Does Evolution Lead to Fear of Aliens?

james bond

Gold Member
Oct 17, 2015

Renowned celebrity physicist Stephen Hawking is at the forefront of the search for extra-terrestrial life. But he warns against making contact with aliens as he fears they will be two-billion-years ā€˜more evolvedā€™.

"Time and again I am confronted with the view from young people that ā€œOf course there are aliens out there. We canā€™t be the only ones.ā€ This is a surprise to many of the older church folk in my acquaintance. However, CMIā€™s UFO authority, Gary Bates, indicates that in his experience belief in aliens can be found across all age groupsā€”including churchgoers. Surveys estimate that more than 80% of Western peoples believe that ET is ā€˜out there somewhereā€™ which presumably encapsulates a lot of believers also.1 But many young folk in particular have been influenced by science fiction notions of aliens traversing the galaxy in their faster-than-light spaceships and advanced weaponry. And older folk are especially surprised to see that young peopleā€™s belief in extra-terrestrials often goes hand-in-hand with a morbid fear of what aliens will do to them.

Belief in aliensā€”and fear arising from thatā€”is a logical outflow of our young people having been sold the idea that we are the result of evolution, not creation. Life evolved on Earth (the argument says), therefore elsewhere in the universeā€”billions of years older than our solar system according to evolutionary reckoningā€”it would surely have evolved there, too.2 As well-known Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) researcher Seth Shostak said when asked why he believed in the existence of intelligent extraterrestrials:

By hawking evolution to a vulnerable public, theyā€™re also hawking fear of aliens, too
ā€œTo believe that they donā€™t exist requires positing that whatā€™s happened on Earth is some sort of miracle. I find that premise a tougher sell than to think that intelligence is a fairly frequent development in a 14-billion-year-old cosmos.ā€3"

It's amusing in that it's science fiction, but I also know that people who believe in other people will believe it no matter how smart they think they are. To believe that they don't exist means that some kind of miracle happened on Earth.

  1. Bates, G., and Cosner, L., UFOlogy: the worldā€™s fastest-growing ā€˜scientificā€™ religion?, 2016; ET needed evolution, 2016;
  2. DiGregorio, B., Interview: The alien hunter, New Scientist 199(2674):42ā€“43, September 2008;
  3. DiGregorio, B., Interview: The alien hunter, New Scientist 199(2674):42ā€“43, September 2008;
Full article here
Hawking fear of aliens -
Does Evolution Lead to Fear of Aliens?

maybe for illequipted children ...

the "fear" is probably more of whether the aliens arrive here before we go there, knowing the history on our own planet's conquests. a matter that has been the case long before evolution became a mainstay of modern science - for anyone who actually fears such a happening.
Does Evolution Lead to Fear of Aliens?

maybe for illequipted children ...

the "fear" is probably more of whether the aliens arrive here before we go there, knowing the history on our own planet's conquests. a matter that has been the case long before evolution became a mainstay of modern science - for anyone who actually fears such a happening.

I think the kids are better equipped than some here.

Renowned celebrity physicist Stephen Hawking is at the forefront of the search for extra-terrestrial life. But he warns against making contact with aliens as he fears they will be two-billion-years ā€˜more evolvedā€™.

"Time and again I am confronted with the view from young people that ā€œOf course there are aliens out there. We canā€™t be the only ones.ā€ This is a surprise to many of the older church folk in my acquaintance. However, CMIā€™s UFO authority, Gary Bates, indicates that in his experience belief in aliens can be found across all age groupsā€”including churchgoers. Surveys estimate that more than 80% of Western peoples believe that ET is ā€˜out there somewhereā€™ which presumably encapsulates a lot of believers also.1 But many young folk in particular have been influenced by science fiction notions of aliens traversing the galaxy in their faster-than-light spaceships and advanced weaponry. And older folk are especially surprised to see that young peopleā€™s belief in extra-terrestrials often goes hand-in-hand with a morbid fear of what aliens will do to them.

Belief in aliensā€”and fear arising from thatā€”is a logical outflow of our young people having been sold the idea that we are the result of evolution, not creation. Life evolved on Earth (the argument says), therefore elsewhere in the universeā€”billions of years older than our solar system according to evolutionary reckoningā€”it would surely have evolved there, too.2 As well-known Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) researcher Seth Shostak said when asked why he believed in the existence of intelligent extraterrestrials:

By hawking evolution to a vulnerable public, theyā€™re also hawking fear of aliens, too
ā€œTo believe that they donā€™t exist requires positing that whatā€™s happened on Earth is some sort of miracle. I find that premise a tougher sell than to think that intelligence is a fairly frequent development in a 14-billion-year-old cosmos.ā€3"

It's amusing in that it's science fiction, but I also know that people who believe in other people will believe it no matter how smart they think they are. To believe that they don't exist means that some kind of miracle happened on Earth.

