FBI now confiscates Mike Lindell's phone

The president condemning millions of fellow citizens for holding political beliefs, none of which are among what I listed, BTW, is itself a dangerous political action. Said action is prompted by the dangerous political belief that it is appropriate for the president to do so. He likely pushed some people on the border of taking violent action into them doing so.
Just because you didn't list them doesn't mean they're not dangerous and I would disagree that your little list isn't consistent with at least some of the beliefs of some of the Trump supporters.

One of the first casualties in fascism is the truth. Fascism feeds heavily on conspiracy theories and development of an alternate reality is essential to being able to control the population. The big lie about the election being stolen DID push people to taking violent action and is still held among a strong contingent of devout Trump supporters. The big lie is so strong for some of these people that they're willing to basically abandon democratic elections.
And as I pointed out, no laws were broken, so the investigation was not merited......only politically motivated.
Which is mind numbinngly stupid, as illegal behavior was indeed found. And that you only know what you know because of the investigation.
Congratulations, I guess, on trying not to be like the toxic pieces of shit you've spent your entire life voting for and supporting? Weak.
Don't care. Just pointing out how incredibly dumb it is to pretend that people are just like the politicians they vote for. Maybe I'm incorrect. Are you totally identical to the politicians you vote for, or do you vote for a few policies you like and accept the person as just that, another person who is not identical to yourself?
One of the things I think is most relevant is this idea that the country was once strong but that strength has been damaged by societal impurities. This damage can only be reversed by excising or combating these scapegoats. The scapegoats can be internal or external. It was a blanket rejection of globalism and internationalism.

There's other similarities too, but these are important to consider.
55 days.
Rat bastards. Was he even at the January 6 protest?

"Mike Lindell, the founder of MyPillow and one of the leaders in exposing Election Fraud, was surrounded by the FBI and had his phone seized.

This is most likely to do with the witch-hunt led by the Democrats and Deep State regarding January 6th. They are doing everything that they possibly can to intimidate any and all Trump supporters, and this appears to be nothing more than just a fishing expedition to take out their “enemy.”

Mike Lindell is LIVE on Frank Speech telling the story."

BREAKING: FBI Seizes Mike Lindell’s Phone

Listen carefully to his speech because he’s saying that one party must be eliminated because it is illegal and illegitimate and evil just like Hitler did in Germany prior to WW2. He’s saying it is illegal for Republican Party to question the results of an election but not for the Democrat Party. Michael Lindell, the My Pillow CEO and Inventor, got his phone confiscated from him by the FBI instructed from the Attorney General Garland DOJ because he believes the 2020 election was stolen by the Democrats. Has All Gore or Hillary Clinton or any other Democrat stating their election was stolen had their phone’s confiscated? This is a fight for Free Speech which is the foundation of a legitimate democracy.
With obstruction of Justice? Because he was the sitting president. Wow dude, this is pretty basic stuff. You are expected to have these basic facts, as a grown man who isn't a vegetable.

Decided not to make a decision on whether obstruction of justice happened because there wasn't any real evidence to prosecute Him on.

Mueller before congress, July 25, 2019

First, our investigation found that the Russian government interfered in our election in sweeping and systematic fashion.

Second, the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired with the Russian government in its election interference activities. We did not address collusion, which is not a legal term; rather we focused on whether the evidence was sufficient to charge any member of the campaign with taking part in a criminal conspiracy, and there was not.

Third, our investigation of efforts to obstruct the investigation and lie to investigators was of critical importance. Obstruction of justice strikes at the core of the government's effort to find the truth and to hold wrongdoers accountable. Finally, as described in Volume 2 of our report, we investigated a series of actions by the president towards the investigation.

Based on Justice Department policy and principles of fairness, we decided we would not make a decision as to whether the president committed a crime. That was our decision then and it remains our decision today.
Decided not to make a decision on whether obstruction of justice happened because there wasn't any real evidence to prosecute Him on.
That is exactly not what Comey said. You literally just pulled that out of thin air. Look at what cultism has done to your mind.

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