Donald Trump Can Go to Hell and If You Defend His Statement, So Can You

Donald Trump Can Go to Hell and If You Defend His Statement, So Can You.

Donald Trump Can Go to Hell and If You Defend His Statement, So Can You. | The Resurgent
I must apologize, but I have reached that point with this news and it now pushes me beyond contempt into outright hatred and moral indignation against those of you continuing to defend this monster.

That is Donald Trump asking if NATO countries “have paid” if they want American protection from a potential Russian invasion.

Do you people supporting Trump know the only time NATO has ever invoked Article 5 of the 1949 Washington Treaty that established NATO? That’s the article that recognizes an attack on one NATO ally as an attack on all NATO allies requiring defense.

Do you Cheeto Jesus worshipping fools have any idea? Your orange god, of all people, should know.

The only time NATO has ever invoked Article 5 and rushed to the aid of a NATO ally in response to an attack was on September 11, 2001. On that day, monsters murdered 2,977 people in New York City; Washington, DC; and Shanksville, PA.

Almost 3,000 Americans were murdered by monsters and our NATO allies for the first time in the history of the NATO Alliance rose as one and defended American airspace and American interests around the entire freaking world while we wrestled with what had happened.

Donald Trump wants to turn NATO into a damn shakedown scheme and you people are cheering him on. You should be ashamed of yourselves. You should be ashamed of the fact that your cult leader who claims to have been personally affected by 9/11 does not even know our NATO allies protected his ass that day. You should be ashamed that he wants to turn one of the strongest military alliances in the history of the world into a racket where protection is bought. You should be ashamed that you are not ashamed.

These are allies. They are not vassal states. These are friends. Our promises do not require shakedowns. We are not the global bully demanding lunch money for protection. We are the shining city on the hill.

You people reflect the evil character of your god. You should be ashamed, but you have no shame left. You all deserve to be defeated and annihilated. You disgust me in cheering him on. He disgusts me.

On September 11, 2001, our NATO allies surrounded our nation and our nation’s interests globally while we buried our dead and you people cheer that braying jackass on ignorant of that fact and demanding money from our allies.

Donald Trump can go to hell and perhaps you will do the rest of us a favor and follow him there.

Shame on you all. Shame on you.

(emphasis added)

Donald Trump Can Go to Hell and If You Defend His Statement, So Can You. | The Resurgent

It should be socially unacceptable to be a Trump supporter or voter.

Meh, 0bama has been POTUS for 7+ years, Hillary is likely to be the next one. We are living hell right now. Your left wing nut blogger is trying to send us where we already are.

You are just as stupid as they are, idiot.

We are living in hell, really, try moving to Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Calcutta , Columbia, one of many I can think of, and come back and tell us how we are living in hell.


Compared to where we were, we are in hell. Try not to be such a Kool-Aid drinking putz, ok?

Like I said move if you think the US is hell, you just might be one of the problems in it. People who think the US is like hell, should move, good bye and don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Fuck off moron. I'd rather stay here and puss idiots like you off.
Donald Trump Can Go to Hell and If You Defend His Statement, So Can You.

Donald Trump Can Go to Hell and If You Defend His Statement, So Can You. | The Resurgent
Donald Trump Can Go to Hell and If You Defend His Statement, So Can You. | The Resurgent

It should be socially unacceptable to be a Trump supporter or voter.

Meh, 0bama has been POTUS for 7+ years, Hillary is likely to be the next one. We are living hell right now. Your left wing nut blogger is trying to send us where we already are.

You are just as stupid as they are, idiot.
If you are living in hell right now it is only because you have created your own hell. The vast majority of us are living in the greatest nation on Earth, and we intend to make it even better. You want to wallow around in your own personal failure and blame everyone else for it, fine. Don't try to include the rest of us in it, we aren't going there, we are sane.

The greatness of the USA is being destroyed by liberal democrats and political correctness. That's the point here. HRC will continue the destruction, Trump will reverse it. THAT is what is at stake in November.

The president flat out lies and doesn't care to even hide that fact one seems to care.
The president gives hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to a terrorist one cares.
The Democratic Candidate lies one cares.
Our basic rights are being taken or one cares.

The only way this is not hell, is if you are stupid or you just don't care.

not sure why you sent that to me, I agree with you.

I took what you wrote and ran with it.
Eric Erickson can go to hell.

The first NATO supreme commander, Gen. Eisenhower, said in February 1951 of the alliance: “If in 10 years, all American troops stationed in Europe for national defense purposes have not been returned to the United States, then this whole project will have failed.”. Guess what? It's been almost 70 years!!!

NATO did it's job. Now it's time to end it.

It's long past time to take our troops and our treasure home. Why are we defending wealthy EU nations? Why the fuck are we still in Germany, Japan, etc??

We can no longer afford to play Policeman to the World.
Eric Erickson can go to hell.

The first NATO supreme commander, Gen. Eisenhower, said in February 1951 of the alliance: “If in 10 years, all American troops stationed in Europe for national defense purposes have not been returned to the United States, then this whole project will have failed.”. Guess what? It's been almost 70 years!!!

NATO did it's job. Now it's time to end it.

It's long past time to take our troops and our treasure home. Why are we defending wealthy EU nations? Why the fuck are we still in Germany, Japan, etc??

We can no longer afford to play Policeman to the World.

it those countries want us to protect them, then they should pay 100% of the bill for our troops, bases, planes, ships, guns, ammo, uniforms, trucks et al that are used in their country.

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