Elizabeth warren ancestor rounded up cherokees for trail of tears

I'm not attacking the source because the source found someone who did bad things to indians and ties that to Warren by saying "and apparently Ms. Warren's great-great-great grandfather". Doesnt say it IS Warrens grandfather...just apparently her grandfather.

Brietbart is dead, apparently being sodimized by Beelzebub

No, but you know there are many who attack the source of a story rather than address the substance of the story.

Like many others, I see no reason to hold the son (or daughter) accountable for the sins of the father. Regardless, I found the story interesting, but probably not for the same reasons as some.

I agree

I think you two are over thinking this thread....

:eusa_think: :eusa_naughty: // :lmao: :eusa_dance:
Think...? No.... // Laugh..? Yes.....
So, let's see. Elizabeth Warren is a champion of making sure Wall St isn't out of control, and wants the US to still have a middle class in the near future (if it doesn't, welcome to South and Central America), and all you guys are worried about is her ancestory.

No wonder you guys keep on losing....

So, let's see. Elizabeth Warren is a champion of making sure Wall St isn't out of control, and wants the US to still have a middle class in the near future (if it doesn't, welcome to South and Central America), and all you guys are worried about is her ancestory.

No wonder you guys keep on losing....

did you have the same admonition when preston bush was made a talking point ?
Democrats the party of take from others always has been always will be.

And the Repub party will always be the party of "it's about me, me, me",.....shrug

Go live on an island
Democrats stole Indian land Democrats were pro slavery and still pro slavery now slaves to the government that is.
BigotBart, therefore you know it's a lie!

The Cherokees were not relocated until 1838!!!!!

But the truth will never stop CON$ervoFascists from lying.

A lie? That mist explain why the Boston Herald did an expose of Briebart today.

Except they didn't.

Elizabeth Warren waved off reports yesterday that an ancestor helped round up Cherokees in the infamous “Trail of Tears,” as well as demands from U.S. Sen. Scott Brown to prove she never claimed her Native American heritage to further her career — dismissing the developments as “politics as usual.”
“I think what this is about is Scott Brown trying to change the subject,” said Warren at a Brighton event last night. “He just wants to find a way to talk about something else, and I think it’s wrong. I think this is why people are turned off on Washington politics.”
Warren has been under fire for citing “family lore,” without documentation, that an ancestor was a Cherokee, and for listing herself as a “minority” law professor in a professional directory in the 1980s and ’90s.
But Paul Reed, a Utah genealogist who is a fellow at the American Genealogical Society, said he found primary documentation that shows Warren’s great-great-great grandfather Jonathan Crawford served in a Tennessee militia unit that rounded up Cherokees before they were force-marched to Oklahoma in the infamous “Trail of Tears.”
Elizabeth Warren brushes off ‘Trail of Tears’ report - BostonHerald.com
As I already pointed out CON$ervoFascists lie in packs. The OP's link has Crawford in Florida when the Cherokees were rounded up making Reed just another proven liar.

No it doesn't, it has him in Florida in 1837, and back in Tennessee by may of 1838. The roundup you are assuming is the only one that occurred began May 23rd of 1838.

Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory

Except that it actually began 5 days earlier than that according to historical records in Georgia.

Local operations began on May 18, 1838, mostly carried out by Georgia Guard under the command of Colonel William Lindsey. The first Cherokee round-up under orders from United States General Winfield Scott started on May 25, 1838 with General Charles Floyd in charge of field operations.
General Scott was shocked during a trip to inspect Fort New Echota when he overheard members of The Guard say that they would not be happy until all Cherokee were dead. As a result, he issued meticulous orders on conduct and allowed actions during the action. Troops were to treat tribal members "with kindness and humanity, free from every strain of violence." Each Cherokee was to receive meat and flour or corn regardless of age. Scott's orders were disobeyed by most troops that were not directly under his control.

Cherokee Removal Forts - The Trail of Tears

The fact is that local militias often ignored the fact that they had no legal authority to remove Indians, something anyone with a modicum of knowledge of the despicable way Indians were treated would know. Want to try and play like you know what you are talking about again?
So, let's see. Elizabeth Warren is a champion of making sure Wall St isn't out of control, and wants the US to still have a middle class in the near future (if it doesn't, welcome to South and Central America), and all you guys are worried about is her ancestory.

No wonder you guys keep on losing....

did you have the same admonition when preston bush was made a talking point ?

Give me the comparison...
Democrats the party of take from others always has been always will be.

And the Repub party will always be the party of "it's about me, me, me",.....shrug

Go live on an island
Democrats stole Indian land Democrats were pro slavery and still pro slavery now slaves to the government that is.

And this is Elizabeth Warren's fault how?
Do we start blaming Germans born after 1945 for WWII?
So, let's see. Elizabeth Warren is a champion of making sure Wall St isn't out of control, and wants the US to still have a middle class in the near future (if it doesn't, welcome to South and Central America), and all you guys are worried about is her ancestory.

No wonder you guys keep on losing....

did you have the same admonition when preston bush was made a talking point ?

