Drivers license for illegal aliens


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Is another reward for bad behavior and it does not discourage bad behavior but encourages more bad behavior. Illegal aliens don’t get the message that we are serious about our enforcing our immigration laws or any other laws for that matter because they go unpunished for illegal entry and overstaying their visas. The only way to fix illegal immigration is to enforce our immigration laws and Obama so much as said so. Our immigration system is not broken. Our government has allowed it to be broken by not enforcing our immigration laws. Any 5th grader knows that the Gang of Eight’s Comprehensive Immigration Reform is nothing but a reward for illegal aliens and a reward for Democrats. Republican will not benefits from it. Because it is too late for them to flip flop on illegal immigration. Both parties knows it is not the best thing for our economy or for Americans tax payers and their American dream. I pray that the House see that and trash it where it belongs and demand enforcement with deportation and border security that will fix the illegal immigration problem. And stop giving these people a free pass.
Only in America is there a special drivers license for people who should not be here.

Only in America. And I wanna' thank the Vets for making that possible.
Rewards for Illegal Aliens – Driver’s Licenses

State-issued driver’s licenses and identification cards open doors of opportunity in the United
States. Not only does the driver’s license grant Americans the privilege to operate a vehicle, it also is
widely accepted as an identification card that enables the bearer to access a plethora of services and
benefits. Driver’s licenses and ID cards are used to rent apartments and cars, open bank accounts, cash
checks, enter secure buildings, buy guns, and board commercial aircraft, among other things.
Acceptance of these documents as proof of identity has become so commonplace in America that
presenting a different document, like a passport, may attract attention and lead to increased scrutiny,
even if the alternative document is actually more secure. This is why driver’s licenses and ID cards are
so valuable to terrorists and illegal aliens, who use them to hide in plain sight without attracting
unwanted attention. As the 9/11 Commission noted in its final report, reliable identification is vital for
security reasons. Fraudulent licenses and IDs “complicated the government’s ability to adequately
ensure public safety at vulnerable facilities including airport terminals, train stations, bus stations, and
other entry points.”
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There would be no need for immigration reform today if our current laws had simply been enforced.

Is another reward for bad behavior and it does not discourage bad behavior but encourages more bad behavior. Illegal aliens don’t get the message that we are serious about our enforcing our immigration laws or any other laws for that matter because they go unpunished for illegal entry and overstaying their visas. The only way to fix illegal immigration is to enforce our immigration laws and Obama so much as said so. Our immigration system is not broken. Our government has allowed it to be broken by not enforcing our immigration laws. Any 5th grader knows that the Gang of Eight’s Comprehensive Immigration Reform is nothing but a reward for illegal aliens and a reward for Democrats. Republican will not benefits from it. Because it is too late for them to flip flop on illegal immigration. Both parties knows it is not the best thing for our economy or for Americans tax payers and their American dream. I pray that the House see that and trash it where it belongs and demand enforcement with deportation and border security that will fix the illegal immigration problem. And stop giving these people a free pass.

If they are here, they should be able to take test and pass. Pay for insurance and get SNAP and other benefits. They are the future! Have you any idea of their birth rates? Truly our future.

Is another reward for bad behavior and it does not discourage bad behavior but encourages more bad behavior. Illegal aliens don’t get the message that we are serious about our enforcing our immigration laws or any other laws for that matter because they go unpunished for illegal entry and overstaying their visas. The only way to fix illegal immigration is to enforce our immigration laws and Obama so much as said so. Our immigration system is not broken. Our government has allowed it to be broken by not enforcing our immigration laws. Any 5th grader knows that the Gang of Eight’s Comprehensive Immigration Reform is nothing but a reward for illegal aliens and a reward for Democrats. Republican will not benefits from it. Because it is too late for them to flip flop on illegal immigration. Both parties knows it is not the best thing for our economy or for Americans tax payers and their American dream. I pray that the House see that and trash it where it belongs and demand enforcement with deportation and border security that will fix the illegal immigration problem. And stop giving these people a free pass.

If they are here, they should be able to take test and pass. Pay for insurance and get SNAP and other benefits. They are the future! Have you any idea of their birth rates? Truly our future.

Are you saying that we as a nation need to br making more babies?
Americans are capable of living as expats in the United States. Plenty of them live like that in mexico.
According to the Constitution of the United States of America, nobody is above the law. Not the President, not a elected official, police nor immigrants sneaking over the border, regardless of race. NOBODY, under any circumstances. Until now. Apparently, that has changed. Big time.
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According to the Constitution of the United States of America, nobody is above the law. Not the President, not a elected official, police nor immigrants sneaking over the border, regardless of race. NOBODY, under any circumstances. Until now. Apparently, that has changed. Big time.

Of course...look at which party is in office.

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