FBI Withheld Evidence That “Directly” Contradicted the Reason For Opening Russia Investigation


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The DOJ and FBI has evidence contradicting govt claims / accusations that was part of the argument / case for opening the investigation of Trump, but the Obama DOJ and FBI withheld that information from the FISA Court, only presenting the ICR - that was based off of the false Russian-authored dossier and the part of the Papadapoulos investigation that helped the host's case ... NOT THE INFORMATION THAT WOULD HAVE KILLED THEIR CASE / STOPPED THEIR CONSPURACY / PLAN!

"The FBI failed to provide federal judges on the surveillance court with information that undercut the government’s premise for opening the Trump-Russia probe in 2016.

The FBI opened its investigation on July 31, 2016, after receiving information from the Australian government about a conversation that Papadopoulos had on May 10, 2016, with Alexander Downer, the top Australian diplomat to the U.K.

Downer claimed that Papadopoulos told him that Russians had derogatory information on Hillary Clinton.

But Ratcliffe, a top member of the House Judiciary Committee, suggested on Sunday that the FBI and Justice Department had information that contradicted its intelligence on Papadopoulos.

Department of Justice and FBI officials in the Obama administration in October of 2016 only presented to the court the evidence that made the government’s case to get a warrant to spy on a Trump campaign associate."

FBI Has Evidence That ‘Directly Refutes’ Premise Of Trump-Russia Probe, GOP Rep Says

Eventually the truth cones out.... MORE AND MORE evidence continues to come out.
Eventually the truth cones out.... MORE AND MORE evidence continues to come out.
FISA warrants dont need a high level of proof, only sufficient suspicion to justify further investigation.

in any case papadopolous did say these things to australian diplomat, which makes this an absurd topic. Spent two weeks in jail for lying about it.
Eventually the truth cones out.... MORE AND MORE evidence continues to come out.
FISA warrants dont need a high level of proof, only sufficient suspicion to justify further investigation.

in any case papadopolous did say these things to australian diplomat, which makes this an absurd topic. Spent two weeks in jail for lying about it.

Since FISA warrants don't need a high level of proof, I wonder why they didn't include all the information? There must have been some reason it wasn't included. After all, it wouldn't have made a difference anyway?
FISA warrants dont need a high level of proof....
You are a f*ing idiot, liar, or both. The US IG has already hammered the FBI for withholding evidence from the FISA Court. Evidence shows the DOJ and FBI criminally lied to and withheld info from the FISA Court.
Since FISA warrants don't need a high level of proof, I wonder why they didn't include all the information? There must have been some reason it wasn't included. After all, it wouldn't have made a difference anyway?


This is not the 1st time the POS Mueller and Rosenstein has been caught withholding evidence to convict an honest man!

Years ago Mueller intentionally withheld evidence and knowingly sent an innocent man to jail for years!

The US IG pointed out that the Investigators deceived the FISA Court by not telling them the ICR was based on Russian-authored propaganda provided by the DNC Presidential candidate.

Now we know the FBI withheld evidence proving Papadopoulos was innocent and that their accusation they presented to the FISA Court was FALSE!


Mueller is still committing the same crimes from his past in order to knowingly frame / convict innocent people!
Eventually the truth cones out.... MORE AND MORE evidence continues to come out.

Keep telling yourself that with 5 guilty plea's, 37 Federal Grand Jury indictments & 100's of criminal charges.

This article was confirmed by James Clapper over a year ago under sworn testimony.

GCHQ first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added. Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

For confirmation of James Clapper's sworn testimony scroll down this page until you see Fienstein asking Clapper questions.
Full transcript: Sally Yates and James Clapper testify on Russian election interference

It didn't help matters much when Trump went on National T.V. and admitted to Obstruction of Justice.

Keep telling yourself that with 5 guilty plea's, 37 Federal Grand Jury indictments & 100's of criminal charges.

None of which have anything to do with the original FALSE accusations and made-up non-existent crime involving Trump ... AS YOU ALREADY KNOW.

After 2 years the truth gas been exposed, Mueller has zero evidence, and the only evidence that exists continues to point to the Democrats.

