Everything in the Middle East is dependent on two factors


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
Which are:
1) American support for Israel
2) The world's dependence on oil

So you see, you are now locked into perpetual war in the region. There's no escape. You should have long ago stopped supporting Israel, but at the same time, you should have long ago began a conservation and alternative energy program, to break the insane demand for more and more oil. If you did that, you would break the suppliers.

But too late! Not too smart, are you, Americans. Oil addicted, drug addicted, entertainment addicted morons.
Which are:
1) American support for Israel
2) The world's dependence on oil

So you see, you are now locked into perpetual war in the region. There's no escape. You should have long ago stopped supporting Israel, but at the same time, you should have long ago began a conservation and alternative energy program, to break the insane demand for more and more oil. If you did that, you would break the suppliers.

But too late! Not too smart, are you, Americans. Oil addicted, drug addicted, entertainment addicted morons.

Blaming Israel for the Savage barbaric behavior of your brethren? Typical Muslim Mentality

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