Donald Trump is not God


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
Would the Trump supporters please stop acting like Trump is God?

Stop lying abut his accomplishments. He has not turned around the economy. He inherited a healthy economy growing jobs at full employment. He's creating fewer jobs than Obama.

He has decided to fight our friends and embrace our enemies. He is in love with every dictator on earth. He's doing exactly what Russia wants done and while doing so he's reducing Americas influence in the world.

You guys called Obama weak for following a nations customs and bowing to another world leader, but Trump had his nose lodged up Kim Jung Uns butt in Singapore and is great.

We had almost 7 years of job growth before Trump and jobs continued to grow during Trumps first year which had nothing to do with him. Unemployment had been on a downward trend before Trump and the unemployment rate today is not because of Trump.

Trump is ripping kids from their parents and putting them in camps but he blames democrats for his own order and Trump supporters just sing along.

We have a trade surplus with Canada, Trump talks about a 270 percent tariff and the Trump cult members repeat this like it's all our trade with Canada is.

Donald Trump has told over 3,000 lies but the Trump lovers would rather talk about how they were told by Trump that Nancy Pelosi loves MS13.

Donald Trump isn't God. He's done nothing in 1.5 years with the exception of pissing off allies. It's time to stop blaming Obama and Hillary when it is shown that Trump is the problem.
Would the Trump supporters please stop acting like Trump is God?

Stop lying abut his accomplishments. He has not turned around the economy. He inherited a healthy economy growing jobs at full employment. He's creating fewer jobs than Obama.

He has decided to fight our friends and embrace our enemies. He is in love with every dictator on earth. He's doing exactly what Russia wants done and while doing so he's reducing Americas influence in the world.

You guys called Obama weak for following a nations customs and bowing to another world leader, but Trump had his nose lodged up Kim Jung Uns butt in Singapore and is great.

We had almost 7 years of job growth before Trump and jobs continued to grow during Trumps first year which had nothing to do with him. Unemployment had been on a downward trend before Trump and the unemployment rate today is not because of Trump.

Trump is ripping kids from their parents and putting them in camps but he blames democrats for his own order and Trump supporters just sing along.

We have a trade surplus with Canada, Trump talks about a 270 percent tariff and the Trump cult members repeat this like it's all our trade with Canada is.

Donald Trump has told over 3,000 lies but the Trump lovers would rather talk about how they were told by Trump that Nancy Pelosi loves MS13.

Donald Trump isn't God. He's done nothing in 1.5 years with the exception of pissing off allies. It's time to stop blaming Obama and Hillary when it is shown that Trump is the problem.

He's not a god. He's a GOD-EMPEROR.

Would the Trump supporters please stop acting like Trump is God?

Stop lying abut his accomplishments. He has not turned around the economy. He inherited a healthy economy growing jobs at full employment. He's creating fewer jobs than Obama.

He has decided to fight our friends and embrace our enemies. He is in love with every dictator on earth. He's doing exactly what Russia wants done and while doing so he's reducing Americas influence in the world.

You guys called Obama weak for following a nations customs and bowing to another world leader, but Trump had his nose lodged up Kim Jung Uns butt in Singapore and is great.

We had almost 7 years of job growth before Trump and jobs continued to grow during Trumps first year which had nothing to do with him. Unemployment had been on a downward trend before Trump and the unemployment rate today is not because of Trump.

Trump is ripping kids from their parents and putting them in camps but he blames democrats for his own order and Trump supporters just sing along.

We have a trade surplus with Canada, Trump talks about a 270 percent tariff and the Trump cult members repeat this like it's all our trade with Canada is.

Donald Trump has told over 3,000 lies but the Trump lovers would rather talk about how they were told by Trump that Nancy Pelosi loves MS13.

Donald Trump isn't God. He's done nothing in 1.5 years with the exception of pissing off allies. It's time to stop blaming Obama and Hillary when it is shown that Trump is the problem.

He's not a god. He's a GOD-EMPEROR.

