If FBI Was Not Politically Biased' Why Won't They Hand Over The Names of Anti-Trump Agents


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Disgraced / 'Re-Assigned' FBI Agent and FIRED ex-Mueller Witch Hunter Strzok was not the only Anti-Trump FBI agent identified in the US IG's 'bombshell' report that rocked the FBI. Despite quote after quote of FBI agents declaring 'Trump will not win the WH - we will stop him', 'If he wins we have an Insurance Policy to use against him', agents referring to Hillary as 'the President', etc...new FBI Director Wray has declared there is 'no political bias' within the FBI.


Yeah, no one buys that crap. The GOP has demanded to know the names of the FBI agents identified in the IG's report as being biased. So far Wray has refused....so much for transparency in the face of a complete loss of trust in the FBI...


Another good question Wray is unable ... or unwilling to answer .. is why exposed criminal Anti-Trump Agent Strzok still has a job with the FBI.

"As representatives of the American people, Congress deserves to know exactly who contributed to the abuse of power at the Department of Justice (DOJ) and FBI," the letter reads. "These individuals need to be held accountable and only transparency will ensure that action."

After having been exposed for acts of Obstruction, Perjury, Sedition, Conspiracy, and even arguably TREASON, Wray's response was shockingly in essence, 'No, not they don't, and you have no right to know'.

Strzok: 'We'll stop Trump.

Unidentified 2nd FBI Agent: "viva le resistance"

- lng live 'The Resistance', a reference to an organized existing resistance . movement against Trump, much like the reference to the revealed 'Secret Society' that had discussed collaborated opposition to stop Trump from winning and to execute their 'coup;' should he win.

An independent Counsel with prosecutorial powers should be appointed to investigate this 'Secret Society', this 'Resistance', identify any and all members of this treasonous conspiracy, and bring them to justice. I suspect no such thing will be done because of who everyone expects would be 'taken down' by such a move - Obama, Hillary, Holder, Lynch, Rosenstein, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, etc... Not only would it be the biggest scandal in US history but one of the biggest political scandals in (modern day) world history.

in the meantime, new FBI Director Wray, in charge of an FBI that has been exposed as having been part of a treasonous conspiracy - that included Obstruction, Perjury, Conspiracy, Mishandling Classified, Sedition, and Treason - is refusing to identify the perpetrators and asking the American people to now trust him / the FBI....


Everyone....I mean EVERYONE...is out to get trump.
No, just traitors and butt-hurt losers who can not accept that the FELON DNC candidate who could not win her own party's nomination lost...

(Nice dodge / refusal to acknowledge/mention the insurmountable mountain of evidence proving it... :p )
'Trump will never win the WH - we will stop him'.
'We have an 'Insurance policy' to use against him in case he wins'
...the President - Hillary - is going to want....'

Yeah, who could possibly misconstrue that as 'POLITICAL BIAS'?!

The use of government agencies to control election outcomes is an 11 on the treason scale. People at the IRS and FBI and those that knew about it should all be executed to send a message.
Watergate 100-Fold. It was a coordinated effort to take Trump out. As Un-American as it gets.

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