyIA and JimBowie, are a goofus doofus.
My ass was not home when you were cowering anywhere. Jake, your bravery does not come through anywhere in flight or fantasy. Give it a rest. We understand that your're a low life. that much is a given.
Says the dude who did not serve. I did. Bode did. Many here who disagree with you did. Trot along.
You will always be a low-life Jakey. It is not what you've done, it s what you are. the fact that you had trauma as a child may have influenced the course of your life, but your inability to adjust to acceptable standards of behavior is still your problem and will always be,
Typical Alt-Righties....trash the vets.
I am a patriot who served overseas several times while you sat your scum ass back home, meathead.

Reagan had nothing to do with the end of the Vietnam War, and now, since you are caught out, you are spreading the net.

Fuck you. :lol: You, like AvgGuyIA and JimBowie, are a goofus doofus.
My ass was not home when you were cowering anywhere. Jake, your bravery does not come through anywhere in flight or fantasy. Give it a rest. We understand that your're a low life. that much is a given.
Says the dude who did not serve. I did. Bode did. Many here who disagree with you did. Trot along.
You will always be a low-life Jakey. It is not what you've done, it s what you are. the fact that you had trauma as a child may have influenced the course of your life, but your inability to adjust to acceptable standards of behavior is still your problem and will always be,
Your personal attacks in lieu of anything of import merely reinforce that you are bedwetting far right doofus.
I say you are a liar and challenge you to provide one single link showing how Ronald Reagan had anything whatsoever with ending the Vietnam War. That war was over five years before Reagan stepped into office and continued to be a communist government that refused to account for American POW's his entire term in office during the eighties. Marine Bobby Garwood escaped in 1978 and gave proof beyond debate that for eight years Reagan allowed at least one captured POW to be held against his will in Vietnam.Other reports of live POW's were ignored and even hidden from the families and public. This happened under Reagan.
I cannot help you if you cannot read. Its pointlessness compounded by your inability to comprehend history objectively through the vague and hazy limitations of your somewhat educated yet feeble mind. Perhaps you are not old enough to remember, or perhaps you are not bright enough to comprehend.

That is something which you will have to deal with and not my problem.

Good luck.
In other words, other than some far-fetched mumbo jumbo you can not come up with a single shred of evidence to back up your nutty claim about Reagan ending the war in Vietnam and are not man enough to admit to having made a mistake.
Even your claims to Reagan being the key figure in ending the Cold War are dubious at best. The Pope began the downfall with his visit and activities to and in Poland before Reagan became President. Without Gorbachev, the dismantling of the USSR would not have occurred. Mitterand and Thatcher played key roles. Yes, Reagan was an important factor, but the USSR was at its end with or without him. Riots and massive demonstrations in Eastern Europe played an important role as well. Forty years after Reagan the legacy must be reviewed, and the old USSR and Cold War continues to linger and negatively impact America. Your praise of Reagan for ending the Cold War seems a bit exaggerated.
You cannot seriously comprehend why I give greater credence to a Cold War warrior than some dingbat-come lately.

Do you think that Walesea and Camp are qualitatively authoritative to who brought down communsim?
I was actively involved in the fight against communism in the late 1960's and early to mid-1970's. In the late 1970's my AO shifted to Europe with particular emphasis on Eastern Europe. That lasted until the late 90's. I am still occasionally deployed, or more accurately, tasked, for consultation and resource acquisition and introduction.
How about you? Ever done anything other than bullshit? Do you have any concept of what an intelligence "Herder" does?
I recognize BS when I see it. I have an amazing grasp of the obvious.
yes, you are obviously brain damaged.
...and then Trump as the fucking jerk that he is, takes a swipe at the players on the field.

“I just love the armed forces, love the folks. The spirit is so incredible. I mean, I don’t know if it’s necessarily the best football, but it’s very good,” said Trump, a majority owner in the short-lived United States Football League. “But boy do they have spirit. More than anybody, it’s beautiful.”

Was Trump’s swipe at Army-Navy football mean or fair? | New York Post

What a dick.

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