The only opposition research that was ever exchanged / delivered to a candidate from the Russians in an attempt to try to win the election was the Russian-authored dossier Hillary bought from foreign spies and the Russians

As the article states, the FBI knew and had evidence proving the entire claim against Trump was BS from the start and to get an investigation started they withheld evidence

Evidence and truth are to you hate-driven snowflakes as sunlight is to a vampire.
Eventually the truth cones out.... MORE AND MORE evidence continues to come out.
FISA warrants dont need a high level of proof, only sufficient suspicion to justify further investigation.

in any case papadopolous did say these things to australian diplomat, which makes this an absurd topic. Spent two weeks in jail for lying about it.

Oh, good. Trump needs the US Intel Agencies to keep a close eye on the entire democrat Party leadership and can have dozens of FISA warrants issued
Eventually the truth cones out.... MORE AND MORE evidence continues to come out.
FISA warrants dont need a high level of proof, only sufficient suspicion to justify further investigation.

in any case papadopolous did say these things to australian diplomat, which makes this an absurd topic. Spent two weeks in jail for lying about it.

Oh, good. Trump needs the US Intel Agencies to keep a close eye on the entire democrat Party leadership and can have dozens of FISA warrants issued
There could be FISA warrant on anybody suspected of improper activity with hostile foreign country.
But we wouldnt know about it, or else it would nullify any usefulness of the warrant.

Suspicion, Not Proof, Is Enough For A FISA Warrant
Trumps taxes ?
:rolleyes: More evidence snowflakes are stuck on STUPID.

Still desperately digging for ANYTHING, desperately clinging to ANY hope of successfully perpetrating the COUP, which is all that is left for the seditious butt-hurt babies who refuse to accept the 2016 election results.

Let it go.

Hillary LOST.

Trump is your PRESIDENT.
Eventually the truth cones out.... MORE AND MORE evidence continues to come out.
and nothing has changed.
It needs to start to. That start has to begin with Sessions having his weak candy-ass fired and someone with true courage, integrity, objectivity, and WILL to step up and actually hold people accountable hired as the US AG / head of the DOJ!

If you start putting a few of these 'big name' politicians in JAIL, demonstrating to the American people that the rule of law still applies to EVERYONE then you would bring back America's faith in the justice system and send a message to the criminals in Washington that they are not above the law and they will be brought down if they break these laws!
Eventually the truth cones out.... MORE AND MORE evidence continues to come out.
and nothing has changed.
It needs to start to. That start has to begin with Sessions having his weak candy-ass fired and someone with true courage, integrity, objectivity, and WILL to step up and actually hold people accountable hired as the US AG / head of the DOJ!

If you start putting a few of these 'big name' politicians in JAIL, demonstrating to the American people that the rule of law still applies to EVERYONE then you would bring back America's faith in the justice system and send a message to the criminals in Washington that they are not above the law and they will be brought down if they break these laws!
agreed. not for 1 side only but for anyone breaking our laws. we've come to work our way around them by attacking the other side and blurring reality to fit fantasies. the only way this will get reeled in is when people actually start being held accountable for their crimes.
Eventually the truth cones out.... MORE AND MORE evidence continues to come out.
and nothing has changed.
It needs to start to. That start has to begin with Sessions having his weak candy-ass fired and someone with true courage, integrity, objectivity, and WILL to step up and actually hold people accountable hired as the US AG / head of the DOJ!

If you start putting a few of these 'big name' politicians in JAIL, demonstrating to the American people that the rule of law still applies to EVERYONE then you would bring back America's faith in the justice system and send a message to the criminals in Washington that they are not above the law and they will be brought down if they break these laws!
you believe that Very Strongly? Republican party is chock full of perverts and crooks Can we send them all to jail??
you believe that Very Strongly? Republican party is chock full of perverts and crooks Can we send them all to jail??

The vast majority right now, though, are violent, intolerant, sore-loser, butt-hurt, liberal extremists and their leaders who have been exposed for their crimes, who are now calling for an escalation of violence.

But by all means hold ALL OF THEM accountable!
Eventually the truth cones out.... MORE AND MORE evidence continues to come out.
FISA warrants dont need a high level of proof, only sufficient suspicion to justify further investigation.

in any case papadopolous did say these things to australian diplomat, which makes this an absurd topic. Spent two weeks in jail for lying about it.

Then everything needs to be released, no sources or methods should be protected and let the people decide if we want the FBI to have the power to spy on presidential candidates based only on suspicion.

If it was okay to release sources and methods regarding waterboarding then sources and methods regarding FISA warrants should be released.

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