Would the Trump supporters please stop acting like Trump is God?

Stop lying abut his accomplishments. He has not turned around the economy. He inherited a healthy economy growing jobs at full employment. He's creating fewer jobs than Obama.

He has decided to fight our friends and embrace our enemies. He is in love with every dictator on earth. He's doing exactly what Russia wants done and while doing so he's reducing Americas influence in the world.

You guys called Obama weak for following a nations customs and bowing to another world leader, but Trump had his nose lodged up Kim Jung Uns butt in Singapore and is great.

We had almost 7 years of job growth before Trump and jobs continued to grow during Trumps first year which had nothing to do with him. Unemployment had been on a downward trend before Trump and the unemployment rate today is not because of Trump.

Trump is ripping kids from their parents and putting them in camps but he blames democrats for his own order and Trump supporters just sing along.

We have a trade surplus with Canada, Trump talks about a 270 percent tariff and the Trump cult members repeat this like it's all our trade with Canada is.

Donald Trump has told over 3,000 lies but the Trump lovers would rather talk about how they were told by Trump that Nancy Pelosi loves MS13.

Donald Trump isn't God. He's done nothing in 1.5 years with the exception of pissing off allies. It's time to stop blaming Obama and Hillary when it is shown that Trump is the problem.
/-----/ Ahhhh another strawman argument from the flaing desperate Leftards.
strawman argument 2.jpg
Would the Trump supporters please stop acting like Trump is God?

Stop lying abut his accomplishments. He has not turned around the economy. He inherited a healthy economy growing jobs at full employment. He's creating fewer jobs than Obama.

He has decided to fight our friends and embrace our enemies. He is in love with every dictator on earth. He's doing exactly what Russia wants done and while doing so he's reducing Americas influence in the world.

You guys called Obama weak for following a nations customs and bowing to another world leader, but Trump had his nose lodged up Kim Jung Uns butt in Singapore and is great.

We had almost 7 years of job growth before Trump and jobs continued to grow during Trumps first year which had nothing to do with him. Unemployment had been on a downward trend before Trump and the unemployment rate today is not because of Trump.

Trump is ripping kids from their parents and putting them in camps but he blames democrats for his own order and Trump supporters just sing along.

We have a trade surplus with Canada, Trump talks about a 270 percent tariff and the Trump cult members repeat this like it's all our trade with Canada is.

Donald Trump has told over 3,000 lies but the Trump lovers would rather talk about how they were told by Trump that Nancy Pelosi loves MS13.

Donald Trump isn't God. He's done nothing in 1.5 years with the exception of pissing off allies. It's time to stop blaming Obama and Hillary when it is shown that Trump is the problem.

Like usual you seem to have things backwards.
Barbara Streisand Likens Obama To A God
Would the Trump supporters please stop acting like Trump is God?

Stop lying abut his accomplishments. He has not turned around the economy. He inherited a healthy economy growing jobs at full employment. He's creating fewer jobs than Obama.

He has decided to fight our friends and embrace our enemies. He is in love with every dictator on earth. He's doing exactly what Russia wants done and while doing so he's reducing Americas influence in the world.

You guys called Obama weak for following a nations customs and bowing to another world leader, but Trump had his nose lodged up Kim Jung Uns butt in Singapore and is great.

We had almost 7 years of job growth before Trump and jobs continued to grow during Trumps first year which had nothing to do with him. Unemployment had been on a downward trend before Trump and the unemployment rate today is not because of Trump.

Trump is ripping kids from their parents and putting them in camps but he blames democrats for his own order and Trump supporters just sing along.

We have a trade surplus with Canada, Trump talks about a 270 percent tariff and the Trump cult members repeat this like it's all our trade with Canada is.

Donald Trump has told over 3,000 lies but the Trump lovers would rather talk about how they were told by Trump that Nancy Pelosi loves MS13.

Donald Trump isn't God. He's done nothing in 1.5 years with the exception of pissing off allies. It's time to stop blaming Obama and Hillary when it is shown that Trump is the problem.

