Facebook to give Congress thousands of ads bought by "Russians" during election


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
"topics such as immigration, LGBT rights and race" so finally, my question is will Olgino and "the Useful idiots" still deny Putler´s involvement in 2016 election or they will change the tactic?

Facebook will provide to Congress the contents of 3,000 advertisements purchased by Russians during the 2016 US presidential race, ...

Facebook disclosed earlier this month that an influence operation that appeared to be based in Russia had purchased $100,000 in ads to promote divisive political and social messages in a two-year period.

...The adverts had spread controversial views on topics such as immigration, LGBT rights and race and had promoted 470 “inauthentic” pages and accounts that Facebook later suspended, according to the company
Facebook to give Congress thousands of ads bought by Russians during election
Yeesh, a whole 100K? What was spent on this election? A billion?
Kremlin thugs spent wayyyyy much more than 100K
Understanding Russian "Hybrid Warfare" and What Can Be Done About It"


Yeesh, a whole 100K? What was spent on this election? A billion?
Kremlin thugs spent wayyyyy much more than 100K
Understanding Russian "Hybrid Warfare" and What Can Be Done About It"



Try doing a little research into US meddling in foreign elections. This crap has been going on forever. Suddenly there's a Russian under the bed, be afraid, very afraid. Apparently the dems will never figure out that they lost because they ran a garbage candidate and people are tired of left wing trash telling the rest of us we are deplorables.
Yeesh, a whole 100K? What was spent on this election? A billion?
$900+ million. actually less than the last one. but yea, i already covered this and i was told i was making something trivial a big issue. facebook's lead dog is the one grandstanding and acting like it's a fortune.

go look at facebooks revenue last year. the $100k is like .000001 of their revenue.
Yeesh, a whole 100K? What was spent on this election? A billion?
Kremlin thugs spent wayyyyy much more than 100K
Understanding Russian "Hybrid Warfare" and What Can Be Done About It"



Try doing a little research into US meddling in foreign elections. This crap has been going on forever. Suddenly there's a Russian under the bed, be afraid, very afraid. Apparently the dems will never figure out that they lost because they ran a garbage candidate and people are tired of left wing trash telling the rest of us we are deplorables.

another point i've brought up a lot. it's what countries do. jack with each other. to act all butthurt when it happens to us is kinda ironic. if this is how war is to be carried out moving forward, catch up to the times.

it's only a huge issue cause obama said it was. and the troops fell in line and marched.
It is beyond question that Putin wanted Trump to win and did what he could using any media outlet available to him and his gang to attack Hillary Clinton. Public opinion in the USA, especially among the poorly educated, is easily manipulated. The Russians have expertise in this.
Yeesh, a whole 100K? What was spent on this election? A billion?
$900+ million. actually less than the last one. but yea, i already covered this and i was told i was making something trivial a big issue. facebook's lead dog is the one grandstanding and acting like it's a fortune.

go look at facebooks revenue last year. the $100k is like .000001 of their revenue.
The amusing part is some people seem to think that facebook ads could have some great impact. It's like politics have become an ongoing Onion piece.
Yeesh, a whole 100K? What was spent on this election? A billion?
Kremlin thugs spent wayyyyy much more than 100K
Understanding Russian "Hybrid Warfare" and What Can Be Done About It"



Try doing a little research into US meddling in foreign elections. This crap has been going on forever. Suddenly there's a Russian under the bed, be afraid, very afraid. Apparently the dems will never figure out that they lost because they ran a garbage candidate and people are tired of left wing trash telling the rest of us we are deplorables.

another point i've brought up a lot. it's what countries do. jack with each other. to act all butthurt when it happens to us is kinda ironic. if this is how war is to be carried out moving forward, catch up to the times.

it's only a huge issue cause obama said it was. and the troops fell in line and marched.

Yeesh, a whole 100K? What was spent on this election? A billion?
Kremlin thugs spent wayyyyy much more than 100K
Understanding Russian "Hybrid Warfare" and What Can Be Done About It"



Try doing a little research into US meddling in foreign elections. This crap has been going on forever. Suddenly there's a Russian under the bed, be afraid, very afraid. Apparently the dems will never figure out that they lost because they ran a garbage candidate and people are tired of left wing trash telling the rest of us we are deplorables.

another point i've brought up a lot. it's what countries do. jack with each other. to act all butthurt when it happens to us is kinda ironic. if this is how war is to be carried out moving forward, catch up to the times.

it's only a huge issue cause obama said it was. and the troops fell in line and marched.

