Fact Check: Nearly 100 Percent of Political Contributions From "Fact Checkers" Go to Democrats


Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2022
There oughta be a permalink to this article every time some clueless message board Leftist scoffs "HA! *Gateway Pundit is FAKE NEWS according to my REAL esteemed non-partisan NEWS source!"

*Insert The Blaze, Zero Hedge, Townhall.....you get the idea:

The Free Beacon reviewed political donations over the past four election cycles from those who identified their occupation as "fact checker." $22,580 of the $22,683 in political donations that came from self-identified fact checkers during that time—a whopping 99.5 percent—went to Democrats and liberal groups. Only three of the fact checker donations made during that period went to Republicans. Top recipients include socialist Vermont senator Bernie Sanders, who during the seven-year period received ten times more fact checker money than every Republican combined.

The findings contradict claims of neutrality from top fact-checking operations. Fact checkers for the New York Times and Reuters, for example, contributed to President Joe Biden, failed South Carolina Democratic Senate candidate Jaime Harrison, and liberal Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren's presidential campaign. The Times fact checker, Cecilia Nowell, contributed three times to Warren's failed presidential bid from 2019 to 2020 and still accepts "fact-checking assignments" from the outlet on a freelance basis, according to her LinkedIn. Reuters, meanwhile, from 2020 to 2021 employed Carrie Monahan, daughter of veteran journalist Katie Couric, as a "fact check producer." Monahan during that time contributed to Biden, Harrison, and Georgia Democratic senator Jon Ossoff.

Yeah, the next time some harebrained "Progressive" wants to pontificate to me about how aromatic their own flatulence is because "mainstream news" said so - I'll be directing them to this one handy dandy little link.

Will it do any good? Well, largely no. But at least it may weed out the few rational people remaining in their clown cabal.

After all, most of them still trust this diversity hire:


It's true, there's no helping some people.
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Listen, just because the fact checkers are 100% DNC partisan hacks in no way means they are biased.

It's like an endless fallacy loop.

"You are Fake News because the Fake News that calls itself the real news says so!!!"

Imagine the utterly stagnant mindset that requires.

But they hide behind the formalities of pomp and circumstance to obfuscate the fact that the Emperor has no clothes.

It's a wonder anyone gets red pilled.
There oughta be a permalink to this article every time some clueless message board Leftist scoffs "HA! *Gateway Pundit is FAKE NEWS according to my REAL esteemed non-partisan NEWS source!"

*Insert The Blaze, Zero Hedge, Townhall.....you get the idea:

Yeah, the next time some harebrained "Progressive" wants to pontificate to me about how aromatic their own flatulence is because "mainstream news" said so - I'll be directing them to this one handy dandy little link.

Will it do any good? Well, largely no. But at least it may weed out the few rational people remaining in their clown cabal.

After all, most of them still trust this diversity hire:


It's true, there's no helping some people.

Why would republicans donate for fact checking? They're all about 'alternate facts'.
It's like an endless fallacy loop.

"You are Fake News because the Fake News that calls itself the real news says so!!!"

Imagine the utterly stagnant mindset that requires.

But they hide behind the formalities of pomp and circumstance to obfuscate the fact that the Emperor has no clothes.

It's a wonder anyone gets red pilled.
Yeah, so?

That turned out to be completely fucking true as we have seen with the Hunter laptop, Russian collusion, COVID-19 and a plethora of other disinformation from the so-called "media".

C'mon dude, this is entry level stuff.
YES, it is "Entry-level" stuff....................for a cult.
Welcome aboard.
Word on the street says you ain't even hooked on phonics.

That idiot is hooked on aerosol propellantys.
Yeah, so?

That turned out to be completely fucking true as we have seen with the Hunter laptop, Russian collusion, COVID-19 and a plethora of other disinformation from the so-called "media".

C'mon dude, this is entry level stuff.
You're talking to bed wetters. Go play chess with a pigeon. They're more sanitary. Unless you're just really into arguing with parrot like creatures that have larger vocabularies but are just as vacuous. Of course it's your time, spend it as you wish.


hitler-D bird.gif

It’s near impossible dealing with Gullibles and zero ability critical thinkers now . What chance when AI turns Gullibles into out and out
Stupids ?

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