  1. Bates, G., and Cosner, L., UFOlogy: the worldā€™s fastest-growing ā€˜scientificā€™ religion?, 2016; ET needed evolution, 2016;
  2. DiGregorio, B., Interview: The alien hunter, New Scientist 199(2674):42ā€“43, September 2008;
  3. DiGregorio, B., Interview: The alien hunter, New Scientist 199(2674):42ā€“43, September 2008;
Full article here
Hawking fear of aliens -
The presence of water is a necessary condition but not a sufficient condition. The distance from the home star (i.e. Goldilocks zone) is critical for water. If the earth were 5% closer to the sun, water would boil off. If the earth were 20% farther from the sun, water would not exist in its liquid state. There may be liquid water below the surface of Mars and Europa, but there is very little chance that complex life exists in either place. The recipe for life is much more complex than just water. So besides residing in the habitable zone, the following conditions would also need to be met: orbiting a G2 star, protected by gas giant planets, within circumstellar habitable zone, nearly circular orbit, oxygen rich atmosphere, correct mass, orbited by large moon, magnetic field, plate tectonics, correct ratio of liquid water and continents, terrestrial plane, moderate rate of rotation.

So despite the widely held belief that the universe is teeming with intelligent life, the actual odds are quite low.
Does Evolution Lead to Fear of Aliens?

maybe for illequipted children ...

the "fear" is probably more of whether the aliens arrive here before we go there, knowing the history on our own planet's conquests. a matter that has been the case long before evolution became a mainstay of modern science - for anyone who actually fears such a happening.

I think the kids are better equipped than some here.
I think the kids are better equipped than some here.

lets hope so, for them to be better equipped than being scared by 4th century zealots ...

Renowned celebrity physicist Stephen Hawking is at the forefront of the search for extra-terrestrial life. But he warns against making contact with aliens as he fears they will be two-billion-years ā€˜more evolvedā€™.

"Time and again I am confronted with the view from young people that ā€œOf course there are aliens out there. We canā€™t be the only ones.ā€ This is a surprise to many of the older church folk in my acquaintance. However, CMIā€™s UFO authority, Gary Bates, indicates that in his experience belief in aliens can be found across all age groupsā€”including churchgoers. Surveys estimate that more than 80% of Western peoples believe that ET is ā€˜out there somewhereā€™ which presumably encapsulates a lot of believers also.1 But many young folk in particular have been influenced by science fiction notions of aliens traversing the galaxy in their faster-than-light spaceships and advanced weaponry. And older folk are especially surprised to see that young peopleā€™s belief in extra-terrestrials often goes hand-in-hand with a morbid fear of what aliens will do to them.

Belief in aliensā€”and fear arising from thatā€”is a logical outflow of our young people having been sold the idea that we are the result of evolution, not creation. Life evolved on Earth (the argument says), therefore elsewhere in the universeā€”billions of years older than our solar system according to evolutionary reckoningā€”it would surely have evolved there, too.2 As well-known Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) researcher Seth Shostak said when asked why he believed in the existence of intelligent extraterrestrials:

By hawking evolution to a vulnerable public, theyā€™re also hawking fear of aliens, too
ā€œTo believe that they donā€™t exist requires positing that whatā€™s happened on Earth is some sort of miracle. I find that premise a tougher sell than to think that intelligence is a fairly frequent development in a 14-billion-year-old cosmos.ā€3"

It's amusing in that it's science fiction, but I also know that people who believe in other people will believe it no matter how smart they think they are. To believe that they don't exist means that some kind of miracle happened on Earth.

  1. Bates, G., and Cosner, L., UFOlogy: the worldā€™s fastest-growing ā€˜scientificā€™ religion?, 2016; ET needed evolution, 2016;
  2. DiGregorio, B., Interview: The alien hunter, New Scientist 199(2674):42ā€“43, September 2008;
  3. DiGregorio, B., Interview: The alien hunter, New Scientist 199(2674):42ā€“43, September 2008;
Full article here
Hawking fear of aliens -
The presence of water is a necessary condition but not a sufficient condition. The distance from the home star (i.e. Goldilocks zone) is critical for water. If the earth were 5% closer to the sun, water would boil off. If the earth were 20% farther from the sun, water would not exist in its liquid state. There may be liquid water below the surface of Mars and Europa, but there is very little chance that complex life exists in either place. The recipe for life is much more complex than just water. So besides residing in the habitable zone, the following conditions would also need to be met: orbiting a G2 star, protected by gas giant planets, within circumstellar habitable zone, nearly circular orbit, oxygen rich atmosphere, correct mass, orbited by large moon, magnetic field, plate tectonics, correct ratio of liquid water and continents, terrestrial plane, moderate rate of rotation.

