Electric vehicles


Platinum Member
Oct 28, 2020
never driven one myself. It seems they are more popular in China and the far east than in the west. Are they the future or not? What do you think?
never driven one myself. It seems they are more popular in China and the far east than in the west. Are they the future or not? What do you think?

Short term.

But they aren't sound technology, so in the long term they will be supplanted by fuel cells or other more advanced technology.

Electric cars are an illusion. The energy expended over the life of the vehicle - including manufacturing - is often greater than it is for an ICE vehicle.
Sorry, but my 1970 Olds Cutlass 4-4-2 simply refuses to run on electricity. My 2006 Honda Accord with 32,000 miles on it (bought new) also balks.

Both function as they should and are long paid for. Both do over 100MPH easily.

So I should buy a Tesla why?
never driven one myself. It seems they are more popular in China and the far east than in the west. Are they the future or not? What do you think?

Looks to be. Right now, the range of a tesla is about the best in the running and it's real world range is about 275 miles. Many of the other companies come close while some fall really short. But at 275 miles of real world and the ability to recharge in about 20 minutes to full charge or get 80% charge in 10 using a Tesla Super Charging Station, that means that it's hit real world.

If you use the 220v Home charger, it would take up to an hour to recharge that same Tesla. If you use the provided Home Charging Unit (110v) it would take up to 15 hours.

Those figures are used from a battery at near 0% charge which is unrealistic.
never driven one myself. It seems they are more popular in China and the far east than in the west. Are they the future or not? What do you think?
Free charges at my local grocery. I guess it's the future.

never driven one myself. It seems they are more popular in China and the far east than in the west. Are they the future or not? What do you think?

They are the future. It's not only my belief, it is the major auto industry.


I had a chance to drive a Tesla Model S about 5 years ago. I was impressed. The technology is amazing. But the speed is breathtaking. I have driven some fast cars in my life, from a Jag XKE to a 1970 GTO. But nothing compares to the launch of the Tesla. I say "launch", because it feels like a ride at Six Flags.
In 1900, there were more electric cars than petrol cars in the U.S.

Sure, but that was before the massive grants and infrastructure projects we paid for to help the oil companies overtake the market. Did you know taxes paid for building and employing people to work at gas stations and blacktop roads in areas that didn't even have any cars until years later? Horses, which were the main source of transportation had a hard time on those slick roads.
If you think about it the Prius has underpowered gas engine and battery with a small charge. Nothing like the Tesla range. Should you drive one or the other? combustion engine or electric not a hybrid?
never driven one myself. It seems they are more popular in China and the far east than in the west. Are they the future or not? What do you think?

About 3% of the global population drive them. Clearly, there is no interest in driving them by choice.

The only way they're the future is if the car corporations get together with government and invoke patent fascism to force them on us.

I wouldn't drive one, personally.

They're effectively gonna be an iPad on wheels to track everything you do. That's where the government's interest lies in it if you wanna get technical about it. Heck, the government is the biggest polluter. Seems to me that the last thing one might consider a solution to pollution is to ask the biggest polluter to solve things.

I'm not really fond of having to drive a little electric hoopty at the barrel of a government gun in the name of equity just to satisfy some nerd's feeling of inferiority because he can't afford to play with nice toys either.
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it seems that General Motors wants to go electric by 2035. Chinese regime say they want China to go electric by that same year.
never driven one myself. It seems they are more popular in China and the far east than in the west. Are they the future or not? What do you think?
Long term, yes, short term, no. They can't replace ICEs or hybrids until we get a complete infrastructure makeover. Short term they'll be niche vehicles. I have a 20-mile commute to work and other cars in the family for long trips, when I need a new commuter car they may be the right choice for me.
Sorry, but my 1970 Olds Cutlass 4-4-2 simply refuses to run on electricity. My 2006 Honda Accord with 32,000 miles on it (bought new) also balks.

Both function as they should and are long paid for. Both do over 100MPH easily.

So I should buy a Tesla why?
Go test drive one. If you like the Tesla better than your Honda Accord then buy it. If you like the Accord more then stay with that.

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