Eliminating churches is the endgame for the homosexual lobby...not gay marriage


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
"The agenda is not tolerance for different beliefs and lifestyles. The agenda is a demand that everyone get on board with the moral revolution or be punished. That means if you or your church won’t get with the program, then the revolutionaries will endeavor to close you down.

"But they aren’t going to say,”We’ll close you down,” in so many words. They will cover it in propaganda that conceals their real aim. They’ll say, as Oppenheimer does, that taxpayers are “subsidizing” churches, that ministers make fat-cat six-figure salaries, and that government should get those rich priests and preachers off the government dole.
"Never mind that the average base salary of a full-time senior pastor ranges from $33,000 to $70,000 (source). Never mind that ministers do pay income taxes. Never mind that it is absurd to suggest not paying taxes is a subsidy. Never mind that exemptions do function to keep church and state out of one another’s business. That doesn’t fit the fictional narrative activists wish to advance—that these churches don’t deserve to have their “subsidy” continued in light of their intolerable views on sexuality."

This has been the goal all along, as everybody knows. It isn't about equal rights for gays. It's about eliminating Christianity.

Ending Tax Exemptions Means Ending Churches
"...the real intent of removing tax-exempt status is to cripple the institutions that continue their dissent from the sexual revolution."

Ending Tax Exemptions Means Ending Churches

Progressive pigs hate churches, because it's church leaders who speak out so adamantly about the disgusting lifestyle that the left has forced upon us as the "new normal". Churches object to human slavery, to murder, to sexual depravity. So the left wants to shut them down. They depend upon the subjugation of women and children for their $$$$, and they don't want anybody saying it's *bad*.
"The agenda is not tolerance for different beliefs and lifestyles. The agenda is a demand that everyone get on board with the moral revolution or be punished. That means if you or your church won’t get with the program, then the revolutionaries will endeavor to close you down.

"But they aren’t going to say,”We’ll close you down,” in so many words. They will cover it in propaganda that conceals their real aim. They’ll say, as Oppenheimer does, that taxpayers are “subsidizing” churches, that ministers make fat-cat six-figure salaries, and that government should get those rich priests and preachers off the government dole.
"Never mind that the average base salary of a full-time senior pastor ranges from $33,000 to $70,000 (source). Never mind that ministers do pay income taxes. Never mind that it is absurd to suggest not paying taxes is a subsidy. Never mind that exemptions do function to keep church and state out of one another’s business. That doesn’t fit the fictional narrative activists wish to advance—that these churches don’t deserve to have their “subsidy” continued in light of their intolerable views on sexuality."

This has been the goal all along, as everybody knows. It isn't about equal rights for gays. It's about eliminating Christianity.

Ending Tax Exemptions Means Ending Churches

Ah the Christians who want to be 'victims' again.

The goal of the "Hate the Gays" wing of Christianity has been to criminalize homosexuals, and lock them up.
Seems like all conservatives have these days is ridiculous predictions to scare the hater dupes...
It's not a prediction you moron, Oppenheimer is actively lobbying to shut down churches. Piss off and die.
How delusional are you?
How illiterate are you? Obviously, you are pretty darned illiterate:

"The Supreme Court's ruling on gay marriage makes it clearer than ever that the government shouldn't be subsidizing religion and non-profits..."

"...we need to take a more radical step. It’s time to abolish, or greatly diminish, their tax-exempt statuses."

"... the logic of gay-marriage rights could lead to a reexamination of conservative churches’ tax exemptions..."

Gay Marriage Decision Is Right Time to End Religious Tax Exemptions
"The agenda is not tolerance for different beliefs and lifestyles. The agenda is a demand that everyone get on board with the moral revolution or be punished. That means if you or your church won’t get with the program, then the revolutionaries will endeavor to close you down.

"But they aren’t going to say,”We’ll close you down,” in so many words. They will cover it in propaganda that conceals their real aim. They’ll say, as Oppenheimer does, that taxpayers are “subsidizing” churches, that ministers make fat-cat six-figure salaries, and that government should get those rich priests and preachers off the government dole.
"Never mind that the average base salary of a full-time senior pastor ranges from $33,000 to $70,000 (source). Never mind that ministers do pay income taxes. Never mind that it is absurd to suggest not paying taxes is a subsidy. Never mind that exemptions do function to keep church and state out of one another’s business. That doesn’t fit the fictional narrative activists wish to advance—that these churches don’t deserve to have their “subsidy” continued in light of their intolerable views on sexuality."

This has been the goal all along, as everybody knows. It isn't about equal rights for gays. It's about eliminating Christianity.

