Should America Be The World's Policeman?


Gold Member
Jun 27, 2011
Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist and foreign affairs expert Bret Stephens weighs in.

Should America be the world's policeman?

Whenever this question is asked, and it has been asked for nearly 100 years, the answer is usually no. Progressives will say that it suggests American arrogance. Who made America the boss of the world? Many conservatives, especially those with Libertarian leanings, will answer that what other countries do to their neighbors or even to their own people is no concern of ours.

But here's the question that is almost never asked. What's the alternative?

Well, one answer is the United Nations.

That's why the UN was formed after the Second World War - to maintain order and protect human rights.

And that's why there are UN Peace Keepers around the world.

But their record at keeping the peace is abysmal.

To cite just one example, at least 500,000 people were slaughtered in Rwanda in 1994 while UN Peace Keepers stood by.

Furthermore, the United Nations' nearly 200 members seldom agree on anything. And when they do marshal a peace-keeping force, its numbers are always small, they are poorly armed, and highly restricted in their use of the few weapons they do possess. They are much more likely to step aside when faced with aggression than to actively oppose it.

What about dividing the world into spheres of influence? Is that really a good idea? Do we want a world where Russia gets to do what it wants toward democratic neighbors such as Latvia, and Iran dominates its region, and so on? Would such a world lead to peace or to ever more violent competition over the borders of those "spheres."

And, of course, there's an idea that if America leaves the world alone, the world will leave America alone. If only. The Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky once said that you may not be interested in war but war is interested in you. Great powers don't get to take a vacation and don't get to take themselves off the terrorist target list.

So, we quickly come to an inescapable conclusion: The United States is the World's Policeman because there is no alternative.

And everybody knows it.

But what if Americans don't want the job anymore? What if the cop walked off the beat?

The answer is clear and well grounded both in history and current events: when America retreats, the bad guys advance.

It's not a coincidence that after the US pulled its troops out of Iraq, Islamic State exploded onto the world stage.

And while it's easy to criticize America for its perceived failures in Viet Nam and the first few years in Iraq, what about its obvious successes? After the Second World War ended in 1945, the Soviet Union sought to dominate the world. It failed for one reason: The United States stopped it.

In 1991 we stopped Saddam Hussein and kicked him out of Kuwait. Later, we intervened to save the Balkans.

As I write in my book, America in Retreat, the order the US has provided has not only had enormous security benefits for all the world, it has produced phenomenal economic advantages. Global GDP, just $11 trillion in 1980, doubled by the time the Cold War ended a decade later. By 2012 it reached $72 trillion.

The debate over the value of an American supervised peace, Pax Americana, should have been settled long ago. But history only settles great debates for as long people remember the history. Many college students today could barely identify the Soviet Union, let alone explain how its plans to impose Communism on nation after nation were defeated.

Americans have lived in a relatively orderly world for so long that many have become complacent about maintaining it.

Perhaps that explains why, in recent years, the United States has adopted a foreign policy that neglects to do the things that have made that orderly world possible: Commitments to global security, military forces adequate to meet those commitments, a willingness to intervene in regional crises to protect allies and to confront or deter aggressive regimes.

If the world's leading liberal-democratic nation doesn't assume its role as world policeman, the world's rogues will try to fill the breach. Then the world would be very much like it was in the 1930s, when Western self-doubt, war weariness, economic turmoil, American self-involvement and the rise of ambitious dictatorships combined to produce unprecedented death and mayhem.

Not everyone grows up wanting to be a cop. But no one wants to live in a neighborhood -- or a world -- where there is no cop.

Would you?
hell no we shouldnt be the world's cop and neither should any other country and no country should have anything like that kind of power. We've abused that power constantly, to suppost COMPLETE pos's like Osama, Hussein, Batista, Castro, Khomeini, Park, and hundreds of others, against democratically elected opponents in their home countries. We've invaded many countries, especially in S and latin america, for no reason other than to protect corporate interests. the US has been the world's worst bully for over a century now.
hell yes I want a world with no cops. there WERE no organized police dept until Robt Peel formed one in London a few centuries ago. We didn't have any such on the frontier. All cops do is keep me from shooting pos's who BADLY need to be shot
I look forward to the day that the US Military is known not as the world's police force, but as the worlds firefighters.

Everybody gets nervous when the cops show up, but when that big red truck crests the horizon, you know that help is on the way.
America is not the world's policeman, policemen answer to a court. America is the world's Capo.
America is not the world's policeman, and we never have been.

    • Should America Be The World's Policeman?






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Who made America "Boss of the World"? Why the Bankers of course! Who conveniently for them get to bankroll BOTH SIDES of any conflict!

Besides, if it weren't for Wars, America would have almost 100 percent unemployment.
Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist and foreign affairs expert Bret Stephens weighs in.

Should America be the world's policeman?

Whenever this question is asked, and it has been asked for nearly 100 years, the answer is usually no. Progressives will say that it suggests American arrogance. Who made America the boss of the world? Many conservatives, especially those with Libertarian leanings, will answer that what other countries do to their neighbors or even to their own people is no concern of ours.

But here's the question that is almost never asked. What's the alternative?

Well, one answer is the United Nations.

That's why the UN was formed after the Second World War - to maintain order and protect human rights.

And that's why there are UN Peace Keepers around the world.

But their record at keeping the peace is abysmal.

To cite just one example, at least 500,000 people were slaughtered in Rwanda in 1994 while UN Peace Keepers stood by.

