Donald Trump has 1 office open in all of Florida. That’s a total disaster.


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
Trump is totally clueless

The Tampa Bay Times reported something absolutely amazing this morning: Donald Trump has a total of one field office open in Florida. One.

This from the Times's Adam Smith:

On Aug. 8, the Donald Trump campaign said its first two dozen campaign field offices would open across Florida within two weeks.

Since then, not a single new Trump office has opened in America's biggest battleground state, but Hillary Clinton's campaign added another 32.

Donald Trump has 1 office open in all of Florida. That’s a total disaster.
Trump defeated more than a dozen Republican candidates who were all running their campaigns the conventional way.

Ted Cruz, in particular, had excellent organization and top people working for him, along with a strong conservative message. None of it mattered. Trump doesn't need to do the normal things candidates do to get elected. He is a force of nature, and he gets votes just for being himself. You are foolish to not realize that by now.

Also, I tried to warn you about Trump during the primary season, with thread after thread after thread, and none of you USMB liberal pukes lifted a finger to help me. Now it is too late. I can almost guarantee that Trump will do to Hillary what he did to all those Republicans. He will defeat her, and he will be elected President.
Trump defeated more than a dozen Republican candidates who were all running their campaigns the conventional way.

Ted Cruz, in particular, had excellent organization and top people working for him, along with a strong conservative message. None of it mattered. Trump doesn't need to do the normal things candidates do to get elected. He is a force of nature, and he gets votes just for being himself. You are foolish to not realize that by now.

Also, I tried to warn you about Trump during the primary season, with thread after thread after thread, and none of you USMB liberal pukes lifted a finger to help me. Now it is too late. I can almost guarantee that Trump will do to Hillary what he did to all those Republicans. He will defeat her, and he will be elected President.
Obviously you have no idea how presidential elections are won or lost.
It ain't even freaking Labor day. The fact that the liberal media seems to concur with the radical left that Hillary should shut up and sit down and pretend she is a bystander in the political process is the biggest disaster in freaking political history.
Trump is going to win, unless the Democrats steal the election. But if the Democrats do steal the election Trump is not going to stand idly by like Nixon did in 1960 and Romney did in 2012. He will fight like hell and every lousy Democrat involved in stealing the election will end up in prison.

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