So despite the widely held belief that the universe is teeming with intelligent life, the actual odds are quite low.

It's interesting they do not believe in God without evidence, but the non-believers will believe in aliens without evidence. Just because of vastness of space. That could be the reason for God, too. He's living out there somewhere.
It's interesting they do not believe in God without evidence, but the non-believers will believe in aliens without evidence. Just because of vastness of space. That could be the reason for God, too. He's living out there somewhere.
Failure to believe in a God is mostly a failure of education in pure Philosophy.

Philosophy contains many classic proofs of God.

Aristotle was the first, and his proof was the Prime Mover.

Aquinas came along and besides that one gave at least 4 more.

Descartes came along and gave at least 1 more.

Once you confirm the existence of a God then the next step is simply to pick and choose from among the plethora of world religions of which hopefully one is appealing.

As for aliens, I am sure they are out there too -- just too far away to touch us here -- even as we ourselves are too far away to touch them.

All in all the Earthlings and Aliens are presently safe from each other.

Someday we will make radio contact, but even then they will still be too far away -- light years.
As for aliens, I am sure they are out there too -- just too far away to touch us here -- even as we ourselves are too far away to touch them.

All in all the Earthlings and Aliens are presently safe from each other.

Someday we will make radio contact, but even then they will still be too far away -- light years

Why radio? Isn't that a little primitive even for us? And what makes you think that time and distance equals safety simply because we haven't solved the problems presented by space and time?

What makes you think they haven't already been here?
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As for aliens, I am sure they are out there too -- just too far away to touch us here -- even as we ourselves are too far away to touch them.

All in all the Earthlings and Aliens are presently safe from each other.

Someday we will make radio contact, but even then they will still be too far away -- light years

Why radio? Isn't that a little primitive even for us? And what makes you think that time and distance equals safety simply because we haven't solved the problems presented by space and time?

What makes you think they haven't already been here?
Common sense.
As for aliens, I am sure they are out there too -- just too far away to touch us here -- even as we ourselves are too far away to touch them.

All in all the Earthlings and Aliens are presently safe from each other.

Someday we will make radio contact, but even then they will still be too far away -- light years

Why radio? Isn't that a little primitive even for us? And what makes you think that time and distance equals safety simply because we haven't solved the problems presented by space and time?

What makes you think they haven't already been here?
Common sense.

Ugh. nothing sensible about that.

Do you believe that angels have communicated with man??

What makes you think that all of the reports in scripture about angels and creatures that resembled a human being coming down from the sky, even if only in dreams and visions, were not just that, extraterrestrials contacting humans to teach them how to advance above the level of brute beasts so they can come to know about God, the source sustainer and goal of all life in the universe?

Jesus said that his kingdom was elsewhere, not of this world.

What do you suppose that means, where do you suppose it is?
It's interesting they do not believe in God without evidence, but the non-believers will believe in aliens without evidence. Just because of vastness of space. That could be the reason for God, too. He's living out there somewhere.
Failure to believe in a God is mostly a failure of education in pure Philosophy.

Philosophy contains many classic proofs of God.

Aristotle was the first, and his proof was the Prime Mover.

Aquinas came along and besides that one gave at least 4 more.

Descartes came along and gave at least 1 more.

Once you confirm the existence of a God then the next step is simply to pick and choose from among the plethora of world religions of which hopefully one is appealing.

As for aliens, I am sure they are out there too -- just too far away to touch us here -- even as we ourselves are too far away to touch them.

All in all the Earthlings and Aliens are presently safe from each other.

Someday we will make radio contact, but even then they will still be too far away -- light years.
God is by no means proven.
As for aliens, I am sure they are out there too -- just too far away to touch us here -- even as we ourselves are too far away to touch them.

All in all the Earthlings and Aliens are presently safe from each other.

Someday we will make radio contact, but even then they will still be too far away -- light years

Why radio? Isn't that a little primitive even for us? And what makes you think that time and distance equals safety simply because we haven't solved the problems presented by space and time?

