Evangelicals rethinking contraception


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
With High Premarital Sex And Abortions Rates, Evangelicals Say It's Time To Talk About Sex

It's time to speak honestly about sex because abstinence campaigns and anti-abortion crusades often aren't resonating in their own pews, evangelical leaders say.

In some instances, that is beginning to happen:

  • At this month's Q conference in Washington, participants were asked at the end of a session on "reducing abortion" if churches should support the use of contraception among their single 20-somethings. Responding by text message, 64 percent said yes, 36 percent said no.
  • A "Sexuality and Covenant" conference this week (April 19-21) co-sponsored by Mercer University and the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship includes on its agenda the statement that "marital sexual relationships" are not available for many Christians.
  • In addition to its video, the NAE is preparing to distribute information packets to pastors that include testimonies from birth mothers and adoptees, as well as definitions of almost a dozen "prevention methods" ranging from abstinence to sterilization.

Good! It's way past time.
Eighty percent of young evangelicals have engaged in premarital sex, according to a new video from the National Association of Evangelicals. and almost a third of evangelicals' unplanned pregnancies end in abortion.

Judeo-Evangelicals have seriously failed. But, the solution isn't promoting safe-sex among the unmarried. Jesus is already going to tell most of them that he never knew them. The solution is to stop being Judeo-Evangelicals and start being Christians.
It's time to rethink how Christians are expected to navigate today's world.

No its not...

This whole BS notion that 'evangelicals' (WTF is an evangelical anyway?) want to take away ANYONE'S contraception is a lie.

As for abortion... that is murder, not contraception.

I am raising my daughters to be responsible with their bodies... its NOT okay with me that they would choose to engage in premarital sex. Its a bad idea, and can have life changing reprecusions.
But if they were to do so... I would still love them and do everything I could to assist them in raising that baby.

Besides... who says the left has a monopoly on great ideas? Why is it that we as 'evangelicals' or christians always have to concede to the lefts wishes?

Leave me and my sex life alone damn it... and stop telling me I am stupid for teaching my kids to be responsible for the vaginas!

BD, this not entirely directed at you... I am just responding with my heart thats all.

I want what is best for my girls... its the same as telling them its best to have never taken that 1st drink of alcohol. Ya just never know how you will react.. all alcoholics and addicts start with the 1st drink or snort. Abstinence works if its done for the right reasons.

Now I am need a drink :D
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My point is - it was against my religion, and the will of my parents - and I did it anyway.

Now, wouldn't it be nice if I'd been on the pill.
My point is - it was against my religion, and the will of my parents - and I did it anyway.

Now, wouldn't it be nice if I'd been on the pill.

Well kind of... your life might be different, but who is trying to take 'the pill' from anyone?

I dont like abortion, but I see NOTHING wrong with the pill.
My wife was on it when I knocked her up :confused:

I haz me sum powerful spermz :D
Were or are you Catholic?

No offense intended to anyone, but.....
I think they are whack personally, but to each their own.
Not Catholic. Assembly of God.

I was Assembly of God as a kid.... but I dont recall the pill or condoms to be against their doctrines. Premarital sex yes, but birth control no.
I could be wrong though... they had some weird quirks. Hell, I had to have short hair to get into Heaven... loonie tunes!

Get this.... my mom took us from that bunch of whackjobs to a United Pentecostal church.... OMG those people are idiots.
Not Catholic. Assembly of God.

I was Assembly of God as a kid.... but I dont recall the pill or condoms to be against their doctrines. Premarital sex yes, but birth control no.
I could be wrong though... they had some weird quirks. Hell, I had to have short hair to get into Heaven... loonie tunes!

Get this.... my mom took us from that bunch of whackjobs to a United Pentecostal church.... OMG those people are idiots.

Dude. Seriously. They didn't tell us about the pill because we weren't supposed to be having sex or we'd go to hell.

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