Like usual you seem to have things backwards.
Barbara Streisand Likens Obama To A God

I'm not Streisand. But you Trump lovers do act like he is God.
Stop lying abut his accomplishments. He has not turned around the economy. He inherited a healthy economy growing jobs at full employment. He's creating fewer jobs than Obama.

The facts say you are full of shit, we elected Trump and things are going great under his policies and you libs can't handle it. Talk about sour grapes.
Would the Trump supporters please stop acting like Trump is God?

Stop lying abut his accomplishments. He has not turned around the economy. He inherited a healthy economy growing jobs at full employment. He's creating fewer jobs than Obama.

He has decided to fight our friends and embrace our enemies. He is in love with every dictator on earth. He's doing exactly what Russia wants done and while doing so he's reducing Americas influence in the world.

You guys called Obama weak for following a nations customs and bowing to another world leader, but Trump had his nose lodged up Kim Jung Uns butt in Singapore and is great.

We had almost 7 years of job growth before Trump and jobs continued to grow during Trumps first year which had nothing to do with him. Unemployment had been on a downward trend before Trump and the unemployment rate today is not because of Trump.

Trump is ripping kids from their parents and putting them in camps but he blames democrats for his own order and Trump supporters just sing along.

We have a trade surplus with Canada, Trump talks about a 270 percent tariff and the Trump cult members repeat this like it's all our trade with Canada is.

Donald Trump has told over 3,000 lies but the Trump lovers would rather talk about how they were told by Trump that Nancy Pelosi loves MS13.

Donald Trump isn't God. He's done nothing in 1.5 years with the exception of pissing off allies. It's time to stop blaming Obama and Hillary when it is shown that Trump is the problem.

Two words: Margaret Sanger

Two more: Hillary Clinton

A few more: mid to late term abortions

So I'll get to President Trump in a moment. Promise. Let's talk caring about children. Can't stand to watch a video of abortion results? Ask yourself why. Because it's hideous and uncouth you say? Well that's Hillary Clinton's brand, man. That's basic human evil in play, all over the media--it's on the world stage--and we as a civilized world deign to actually debate its merits? What does that say about our Age of history?

So now tell me all about children on the border and why their lives matter more than the most vulnerable of us all--the unborn. Sick thinking for a sick world.

How about former President Obama? Man of the people. Constitutional scholar. Smooth operator. Tell me about his authorization of cruise missile strikes in Yemen which killed many civilians. Collateral damage you say? But you're still harping about immigrant kids on the border? Still in love with Obama?

Putin drew a line in the sand. Obama turned his back. Syrian government uses chemical weapons on civilians (kids too) and Obama is like all well see no evil.

The mutilation of our children into genderless things. That's Obama. Indoctrination of our kids at their most vulnerable ages to doubt their own identities? That's Obama too.

Immigration. Right now I've got a team of about ten immigrants mowing the grounds of my complex. I went crabbing the other day to a bridge I had been crabbing at for decades. Every year more and more immigrants have shown up there until now there's no space for me to crab. Hell, I like them. I talk with them. I lived in Puerto Rico for a couple of years so it's a chance to keep my Spanish sharp, right? But come on, there isn't even room for me to crab there any more. I was willing to share my spot, they it seems aren't. Have to find a new spot I guess.

So, really, especially if you come from the 80's or before, sure, yeah it looks like the world has gone mad, mad, mad.

Enter Donald Trump.

Look what is happening throughout Europe. I thought that losing my crabbing spot was bad. Hell, they're raping people over there, they're changing the very fabric of what it means to be Swedish, British, German. Trump wants to prevent that from happening here, in America.

Just look at Canada. Limiting free speech, imposing forced speech, legalized bestiality, rights for transgenders that infringe on the rights of everyone else. From simply a moral standpoint, why would we Americans want anything to do with that mess?

No, President Trump is not God. But he's Manco. He's the man with no name. He's the Duke and Bruce Lee and he's all out of bubble gum.

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