For many Jews, “Never Again!” trumps “Never Trump!”

That has never bothered them before.
It bothers them now, because the bigots on the left always eat their own. The dems are the party of bigotry, racism and divisiveness. The dems have been busy balkanizing everyone and putting them in little boxes with labels on them.

Eventually the racist and bigoted democrats will find a reason to create a new box with a new category of people to hate. Now they hate any Democrat who is not a Hamas flag waver chanting for a global intifada, "from the river to the sea."
Folks who are not lying don't have a problem posting quotes to back up their words.
We can do quotes.
Yes, it is a bad thing. Palestine didn't exist in Jesus' day. Jesus was a Jew, born in Bethlehem of Judea.

Jesus never existed.

Palestine comes from "Philistine", a people who lived there as long as the Hebrews/Israelites/Judeans.

Not to mention.... the Ancient Hebrews probably weren't monotheists...

Jesus was born where again? Oh ok.
Jesus was never born anywhere.

Here, let's play.

What date was Jesus born? You don't know. Nobody knows. The two sources for his birth vary widely by 10 years. (Matthew has him being born before the death of Herod the Great, 4BCE, Luke has him born during the governorship of Quirinius (6 CE).

What year did he die? We don't know that, either.

Now by comparison, we know EXACTLY what years another JC was born and died. Julius Ceasar. Born July 12, 100 BCE, Died March 15th BCE.
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