Give me the comparison...

you have not heard the prescott ( not preston my bad0) bush tale? you can google it,
Prescott Bush - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It doesn't matter to me whether or not Elizabeth has any Indian blood, she lied to get a status. Dems have no problem with their side lying, cheating and breaking the law........oh yea and ignoring the Constitution. What a great bunch of folks!!
It's well known history, but you are a CON$ervoFascist so you only have revisionist history, and even after I post a link you will not condemn the worthless lying scum CON$ervoFascist sources for being the worthless lying scum they are.

Indian removal

The Cherokee, on the other hand, were tricked with an illegitimate treaty. In 1833, a small faction agreed to sign a removal agreement: the Treaty of New Echota. The leaders of this group were not the recognized leaders of the Cherokee nation, and over 15,000 Cherokees -- led by Chief John Ross -- signed a petition in protest. The Supreme Court ignored their demands and ratified the treaty in 1836. The Cherokee were given two years to migrate voluntarily, at the end of which time they would be forcibly removed. By 1838 only 2,000 had migrated; 16,000 remained on their land. The U.S. government sent in 7,000 troops, who forced the Cherokees into stockades at bayonet point. They were not allowed time to gather their belongings, and as they left, whites looted their homes. Then began the march known as the Trail of Tears, in which 4,000 Cherokee people died of cold, hunger, and disease on their way to the western lands.

If Republicans were rewriting history they would deny that the Trail of Tears ever happened, kind of like you are trying to do. The Trail of Tears began with the relocation of the Choctaw nation in 1831. The fact that the Cherokees were not forcibly and officially moved until 1838 does not mean that members of the Cherokee nation were not moved before that point in time anymore than the fact that it was illegal to import slaves from Africa meant that no one was importing slaves from Africa.

If you ever start being a cynic you might end up being a fool a little less often.
In typical CON$ervoFascist fashion, you accuse me of denying the Trail Of Tears as you rewrite the history of the Trail Of Tears, with the real history of the Trail Of Tears staring you right in your lying face!!!!!

That doesn't even make sense. The Indian Removal Act was passed in 1830. The first relocation began in 1831 with the removal of the Choctaw. That removal was described as a trail of tears by a Choctaw chief to a reporter from the Arkansas Gazette. The term was so poignant that it was picked up b other papers and used to describe every forces relocation of any Indian tribe, including that of the Cherokees almost 7 years later.

There were approximately 2,000 Choctaws at Memphis. Sometime in mid November they were crammed aboard the Walter Scott and Reindeer and dispatched up the Arkansas River toward their new homeland. But, at Arkansas Post, which was only about 60 miles up the Arkansas from the Mississippi, the Army halted the steam-boats, said they needed them to transport a new detachment to Fort Smith, and unloaded all of the Choctaws.
Following the floods, a blizzard was setting in with strong, cold northerly winds, snow and sleet dancing across the landscape. Most of the Choctaws were scantily clad, with some of the children naked. And, all the small military detachment at Arkansas Post could offer were 60 small army tents to help shelter the more than 2,000 Choctaws from the freezing storm. Rations were in very short supply, as Arkansas Post had not expected to find itself playing host to 2,000 cold and hungry Choctaws, so strict rationing had to be imposed. And, despite this fact, within a few days most of the rations were gone. By the time help arrived, both the Choctaw and the soldier were receiving a ration of one handful of boiled or parched corn, one turnip and two cups of heated water per day.
To make matters worse, the temperature remained below the freezing mark for six days, and the Arkansas River become so clogged with ice that the Reindeer and Walter Scott were iced in at Fort Smith and could not make it back down river to Arkansas Post. After eight days, 40 government wagons were sent to Arkansas Post from Little Rock to begin relaying the Choctaws on to Fort Smith, fortunately bringing food and blankets to the starving soldiers, many of whom had already frozen to death or died of pneumonia.
When the first wagons reached Little Rock, a famous term that would eventually burn itself into history was born. In an interview with an Arkansas Gazette reporter, one of the Choctaw Chiefs (thought to be either Thomas Harkins or Nitikechi) was quoted as saying that the removal to that point had been a "trail of tears and death." The "trail of tears" quotation was picked up by the eastern press and widely quoted. It soon become a term analogous with the removal of any Indian tribe and was later burned into the American language by the brutal removal of the Cherokees in 1838.

Choctaw Removal Was Really a Trail of Tears

Quote whatever you like, make your fonts as large as you like, the truth still will remain that the Trail of Tears began in 1831 with the removal of the Choctaws.
'Jonathan Crawford, O.C. Sarah Smith Crawford’s husband and apparently Ms. Warren's great-great-great grandfather, served in the East Tennessee Mounted Infantry Volunteer Militia commanded by Brigadier General R. G. Dunlap from late 1835 to late 1836. While under Dunlap’s command he was a member of Major William Lauderdale’s Battalion, and Captain Richard E. Waterhouse’s Company.

These were the troops responsible for removing Cherokee families from homes they had lived in for generations in the three states that the Cherokee Nations had considered their homelands for centuries: Georgia, North Carolina, and Tennessee. '

Elizabeth Warren Ancestor Rounded Up Cherokees For Trail of Tears


Yea, but she has high cheekbones like her Peepaw.

Don't all Cherokee's have blonde hair, blue eyes and high cheekbones like Warren?

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