Warren 2 (Did she lie)


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
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I have read her statements where she claims NA heritage but said she barely remembers what her granny said. Something about her great great grandparents had NA blood. Um. Ok. ALL of us have great great great great great great great great grandparents that came from africa but that doesn't mean we are black and can steal from minority blacks, now does it?

Even the Cherokee Nation is dubious about her so called claims.

A fast google search:

Breitbart News and a noted Cherokee genealogist have documented there is no evidence to support Senator Warren’s claim of Cherokee ancestry. There is evidence, however, that shows Senator Warren’s great-great-great grandfather, Jonathan Crawford, was a member of the Tennessee militia in the 1830s who rounded up the local Cherokee as the first step in their forced “Trail of Tears” journey to Oklahoma.

The Globe reported Wednesday that Senator Warren writes in her book “I never asked for special treatment when I applied to college, to law school, or for jobs.”

But, as Breitbart News reported in May 2012, Senator Warren has “[f]or twenty-five years since 1986, and without a shred of credible evidence . . . claimed to have Native American ancestry. She’s made this claim, apparently, to three separate employers–the University of Texas Law School, the University of Pennsylvania Law School, and Harvard Law School. None apparently asked her for proof, nor did she offer any.”

Elizabeth Warren Repeats Her False Claims of Native American Ancestry in New Book - Breitbart

To be fair, most reviews note that Warren has never substantiated her claims of Native American heritage, which is true. The larger and unaddressed issue, however, is whether or not Warren falsely claimed minority status in order to gain an unfair advantage in her academic career. This was a question that was unresolved at the end of the 2012 campaign and it remains unresolved with the publication of Warren’s book.

Elizabeth Warren Glosses Over Native American Controversy in New Book - US News

Warren said in an interview that she heard of her mother’s Native American blood through a series of conversations the two of them had while Warren played with a favorite set of paper dolls. The dolls included a groom and a bride in a pink wedding dress. One day Warren, then about 7, asked her mother about her own wedding dress, and her mother said she had not had one. When Warren pressed for details, “she said no one came to her wedding at all. This is when I realized something was wrong. . . . That is when she explained.”

Warren said she was informed by others in the family that her mother’s mother “was a little bit Delaware, and her father was more Cherokee.” Told that her brother recalled the opposite, she added, “It might have been the other way around.” Her grandmother, she added, “always talked about PawPaw being a lot more Indian.”

The Cherokee Nation, like many tribes, will only release the names of those on its rolls to those claiming membership. While a spokeswoman for the Delaware Tribe of Bartlesville, Okla., one of several branches of the tribe, said that their roll includes a member with the name of Reed born around the turn of the century, she would not provide additional information. Warren’s campaign declined to request the information from either tribe.

Elizabeth Warren s family has mixed memories about heritage - Metro - The Boston Globe

There. All fixed according to the rules and guidelines. What are your opinions, folks? Did she lie to get perks by claiming herself a minority? Does it matter? Are there perks to be a minority?

I just find it strange she would check Minority box. Maybe I should start doing that since I KNOW my great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandparents are from africa.
Her lie doesn't bother me as much as the people who insist on keeping it alive. It's been proven. It should be dead and gone. The RW's (obviously) are so weak minded they must thrive on totally irrelevant non issues as long as it's about a Democrat. Way to go Gracie, you're totally irrelevant. Be proud.
Her lie doesn't bother me as much as the people who insist on keeping it alive. It's been proven. It should be dead and gone. The RW's (obviously) are so weak minded they must thrive on totally irrelevant non issues as long as it's about a Democrat. Way to go Gracie, you're totally irrelevant. Be proud.
It has been disproven? Where? Got a link? I wanna read it.

You are missing the point. IF she lied about being a minority, WHAT ELSE will she lie about? That's my point.
Her lie doesn't bother me as much as the people who insist on keeping it alive. It's been proven. It should be dead and gone. The RW's (obviously) are so weak minded they must thrive on totally irrelevant non issues as long as it's about a Democrat. Way to go Gracie, you're totally irrelevant. Be proud.

Bet you say the same thing about the phony Palin quote "I can see Russia from my back porch!"
And I am not a democrat nor a republican. I don't want Hillary. That leaves whomever the GOP slaps in there and Hillary or Warren or whatsherface...Jarrett. I usually vote dem.. but I woulda voted McCain if he hadn't had lost his marbles and then got Palin as his VP.

I ain't the only one out there wondering which one is the less evil, ya know.
Do minorities get perks to get in college? I googled it to see if there were any straight answers. Oy. Where to start?


And Warren is not from the rez. She is not dirt poor that needs assistance in any way, shape or form. Yet, she marked MINORITY. Why?
Her lie doesn't bother me as much as the people who insist on keeping it alive. It's been proven. It should be dead and gone. The RW's (obviously) are so weak minded they must thrive on totally irrelevant non issues as long as it's about a Democrat. Way to go Gracie, you're totally irrelevant. Be proud.
It has been disproven? Where? Got a link? I wanna read it.

You are missing the point. IF she lied about being a minority, WHAT ELSE will she lie about? That's my point.

I said her lie had been PROVEN .. try reading and comprehending at the same time...

then get a life.
Her lie doesn't bother me as much as the people who insist on keeping it alive. It's been proven. It should be dead and gone. The RW's (obviously) are so weak minded they must thrive on totally irrelevant non issues as long as it's about a Democrat. Way to go Gracie, you're totally irrelevant. Be proud.
It has been disproven? Where? Got a link? I wanna read it.

You are missing the point. IF she lied about being a minority, WHAT ELSE will she lie about? That's my point.

I said her lie had been PROVEN .. try reading and comprehending at the same time...

then get a life.
Are you always this rude?
Of course she lied about her ancestry...after all, she is a politician, college prof, and a leftist. Lying just comes naturally.

Amazingly the D Party loves her like they do Hillary...another notorious liar. As such, we can conclude that lying is considered an asset to Ds.
Do minorities get perks to get in college? I googled it to see if there were any straight answers. Oy. Where to start?


And Warren is not from the rez. She is not dirt poor that needs assistance in any way, shape or form. Yet, she marked MINORITY. Why?
Only if you are on the roll...

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