Ending Tax Exemptions Means Ending Churches

One thing's for sure, the marriage equality decision is allowing us to see how really stupid some people are.
Getting rid of religion would be a huge step forward for mankind if they can get it done, regardless of how wrong their intent might be. Religionists are child abusers, assaulting the minds of kids, before the latter have the abiity to evaluate the bs that is being stuffed into their minds.
Oh, btw...
Seems like all conservatives have these days is ridiculous predictions to scare the hater dupes...
It's not a prediction you moron, Oppenheimer is actively lobbying to shut down churches. Piss off and die.

Yet you are unable to provide a single quote by Oppenheimer.......

You're a fucking idiot:

Gay Marriage Decision Is Right Time to End Religious Tax Exemptions

Now’s the Time To End Tax Exemptions for Religious Institutions
June 28, 2015
Seems like all conservatives have these days is ridiculous predictions to scare the hater dupes...
It's not a prediction you moron, Oppenheimer is actively lobbying to shut down churches. Piss off and die.

He actively lobbying to revoke their tax exemptions... which is perfectly fine.

Why does a church get to be exempt from taxes? They should pay their fair share, just like the rest of us.
That's an, umm... interesting leap from marriage equality to the tax exempt status of the wing of the Worship Industry...


I suppose that it's all about sex with some.
Openheimer's actual article is rather interesting
Gay Marriage Decision Is Right Time to End Religious Tax Exemptions

The federal revenue acts of 1909, 1913, and 1917 exempted nonprofits from the corporate excise and income taxes at the same time that they allowed people to deduct charitable contributions from their incomes. In other words, they gave tax-free status to the income of, and to the income donated to, nonprofits. Since then, state and local laws nearly everywhere have exempted nonprofits from all, or most, property tax and state income tax. This system of tax exemptions and deductions took shape partly during World War I, when it was feared that the new income tax, with top rates as high as 77%, might choke off charitable giving. But whatever its intentions, today it’s a mess, for several reasons.

First, the religious exemption has forced the IRS to decide what’s a religion, and thus has entangled church and state in the worst way. Since the world’s great religion scholars can’t agree on what a religion is, it’s absurd to ask a bunch of accountants, no matter how well-meaning. You can read part of the IRS’s guidelines for what’s a bona fide religion here; suffice it to say that it has an easier time saying what’s not a religion. The site gives the example of the rejection of an application from an “outgrowth of a supper club … whose primary activities were holding meetings before supper, sponsoring the supper club, and publishing a newsletter” but which professed a religious doctrine of “ethical egoism.”

On the other hand, the IRS famously caved and awarded the Church of Scientology tax-exempt status. Never mind that the Scientology is secretive, or that it charges for its courses; or that its leader, David Miscavige, lives like a pasha. Indeed, many clergy have mid-six-figure salaries — many university presidents, seven-figure salaries — and the IRS doesn’t trouble their tax-exempt status. And many churches and synagogues sit on exceedingly valuable tracts of land (walk up and down Fifth Avenue to see what I mean). The property taxes they aren’t paying have to be drawn from business owners and private citizens — in a real sense, you and I are subsidizing Mormon temples, Muslims mosques, Methodist churches.

Reading the article- it is an interesting article arguing that the tax exempt status for all non-profits should be eliminated- from Churches to Harvard University.

And the reasons why are interesting.
In case you missed it, I linked and quoted Mark O multiple times. Morons.
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Yes, of course you think it's interesting. Because it's about shutting down churches. Which you all agree is the ultimate goal.
Seems like all conservatives have these days is ridiculous predictions to scare the hater dupes...
It's not a prediction you moron, Oppenheimer is actively lobbying to shut down churches. Piss off and die.

He actively lobbying to revoke their tax exemptions... which is perfectly fine.

Why does a church get to be exempt from taxes? They should pay their fair share, just like the rest of us.

Seems like all conservatives have these days is ridiculous predictions to scare the hater dupes...
It's not a prediction you moron, Oppenheimer is actively lobbying to shut down churches. Piss off and die.

He actively lobbying to revoke their tax exemptions... which is perfectly fine.

Why does a church get to be exempt from taxes? They should pay their fair share, just like the rest of us.

Uh.. Tax exempt on their charitable contributions. Not blanket tax exemption. Yes....Just like the rest of us.
Oh, btw...
Seems like all conservatives have these days is ridiculous predictions to scare the hater dupes...
It's not a prediction you moron, Oppenheimer is actively lobbying to shut down churches. Piss off and die.

Yet you are unable to provide a single quote by Oppenheimer.......

You're a fucking idiot:

Gay Marriage Decision Is Right Time to End Religious Tax Exemptions

Now’s the Time To End Tax Exemptions for Religious Institutions
June 28, 2015

Took you long enough to actually provide some content.
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