What makes you think they haven't already been here?
They could be among but have the ability to look human because the might have the ability to take-on human form by stealing our bodies while we sleep.
As for aliens, I am sure they are out there too -- just too far away to touch us here -- even as we ourselves are too far away to touch them.

All in all the Earthlings and Aliens are presently safe from each other.

Someday we will make radio contact, but even then they will still be too far away -- light years

Why radio? Isn't that a little primitive even for us? And what makes you think that time and distance equals safety simply because we haven't solved the problems presented by space and time?

What makes you think they haven't already been here?
They could be among but have the ability to look human because the might have the ability to take-on human form by stealing our bodies while we sleep.

Sure, maybe Jesus was an avatar from another world under orders, a higher form of intelligent life in a disturbing disguise, wearing the clothes of an uncultured first century Jewish peasant of no account with the ability to travel through space and time and the authority to direct the course of history for either good or evil by living among humans, testing their mettle, and disappearing into thin air relatively unnoticed at the time from time to time.....
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As for aliens, I am sure they are out there too -- just too far away to touch us here -- even as we ourselves are too far away to touch them.

All in all the Earthlings and Aliens are presently safe from each other.

Someday we will make radio contact, but even then they will still be too far away -- light years

Why radio? Isn't that a little primitive even for us? And what makes you think that time and distance equals safety simply because we haven't solved the problems presented by space and time?

What makes you think they haven't already been here?
And what makes you think that time and distance equals safety ...

the non contiguous atmosphere of space is the real culprit ... preventing even travel in our own solar system.
As for aliens, I am sure they are out there too -- just too far away to touch us here -- even as we ourselves are too far away to touch them.

All in all the Earthlings and Aliens are presently safe from each other.

Someday we will make radio contact, but even then they will still be too far away -- light years

Why radio? Isn't that a little primitive even for us? And what makes you think that time and distance equals safety simply because we haven't solved the problems presented by space and time?

What makes you think they haven't already been here?
Common sense.

Ugh. nothing sensible about that.

Do you believe that angels have communicated with man??

What makes you think that all of the reports in scripture about angels and creatures that resembled a human being coming down from the sky, even if only in dreams and visions, were not just that, extraterrestrials contacting humans to teach them how to advance above the level of brute beasts so they can come to know about God, the source sustainer and goal of all life in the universe?

Jesus said that his kingdom was elsewhere, not of this world.

What do you suppose that means, where do you suppose it is?
Why are you changing the subject?
As for aliens, I am sure they are out there too -- just too far away to touch us here -- even as we ourselves are too far away to touch them.

All in all the Earthlings and Aliens are presently safe from each other.

Someday we will make radio contact, but even then they will still be too far away -- light years

Why radio? Isn't that a little primitive even for us? And what makes you think that time and distance equals safety simply because we haven't solved the problems presented by space and time?

What makes you think they haven't already been here?
And what makes you think that time and distance equals safety ...

the non contiguous atmosphere of space is the real culprit ... preventing even travel in our own solar system.

Thats a human dilemma.

The door to the incorporeal world is deep within the conscious mind where space and time are irrelevant. What is on the other side of the door is light years across the universe. Living beings from there freely travel here, but they leave no footprints, and it is possible for a human to travel there, you just can't bring back a rock to study, only data.

You want to explore the universe?

Become a 'living being' like Adam before the fall.
Fear of an alien arrival ...


Is a very rational fear...
Any alien species, assuming they exist, that are capable of interstellar or intergalactic travel would certainly be far more advanced than we are.
As for aliens, I am sure they are out there too -- just too far away to touch us here -- even as we ourselves are too far away to touch them.

All in all the Earthlings and Aliens are presently safe from each other.

Someday we will make radio contact, but even then they will still be too far away -- light years

Why radio? Isn't that a little primitive even for us? And what makes you think that time and distance equals safety simply because we haven't solved the problems presented by space and time?

What makes you think they haven't already been here?
And what makes you think that time and distance equals safety ...

the non contiguous atmosphere of space is the real culprit ... preventing even travel in our own solar system.

Thats a human dilemma.

The door to the incorporeal world is deep within the conscious mind where space and time are irrelevant. What is on the other side of the door is light years across the universe. Living beings from there freely travel here, but they leave no footprints, and it is possible for a human to travel there, you just can't bring back a rock to study, only data.

You want to explore the universe?

Become a 'living being' like Adam before the fall.
Have you traveled there yourself?

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