Next we will probably hear that republicans have been badmouthing democrats. And some people will probably say that democrats have been badmouthing republicans. This is getting out of hand.
Yeesh, a whole 100K? What was spent on this election? A billion?
$900+ million. actually less than the last one. but yea, i already covered this and i was told i was making something trivial a big issue. facebook's lead dog is the one grandstanding and acting like it's a fortune.

go look at facebooks revenue last year. the $100k is like .000001 of their revenue.
The amusing part is some people seem to think that facebook ads could have some great impact. It's like politics have become an ongoing Onion piece.
i've spend around $1k on ads and nothing. i get more "views" but never has that translated into anything tangible in day to day listenership of my radio station. i only do it from time to time now to boost an article of note and try to build site traffic, but even then 'meh'. the single most irritating thing about facebook ads is they overpromise and under-deliver.

they told me for $20 my message will hit 3k-9k people depending on "trending". i'm like "hell, 3k is fine" and i wind up with 650 views. i take it to facebook they say the ad simply isn't engaging enough. my fault.

so if i have a major article i'll want pushed, i'll go ahead and do it for $20, never more, and just see what it does but i do that less and less because it always does the same thing in the end.


so $100k and 400 accounts on facebook is supposed to be noteworthy. i fail to believe people spend a collective $900million on an election when apparently this is all that was needed.
Yeesh, a whole 100K? What was spent on this election? A billion?
Kremlin thugs spent wayyyyy much more than 100K
Understanding Russian "Hybrid Warfare" and What Can Be Done About It"



Try doing a little research into US meddling in foreign elections. This crap has been going on forever. Suddenly there's a Russian under the bed, be afraid, very afraid. Apparently the dems will never figure out that they lost because they ran a garbage candidate and people are tired of left wing trash telling the rest of us we are deplorables.

another point i've brought up a lot. it's what countries do. jack with each other. to act all butthurt when it happens to us is kinda ironic. if this is how war is to be carried out moving forward, catch up to the times.

it's only a huge issue cause obama said it was. and the troops fell in line and marched.

Yeesh, a whole 100K? What was spent on this election? A billion?
Kremlin thugs spent wayyyyy much more than 100K
Understanding Russian "Hybrid Warfare" and What Can Be Done About It"



Try doing a little research into US meddling in foreign elections. This crap has been going on forever. Suddenly there's a Russian under the bed, be afraid, very afraid. Apparently the dems will never figure out that they lost because they ran a garbage candidate and people are tired of left wing trash telling the rest of us we are deplorables.

another point i've brought up a lot. it's what countries do. jack with each other. to act all butthurt when it happens to us is kinda ironic. if this is how war is to be carried out moving forward, catch up to the times.

it's only a huge issue cause obama said it was. and the troops fell in line and marched.

Next we will probably hear that republicans have been badmouthing democrats. And some people will probably say that democrats have been badmouthing republicans. This is getting out of hand.

Yeesh, a whole 100K? What was spent on this election? A billion?
Kremlin thugs spent wayyyyy much more than 100K
Understanding Russian "Hybrid Warfare" and What Can Be Done About It"



Try doing a little research into US meddling in foreign elections. This crap has been going on forever. Suddenly there's a Russian under the bed, be afraid, very afraid. Apparently the dems will never figure out that they lost because they ran a garbage candidate and people are tired of left wing trash telling the rest of us we are deplorables.

do you understand that "meddling in foreign elections." is just a small part of Putler´s war against the free world? which includes land grabs, annexations, military operations around the globe, killings of journalists , etc.?


Yeesh, a whole 100K? What was spent on this election? A billion?
Kremlin thugs spent wayyyyy much more than 100K
Understanding Russian "Hybrid Warfare" and What Can Be Done About It"



Try doing a little research into US meddling in foreign elections. This crap has been going on forever. Suddenly there's a Russian under the bed, be afraid, very afraid. Apparently the dems will never figure out that they lost because they ran a garbage candidate and people are tired of left wing trash telling the rest of us we are deplorables.

do you understand that "meddling in foreign elections." is just a small part of Putler´s war against the free world? which includes land grabs, annexations, military operations around the globe, killings of journalists , etc.?



