FBI now confiscates Mike Lindell's phone

Guys, think about it.
Is defending Mike Lindell's word on anything the hill you wanna die on? Is he your best horse to ride into battle on?

Maybe you need ask: ..'Why haven't they confiscated his phone earlier?'
After all, per Pillowboy's assertions, he has evidence that 300 million Americans committed voter fraud.
The Feds NEED to look into that.

And maybe open our borders so we can have enough guards to guard those 300 million when we capture 'em all. We'll need 'more guards.....after all, there are only 330 million Americans now, many of them children. So we're gonna need some immigrated help. No?


"MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell says he has evidence to put 300 million in jail for election fraud

That’s more people than voted in the 2020 election"

Why should the FBI CONFISCATE his phone at all? All they had to do was go to a judge to get an order to compel him to download the information on it. Lindel would then have to either comply or go to jail for contempt of court. Instead, they block him into a drive-thru with multiple cars. If he had been armed, that could have turned into a public shoot-out. Can't you liberals see how dangerous a road you are travelling to get Trump by fair means or foul? You are throwing two hundred and fifty years of respect for law and order right out the window for short-term political gain. What are you going to do when the Republicans eventually get control of the government and turn the weapons you have created on you and your leaders?
All they had to do was go to a judge to get an order to compel him to download the information on it.
As FFI in post #690 rightly points out -- the FBI had reason to believe, and the judge did too....that there may be evidence of criminal activity. Evidence that could be lost, destroyed, reported stolen......in the time period between a subpoena and the required 'turnover' of the device.

If you reasonably think....and clearly they did....it may contain evidentiary data or communications then why dawdle? Move expeditiously to secure it.
That’s a lie. It’s the same lie conservative media has been telling for years so that’s why you believe it. Look at the entire quote from Strzok in context, not just the three or four words conservative media tells you to look at.

Numerous people in Trump’s campaign had very sketchy contact with a Russians who were helping their campaign. It was a very real investigation that needed to happen.
Around 20 members of Trump's campaign had contact with Russian government officials. Trump's campaign manager had previously helped get the Kremlin-connected president of Ukraine elected before a lot of Ukrainians revolted and he fled to Moscow. He then moved to NYC and set up an office in Trump Tower where Trump lived. The two were soon seen walking the halls deep in discussions.

The Russian "Internet Research Agency" began a campaign of using social media to influence the presidential campaign in Trump's favor. Meanwhile, Trump praised Putin, even saying he trusted him more than US intelligence agencies. Trump advocated for disbanding NATO which has long been Putin's hope. Trump said, "Russia, if you're listening..." asking them to find Hillary Clinton's emails. Trump's primary foreign policy adviser was pro-Russian.

It would have been dereliction of duty had the FBI not investigated Trump's relationship with Russia.

FBI now confiscates Mike Lindell's phone​

So, JG, when do we find out what cause the FBI had to surround Mike like an escaped most-wanted felon and pounce on him at a Hardees when they could have simply contacted his attorney with a simple subpoena?

Or will that too turn out to be a matter of "national security?"

Maybe Mike had stolen the plans for a secret atomic pillow he was planning on selling to the Russians?

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