Furthermore, the United Nations' nearly 200 members seldom agree on anything. And when they do marshal a peace-keeping force, its numbers are always small, they are poorly armed, and highly restricted in their use of the few weapons they do possess. They are much more likely to step aside when faced with aggression than to actively oppose it.

What about dividing the world into spheres of influence? Is that really a good idea? Do we want a world where Russia gets to do what it wants toward democratic neighbors such as Latvia, and Iran dominates its region, and so on? Would such a world lead to peace or to ever more violent competition over the borders of those "spheres."

And, of course, there's an idea that if America leaves the world alone, the world will leave America alone. If only. The Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky once said that you may not be interested in war but war is interested in you. Great powers don't get to take a vacation and don't get to take themselves off the terrorist target list.

So, we quickly come to an inescapable conclusion: The United States is the World's Policeman because there is no alternative.

And everybody knows it.

But what if Americans don't want the job anymore? What if the cop walked off the beat?

The answer is clear and well grounded both in history and current events: when America retreats, the bad guys advance.

It's not a coincidence that after the US pulled its troops out of Iraq, Islamic State exploded onto the world stage.

And while it's easy to criticize America for its perceived failures in Viet Nam and the first few years in Iraq, what about its obvious successes? After the Second World War ended in 1945, the Soviet Union sought to dominate the world. It failed for one reason: The United States stopped it.

In 1991 we stopped Saddam Hussein and kicked him out of Kuwait. Later, we intervened to save the Balkans.

As I write in my book, America in Retreat, the order the US has provided has not only had enormous security benefits for all the world, it has produced phenomenal economic advantages. Global GDP, just $11 trillion in 1980, doubled by the time the Cold War ended a decade later. By 2012 it reached $72 trillion.

The debate over the value of an American supervised peace, Pax Americana, should have been settled long ago. But history only settles great debates for as long people remember the history. Many college students today could barely identify the Soviet Union, let alone explain how its plans to impose Communism on nation after nation were defeated.

Americans have lived in a relatively orderly world for so long that many have become complacent about maintaining it.

Perhaps that explains why, in recent years, the United States has adopted a foreign policy that neglects to do the things that have made that orderly world possible: Commitments to global security, military forces adequate to meet those commitments, a willingness to intervene in regional crises to protect allies and to confront or deter aggressive regimes.

If the world's leading liberal-democratic nation doesn't assume its role as world policeman, the world's rogues will try to fill the breach. Then the world would be very much like it was in the 1930s, when Western self-doubt, war weariness, economic turmoil, American self-involvement and the rise of ambitious dictatorships combined to produce unprecedented death and mayhem.

Not everyone grows up wanting to be a cop. But no one wants to live in a neighborhood -- or a world -- where there is no cop.

Would you?

Putin is getting ready to push west.....and the welfare states of Europe will no longer have the United States to keep them safe.....

Screw them.....they weren't grateful while we protected them...I'm sure putin will teach them about the real world....
For those who do not want America to involve itself, how do you justify to yourself all the people who die because you failed to recognize your responsibility as a member of mankind?
No, overthrowing democratically elected governments, shutting down elections, blockading revolutionary proletariat victories, attacking the wrong countries for profit, supporting and propping up dictators, allowing millions to suffer.. Fuck american imperialism.
For those who do not want America to involve itself, how do you justify to yourself all the people who die because you failed to recognize your responsibility as a member of mankind?

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I diverge from most of my progressive brethren on this. If there is no policeman the criminals do what animals do, they act like animals. The United States HAS to take action where we can. Not everywhere, but where decisive action is needed.

Case in point is with Isis. It doesn't matter what religion, what political persuasion, what ideology these people claim, this group of humans are a malignant cancer on the entire body of humanity. They behead children, among a long list of others, they burn people alive, they drive through streets of cities with AK47's hanging out the window and shoot people for fun. I agree with a push right now to make destruction of ancient relics and sights a war crime. These people are destroying treasured ruins from the beginning of human civilization. These people should be tried for war crimes as a group for all of these atrocities.

I think the U.S. has to tell Nato its time to crush this group. Isis has mentally disturbed people all over the west slaughtering innocents in the name of Isis. One division from the U.S., Britain, France, Turkey, and Germany. Air drop them with artillery and armor around each of the cities Isis has taken over and close the circle and destroy them outright. Then move to the next. Any other group in the area that says they will fight Nato if they land on the ground, destroy them too. Its time to stop this pussy-footing garbage and make it clear the west will not tolerate this terrorism bullshit from ANYONE.

And, once Isis is defeated if another group comes up and tries to do the same in six months or a year, go back and destroy them. Nato should assume a fluid posture regarding this region. We also should drop 50,000 troops and destroy Boko Haram. People in the west have to get it in their heads that this cancer has to be cut out every time it pops up. These people are animals and THEY BELIEVE that if they just keep fighting they'll win.

We have to demonstrate why you don't attack the west in the most brutal fashion. Unfortunately in this life sometimes that is what is needed. Isis is the resurrection of the Nazi's in another form.

There have been great cries since WW2 ended as to 'why didn't the Allies do something about the holocaust when they knew it was happeneing'.

Another holocaust is happening in front of us, and these people post their atrocities online in videos and tell the entire human race we are coming for you.

This bullshit has to end and we have to end it.
Yes. After the US has dealt with its own war criminals it can worry about others'.

But then I guess crooked cops are a US tradition.

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