Oh, I'm quite aware of all of that but the idea that the russians are responsible for trump being elected is ridiculous. And as long as the dems keep believing it they are in trouble. Politicians on both sides of the aisle are out of touch with the people of this country, the dems however seem to be out of touch with reality.
Yeesh, a whole 100K? What was spent on this election? A billion?
Kremlin thugs spent wayyyyy much more than 100K
Understanding Russian "Hybrid Warfare" and What Can Be Done About It"



Try doing a little research into US meddling in foreign elections. This crap has been going on forever. Suddenly there's a Russian under the bed, be afraid, very afraid. Apparently the dems will never figure out that they lost because they ran a garbage candidate and people are tired of left wing trash telling the rest of us we are deplorables.

do you understand that "meddling in foreign elections." is just a small part of Putler´s war against the free world? which includes land grabs, annexations, military operations around the globe, killings of journalists , etc.?



Oh, I'm quite aware of all of that but the idea that the russians are responsible for trump being elected is ridiculous. And as long as the dems keep believing it they are in trouble. Politicians on both sides of the aisle are out of touch with the people of this country, the dems however seem to be out of touch with reality.
do you agree that Kremlin kleptocracy, has attacked AMERICAN ELECTORAL system like no one before? even Hitler , Lenin or Koba din´t dare to do it ...
Yeesh, a whole 100K? What was spent on this election? A billion?
Kremlin thugs spent wayyyyy much more than 100K
Understanding Russian "Hybrid Warfare" and What Can Be Done About It"



Try doing a little research into US meddling in foreign elections. This crap has been going on forever. Suddenly there's a Russian under the bed, be afraid, very afraid. Apparently the dems will never figure out that they lost because they ran a garbage candidate and people are tired of left wing trash telling the rest of us we are deplorables.

do you understand that "meddling in foreign elections." is just a small part of Putler´s war against the free world? which includes land grabs, annexations, military operations around the globe, killings of journalists , etc.?



Oh, I'm quite aware of all of that but the idea that the russians are responsible for trump being elected is ridiculous. And as long as the dems keep believing it they are in trouble. Politicians on both sides of the aisle are out of touch with the people of this country, the dems however seem to be out of touch with reality.
do you agree that Kremlin kleptocracy, has attacked AMERICAN ELECTORAL system like no one before? even Hitler , Lenin or Koba din´t dare to do it ...

I see no evidence of that. This crap has been going on forever and I don't see any glaring examples. So far I've seen claims of 100k in facebook ads, a joke really and a possible connection to Hillary's emails, which at this point I'd thank them for doing what investigative reporting used to do.
Kremlin thugs spent wayyyyy much more than 100K
Understanding Russian "Hybrid Warfare" and What Can Be Done About It"



Try doing a little research into US meddling in foreign elections. This crap has been going on forever. Suddenly there's a Russian under the bed, be afraid, very afraid. Apparently the dems will never figure out that they lost because they ran a garbage candidate and people are tired of left wing trash telling the rest of us we are deplorables.

do you understand that "meddling in foreign elections." is just a small part of Putler´s war against the free world? which includes land grabs, annexations, military operations around the globe, killings of journalists , etc.?



Oh, I'm quite aware of all of that but the idea that the russians are responsible for trump being elected is ridiculous. And as long as the dems keep believing it they are in trouble. Politicians on both sides of the aisle are out of touch with the people of this country, the dems however seem to be out of touch with reality.
do you agree that Kremlin kleptocracy, has attacked AMERICAN ELECTORAL system like no one before? even Hitler , Lenin or Koba din´t dare to do it ...

I see no evidence of that. This crap has been going on forever and I don't see any glaring examples. So far I've seen claims of 100k in facebook ads, a joke really and a possible connection to Hillary's emails, which at this point I'd thank them for doing what investigative reporting used to do.

You have to love their logic... Hillary's e-mails get exposed, exposing her as basically corrupt and inept, and the voters reject her and and they see people having access to her e-mails as the issue, not her.

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